Authors: Jenny Devall

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Chapter Two

Riley practiced on the lower heels that Dirk had sent to her “apartment.” To play the role, he’d given her a place in a much more expensive part of New York than she could ever afford.

“You’re getting the hang of those,” observed Joan Harford, her best friend and fellow hacker.

“These are easier than the giant ones Dirk wanted me to wear. Hooker heels for sure,” Riley said.

She’d stood her ground and the billionaire had caved. Too easily, she decided. What did he want from her that she’d have to cave on?

“And he gave you this apartment?” Joan asked.

She was on her stomach watching Riley walk back and forth in the bedroom that was bigger than her usual apartment.

“For the duration of the case. He said if we were going to do this we had to do it properly in case anyone checked.”


Riley hadn’t seen the point, but Dirk was paying the bills. “I have a feeling he gets what he wants. All the time.”

“Is he hot?”

Riley stopped for a moment in her practicing. She didn’t want to answer too quickly. Joan would pick up on that. “Yes, I guess he is. Black hair that he keeps neat and short. Olive skin and husky blue eyes.”

“Wow. That sounds amazing. Not a bad scenery for your assignment.”

Riley shrugged, not wanting to share that she’d felt a jolt of electricity when Dirk touched her. She plopped on the bed. “True, but he’s overbearing.”

“He’s probably a man who knows what he’s doing. You can’t run a company and not have leadership skills.”

Is that what his bossiness was? Leadership skills? “I don’t think this is going to be fun at all.”

“You get to play dress up,” Joan said.

“I’m not interested in dress up.”

“You don’t like him because he doesn’t bend to your will like all those wimpy guys you date.”

“Wimpy guys?”

Joan sat up. “Yes, wimpy. You date men who can’t make decisions and who can’t support you.”

What did that mean? “I can support myself. I don’t need a man to do that.”

“Wouldn’t it be nice to have a partner? Someone who supports you emotionally while you support him?”

She’d often thought that might be nice. She didn’t see that in her future. Dirk would not be that partner. He’d want to be in charge. As independent as she could be, the thought of, once in a while, letting someone else take the wheel of her life did appeal to her.

She wouldn’t want that all the time. “I don’t know. I don’t think that exists.”

“Just because your parents didn’t have that, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.”

Her mother had fallen in love with a rich man. A married rich man who wouldn’t divorce his wife. It chafed that her mother had accepted that situation so Riley never grew up with a father. Only a bank account.

Once she’d paid for college, Riley had given that money to charity. She didn’t want anything from the man who only knew how to write a check instead of showing up.

“If you say so. He’s out of my league anyway.”

“Out of your league? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?”

What was her friend saying? Riley had never relied on her looks. Not even to get out of a speeding ticket. That’s why this assignment was so ironic. She had to rely on her looks to fool people. Riley slid the shoes off of her feet, then wiggled her toes.

“Can we change the subject?”

“Why? I want to hear all about this hot man you have to kiss.”

“Who said he was hot?”

Joan laughed. “I Googled him.”

“Then why did you ask me if he’s good-looking?”

She smiled. “I wanted to see if you noticed. You spend so much time in front of a screen, I wanted to make sure you weren’t blind from it.”

Of course she’d noticed Dirk’s good looks. Any man could look good in a tailored suit, but he really rocked it. His chiseled features only added to the overall look. Got her libido humming. Which she didn’t want. This was a job. An odd job, but one just the same. She didn’t need her desire to lick him from head to toe getting in her way of finding the bad guy.

“I think I’m going to find his looks distracting,” Riley said.

“Yes, or you could just sit back and enjoy him fawning over you. Figure out a way to have fun with it.”

“That doesn’t seem right.”

Joan shrugged. “All’s fair in love and war. Sometimes the hard part is figuring out which it is, love or war.”

Riley couldn’t help laughing. She didn’t consider herself a prude, but this was business. And her continued employment depended on finding whoever leaked the secrets from Dirk’s company. It didn’t rely on her having sex with him.

Though she’d bet he was good it. He paid attention to details.

“Still. He’s a client. A customer.”

“No reason not to sample the fringe benefits,” Joan said.

“You would.”

“Damn straight I would. If I had to parade around pretending to be dumb and hang on his every word, I’d demand sex on a regular basis.”

“You have no scruples.”

The idea of sex with Dirk did make her body tingle. He had long fingers, and she’d bet they could be magical.

“You’re thinking about it,” Joan said. “Your face is flushed.”

“Only because you brought it up.”

