Guilty of Love (8 page)

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Authors: Pat Simmons

Tags: #inspirational romance, #christian romance, #family relationships, #africanamerican romance, #love romance, #foster parenting, #abortion and guilt feelings, #guilt and shame, #genealogy research, #happiness at last

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What’s going on up
there? That boyfriend of yours isn’t abusing you, is he?”
Roland demanded.

Despite her family’s concerns, she
told them nothing. She had stayed in Durham for five years, living
undercover as a professional who had her life together. In her
darkest hour, she had rejected her family’s love. “Talk to us,
Cheney. We love you. We’re your family,” her sister had consoled
while she was in the hospital, unbeknownst to them.

Angry and hormonal, Cheney had pushed
them to the point of no return. She was unable to deal with them or
life. The shame, the guilt, and the loss continued to overpower her
to the present day. The housewarming would determine if she could
mend the communication she had cut off. If not, she was doomed to
live alone like Mrs. Beacon.
Maybe, she’ll break a leg at her
salsa class,
she thought amusedly.

Silly fears nagged at her every now
and then.
I’ve got to stay away from bad thoughts
, she gave
herself a pep talk as her cell phone chimed and she

How are ya, girl. Please
tell me you’re on a hot date, and I’m interrupting.”

Cheney laughed at Imani. “Better. I’m
leaving a workshop for installing a ceramic floor. Two weeks before
the housewarming.”

I wouldn’t miss it. I’m in
Atlanta tonight, but I’m flying out to London in the morning. Are
you settling in?”

Tightening her lips in frustration,
Cheney drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as she waited at a
light. Throngs of people carrying lawn chairs, blankets, and sleepy
kids, were leaving a neighborhood park. The traffic was
exceptionally heavy for a Tuesday night. “The house is keeping me
busy, but I’m hyped about the party.”

Me, too. Well, hon, I’ve
got to go. I’m flying with Captain Rogers tomorrow, and I must look
my best.”

Is this someone

Temporarily,” Imani purred
and disconnected.

It amazed Cheney how Imani could pick
up her life after living with an abusive husband for three years.
Her friend was a survivor. Imani made peace with her mistakes after
the divorce and was living life to the fullest.

She pulled up in her driveway. With no
sign of Mrs. Beacon, Cheney turned off the ignition. After
activating the alarm, she staggered to her porch and unlocked her
front door. Cheney wondered what her own future would




Malcolm arrived at Hallison’s
Hazelwood apartment complex excited about seeing her. He would
never grow tired of Hallison’s wit, honesty, and seduction. Too bad
she didn’t have a sister for Parke. He shrugged as he knocked on
her door.

Sucking in the night air, Malcolm
patted his chest when Hallison opened the door. She stepped outside
in a long beige crocheted tank dress molded to her figure. A
scooped neckline teased his senses. She was stunning.

He guided her chin to his lips,
murmuring, “Maybe, we should skip the concert and spend some time

Hallison batted her long lashes. “Oh
no, you don’t. You promised me a night filled with music under the

Malcolm grabbed her around the waist,
causing her to gasp as he pulled her closer. “Hali, what we can
create is more romantic than a concert. I’ll show you

Detangling from each other, Hallison
peered at him with half-closed eyes before planting a fist on her
hip. “Listen, Malcolm, we both decided to just let things happen
between us. You’re making it hard for me to fight—”

Whoa, baby. I didn’t mean
to charge your battery. We’re both attracted to each other, and
it’s natural for that attraction to lead to affection.” Grinning,
Malcolm held up both hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. No more
pressure. I was just making a suggestion. C’mon. Let me show off my
beautiful woman.”

They looped their arms together and
walked the pathway to his silver Chevy Monte Carlo. Malcolm had to
cool it. Hallison confided that she hadn’t slept with a man because
of her church upbringing. She needed to be sure there wouldn’t be
any guilt when she slept with the man she loved. Malcolm was the
man. Now he had to give Hallison time to realize that.
Let the
God in heaven give him strength to hold out.

Any idea which woman Parke
is bringing tonight?”

Throwing his head back, Malcolm
released a deep chuckle. He opened the passenger door. “I have no
idea, and I’ve stopped asking. I don’t assume names anymore or ask
how she’s been since the last time we met.”

I’m keeping my mouth shut
this time. There’s got to be one woman out there for him. I have
coworkers and girlfriends who would love to have a Malcolm

We’re nothing alike when
it comes to women. I know a good thing when I see her. Parke
wouldn’t know a good woman if she knocked him to the

Twenty minutes later, Malcolm parked
blocks away from the park. Hand in hand, he and Hallison strolled
down the crowded sidewalk with other concertgoers. Soon they
spotted Parke in the distance hugging a dark-skinned woman who
sported long micro braids, adorned with eye-stopping beads. She
wore what appeared to be four-inch heels.

Wow, her halter top is
barely holding her boobs, and those hoochie-mama shorts would make
some hoochies blush,” Malcolm mumbled.

Your brother’s dates are
getting stranger and stranger, babe.”

Tell me about it. The
mosquitoes are going to have a munch-feast on sista-girl tonight
with all her back and legs out. Hali, some of his choices are


Okay, most.”

Try all of

Malcolm snickered and kissed the top
of her hair. “His personal picks remain a mystery while his
business and world history acumen are well noted.”

You mentioned your family
tree before. I think it’s so fascinating to know your history like
that. You’ve uncovered some invaluable information.”

Amazing things, but I
think it’s that information that drives Parke to craziness,”
Malcolm voiced his thoughts.

