Guardian Domination (16 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Guardian Domination
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I informed him smugly that, except for cooking, we were not to see his face or try to embarrass me with his awful jokes. I also had to admit to myself that I didn’t want those girls drooling over him. He was handsome and strong—and

The party was set for next Friday. With Mark being gone on his honeymoon, Jace did not book any gigs. Everything went smoothly, with Jeannie silently scowling the majority of the time. We had the rare luxury of ocean access to our own private beach and the new sea stairs with the safety cage and a large floating deck in the inlet provided a unique camping experience. At around 2:00 am, Jace said his goodnights and left us.

Jeannie grabbed my arm. “Is he a deep sleeper? He’s not going to come down here, is he?” she asked, noticing he hadn’t told us to keep it down.

“He couldn’t hear anything all the way in his room. Why?” I answered back.

She grinned evilly. “Good, let’s play truth or dare.”

I didn’t like the sound of this and I questioned her intent. The other girls were up to it, though, so I went along. We used a coke bottle to pick who would be asked. Jeannie started, landing on Denise, who picked truth.

“Are you crushing on any boy? And you have to tell us his name.”

Denise blushed every color red and admitted to liking David, the college guy at the rink. Everyone started laughing at her. David was this chubby, goofy looking guy who liked to L.A.R.P. Poor Denise looked like she wanted to crawl into a hole. It was her turn to spin. She got Sabrina, who picked 'dare'.

“I dare you to make out with that pillow for two minutes.”

That was innocent enough, and Sabrina laughed along with the rest of us.

The game went on for about ten minutes before it landed on me. Steph asked how much money Jace had. I blushed and told them. Jeannie’s mouth hung open. It wasn’t like it hadn’t been publically announced or anything, come on. Jeannie was pissed. She got Lilly, but looked at me.

“What was the worse punishment you ever got, when and for what?”

This was getting too close to home. I know she had seen Jace wallop me on the backside at least once, and it’s really hard to hide the occasional bruise on the upper thigh when wearing a skating skirt. Lilly admitted that her mother washed her mouth out with soap for swearing and then grounded her only two months ago. She looked so embarrassed as Jeannie commented about her being treated like a baby instead of a high school senior.

“Lay off, Jeannie,” I said. “Maybe if your parents did that to you, you would be a nicer person.”

“How about you? What does Mr. Guardian do to you when you fuck up?” she said nastily.

I glared at her. “Both Jace and Mark have taught me better manners than what you are showing. Now either shut up and finish playing the game, or let’s go to sleep,” I growled. She knew! Jeannie spun again and there was no way I would pick truth when it landed on me.

“I dare you to take Jace’s car down to the market and buy everyone Twinkies.”

“Come on, Jean, that sucks. She doesn’t have a license,” Sabrina said, looking at me.

Gretchen stepped in, “You want her to break the law. That’s not cool. You know she’s on probation. Pick something else.”

“Chicken?” she asked me. “Then you have to answer a Truth. What does The Guardian do to you? Come on, say it.”

“I’ll be right back,” I snarled, getting up and climbing the sea stairs to the house. I took Jace’s keys off the foyer table and my heart pounded as I started the Lexus and headed out the drive. I made it down to the market, bought the Twinkies and returned to the house.

Unfortunately, as my luck would have it, I scratched the passenger side of the car along the gate as I drove in. By then, everyone had enough of Jeannie’s game and we went down to the beach to eat Twinkies and walk along the edge of the surf.

Jace woke us to a pancake breakfast the next morning. I wasn’t very hungry as the combination of the sugary Twinkies, plus the guilt, took over. I had a hard time making eye contact with him as well, and could not wait for the party to end. The girls who had not driven themselves were picked up by their parents by noon, with Jace cordially inviting them in, offering them a drink and playing the perfect host.

Even Dr. Parker was impressed as he commented on the sea stairs and Jace’s foresight to avoid an accident. Jeannie just smoldered, and looked nauseous as Jace and Dr. Parker shook hands like old friends.

Jace grabbed me into his arms and swung me around in the air before tackling me into his lap once the last guest had left. “Have fun, baby?” he asked.