Not really. She would have thought about it also. Especially after that jolt she’d received just from touching his hand. Imagining that all over her body had her mouth watering. A little roll in the hay might not be bad. Might make up for people thinking her dumb.

But would Dirk be up for it?

“The man is sex on a stick, Riley. I really hope you jump him and tell me all the details.”


Dirk met Zeke for their weekly racquetball game. The whole situation of having someone leak his corporate secrets had him unsettled. As much as he wanted to talk to Zeke about it, his best friend worked at his company. He couldn’t trust anyone.

So he talked about the next best thing. His new fling.

If Zeke bought it then the rest of the company would. So Dirk had to sell it to him. In order to do that, he had to believe he was with Riley. Even if he knew she wasn’t his normal type. He liked them a little dumber than that.

If the woman couldn’t stimulate him intellectually as well as physically he could move on. Until he became bored with the next one. Exhausting sometimes, but he’d been able to keep his focus on his company this way.

Marriage was for chumps. He wanted the women hot and dumb. Riley was hot, but she wasn’t dumb. Or submissive, so he bet it irked her that she had to pretend those things.

“You’re all smiles,” Zeke said.

He dropped his gym bag on a bench outside the court, then pulled out his racquet.

“Why’s that, do you think?”

“A woman, of course,” Zeke said.

Dirk had the reputation for changing women as often as he checked his smoke detector batteries. Every six months or so. Zeke wouldn’t be surprised that he had a new woman in his life, given that the last one had left only a month ago.

“Of course. You know me.”

Dirk swung his racket around before he entered the court behind Zeke. The two men batted the ball around a few times to warm up.

“What’s her name?”


“Let me guess. Tall, blonde, and the IQ of a bonobo.”

The first two were right, but not the last one. Dirk thought Riley was probably smarter than he was. He wouldn’t let her know that, though she might have figured that out already.

Grateful that they’d talked about where they met at dinner that night, he was able to launch into the story with a certain amount of confidence.

“She backed into you?”

“Yes, and she felt so guilty that when I asked for a date she complied.”

“Did she feel guilty enough to give you a blow job?”

That question bothered Dirk. It shouldn’t, as he’d had many women do that on the first date. He couldn’t see Riley doing that to just anyone. He’d like to see her doing it to him, but that was not going to happen. This was business. Maybe.

So he wanted to strip her down and spend a weekend naked with her. She was a means to an end, and he had to keep his eye on the prize. Not on Riley.

“Not that guilty.”

“Too bad. Guess you’re seeing her again?”

Zeke served the ball. Dirk hit it back into the corner where Zeke couldn’t reach it.

“Nice shot,” Zeke said.

“Yes, I’m seeing her again. And hope to be seeing a lot of her, and all of her soon.”

“Are you slipping? Two dates and she hasn’t been naked yet?”

Dirk laughed. Oh, how he’d love to see Riley naked. He’d bet when she did let loose the situation would be magical. He had an image of her underneath him, begging for release. His dick twitched and he had to adjust himself.

He cleared his throat to help remove the image form his head. “She’ll be naked on the third date.”

“That’s my boy.”

Dirk had a suspicion that happily married Zeke lived vicariously through him. Not that Zeke would ever divorce his wife. No, she was a great woman, but even so, his friend still enjoyed hearing about his exploits.

Too bad he wouldn’t have any real ones to share about Riley. Or would he? He’d bet beneath that t-shirt clad exterior, that she was a wild woman. Could he let that loose and still survive? Of course he could. He was Dirk Trent. Billionaire. CEO and eligible bachelor. No woman would best him.

“Any progress on finding the leak?” Zeke said as he served.

“Not yet.”

“You should hire someone to help.”

He had, but Zeke didn’t need to know that. “I’ll think about it.”

“You can’t do everything yourself.”

Dirk knew that better than anyone, but he thought it better to let Zeke think his ego was getting in the way. If Zeke was the leak then he’d feel emboldened by this and make a mistake. And get caught, more importantly.

Then Dirk wouldn’t need Riley. That thought made him a little sad. He wanted to peel away her layers both physically and mentally. What lurked in a woman who had no idea she was hot? Why did she disavow making herself attractive?

Dirk bet that was an interesting story.


Chapter Three

Riley tugged at the hem of the dress she wore, wishing it covered a bit more leg. Dirk had told her to wear this dress and what shoes to wear. She had to be seen like this entering his place to cement the ruse.

