Guided Love (Prick #1) (18 page)

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Authors: Tracie Redmond

BOOK: Guided Love (Prick #1)
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Well, today is the barbeque at Mrs. Martinelli's, and I’m kind of nervous as things between Axel and I have been . . . different. I don't know what happened. When he left that night, everything was fine, but he has avoided me since then. I’m all kinds of confused, because Camaron has been super nice. He hasn't brought Roni back to our place, he has talked to her but he mumbles or texts like I don’t know who he is talking to. Like I said, things are very weird.

I am finishing the pasta salad as Camaron walks into the kitchen. “Hey, Sam, I am heading out for a few, I’ll be back in a half hour to get you so we can head over to Ma's, okay?”

He grabs me by waist and puts his chin on my shoulder. I nod and with a squeeze to my waist and a kiss to my cheek he leaves the house. I have finished the pasta salad, the vegetable tray, and my famous potato salad and I still have fifteen minutes left before Cam is here to pick me and the food up to head over to the barbeque. I run into my room and out on a pair of dark boot legged jeans and an off-white top. I run a brush through my frumpy hair and a few swipes of my Chap Stick and I’m done. I head into the kitchen to make sure all of the food is ready and packaged in my cooler bag and that I take a few serving spoons because I don’t want to be an inconvenience to Mrs. Martinelli. All is done and I look at the clock—Camaron is five minutes late. I grab a water and head into the living room and pick up my kindle from the coffee table. I am sucked into
by Jessica Wilde as Gus Gus is definitely another book boyfriend added to my long list already. I don’t realize that I am still reading 30 minutes later, until my stomach growls and I head into the kitchen. I look at the clock and it’s been an hour since Camaron left and he hasn't come back. I start to panic thinking that something has happened to him. That he was in a car accident and he is either in a ditch somewhere or in an operating room and no one knows to call me. Ugh, I grab my phone next to the stove and give him a quick text:


Cam you have me scared here where are you?


Ten minutes go by and there is nothing. Seriously? Damn, I am panicked, truly panicked. I don't know what to do. Should I call Carrie? I start pacing not knowing what to do, silently talking to myself. I hear a knock on the door and I get the cold chills.

“Hey, Samantha, you there?” Axel is knocking on my door. I gulp and head to the door preparing myself for something bad. There is no reason for him to be here since we’re all supposed to be at the barbeque. I open the door and take him in. He looks . . . great, actually, he isn't stressed or worried so I am now so lost. “Hey, Samantha, you ready?” I could feel my confusion and I probably look like a fish out of water as I stand there dumb founded.

“Ready for what?”

He walks into the kitchen and I start to follow. He lifts the lid to the vegetable tray, grabs a radish, and pops it into his mouth. His mouth is full and he is still grabbing carrots and dipping them in the ranch dressing in the center.

“This is delicious dip, beautiful. It’s for the party right?”

I have no words so all I do is nod. I am waiting here for the terrible news; finally, I can't stand it any longer all Axel is doing is eating off the tray so I interrupt him.

“Axel, why, exactly, are you here? What happened to Camaron?” He turns sideways and he looks gorgeous even with celery hanging from his mouth and the ranch dressing dripping from his chin. He eats the celery and wipes his mouth off with a napkin from the table.

“Nothing happened to Camaron. I’m here to pick your beautiful ass up along with this delicious food ‘cause Ma, she wants to meet you and you’re late.”

“Camaron is fine?”

“Yeah, he is at Ma's right now, with all the pricks. Probably eating my fucking steak, but I couldn't just let you stay here so I am here to get you.”

“Camaron is at the barbeque?”

Axel nods his head as he now is gathering up the tray and putting it back into the bag.

“Yeah, he and Roni got there about an hour ago. Let’s go, beautiful, you have anything else you need for me to carry?”

I don’t answer, I am just standing there stunned that he forgot me. He actually went to the barbeque and forgot to pick me up. He is there right now with Roni and I am sitting here worrying about his dead body in a ditch.

