Guardian Domination (2 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Guardian Domination
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“No Way! You won?” I stared, open-mouthed.

He reached across the table to close my jaw. “Yeah, believe it? 72 million after taxes. This house came on the market a year later following a foreclosure. I bought it, fixed it up and… voila! So tell me what happened to get you here?”

“Wow,” I said, shaking my head. “Well, consider yourself fortunate that you never really knew the fucker…”

“Watch the language, please,” Jace said, raising his eyebrow. “Go on.”

“The douchebag thought I was his personal punching bag. After he busted my nose, I took off to a neighbor’s house and they took me to the hospital. They reported him for abuse and the cops were sent out. He was drunk when they showed up at his door and he pulled a gun on them. My idiot mother claimed self-defense even though she shot one of the cops in the back. Both my parents are now doing time and it couldn’t have worked out better for me,” I said casually and without emotion.

Jace eyed me suspiciously. “Really, Hon? I hear you’ve been to nine foster homes and expelled from six different schools. That doesn’t sound like anything worked out well. In fact, it sounds like you’ve been through some pretty bad times.”

“So I guess you really did know what you were getting into, huh?” I asked with a sarcastic smile.

Jace didn’t smile back. “Absolutely, and I know that we can make this work. We just need some ground rules.”

I rolled my eyes, preparing for the list.

“Respect, consideration, and responsibility,” Jace said simply.

I frowned.

He repeated himself, then he saw the expression on my face and further explained. “We respect each other by what and how we say and do things. We are considerate towards each other with each of us making adjustments and learning how to be a family. We take responsibility for our actions and agree to accept the consequences of mistakes. Not too tough.”

He was starting to sound like the authority I loathed. “Yeah.” I answered doubtfully.

Jace patted my hand. “Okay, let me make this easier. Your curfew is eight o'clock…”


“Bedtime is nine on school nights…”

“You’re nuts! I’m eighteen!”

“And my responsibility for the next three years, at least. You will have chores that will need to be done, like cleaning your room and walking the dogs.”

“You have dogs?”

Jace smiled at my sudden tone change. “Two puppies that are a major handful. I will also not tolerate any swearing, backtalk or disrespect towards either myself, my friends, or another adult. Understand so far?”

I nodded absently, still thinking about the puppies.

Jace went on. “We have stairs going down to the beach, however you will never, ever go down there without notifying me first. It’s too dangerous. You will also not leave these grounds without letting me know where you are going.”

“Yeah, like there’s anywhere to go. You live in the middle of nowhere,” I grumbled.

Jace pressed his lips together. “I’ve decided to get you a private tutor. I understand you are terribly behind in school, so I expect you to keep your grades up, do your work and focus on making some changes. I promise you that you will be well-rewarded if you obey these rules.”

“And if I don’t?” I asked casually.

Jace squeezed my hand, staring straight into my eyes. There was something dangerous in them that made my heart start to pound. “Trust me, you really don’t want to go there,” he said firmly, “but I will promise you one thing. You will never be pushed away or forgotten, nor will you ever get another bruise on your face. Okay? You are stuck with me. Like it or not.”

After years of neglect and abandonment, I truly wanted to believe him. I wanted to be held, reassured, and genuinely loved. But things like that don’t happen to rejects like me. That crampy, nauseated feeling in the pit in my stomach said that this, too, would be over soon enough.

“We’ll see,” I commented with a shrug, refusing to get my hopes up.

Jace ignored the comment, gathered the dishes, and stood up. “Come help with the plates then you can go explore while I get some recording done. You also need to see the puppies before they go berserk.”

The prospect of puppies, and exploring the estate, was enough to keep me from complaining about the two lousy plates and cups that needed rinsing before being put in the dishwasher.

Drying his hands, Jace grinned. “Ready for puppies? I hope you like dogs.”

Jace grabbed my hand and led me out the side door from the kitchen. A large kennel was nestled under the big looming trees with two black-and-white fuzzy puppies yipping at the top of their lungs. I was on the ground in an instant, giggling hysterically as they jumped all over me, nipping me with little needle teeth and smothering me with kisses that smelled of puppy breath. I was in heaven!