If you were Parke Jamieson
VI, would you change your woman every day like you change your

Malcolm’s finger to her lips silenced
her. “I would’ve stopped searching the day I saw you at that job
fair. Does that answer your question?”

She reached up and fingered the silky
hairs of his beard before standing on her toes and brushing her
lips against his. “Yes.”

They joined Parke and his date at a
stoplight. The brothers exchanged hugs like they hadn’t seen each
other in years. He and Hallison offered Parke’s companion a cordial
smile. At least the woman had a pretty face.

This is Wanda,” Parke
said, positioning his hand around the woman’s waist. “C’mon, let’s
find a spot before it gets packed.”

Wanda,” Malcolm mouthed to
Hallison with mischief dancing in his eyes. “Not only does my
brother pick women with his eyes closed, but he must have a mental
rolodex to keep the names straight.”

Hallison giggled.

The foursome wormed their way between
folks who had commandeered a large hill. A makeshift stage had been
erected in front of the swimming pool. The local band, Summer
Magic, entertained the audience with an array of pop, rock, and
love ballads.

Malcolm bopped his head to the band’s
beat until they played a rendition of Earth, Wind, and Fire’s
. He relaxed his legs and coaxed Hallison to sit in
front of him, offering his chest for support.

Resting her head, Hallison hummed
along as music floated throughout the night air. Malcolm tightened
his arms around her stomach while massaging his beard against her
cheek. “Hmm, sounds like you’re having a good time.”

Her answer was rocking her head back
and forth. “You know I am. This is so mellow and hypnotic. The best
part is that I’m here with you. I wish I could wrap up this moment
and take it home.”

Hali, you’ll experience
that same feeling when I make love to you. I can cast some serious
spells on you, baby.”

Grabbing his hand, she turned it and
kissed his palm. “You already make love to me when you spend time
with me, kiss me, hold my hand, and surprise me for

Yeah,” Malcolm said dryly,
“and you seduce me with those form-fitting clothes you wear, the
way your body moves when you walk, and that scent you wear behind
your ears. You’re killing me, sweetheart.”




Parke didn’t know how Annette was
doing it, but he was sure she was sending some sort of subliminal
Biblical messages to keep him from enjoying his evening.

Parke spent the night spying on
Malcolm and Hallison as they absorbed each other’s touches, eye
contact, and air kisses. They easily forgot about everyone else
around them. What was the secret of them connecting so

Wanda began fingering the muscles
hidden under Parke’s Adidas T-shirt; reminding him he was too busy
being a spectator instead of a participant. When he sighed, she
winked, thinking she was doing something, but she wasn’t. She was
too eager to please after the second date.
Who am I to complain
if a woman wants my body?

He eyeballed Malcolm again. His
brother was acting like a man in love and didn’t have a burden to
carry on the family name. Parke’s heritage consumed him, searching
high and low in an effort not to miss his princess, his Black
I’m doing something wrong,
Parke surmised. Women
always seemed to come on to him. It was time for him to begin the
hunt for his soul mate.

Parke both dreamt and dreaded the day
he would fall for a woman. His ideal woman would be intellectually
and spiritually in tune with herself as a Black woman, physically
exquisite, and definitely petite. He turned and looked at Wanda.
She was strictly a night partner, not a life partner. He had to
stop picking up women who were CEOs by day and desperate women by

This night with you has
been a better investment than the stock advice you gave me
earlier,” Wanda said, closing her eyes and leaning in for a

Parke felt obliged to kiss her neck,
hum along with the band, and pray the night would end very soon.
God, I’m convinced You’re trying to tell me something, but I
need You to speak clearer or write it down.


Chapter Five



Parke’s speakers in his SUV rang,
interrupting his music and thoughts. He touched the button to
answer. “Hello.”

It’s Annette.”

What’s going on with my
favorite little church mouse?” Parke teased as he steered his
vehicle past Cheney’s house.

Well, I’m at your

He scanned his memory and didn’t
remember they were supposed to get together.

Before he could ask a question, she
answered, “Actually, I’m on your block. I’m with a few evangelists
who are passing out gospel tracts in your neighborhood.”

Then let me keep

Parke, if you don’t come
to your house, I will hunt you down and pray that the Holy Ghost
will …I just expect better from you. Even though you act like a dog
that needs to be neutered, I still love and respect

Ouch.” He cringed. “Okay,
I’ll be there in a sec.”

When he arrived, the small group could
have been mistaken for Jehovah’s Witnesses, but they weren’t
ringing bells or knocking on doors. They were merely laying small
comic strip-looking books inside storm doors.

Annette and her team of three church
goers didn’t stay long. As a matter of fact, they didn’t say much
except to ask how he was doing. One chubby teenager, Eric, who
seemed to be the leader said, “The best witness we can give you is
the way we live our lives in sanctification. The best knowledge
can obtain is in
Bible. Read it.”

Parke was expecting more
of a beat-over-the-head then take him hostage and drag him to
church. He was relieved when the group stood to leave.

Do you mind if we pray for
you?” Eric asked after Annette nudged him.

He should’ve known. Eric opened his
Bible and flipped through the pages. Parke started to lift his
hands in protest. He agreed to prayer only, but held his peace.
After all, he did have a relationship with God, despite what
Annette thought.

Seek ye the Lord while
He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked
forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him
return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him, and to our
God, for He will abundantly pardon. For My thoughts are not your
thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord.’
That’s in Isaiah 55:6-8.”

Although Parke respected the
Scriptures, he didn’t think they pertained to him. Church for the
Jamiesons was a social affair. Annette was the first person he knew
where church had caused a change.

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