“You know what, Axel, take the food. I don’t think I should go to this one, maybe next time. Tell Mrs. Martinelli that I am so sorry.”

“Yeah, beautiful, that isn't gonna happen. You don't want to go to the barbeque fine, we’ll stay here, but either way I am not leaving. I guess I’ll just eat your salads and veggies and forget about my steaks.”

He starts to open the bag again when I stop him.

“Axel, you don't have to stay here. Go spend time with Mrs. Martinelli and the pricks, I’m fine here. I’ll just start writing my book.”


That’s it, he just says nope and starts to open up the potato salad. “Do you have any desserts in here?” I start to laugh and swat his hand away.

“No, buddy, I can cook but there is no way I can bake. I’m the worst baker in the world, hell, I screw up making Rice Krispie treats.”

He, once again, is putting all of the food back into the bag. “I highly doubt it, you are great at everything you do, Samantha, but with no desserts in this bag, we need to get to Ma's. I love your food, beautiful, but there is a steak and a dessert table with my name written on them.”

He grabs my hand and the bag and we are on our way.

It’s only a 20 minute ride from my apartment to Mrs. Martinelli's house. She lives in a nice older development. Her house is cute: a small white, two story Cape Cod with green shutters. The front is nicely landscaped and she has beautiful flowers in front of her enclosed front porch. We pull in the driveway and in front of us is a big garage. It actually looks like a two car garage with a room on top as there are stairs leading up to a door. Axel shuts off the car, walks over to my door, and actually opens it.

Smiling at me he says, “If Ma saw that I didn't open your door, she would smack my head.”

Laughing, he opens up the backdoor and grabs the bag. Dang, he is being such a gentleman it’s killing me here—I’m not sure if I have butterflies in my stomach because of him or if I want to puke thinking about going in there and seeing Camaron and Roni and knowing the bastard forgot me or he just didn't want me there. Ugh. Axel puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close.

“Don't worry, beautiful, I got you. You’re going to have fun, no worries.” I nod and let out the breath I didn't realize that I was holding.

We walk towards the garage and the backyard, which is enclosed by a privacy fence. I can hear the pricks back there, Axel opens the gate, and I walk in. I stop suddenly because the yard is breathtaking. It is exactly like the paintings on Axel's wall and the tattoo on his back. I take it all in. The tree and the tree house still stand and the gardens are exquisite. I see Paul and Allen off to the left playing horseshoes, while Camaron is manning the grill a few feet away. Axel grabs my hand and leads me up the deck toward the sliding glass doors. I hear laughter coming from, what I would assume is, the kitchen. He opens up the sliding glass, I smell heaven. I smell barbeque and my mouth starts to water.

“Hey, chica, took you long enough.” Carrie jumps off the stool where she is cutting up strawberries.

“Wow, Care Bear, I didn't think I would ever see you in the kitchen, even if it was only cutting strawberries.”

She gives me a huge hug and I look up and see Roni staring me down and then a little old lady standing on the other side of the island. “I know right, but when you come to eat at Ms. Ellie's you have to pitch in or she won’t feed you.”

“Damn straight, this isn't a restaurant. If you want to eat, you help out.”

I look over and honestly, she looks like Mags from the Hunger Games. She is a cute little, old Italian lady, with spunk. She is put together very nicely, you can tell that, back in the day, this woman was a beauty. She slowly climbs down from her chair and heads over toward Axel and me. I am short at only 5'4 but Mrs. Martinelli is adorable as she is 4'9 at the most. She is wearing a nice, navy blue suit with little sailboats on the pants and matching shirt. She has a few gold necklaces and her hair is in a perfect feathered style. She reaches out, grabs my hands, and looks me over.

“Well, you must be Sam. I have heard so much about you darlin', come grab a seat and tell me all about yourself.” She looks over my shoulder and sees Axel standing there.

“Okay, boy, put those dishes down and head outside, this is women only and you, handsome, are not a woman. Go now, get out.”