The idea that someone else dictated what she wore irked Riley, but Dirk was writing checks to her company. She couldn’t argue. Still. Could he have picked out a shorter dress?

The doors opened on the elevator on the top floor of the building. She padded on the carpeting toward his door, which opened as soon as she arrived. Her heels sank into the soft carpeting, covering the sound of her footsteps. How had he known she was there?

Dirk stood, smiling and holding out a glass of wine. He kissed her on the cheek, and she felt the thrill of it to her toes. Uh oh. What if he kissed her for real? She might ignite.

This was going to be trouble.

“How was your day?” he said when he closed the door.

“Fine. I started to do some research on your company and the secrets that were leaked. I didn’t make much progress,” she said.

He led her into the living room. He had a fire going in the gas fireplace.

“So you aren’t any closer to finding anything out?”

She settled on the couch that faced the fireplace, her wine in her hand. “No. I probably won’t make any progress until I’m actually work within your system.”

“Makes sense. Enough of business,” he said as he sat close to her.

To her credit, she didn’t flinch. Instead, she liked his presence this close to her. She licked her lips.

“What should we talk about?”

“Anything and everything.”

He settled his hand on the back of the couch. Right by her neck. When his fingers began to knead her neck muscles, her eyes fell closed. His fingers were strong and were getting rid of any tension she had back there.

Which made her think of other things his fingers could do, and then her panties got wet.

“Tell me about your day.”

“No business.”

“But that’s a normal thing for a couple to talk about.”

Her eyes had fallen closed and she stifled a moan.

“Let me rub your neck,” he said.

“You already are.”

“I mean with both hands. Sit on the floor in front of me.”

“Not sure I can do that in this dress,” she said.

“You can.”

She did as he suggested. He situated her between his knees and used both of his hands to massage her neck. She was going to be boneless, between the wine and the massage.



A chuckle rumbled out of him. “You’re easy.”

“No, I just like a good massage.”

He leaned his head by her ear. “I can massage other parts, too.”

She froze, then moved away from him. “I think we need to keep this a business arrangement.”

She stood. He stood, getting into her personal space. “You keep telling yourself that, Riley. But I know that we’re going to get naked at some point.”

Her mouth fell open. No one had ever talked to her that way. “You think so? I think you’re mistaken.”

“I’m rarely mistaken, Riley.”

He left her standing in the middle of the living room. She wanted to stop and scream at him, but that reaction seemed childish. Instead she took in the view to steady her nerves. He wanted her. She’d seen it in his eyes. No pretense, just a clear longing for her.

No one had ever looked at her quite that way.

When he returned, he had a tray of cheeses, bread, and sausages. She’d composed herself by then.

“I figured we could eat in front of the fire tonight.”

“I wish I had a longer dress for that.”

He set the tray down on the floor. “I promise I won’t look up your dress.”

She didn’t believe him, but managed to tuck her legs so that he didn’t get the chance to renege on his promise. The food was simple, but delightful.

“Where did you find all of this?” she asked.

“It’s New York. I can get anything at any time. You should take advantage of Manhattan while you’re living here.”

She nodded. “Embrace the circumstances.”

He laughed. “Yes, that’s a great idea.”

Then he leaned in and kissed her full on the lips. He’d clearly kissed many women, as his lips were those of a professional. Just enough pressure to cause a tingle. Just enough passion to curl her toes.

Oh. My. God. She didn’t want it to stop, but she had to breathe.

When she did stop, she realized she’d fisted his shirt in her hand to hold him closer. His eyes twinkled. He’d gotten to her, and she wanted to be mad. He knew the power he had over her, but she was too far gone at this point to deny it. She swallowed hard.

She couldn’t be mad, as that was the best kiss she’d ever had. Fanning herself, she said, “Do you always kiss like that?”

Her whole body tingled as if she’d been jolted with electricity. Her vajayjay sang, and she thought her ovaries might be dancing for joy. She was in deep trouble with this man, and she hadn’t known him very long. She couldn’t protest, as she had actively kissed him back.

He hadn’t moved too far away and his lips hovered over her, his eyes looking at her. His breath wafted across her cheek. His warmth ignited fires in her soul. “Yes. You want another?”

She should say no. She should walk out of here right now, as she was drowning. No lifeboat in sight. Instead, she looked him in the eye, as she was no coward. She took in his gorgeous blue eyes and without hesitating or whispering, she said, “Yes.”


Not one to let a woman down, Dirk captured Riley’s lips in a kiss. Her lips were soft and pliant as she kissed him back. Her hand snaked around to the back of his head, and he took that as a sign that he could touch her back.