I nodded, and then started crying. Jace was confused, he hadn’t expected this reaction. I confessed what I had done, and how bad I felt for letting someone as stupid as Jeannie bait me into doing what I knew was wrong.

“You could have gotten away with it, you know,” Jace said softly. I shook my head, took his hand and led him out to the car. He raised his eyebrows when he saw the scratch across the door. “Besides working on your turns when your driving privileges are returned to you in a month, you know the penalty for stealing. And you broke the law. And you disobeyed me by breaking curfew and leaving the property again. Should I go on?”

He was so disappointed in me. I looked at him, my eyes filled with tears. “Do I get any mercy for telling you the truth and not trying to cover it up?” I asked in a tiny voice.

“Yes. You won’t be going down to The Room,” Jace said, cupping my chin in his hand. He sighed and led me inside. “Take the shears and go cut me two bundles of eight. Make sure they are straight and completely smooth. I also like a wide grip.”

My heart stopped. He really wouldn’t do that, would he? I remembered looking at Gayle’s bottom after her birching and seeing a mass of black and purple welts that prevented her from sitting or even walking comfortably for over four days.

This would be impossible to hide as well and I grabbed Jace’s arm, telling him Jeannie would see and would never let me live it down. My begging and pleading fell on deaf ears. Jace informed me that if I didn’t obey immediately, he would renege about The Room. Trembling, I took the puppies with me to the spot where Gayle had gone and began to prune.

I wish I could be like Gayle and take pride in producing a well-made bundle, but all I could do was beg again for him to spare me. He then called me a drama queen and ordered me over the back of the Royal Lounge like he had done with Gayle. He brought the makeup mirror in and placed it on the coffee table and told me to take a good look in it.

In his best Dom voice, he said that I was looking at the face of a prideful and spoiled little girl who wasn’t mature enough to know what was good for her, and who still didn’t believe enough in herself or the people who loved her to choose right from wrong.

I didn’t want to look at myself. Who would? And the mirror was so close to my face that I couldn’t see Jace either. I knew his face, and the look of disappointment on it that I saw way too often. I started crying again, ashamed.

Jace swished the bundle a couple of times in the air. He repositioned my bottom to be a little higher so that my toes were barely touching the floor. I was still in my jeans, but I clearly remembered what it felt like when Gayle played spanked me once with her bundle.

“We'll do eight, then four and four. Then you will stand in the corner. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.” I sniffed.

“If you aren’t now, you will be. Start counting.”

I wish I could have been as good as Gayle, but alas: I was squirming and dancing in place after the first stroke landed across my bottom. It felt like a hundred blades cutting my skin. I screamed the first count, kicking wildly. Jace pushed my back down, aimed and birched me again, and again, and again.

Those eight felt like hundreds and I only wanted to escape and save myself. How I missed the warm, safe feel of his palm spanking me! Anything was better than this torture. I begged him again as he reached around to unzip and pull down my pants. His strong palm in the middle of my back told me there was no point in begging. I held nothing back as I yelled out, feeling the twigs striking my panties and exposed side of my thighs.

He completed the four quickly, and then gave me some time to catch my breath before pulling down my panties to my knees. The stinging was terrible, like a thousand bees had landed on my bottom and would not leave.

Jace ordered me to look at myself in the mirror for the last four and say, “I will never steal again.” Those words were etched into my mind as Jace made etches on my bottom.

Oh God, never again. I wanted to die; it hurt so badly.

Jace allowed me to lie over the back of the couch and cry for several minutes before he escorted me to the corner, tucking my shirt into my bra strap, with my nose against the wall and hands behind my back. It was so humiliating. Gayle also said it let him monitor how much more my bottom could take since he had a good view of it.

Remorse washed through me in that corner. I knew standing there precluded a trip across his knee, but I didn’t care. I wanted to be there. It was my safe place. Even when not being punished, I would lie across his lap where he would rub my back and comfort me when I was upset. And I did like the way his hand felt on my bottom when I wasn’t being disciplined. Would he stop if he knew how I felt? No, I could never tell him. Maybe in five years, but not now.