Axel shakes his head laughing and kisses her on top of her head. “Yes, ma' am.” And with that he leaves us all in the kitchen.

“So, Samantha, tell me all about yourself. Carrie, don't think I don't see you just sitting there—grab the knife and start slicing.” I laugh at her bluntness.

“Why doesn't Samantha have to help?” Roni actually speaks and that is what she says . . . really? Mrs. Martinelli turns her head ever so slowly.

“Oh dear, Samantha doesn't have to help because she was nice enough to actually bring a few dishes not just a cake. She knows what true hospitality is. She is a giver not a taker, so stop your pouting and grab the knife and help Carrie here slice some strawberries.”

I can't help but laugh, yeah, a true belly laugh, she is my hero putting the she-devil in her place. Mrs. Martinelli rolls her eyes, shakes her head, and looks right back at me. “So, tell me everything, you have to be a special person; especially, since I have heard so much about you from all of the pricks.” I smile at her kind words.

“There really isn't much to tell, I'm nothing too special.”

I hear Roni snicker and say, “You’re telling me.”

At that moment, Mrs. Martinelli whips her head around and in a strong tone says, “Okay, Roni, I have had enough. You need to get out of this kitchen before I hit you upside the head. You, my girl, are a horrible lady. You need to go and think on that in the hot sun with all of the men. You are now kicked out of the girls club; go on now, get up and get out.” Roni's mouth is hanging open like she can't believe that this little old lady just kicked her butt out of the kitchen. “Close your mouth, girl. That look never is a good look on a lady.”

Carrie is now the one who is laughing out loud. Roni tosses the knife on the counter and is mumbling to herself as she stomps outside.

“Okay, where Camaron found her I have no clue, but, dang, she is a rotten one. Anyway, now that the garbage is gone, please continue. Where are you from and how do you like Philadelphia so far?” I tell her all about me, about Camaron and I being friends since elementary school, and our plans when I graduated. I told her about working at the shop, getting that all organized, and increasing the sales. There really wasn't anything I didn’t tell her. She has a way of making you feel so comfortable that you starting spilling your soul.

She laughed when I told her that Roni doesn't like me and she said she could understand why. When I questioned her she said, “Honey, no woman wants to have her man living with a good looking woman like yourself, who has such a history with him, that he would mark his body with her name. Hell, baby doll, she is threatened by you, so don't hate her—she is just scared of you.”

“Oh, I don’t think so Mrs. Martinelli, Camaron and I are just friends and have always been friends.”

“Oh, baby doll, it’s Ellie not Mrs. Martinelli and especially not Ellie Martinelli. You say that and I’ll whoop you upside the head,” she chuckles at her own joke. “Or just call me Ma as all the pricks do.”

“Yes, Ma, will do, but like I said there is no way that Roni would be threatened by me. I mean, she’s a Barbie.”

Carrie, at that moment, decides to chime in with, “An evil Barbie,” and pops another strawberry into her mouth. I laugh at her addition to the conversation as I feel that Ellie is searching my soul as she sits here and watches me.

“Well, ladies, you will soon realize that I am always right. Really, it’s a curse, but I am.”

“You are what?” Paul walks in and settles into our conversation.

“Ma has just informed us that she is always right. It seems that she thinks that Roni is scared of our Rice Cake here.” He walks behind Carrie and puts his arms around her as he grabs a strawberry and pops it into his mouth.

“She is—ever since I’ve known her she has never been wrong. It’s kind of like RC here—she has never found a dish she hasn't liked. Carrie, we are sitting amongst greatness,” he says then kisses Carrie’s cheek.

“Whatever, what are you in here for anyway, Paul?” He heads over to me now and kisses my cheek.

“Oh relax. Rice Cake, you know I love you. I came in here to tell you that all the food is done and we are ready to eat. I’ll grab the stuff you need me to take out to the table.”

“See, I told you that he was a good man, Carrie.”

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