Gypsy Spirits (13 page)

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Authors: Marianne Spitzer

BOOK: Gypsy Spirits
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Ray felt better when the man finished his food and left.  Word had gotten around town about people being scared enough to lock their doors. A stranger who would normally go unnoticed now brought out a sense of anxiety. Ray called the sheriff’s office to report the stranger with the cold, gray eyes driving a black pickup truck.

The sheriff was still at the dairy, but Steve took the call. He asked, “Did the man ask for Garret by name?”

“No, he only wanted to know about the mechanic’s shop.” 

After Ray
had said the man headed toward Oaklin, Steve reassured Ray that he probably had taken a wrong turn and had truck trouble. Ray wasn’t so sure but thanked Steve. 

Steve didn’t think another person would come to town looking for Garret right after the deaths of the two strangers. He did have
an uncomfortable feeling the morning’s tragedy would increase anxiety in town.

Sheriff Richardson had already dealt with Mrs. Graysbe, who reported a strange, dark blue sedan driving down her street. The sheriff found the sedan a block over. It belonged to a family visiting a relative.

Steve and the sheriff decided the town was going mad, and they needed to solve Ben’s death soon to protect everyone’s sanity.


Maureen watched Annamarie enter the building. Concerned about Annamarie’s wellbeing, she came out of her office leaving a client with a stack of papers in front of him. Annamarie hugged her before asking where Daniel was. 

“He’s in his office. He’s been in there all day shuffling papers around. Why George wanted him to stay is beyond me. I heard what happened this morning. Are you sure you’re all right?”

“Yes, I just need to see Daniel.” 

Annamarie knew Daniel must be upset or scared, and was doing his best to hide from the world. She’d have to be cautious discussing things with him. 

“I’ll take care of Daniel.”

Maureen knew if anyone could, it would have to be Annamarie.

“I received two calls from people in town asking if I had information about Ben’s murder, and who did it. Both parties said they and others are locking their doors and staying in at night.” 

Shocked, Annamarie stared at her asking, “Who’s calling it murder?”

“That’s the word going around town. People saw the coroner here this morning and knew he wouldn’t come in person if the matter weren't serious.” 

Annamarie knew the town folk’s worry about a murderer could turn into panic. If Daniel
knew, others were concerned it would only inflame his belief the spirits were after all of them.   

Opening the door to Daniel’s office, she found him sitting behind his large oak desk trying to
stack pencils on top of his coffee cup. Annamarie said his name softly. He looked up and smiled. 

“We need to have a serious talk,” she said.

“Yes, we do. I’m going to be in trouble as soon as the sheriff decides Ben died before we left the cabin,” Daniel said laying his forehead on his desk.

“They still can’t connect you to Ben’s death.”

“It doesn’t matter. I heard the spirits whispering this morning.” 


“Yes, I heard them clearly and don’t tell me it is the wind. It’s been windy before and I know the trees whistle in the wind, but this was whispering. I could almost understand it. It was a warning. The spirits are coming for me,” Daniel’s voice was trembling.

“You’re under too much stress and imagining things.”

“No, I’m not. I’m in trouble. I’m in danger.”

“I know there’s going to be trouble and I think
it’s coming sooner than you expect.”

“What do you mean?” Daniel glanced up at her.

“With what happened at the dairy, I didn’t have time to tell you what I heard at the sheriff’s office this morning.”

She explained the coroner had been at the sheriff’s office, and Ben’s death was ruled inconclusive.

Daniel sat back up, tenser than before. “I’m positive the sheriff is going to decide Ben was murdered. Garret, Bulk and I will be blamed.” 

“Garret threatened to kill me if I repeat anything I know about the night at the cabin. He came into Ray’s when I was there.”

Daniel’s eyes narrowed and his face became taut.

“Garret must be worried, too. He appeared to be losing it. Bulk’s still nowhere to be found.”

The look on Daniel’s face changed to near panic again. “I’m convinced the spirits took Bulk.”

She saw what little hope she had vanish, as the madness her husband embraced inched closer.  

Annamarie was doing her best to calm him down when George barged into the office, his voice booming. 

“Do you realize the town believes someone killed Ben, and they’re all watching out for whoever did it?” He roared staring directly at Daniel. “You’ll be the death of me yet boy. I need a drink.” He stormed back to his office. 

Daniel, white as a sheet, allowed Annamarie to persuade him they needed to go home. They left through the office kitchen and drove off in her car. She told him they would get his Jeep later.

She could hear the phone ringing when she emerged from the car. Daniel ran in to answer. She soon realized he was talking to Garret, and trying his best to calm him down. They talked for about ten
minutes until Daniel practically threw the receiver back onto the phone cradle. 

“What’s wrong?” 

“Garret has searched everywhere for Bulk. He seems to have disappeared. Garret called Bulk’s brother in Oaklin thinking he’d gone there. His brother told Garret to stay out of Bulk’s life and hung up on him.” 

“Can you blame him? He’s tried his best to watch over Bulk since their parents died.”

“Garret’s sure Bulk confided in someone and is hiding. Now, he thinks we should hide, too.”

“Hide from who?” she frowned while she listened to his nonsense once again.

“The spirits or whoever killed Ben.” He buried his face in his hands and he slowly rocked side to side.

“What in the world can Bulk tell anyone if things happened exactly the way you told me?” 

Glancing up at her he said, “I have no idea, except when Bulk becomes upset he has a bad habit of telling and retelling the story, changing it to fit what he thinks sounds best. By now Bulk might be saying we took turns killing Ben, or a herd of wild spirits rode up to the cabin on spirit horses, and killed him.”

“Daniel, don’t get carried away,” she said. 