“They're only eight weeks old. Border Collies are supposed to be the smartest breed in the world.”

“They are beautiful. Are they allowed in the house?”

“Once housebreaking gets better. In case you didn’t notice, we have white carpet.”

What I
notice was he used the word “we”.

Jace opened the gate wider and stepped aside to let the girls out. They fell over their fat little tummies in an effort to explode from the kennel, their semi floppy ears and tails making good targets for each other’s little puppy teeth. Jace rubbed their tummies and looked over at me. “Why don’t you take a walk with them around the estate? Everything is fenced in except the beach stairs on the deck. “

“What are their names?”

“I’ll leave that up to you. Please be back in and washed for dinner by seven. Don’t be late.” With a perfunctory kiss to my cheek, he started walking towards the house.

The grounds were amazing, extensive, and full of places to explore with two curious, high-energy pups. I sat on a boulder, watching them splash and play happily in a shallow, man-made stream, growing saddened since I was sure that it was only a matter of time before I would lose this wonderful fairytale. I was resigned to enjoying it as long as I was able, but was firmly determined not to become too fond of anything that came attached to Jace Jordon.

Jace was visibly pleased that I made it back on time and that I had taken care of feeding the pups and putting them down for the night. He praised me, genuinely gladdened with my efforts.

I felt a flush of embarrassment run through my body. I had never been praised like that in my entire life, and it felt good.

He stood over me protectively as I climbed into my new bed and even bent over to kiss my forehead, once again telling me how glad he was that he’d found me. I closed my eyes, remembering the feel of his lips on my skin and the sincere care that came with that gesture. I prayed it wouldn’t end too quickly.


* * *


“Okay, kiddo, it’s Monday and time to get started on a real schedule,” Jace said, opening the door to my bedroom and turning on the lights.

Groaning, I glanced at the clock. It was 7:30. “Isn’t it early for you to be up?” I asked groggily, hiding my head under the pillow. We had spent the last two weeks hanging out, getting to know each other and spending time with the puppies.

Jace pulled the covers off me, tickling me while I groaned.

“Why the fuck are you in such a good mood?” I demanded.

WHOOSH! His large hand landed squarely across my PJ covered backside. I shrieked, staring at him in shock.

Jace shook his finger at me. “No swearing, young lady. Now get up and get dressed. You need to have breakfast before your tutor gets here.”

It wasn’t until after he left my room that I reached around to rub my stinging bottom. He probably thought he was funny, but did he realize how strong he was? Jace was a fitness freak, had a black belt in karate, and constantly worked on hardening and building his body. He still reminded me of a jungle cat, muscular, lean and fast. And predictably unpredictable.

The doorbell rang at eight o'clock and Jace escorted an older, sour looking woman into the kitchen. It was instant mutual dislike and my glare behind Jace’s back let her know I planned on challenging her with every step I took.

“I have the office for you two to use,” Jace said. “And, of course, anywhere else you would like except the recording studio and my bedroom.”

The women distastefully inspected the wood paneled office with its adjoining fireplace to the living room, cherry wood bookshelves and matching English desk, burgundy leather studded chairs and the display of African Art sprinkled around the room. She sniffed, noticing the sliding glass door that opened to a tiny courtyard with a fountain, bench and wood chimes.

“This will do, Mr. Jordon. This patio must go to avoid distractions. I HAVE reviewed her files and have been made aware of her history and legal issues by her case worker.”

Jace bristled a bit, but remained calm. “Madam,” he said in a low voice. “I hired you to tutor her in subjects, not judge her for past mistakes. I would also appreciate you informing me, and me alone, if you have any difficulties. It is no longer Ms. White’s concern or her business, and I will not tolerate one of my employees talking about my family behind my back. Am I understood?”

Did Jace just grow to be seven feet tall? He was obviously annoyed that Ms. White continued to meddle in his affairs. The tutor, Mrs. Franklin, met his eye and then nodded with a frown. “Very well, I will agree to that. Now, if you would excuse us? I need to administer some tests and see what damage has been done with her education.”

