Gypsy Spirits (26 page)

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Authors: Marianne Spitzer

BOOK: Gypsy Spirits
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“In my dream, she told me that you would be safe as long as you are close to my heart. Daniel I’ll always love you, so don’t worry. You’re safe.” 

Having the same dream made her nervous even though it made sense. Since so much had gone on, maybe they
didn't remember the dream exactly the same. 

“We had the same dream, which means she does exist. I knew it. She’s keeping you safe, and now will watch over me. Baby, things are going to work out.”

“Maybe we had a similar dream hoping things are better.”    

“Oh,” Daniel said “I forgot this part. She said something important is hidden that will be found.”

Annamarie stopped him. “But what is hidden that will cause pain will never be found.” 

Daniel’s eyes widened, “How do you know what she said to me?” 

“Because,” Annamarie answered, “she said the same exact thing to me.” 

Daniel fell back onto his pillow. “Now do you believe in the spirits?” 

Her hands were shaking. “I’m not sure about your spirit in the woods, but I do think we’re being guarded by a power we can’t explain. I’ll call mom later. Maybe she can uncover more detail with her dream cards.” 

“You know, she doesn’t frighten me like the other spirits in the woods. I feel she’s here for good.” 

“That might be, but what do you suppose is hidden?” 

“I’ve no idea, but we both have to go to work. We need to get ready, even if Garret is gone and the spirits are here,” Daniel said. 

“I feel so sorry for the Frants, and I wonder where Nancy is.” 

“I feel for them too. I think if the sheriff found Nancy she
hasn’t mentioned us, or we’d be at the sheriff’s station.” 

agreed and hoped it would stay that way.

Daniel hugged and kissed her before they drove off in their separate vehicles. It was her first day back, and she had no idea how Mr. Hanson was dealing with his grief, or if he knew about Garret. Even though he died on their property, Daniel and Annamarie agreed not to say anything until the sheriff made some sort of announcement about Garret and Ben. 


When she entered the office, Mr. Hanson waved from his desk like every other morning, but this didn’t feel like any other morning. Mr. Hanson had been right about things never being the same again. She began finishing the paperwork that was left from the Friday before all hell broke loose in their little town. The phone rang. It was Daniel. 

“Hi baby. I spoke to Elaine, and she said she was going to meet the locksmith from Oaklin I called to fix the broken back door lock. I also told him to change all the locks in the entire house. He said it would take him a couple of hours, and I wondered if you could go to the house when you get off work and pay him when he’s done. We could have a late lunch.”

“Sure, I can take care of that and I’m glad we’ll have new locks,” she said while writing out a supply invoice. “I can leave at noon.” 

“Great. The locksmith said he should be done by one o’clock, but it might be later if Elaine is filling him with coffee and cookies.” 

“I’m sure she will be.”

“Dad has work for me, and both mom and dad are talking to me. I think they feel sorry for me about Garret even though they didn’t like him.” 

“I’m happy
they're nice to you. I was worried they would still be angry.”

“Me too.
You know, they’re almost acting too nice.”

“Losing grandpa may have affected them both and I know they love you. They know you’re grieving.”

“You may be right,” Daniel said.

“I’ll call you when I get there. Bye.” 

Returning from the plant Mr. Hanson said he’d be in his office, and she could take her break. She told him she didn’t need one, but she did need to call her mom. He said that would be fine, closing his office door behind him.


Nervously she dialed her mom’s number, and when she heard her say hello she had to fight back tears. Her mom hadn’t heard about Garret. Annamarie told her what she knew, but asked her not to say anything until the sheriff or the Frants made it public. She agreed.

“I need your help with something strange.” She explained the dream she and Daniel had, and her mom tried her best to convince Annamarie with all that had gone on it wasn’t unusual for both of them to dream something positive about being safe. 

“I understand that and had the same thought, but can you explain how we both dreamt the same words about what’s hidden?”

Her mom was stumped there and said she would check her dream cards. Annamarie heard her place the receiver on the table and pick it up a few minutes later. 

“Okay,” she began, “the cards say safety and mystery.” 

“Wonderful, Mom.
I figured that out already. There must be more to the dreams.”

“I think it means the fear or trouble you have been through is over, and while there may be a mystery, it would be solved in a positive way.” 

“That sounds promising.”    

“You should be happy you and Daniel
feel secure enough to dream of safety. That means a lot. At times, our dreams tell us more about what we feel than our conscious thoughts. They can come out as nightmares or sweet dreams.” 

Annamarie was still confused. Too much had happened in such a short time. It helped talking with her mother. 

“I appreciate your help, Mom. I’ll call you this evening.”

Annamarie resumed cleaning up the paperwork piled on her desk, and before she knew it, Mr. Hanson said it was noon and she could leave.

Wishing him a nice day when she left, Annamarie hoped the sheriff would call Mr. Hanson soon to inform him Ben’s killer had been arrested. They would all sleep sounder, and feel safer knowing the killer was in jail. Heading towards grandpa’s house, she was filled with mixed emotions ranging from deep sadness to a sense of excitement that she was going “home.”


When she arrived at the house, a locksmith’s truck was still in the drive. Not sure if he had changed the front door lock, she rang the bell.

“Hello, Mrs. Logan. The locksmith has fixed the back door, and since I was going to be in the main house, he’s working on the locks in the north wing.”

“Please call me Annamarie.”

“Yes, ma’am, I mean Annamarie.” 

Annamarie never realized how many doors there were in the house. The locksmith emerged from the north wing.

“Should I also change the locks on the double-door entry to the north wing, Mrs. Logan?”

