Guilty as Sin (26 page)

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Authors: Jami Alden

Tags: #Fiction / Romance - Suspense, #Fiction / Romance - General, #General, #Romance, #Fiction / Romance - Erotica, #Suspense, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Guilty as Sin
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Kate couldn’t wait, shoving his pants and underwear down his hips and reaching out to touch him, his heat and hardness spilling into her hand.

Her mouth went dry at the sight of him. Tommy was a big man, as big here as everywhere else, she realized as she drank in the sight of him. Even longer and thicker than she’d imagined, the head dark and swollen, glimmering with a bead of pre-come, so hard she could see his pulse throb in the thick vein that ran down its length.

Unable to resist, she wrapped her fist around him and stroked him from base to tip. His breath hissed between his teeth and she did it again, loving the way the muscles in his arms jerked and stood out in stark relief as he braced himself above her. Again she pumped him, her own body clenching as he pulsed in her hand, anticipating the feel of his whole hard length buried inside of her.

She circled her thumb around the tip as he shuddered against her.

“Enough,” he rasped, wrapping his fingers around her wrist in a firm grip as he pulled her hand away. He sat back on his heels, his chest bellowing in and out as he fumbled in his back pocket.

A wallet appeared and then a foil packet.
I always carry latex protection
, he’d said. Kate felt a little pang as she wondered how often he did this that he felt he always needed to be prepared.

Then she couldn’t think about anything as her gaze locked on the sight of his big hand rolling the condom down the thick length of his cock. She’d never imagined such a sight could be arousing—in fact, she had always been a little embarrassed at such moments.

But now she was riveted by the sight of him stroking himself, his cock straining against his grip, wondered what it might be like to watch him stroke himself to pleasure.

Then he was over her, kissing her hard before he reared up on his knees. Kate drew her knees up, opening herself wide as he guided himself to her with one hand. She cried out as he ran the head of his cock along her clit and rubbed himself against her. Electric pulses spread from between her legs through her entire body, and for a brief second she was afraid she was going to come before he even got inside her.

Then he was there, squeezing inside.

She gasped at the feel of him pushing inside, pleasure mingling with pain as her body stretched to accommodate him. He sank farther, and she gave another high-pitched cry, her body stiffening in pleasure.

He paused, chest heaving in and out as he panted, “Am I hurting you?”

She shook her head against the comforter. “No, it’s okay—”

“You’re so tight.” He groaned as he pushed deeper. He hooked her knee over his elbow and opened her wider. Then
he was there, as deep as he could go, deeper than any other man had ever been.

Tommy Ibarra is inside of me

That was all it took to send her careening over the edge. Her orgasm hit her with sudden, stunning force. He didn’t even have to move—just the feel of him, buried deep, so big and hard her body could barely contain him, was enough to make her shudder and clench around him as waves of pleasure like nothing she’d ever known poured through her. Stars exploded behind her closed eyes as electric pulses wracking her body until even the tips of her toes tingled with it.

When she came back to herself she felt Tommy, still rock hard and deep inside her. He was propped up on his elbows and his face hung above hers. Pulled tight with desire, he nevertheless looked a little stunned. She suspected it matched her own expression. “Did you seriously just come?”

Kate’s face flooded with heat at her body’s unexpected, over-the-top response, her body still trembling with the aftershocks. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I don’t usually—”

He gave a low groan and bent his head to kiss her. “Jesus, don’t be sorry.” He rocked his hips, the thrust and drag sending another burst of pleasure through her core. “It was amazing. You’re amazing.” His words trailed off into a groan as he withdrew almost all the way and pushed all the way back in one sleek move.

She threaded her fingers through his hair and drew his mouth town to hers, sucking and nipping at his lips as he took her in hard, deep thrusts that pushed her across the bed.

Harsh, guttural moans she barely recognized as her own rose in her throat, echoing his deep groans. She’d never had sex like this, so hard, so fast, almost primitive.

Tommy took her wrists in his hands and pinned them to the bed. Kate had never felt so taken, so dominated.

So wanted.

The thought sent another burst of pleasure through her, and unbelievably she felt herself building to another peak. She never would have believed it, not so close on the heels of that first mind-bending release. Her body tightened and rippled around him as she rocked her hips against him, spreading her legs wide so that he stroked the center of her pleasure with every thrust.

He was getting close too, she could feel it in the way he sped up his pace, pounding into her with no restraint as he seemed to swell even larger inside of her.

“Kate.” Her name sounded like dark magic on his lips as he slid his hand between their bodies and found her with his fingers. He circled her clit once, twice, and she flew apart into a million shards of light.

As though from far away she heard his own deep moan, felt him dig his fingers into her hips in a grip that should have hurt as he held himself deep inside of her.

She drifted back to earth as the last of the shudders wracked him, her body clenching instinctively against the thick hardness still pulsing inside her.

He collapsed onto her, burying his face against her shoulder as his breath sawed in and out of his chest like he’d just run a four-minute mile.

As the seconds passed, Kate became acutely aware of the reality of her situation. She was naked on her bed with a half-dressed Tommy Ibarra still inside her after giving her the two most mind-blowing orgasms of her life.

What the hell had she just done?

Chapter 14

hat the hell had he just done? Tommy silently asked himself as he lay sprawled on top of Kate. He struggled to catch his breath, his body still shaking from an orgasm so intense he felt like he’d been turned inside out.

Jesus, he was an idiot, coming over here, letting this happen. No, scratch that,
this happen.

Because he didn’t have enough goddamn self-control to keep away from Kate. Maybe if he’d been able to keep his hands off her earlier, he would have been able to keep the last thread of control from snapping.