Before he spanked me again, he brought the dressing mirror over to have me look at my bottom. I was surprised to see it was bright pink with red welts striped across it, but looked nothing like it felt. It dawned on me what Gayle had endured for hers to come out looking like it did.

It also proved to me that Jace’s expertise in punishment was probably the reason women like Gayle sought him out. More questions for later.

I whimpered quietly as he commenced with the hand spanking, yipping with every swat and promising to put Jace first before I do something stupid again. He literally spanked me over a fifteen-minute period, very slowly and very precisely, pausing only to adjust himself or my bottom, or check on the damage done. True to his word, only a couple of smacks found their way to my upper thighs, with his primary focus on my sit spots which he determined could be black and blue because they were never seen in the skating skirt.

I felt so exposed to his view and, oddly enough, very excited. The more his hand impacted and then rested upon my bare flesh, the more I wanted him to explore me… to dip his fingers into my pussy and discover how attracted I was to him. I waited to see if he would bring me to that special mental retreat, but he did not. I felt disappointed. The desire to experience that ethereal zone one more time was growing stronger in me, almost with an addictive quality.

I was receiving my customary hugs when the phone rang. It was Dr. Parker. “Hey Jace, Marv here. I understand Jeannie put Celeste up to a nasty little prank last night.”

After placing the call on speaker phone, Jace firmly informed him that I had been honest with him and had confessed immediately, annoyed that the man was appearing to be causing problems.

Dr. Parker caught his tone, “Oh, I’m sorry… please, forgive me. I called only to let you know that I spoke with some of the other girls about what led up to it and how my daughter attempted to degrade Celeste and embarrass her because you take a hands-on approach to her behavior. Jeannie has become a bully, and her mother and I have been trying to put an end to it. I just wanted to inform you, and Celeste, that Jeannie finally got a well-deserved spanking on her bare backside for her nasty behavior and taunting. She is also grounded from skating for the rest of the term.”

He took a deep breath. “I’m truly sorry she acted in this manner, and would appreciate it if you would send my deepest apologies to your girl, and assure her that Jeannie will never behave this way again. The other ladies will also be informed of Jeannie’s spanking as a deterrent to her ever trying to humiliate anyone again, and I am making her listen to every phone call I make. I’m truly sorry, Jace.”

“Thanks, Marv. I will certainly let Celeste know. I’m sure things will improve now with Jeannie. I find that my method works quite well as long as it’s done with love.”

“I agree, my friend. It’s something I should have done a long time ago. Life as my youngster knew it is over. Take care, and please call if you ever need anything.”

Jace looked at my surprised face when he hung up. “Well, what do you think about that?”

I sunk into his strong arms once again, my safe haven where no one and nothing could harm me. “I think I am the luckiest girl on the face of the earth. I have you.” I squeezed. I pushed away my embarrassment as I repositioned myself over his lap. “Will you rub
bottom? It hurts.”

Jace laughed and gladly complied, his warm hand gently caressing me and sending tingles up my spine as it took possession of my stinging backside. I purred, wishing with all my heart that those same caresses would make their move to a more wanting spot. I felt his erection grow under my belly and smiled. It was only a matter of time… He was starting to desire me, too.

Chapter Thirteen

Yee Haw!



“Celeste!” Jace yelled from across the house using his megaphone voice. Like usual, I ignored him as I rested peacefully by the side of the pool sunning myself. I did not lift my head as I heard the French doors open. “Hey, I was calling you.”

“Sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

He grunted, sitting next to me. After chiding me to wear sunscreen, and rubbing some on my back, he stated that he had a big surprise coming for me on Sunday, and I had three days to clean my room or he would change his mind. Of course, as I laid there in my two piece, high-cut bathing suit, I had to ask when he intended to clean
room. Predictably, he planted a heavy swat to the crown of my thinly clad bottom. I didn’t move, just wiggled and said, “Please, Sir, may I have another?”

He complied, hearing me squeal painfully, “You are hanging around Gayle too much. I’m not sure how I feel about someone your age being this exposed to her, uh, lifestyle.”

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