“I’ll be with the puppies.” Jace left with a quick kiss to my forehead and whispered, “She needs some Preparation H.”

I giggled with pleasure, realizing that he had protected me. Nonetheless, I needed to be rid of this old witch and started contemplating various means of her disposal. My mind drifted as I sat at the comfortable student desk that Jace had bought for me and stared out at the courtyard, the sunshine, the hummingbird…

“…to complete these. Any questions? Are you paying attention, Young Lady?!” Mrs. Franklin snapped.

I slowly turned to look at her. “Yes, I have a question. How long have you had your hemorrhoid problem?”

“WHAT?!” Her face turned bright red and her fists clenched.

Good, that was easy. I stayed calm, casual, nonchalant… “You know, the varicose veins of the anal sphincter. Have you seen a doctor for them?”

“Start your test!”

“Oops.” I knocked my bottle of water over the papers. “Oh my, I’m sorry.”

“You did that on purpose!”

“Now, why in the world would you say something so accusatory? I spill my water all the time. I’m a bit of a klutz,” I said innocently, watching the woman’s face turn several different shades of purple. “I’m ready to start,” I commented as I picked up the pen and touched it to the wet papers and watched in feigned shock as the ink started to run.

The sour old hag started shrieking, calling me evil and demanding I be put away from decent society for the rest of my miserable life. All because of wet papers! She yelled so loudly that Jace came running in with a look of fear on his face.

“What’s going on? I heard yelling.”

I pointed to the hag, still sitting quietly in my chair. “I’m not certain, Jace. I accidentally spilled water on her tests and she’s calling me names.”

Jace’s eyes sharpened, honing them on the flustered woman. “Is this true?”

Mrs. Franklin gathered her things and pointed in my direction. “She has a rude mouth, a lousy attitude and really should be sent far away to nothing less than a boarding school for incorrigible women. She doesn’t deserve any better than that. If I were you—”

“Good thing you aren’t. Good day, Mrs. Franklin. Let me get the door for you. Celeste, stay here, please.”

I nodded with a sense of satisfaction of having ridded myself of a problem in record time. After tossing the useless papers and wiping off the desk, I waited patiently for Jace’s return, smirking to myself with pleasure at my success. I looked up with a smile when he came in.

Unfortunately, he was not returning it. Pulling up one of the big leather chairs, he sat down in front of me with a stern look on his face. “Well, Young Lady? Would you care to tell me exactly what occurred today?”

“I told you. She has anger issues. You heard her.”

“And you didn’t do anything to provoke it?”

“Of course not.” I blinked my grey-blue eyes back at him, looking innocent. “Why would I do that?”

Jace drummed his fingers in annoyance, not once breaking eye contact with me. “Do you remember the house rules I gave you two weeks ago?”

“I haven’t broken curfew or…”

“Regarding respect and back talk.”

“Jace, I swear I did not talk back to her in any way. That would have required her interacting with me, which she did not do. All I did was ask some innocent questions to which she took offense.”

He simply stared at me with a dangerous glint deep in his eyes. He obviously wasn’t buying my excuse, so I attempted a different approach. “What did she tell you I said?”

Jace repeated the hemorrhoid comments and added the reply I had given regarding spilling the water. He finished with, “Care to comment?”

“She’s out of her mind. Why would I say something like that?”

“Perhaps as an addition to the one I whispered to you?”

I felt the color drain out of my face. Jace shook his head. “Disrespecting an adult, lying to me… Anything else?”

I shook my head, looking away from his beautiful blue eyes which held nothing but disappointment. A knot formed in my stomach as an odd, and very new, sensation came over me. Guilt?

Jace was quiet for a moment. “Celeste, I need you to go up to your room and wait for me while I decide what I need to do with you.”

Soundlessly, I departed from his presence. My self-fulfilling prophecy was coming to pass and I loathed myself for having allowed any semblance of hope to complicate my life. I pulled out my backpack and began shoving the old clothes I had hidden in the back of the closet for this predictable occasion.

Several minutes later, Jace tapped on my door. “What are you doing?” he asked with a frown.

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