But it was like that kiss had opened the floodgates on everything he’d bottled up and stuffed away fourteen years ago. The overwhelming need to touch, to taste, to just be with Kate that he’d boxed up and buried so deep he convinced himself he’d never really felt it came spewing to the surface at the first taste of her lips.

And maybe, just maybe, he would have been able to put the lid back on had she not returned his kiss with that sweet, eager hunger he’d tried so hard to forget.

God, he loved the way she kissed him, like there was nothing in the world more delicious than his taste, like she could kiss him forever and never get enough. She always had a slightly disoriented look on her face after she kissed him,
as if she didn’t quite understand the overwhelming need pulsing through her.

He’d loved it because it always echoed how he felt.

After she’d left him, he’d bitterly told himself it meant nothing, that he was just the first guy who got her tinder to flare up but he wouldn’t be the last. She’d lose that stunned look soon enough.

Except she hadn’t. At least not with him.

He didn’t want to think about what had gone on with her other lovers. All he knew was that this afternoon in that little shack, after he’d come up for a much-needed gasp of air, she’d had that same starry-eyed look of wonder on her face that he’d never been able to completely purge from his memory.

And then, oh Christ, the way she’d licked her lips, like she was savoring the taste of him…

All of that pent-up, unfulfilled desire came raging back to life. After that torturous ride back to town, forced to endure the fresh, damp scent of her skin and hair, her usual floral aroma sharpened by the dark scent of her need, he’d done everything he could to keep his own urges at bay.

But nothing—not the ten-mile run through the cold downpour, not the icy shower that followed or hours of monotonous paperwork that he’d decided to tackle after avoiding it for weeks could dull the edge of his desire.

Finally, he’d left his house in defeat and headed into town. Though Sandpoint was full of families this time of year, there were plenty of young, single women vacationing here too. He knew several of them would be gathered at Roxy’s, the closest thing to a hot spot Sandpoint had to offer. A couple of drinks, a few spins around the dance floor, and he had little doubt he’d find a woman willing to help him with this latest challenge.

He pointed his truck toward town, not proud of his plan to go find some woman for an anonymous, meaningless fuck. But there was nothing else to be done for it.

Except when he’d come to the intersection of First and Pine, instead of turning right toward Roxy’s, he’d turned left. Instinctively, inevitably pulling up outside of the complex that included Kate’s townhouse.

Even then he hadn’t immediately gotten out of the truck, told himself to turn the goddamn engine back on and get the hell out of there. Though his keys remained in the ignition, he couldn’t get his fingers to turn them.

He stared up at her window for what could have been minutes or hours, watching her flit around the top floor, a restless ball of energy offering faint glimpses of rippling strawberry blond hair and pale skin smoother than satin to the touch.

As though under a spell, he’d found himself climbing out of the truck and up the stairway leading to her door. Though he’d never considered tank tops and knit pants particularly sexy, the sight of her, her hair spilling over her bare shoulders, the hard, eager points of her breasts pushing against the fabric of her top, the way the pants clung to the sleek curves of her legs…

Christ, she might as well have been wearing garters and stockings. There was no going back.

Now he lay on top of her, his dick still hard inside her for all that he’d come less than a minute ago, probably crushing her with his much greater weight.

He needed to get the hell out. That would be the smart thing. And he’d bet good money she was thinking it too, with the way her body was stiffening against him, her own regrets at their rash behavior starting to churn in her head.

He shifted, meaning to pull away, but stopped as his lips
brushed against the soft underside of her jaw. God, he loved the feel of her skin, smooth and soft against his roughness.

He opened his mouth over the spot, heard her soft sigh as he sucked the delicate skin between his lips. He should leave, but he didn’t want to.

Didn’t want to leave this moment, this place, where all of the darkness of their shared past and current realities ceased to exist. Where there was nothing but them, nothing but the crazy heat stirring up between them and the pleasure their bodies could share.

“Tommy,” she said, a feeble protest. He silenced it with his mouth over hers, once again catching her wrists in his hands and pinning them lightly to the bed. Her lips parted on a low moan and he felt her inner muscles twitch around him.

That was all it took to bring him back to full, raging hardness inside her. His kiss deepened, his tongue sliding and tangling with hers.

She shifted her legs restlessly against him, and as he heard the rasp of cloth he realized he’d never managed to get his pants off.

He pushed away, loving her faint moan of protest even as his cock twitched to register its displeasure. He consoled himself with the reminder that he would be right back inside her as soon as humanly possible. But it was suddenly very important that he was completely naked with her. Every bare inch of his body sliding up against every bare inch of hers.

He sat on the edge of the bed and quickly took off his boots, socks, and pants, but not before he retrieved another condom from his pocket.

As discreetly as possible, he switched out his protection and turned back to Kate, his cock so hard he thought it was going to stretch out of his skin at the sight of her.

He paused, one knee resting on the bed, and just looked
at her, savoring the sight of her naked body. When they were together before, it had seemed like the holy grail. All those places he’d touched but never seen, now laid bare, more beautiful, sexier than anything he’d ever been able to imagine.

Her pale skin was flushed, abraded in places from the too-firm pressure of his lips and the scrape of his heavy beard. Every inch of her pale as cream and just as smooth. Except for those beautiful tits, small and firm and topped with hard nipples the same pink as her mouth.

Reclining against the bed, her hair spread across the pillow, her plump bottom lip caught uncertainly in her teeth, she looked like some kind of virgin sacrifice waiting for him to come claim her.

It did something to him, the way she looked at him, all uncertain and innocent, while she’d just proven to him once and for all what he’d always suspected.

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