“I have a horrible feeling this is going to bring disaster down on all of us.”

“He’s probably hiding out at some place only he knows about, or his brother’s hiding him,” Annamarie said.  

“That sounds like a plausible scenario, but I still think spirits are involved. I need to take a shower. We should have something to eat after.”

“I’ll start dinner while you shower.”

Daniel headed toward the bathroom. He turned around and said, “Annamarie, I love you. Promise me when the spirits are finished with the three of us, you will use every power you possess to protect yourself.” 

As bizarre as that sounded, she knew she had to agree. “I promise, and I also promise to do whatever I
can to help you because I love you, too.” 

Walking back to her, he hugged her so hard she could barely breathe. He whispered in her ear, “I do love you. It may not always seem like it because of the way I am, but I truly love you and always will.” 

When he went off to take his shower, she wondered what she had promised. She knew she didn’t have any special power or ability besides love to help Daniel. Knowing he was expecting more, she prayed love would be enough to fight the madness she feared was coming.


Annamarie’s mom called, and she could hear her worried voice asking if she were all right.     

“Yes Mom, no one hurt me and both men are dead.”

Her mom was relieved for she had heard all the same rumors spreading around town that Annamarie had been called into the sheriff’s office and then attacked at work. She thought her daughter might be in trouble.

“I should’ve called you right away, Mom. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking clearly. The sheriff wanted to ask me about Saturday night, and if I was with Daniel and the guys. I was with Bonnie. I don’t know anything about what happened at the cabin. Everything’s okay at work, too. It was scary, but Tim helped me and it’s over.”

“I’m so grateful you’re all right. I had to find out before I mentioned it to your dad. You’re right. You should’ve called me immediately. You may think you’re grown, but you’re still my child and I worry.”

“I know, Mom. Dad still calls me his baby girl and probably always will.”

“Please remember that the next time you have a problem.”

“I will Mom. The sheriff seemed satisfied with my statement and let me go back to work. Then those two thugs came in, but they managed to kill each other. How stupid can they be? It sounds worse than it was. I don’t even have a bruise.”

She had to lie to her mom. If she knew everything and how frightened Annamarie was, she’d be over in a heartbeat to drag her home.  

For once, her mom’s concern about recent incidents seemed to overshadow her odd sixth sense, and she didn’t mention anything out of the ordinary. Her mom began to sound calm.   

Annamarie wanted to go to her parent’s home, tell them everything hoping they could help her. However, she knew no one could get Daniel out of trouble if he had anything to do with Ben’s death. They said their goodnights, and when she hung up the phone, it rang again.


Annamarie thought about ignoring it, she should have listened to her instincts.


“Hi Annamarie,” said Sheriff Richardson. 

She wondered if this day could get any worse. Unfortunately, worse was only the beginning.

“I’m sorry we didn’t get to have a productive talk this morning. I’d like you to come back to my office tomorrow afternoon.”

“After what I’ve been through today, can’t you give me a break? This is getting ridiculous.” She came close to hanging up on him.

“I know and I’m sorry, but I’m trying to solve Ben’s death. I need everyone’s help.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll be in
right after lunch.” She hung up, sat down and began to mull over what he wanted now. 

Daniel’s voice broke into her thoughts. “Who was that?”

“Which time? First mom called and then the sheriff.” 

“The sheriff,” Daniel moaned. “What the hell does he want now?” 

“I have to finish my interview with him tomorrow afternoon.”

“Finish, what else does he want? Haven’t you been through enough?” 

“I don’t know.” Tears formed in her eyes when she said, “This is scaring me Daniel, what if I say the wrong thing?” 

“Don’t cry baby. As long as you don’t mention anything I told you, you’ll be safe.” 

She wasn’t so sure. 

Annamarie and Daniel had a quiet evening. Right before bedtime, the phone rang again. Daniel answered. The look on his face changed, and he told her he had to leave when he hung up the phone. He wouldn’t tell her where, only he had to leave. This was typical Daniel, but with all that was going on, she prayed he might change a little. 

Nerves already shattered, she cried, “I can’t take any more of this. Don’t leave me alone. You’re supposed to be here for me. I could’ve been killed today. Daniel, I’m so afraid. Please.”

He ignored her, and she tried to run after him, tripping on the kitchen rug.

Before she could remind him that his Jeep was still at work, she heard her car start up and burn rubber when it hit the road. Annamarie knew the only thing that would make him leave so quickly was Garret or Bulk. One or both were in trouble, and she was afraid they would drag Daniel into it.

Fighting a combination of fear and anger, Annamarie walked around her neat living room throwing whatever was unbreakable onto the floor. She flung the newspaper and all her magazines at the wall. Still feeling frustrated, she threw a book so hard it almost toppled the
crystal lamp from the sofa side table. Annamarie didn’t care if Maureen had a fit if the lamp broke.

She threw herself on the sofa. Why should she care what Maureen thought? This was her home, but too many people were controlling her. Daniel was off again. He would be chasing spirits. She was near her breaking point. She cried until she felt some of the tension release.

Surveying the mess she’d created, she felt like throwing the heavy green textured glass vase through the large picture window. The sound of all the breaking glass might ease her stress, but dealing with the repercussions that would follow was more than she wanted to accept.


Sitting on the love seat, she looked at their wedding picture on the side table. Daniel looked so happy and carefree. It was such a happy time. Trying to forget the horror of the day, she picked up their wedding album and placed it on the coffee table. She began to remember.

She and her bridesmaids had already chosen gowns in a delicate shade of pink and Annamarie had found her perfect wedding gown. She thought everything was going to be wonderful until Maureen and her mom took her shopping.

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