Well, besides, his lips.

He put his hands on either side of her head, deepening the kiss. He reluctantly let go of her lips when he had to breathe. Her chest heaved and her face had turned a sweet shade of pink. She dropped the hand she had on his shirt, but didn’t move away.


He smiled. “Those were just my lips.”

She gulped. “I know.”

“So now I have you thinking about the sweet sex we’d have. Or the hot monkey sex we’d have. Or all of the sex we’d have.”

She pulled away from him. Her voice came out raspy. “I think you’re getting ahead of yourself.”

He raised an eyebrow. She touched her lips with her fingers.

“You think so?”

She stood and walked away, adjusting her dress. “You’re a client, Dirk.”

He got to his feet, but let her have her space. He could wait. He was a predator in business, ruthlessly seeking the best investments for his clients. In his love life, he could be patient. Riley would be his. She’d be in his bed every night for the duration of the case.

She had to figure that out for herself. Oh, he’d do some persuading, but she would come willingly. Come again and again.

“Yes, I’m a client, and we’re adults playing parts. Why not make it easier, not have to fake some of it?”

She spun around. “This is business. How often do you mix business with pleasure?”

She had him there. He never mixed business with pleasure. The two stayed separate. He’d never considered doing business with the women he fucked. No way. If they wanted him to manage their money, they would stay on the other side of his desk. And out of his bed.

No smart man shit where he ate. He took a moment to compose his answer. “I’m not managing your money, so for me this is a different facet of business.”

She raised an eyebrow. “So if I gave you money to manage, you’d stay away from me?”

He laughed. “Nice try, but you don’t have the kind of money I invest for other people.”

She seemed to be mulling that over. He knew she didn’t. He’d done his research on her. He never let anyone this close to him without knowing everything there was to know about that person.

She licked her lips, wringing her hands at the same time. Clearly her body wanted one thing, as he could see her erect nipples through the dress. Her brain wanted another.

Oh, he’d have her for sure. Otherwise, she would have slapped him then walked out. The moment would have been gone.

She may not be in his bed tonight, but soon. And for a while. The only problem Dirk could foresee was that she would challenge him more than any other woman he’d bedded. She would get into his head, and he had to guard against that.

“Fine, but I think we need to have some ground rules,” she said.

She could dream. He’d let her think she was setting some rules. She’d beg him to break every one of them. Eventually. He sat on the couch, then retrieved his wine glass from the floor. “Go ahead.”

This should be good.

She paced away, then back. “I know we have to be all touchy-feely in public. None of that in private.”

“What are you afraid of?” He grinned at her. “Me? I promise you that your heart is safe from me. I have no interest in it. Your body is another story.”

She swallowed visibly. Her spine stiffened. “You need to stop talking like that. We aren’t going to make love.”

“Making love assumes an emotion. No, Riley, we’re going to have sex. In many places, so by the end of this case, you don’t be able to go to the grocery store without thinking of me.”

“Why would you do that? If you don’t want me to love you why ruin me for others?”

He shrugged. “Power, I guess.”

She cocked her head. “I see. You think you hold the power?”

“Yes, I do,” he said.

She didn’t flinch. She didn’t blink. “I think you’ll find you’re mistaken.”

The anger was gone from her. Instead she had a small smile on her face. She was going to enjoy this as much as he was. Was he in over his head? Should he have chosen someone who wasn’t at least as smart as he was?

Or was he just bored with the women he’d been dating? He chose not to pursue that line of thinking further. He’d just enjoy the ride until he found the leak in his company.

“Why don’t you sit? Or are you afraid you might rip off your clothes and straddle me naked?”

She just stared at him, then settled on the other end of the couch from him. He wanted to laugh. She probably thought she was safe. How naïve.

“I was hoping to take you to lunch tomorrow,” he said.


“Yes, come in early, and that will give you a chance to work on the problem on my computer.”

“Makes sense. The sooner I get to do that, the sooner I find the leak.”

“And we all want that,” he said, not meaning it.

She shrugged. “We’re always hoping to be able to satisfy our customers.”

“Interesting choice of words. Satisfy. It can mean so many things.”

She glanced out the window then back to him. “Do you always get whatever you want?”

“Yes, because I am willing to put in the time to work for it. I find the best investments for my clients and I’ve trained my employees to do the same. It isn’t dumb luck that I’ve gotten to where I am.” He leaned closer to her. “Don’t ever underestimate me.”









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