Hack Attack

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Authors: Nick Davies

BOOK: Hack Attack
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For Jean Davies, who died in 1986. She would have loved this story.



Title Page

Copyright Notice


Who’s Who

Author’s Note

Part One: Crime and Concealment

  1. February 2008 to July 2009
  2. Inside the
News of the World
  3. 8 July 2009 to 14 July 2009
  4. Crime in Fleet Street
  5. 14 July 2009 to November 2009
  6. Secrets and lies

Part Two: The Power Game

  7. A wedding in the country
  8. November 2009 to March 2010
  9. The mogul and his governments
10. March 2010 to 15 December 2010
11. The biggest deal in the world
12. 15 December 2010 to 28 June 2011
13. The last ditch

Part Three: Truth

14. 28 June 2011 to 19 July 2011
15. Exposed!
16. Final reckoning



List of Illustrations



Also by Nick Davies

A Note About the Author



Who’s Who

Sue Akers

Deputy assistant commissioner, Metropolitan Police

Tamsin Allen

Lawyer for hacking victims

Matthew Anderson

Right-hand man to James Murdoch

Sky Andrew

Sports agent, hacking victim

Mr Apollo

Code name for original source for story

Joanne Armstrong

Legal adviser to Professional Footballers’ Association, hacking victim

Sir Ian Blair

Commisioner, Metropolitan Police, 2005–09, hacking target

David Blunkett

Home Secretary, hacking victim

Charlie Brooks

Racehorse trainer, husband of Rebekah Brooks

Rebekah Brooks

News of the World
and the
, chief executive of News International from September 2009

Chris Bryant

Labour MP, hacking victim

Ian Burton

External lawyer, News International

Lady Buscombe

Chair, Press Complaints Commission, 2009–11

Vince Cable

Liberal Democrat Secretary of State for business

Glenn Campbell

BBC journalist

Richard Caseby

Managing editor, the

Jon Chapman

Legal director, News International

Peter Clarke

Deputy assistant commissioner, in command of Op Caryatid

Max Clifford

PR agent, hacking victim

Daniel Cloke

Director of human resources, News International

Dave Cook

Detective chief superintendent, Metropolitan Police

Andy Coulson

News of the World
, media adviser to the prime minister

Tom Crone

In-house lawyer,
News of the World
and the

Ian Edmondson

Assistant editor (news),
News of the World


Code name for government source

Kieren Fallon

Jockey, hacking victim

Paul Farrelly

Labour MP on media select committee

Dick Fedorcio

Director of communications, Metropolitan Police

George Galloway

Respect MP, hacking victim

Clive Goodman

Royal editor,
News of the World

Andy Gray

TV presenter, hacking victim

Simon Greenberg

Director, corporate affairs, News International

Mark Hanna

Director of security, News International

Charlotte Harris

Lawyer for hacking victims

Dean Haydon

John Yates’s staff officer

Andy Hayman

Assistant commissioner, responsible for Op Caryatid

Amelia Hill


Ross Hindley

News of the World

Les Hinton

Chief executive News International until December 2007

Sean Hoare

Show-business reporter, the
News of the World

Jeremy Hunt

Secretary of State for culture, media and sport

Lawrence ‘Lon’ Jacobs

In-house counsel, News Corp


Code name for police source

Tessa Jowell

Secretary of State for culture, media and sport


Code name for police source

Ian Katz

Deputy editor, the

Trevor Kavanagh

Political editor, the

John Kelly

Lawyer for hacking victims

Joel Klein

Executive vice president, News Corp

Stuart Kuttner

Managing editor,
News of the World

David Leigh

Investigations editor, the

Mark Lewis

Lawyer for hacking victims

Will Lewis

General manager, News International


Code name for source in criminal justice system

Mark Maberly

Detective, attached to Op Caryatid

Alice Macandrew

Media adviser to James Murdoch

Ken Macdonald QC

Director of Public Prosecutions, 2003–08

Paul McMullan

News of the World


Code name for whistle-blower source

Alex Marunchak

Executive editor,
News of the World

Sir Christopher Meyer

Chair, Press Complaints Commission, 2003–09

Fred Michel

Lobbyist for James Murdoch

Sienna Miller

Actress, hacking victim

Greg Miskiw

Assistant editor (news),
News of the World

Dominic Mohan

Editor, the

Daniel Morgan

Private investigator, murdered 1987

Piers Morgan

Daily Mirror
News of the World

Max Mosley

Victim of
News of the World
story, funded hacking victims

Glenn Mulcaire

Phone-hacking specialist,
News of the World

James Murdoch

Executive chairman of News International, 2007–11

Rupert Murdoch

Chairman and chief executive of News Corp

Colin Myler

News of the World


Code name for Mulcaire’s ghostwriter

Alec Owen

Senior investigator, Information Commissioner’s Office

Brian Paddick

Deputy assistant commissioner, Metropolitan Police, hacking victim

Lucy Panton

Crime reporter,
News of the World

David Perry QC

Senior prosecutor

Robert Peston

BBC business editor

Nicola Phillips

PA to Max Clifford, hacking victim

Julian Pike

External lawyer, News International

John Prescott

Deputy prime minister, hacking victim

Adam Price

Plaid Cymru MP on media select committee

Jeremy Reed

Barrister for hacking victims

Ed Richards

Chief executive, Ofcom

Alan Rusbridger

Editor, the
from 1995

Gerald Shamash

Lawyer for hacking victims

Michael Silverleaf QC

Barrister for News International

Adam Smith

Special adviser to Jeremy Hunt

Keir Starmer QC

Director of Public Prosecutions, 2008–13

Jules Stenson

Features editor,
News of the World

Sir Paul Stephenson

Commissioner, Metropolitan Police, 2009–11

Sir John Stevens

Commissioner, Metropolitan Police, 2000–05

Keith Surtees

Detective, deputy lead investigator on Op Caryatid

Gordon Taylor

Chief executive, Professional Footballers’ Association, hacking victim

Mark Thomson

Lawyer for hacking victims

Neville Thurlbeck

Chief reporter,
News of the World

Hugh Tomlinson QC

Barrister for hacking victims

Tim Toulmin

Director, Press Complaints Commission

Mr Justice Vos

Judge in hacking cases

Neil Wallis

Deputy editor,
News of the World

Tom Watson

Labour MP on media select committee

James Weatherup

News editor,
News of the World

Derek Webb

Covert surveillance specialist,
News of the World

John Whittingdale

Conservative chair of media select committee

Phil Williams

Detective, lead investigator on Op Caryatid

John Yates

Assistant commissioner, Metropolitan Police

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