“Yes, please.” She didn’t know why, but she felt the need to change every lock.

Elaine said, “All that’s left is the front door, side door and the French doors in the study and master bedroom.”

Hoping it wouldn’t take long; Annamarie went into the study to call Daniel. Before she could dial, the locksmith was back with a question. 

“Have you ever considered changing the locks on all the windows? They’re almost as old as the house.”

Annamarie looked at one and said, “Yes, change everyone to a solid new lock. We want the house to be secure.” 

She called Daniel to let him know she was at the house and what she’d just decided about the windows.

“Great decision. I agree completely we need the house to be safe.” 

“I think we both need to feel safe after the past ten days. Elaine says she can stay if I have to leave, but I told her I’d stay and wait for you.”

“I’ll see you soon. If something comes up, I’ll call you.”

“Okay. Love you. Bye.”


Elaine disappeared into the kitchen. Annamarie could hear a happy locksmith humming down the hall. She was sure this was one of his biggest jobs.


It was a little past twelve-thirty when Maureen barged past Mr. Townsend’s secretary and into his office. 

“Listen, Townsend,” Maureen snarled. “You have been our attorney for years. We’ve paid you a small fortune so you better find a way to break the old man’s will, and get me the house.” 

“The will is ironclad. You don’t have legal standing in this matter.” 

“We’ll see.” She reached for the phone and dialed. “Is he in? Tell him to stay there. I’ll be there in less than thirty minutes.” Placing the receiver back in its cradle, she said coldly, “We’ll see, Townsend.”


When Annamarie sat at grandpa’s large oak desk, she had no idea Maureen was trying to begin a legal fight over the house. She looked at all the books in the room, and the IBM Selectric typewriter on the desk. It was a beauty and nicer than the one she used at work. It was exciting to think it was hers now, and she looked for a piece of typing paper to try it out. There was none on any of the shelves, and she decided to check the drawers. 

Most had files and letters in them. One large bottom drawer held a bottle of Scotch and a glass. It also had several small wooden boxes stacked neatly in the back. Wondering what they were, she reached deep into the
drawer and scratched the back of her hand. She felt around for what she assumed was a loose nail and found what seemed to be a metal lever. She wiggled it a bit, and a shelf dropped from the top of the drawer. A manila envelope lay on it. 

Something hidden, she thought. This is too strange. Removing the envelope, the shelf popped back into place with a slight click. She opened the envelope; carefully pulling out the papers it contained, and laid them on the top of the desk. Looking through them, she noticed each piece of paper was exactly the same. They appeared legal and read they had a value of ten thousand dollars. She dialed Mr. Townsend’s office.

“Mr. Townsend, this is Annamarie Logan.”

“What can I do for you, Annamarie?”

“I found a hidden shelf in grandpa’s desk. It held a manila envelope with papers in it. They appear legal and ‘bearer bond’ is written on each. They also have a sum of ten thousand dollars on them.”

“Put the papers back into the envelope, and come straight to my office. Don’t tell a soul what you have.” 

Confused, she agreed and replaced the papers, asked Elaine to stay and drove to his office.


Once she was inside, he closed his office door and checked the papers. Mr. Townsend explained what a bearer bond was and how anyone who was in possession of such a bond could cash it. No name was necessary which made them different than the savings bonds she was used to. Mr. Townsend said Grandpa Logan must have forgotten about these since they were thirty years old. A quick call to the power company they were issued from let him know they were still valid. He placed them back in the envelope. “We’re going to the bank with these.” 

His office was a short walk to the bank and once there, he explained to the receptionist that Mrs. Logan wanted a safe deposit box. Annamarie didn’t understand the urgency, but she trusted Mr. Townsend. She filled out the necessary
paperwork and was told Daniel needed to sign the form so he could also access the box. The young lady led them into the bank vault. She handed Annamarie a key to a box approximately the size of the envelope Mr. Townsend had in his briefcase. She pulled the box out of the tall stack of identical boxes and said they should tell her when they were through. 

“Open the box, Annamarie,” Mr. Townsend instructed. 

She did, he placed the envelope in the box and closed it.

“Please lock it.”  

Again she did what she was told.

“Now they’re safe and sound and in your box. They belong to you and Daniel once he signs the papers for the box.”

Puzzled, she asked him why they were doing all this as if they were criminals. 

“Not a criminal, but a wealthy young woman.”  

More confused than ever, she asked him to explain. She understood the bearer bonds belonged to whoever owned them, but what was so important they had to hide them so quickly? 

“You told me that they had a value of ten thousand dollars written on them.” 

“Yes, I assume they are part of the estate grandpa mentioned and would go into the trust.” 

“No. You found them in the house. They belong to you.  Remember the wording of the will: the house and all its belongings and contents. It means whatever is in the house. The bonds were in the house.” 

“You mean Daniel and I own bonds worth ten thousand dollars?” she said.  

“Not quite. That’s why we had to get them here in a safe deposit box in your name immediately. Annamarie, each bond is worth ten thousand dollars. There are 25 bonds. That’s a total of a quarter of a million dollars.” 

The room began to spin, and Annamarie leaned against the wall. 

“I have to call Daniel.”

Mr. Townsend said, “Maureen is going to try and get the house. She has little chance, but in case she did, I wanted the bonds out of the house and in your possession so no one can take them from you. Michael wanted me to watch over you, and that is exactly what I’m going to do. The bonds are safe, and they now belong to you and Daniel. When you want to cash some or all of them, I will help you do that, too. Maureen may fight for the house, but she’ll never have these.” 

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