Read Guardian Bears: Lucas Online

Authors: Leslie Chase

Guardian Bears: Lucas (15 page)

BOOK: Guardian Bears: Lucas
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he drive home
was stressful but uneventful. Fortunately, no one paid them much attention – Emily spent the drive worried that they'd be pulled over. She had no idea how she'd start to explain the naked, bloody giant of a man sitting beside her.

If Lucas was worried, he gave no sign of it. As soon as he was in the seat, he leaned back and shut his eyes. That worried Emily too, but there wasn't anything she could do for him until they were somewhere safe.

At least he was breathing steadily. And not all of the blood was his. She held onto that thought as she drove.

Should I take him to a hospital?
She knew he wouldn't like that, and in any case, what would she say had happened to him? Emily promised herself that if his wounds were serious, she'd insist he go – but she'd check him out first.

Pulling up outside the borrowed apartment she'd called home since this whole mess had started, she paused for a moment. For the first time, she realized that it was over – that she wasn't being hunted anymore. She didn't have to live here, she didn't have to work for Harry, she was free. All thanks to Lucas.

She leaned across and kissed him carefully on the cheek, not wanting to disturb him. His eyes opened at her touch, and he smiled at her. A slightly pained smile, but a happy one, she thought.

"Let's get you inside," she told him, and he nodded wordlessly. Before she could stop him, he had the door open and stepped down.

Emily jumped out of the van and ran around to support him, feeling how unsteady he was. "Let me help you."

"I'll be fine," he said, though he did settle some of his weight onto her shoulder despite his protests. "I heal fast. All shifters do."

"Not fast enough! Come on, you need to be inside before the neighbors see you."

Thankfully, no one seemed to notice them on the path to the door. The door which was hanging open, kicked wide by one of the shifters. She swore under her breath as she helped Lucas inside.

"Don't worry," he said, chuckling. "I'll get that fixed in the morning. Just push it shut for now."

After a couple of tries, she found that she could prop it closed. It wouldn't keep anyone out, but it looked shut – and she shouldn't need to fear an intruder tonight. Not with the wolves off her trail and Lucas here to protect her.

He sat heavily on her couch, and she fetched her first aid kit quickly. Biting her lip, she looked down at the blood and wounds covering him. Covering his naked body. She couldn't help looking at him, and his eyes sparkled as he caught her.

Emily blushed and looked away. "Can't a girl admire her savior?" she asked.

"I'm may not be at my best," Lucas replied. "But you can
look as much as you like."

The emphasis he put on 'always' made her shiver. It was clear to her that he was entirely serious – that he intended to be with her for the rest of his life.

The little disinfectant wipes from her first aid box looked tiny against the amount of blood staining her man, but she set to work anyway. Lucas' injuries weren't too deep, she found as she cleaned them. His bear's hide was thick and tough, and while the wolves had drawn blood and weakened him, none of the individual wounds looked serious.

"You'll never get me cleaned up with those little things," he said after a while, looking at the pile of discarded wipes. "And I don't think there's any real harm done. The cuts hurt, but not too badly."

"I guess you're right," Emily said, sitting back. "But we need to get you clean – so up you get, let's shower you."

His eyes twinkling again, Lucas heaved himself off the couch. He wasn't kidding about how fast he healed – now he didn't need her help to walk through to the bathroom. But he did stop at the doorway and look back at her.

"Come on then," he told her. "What if I need help?"

She burst out laughing. It wasn't that funny, but the tensions of the day needed some release, and that offered it. Lucas watched her, smiling patiently, until she got the laughter under control and followed him.

The bathroom was small, and with the two of them rather cramped. Not that Emily minded being so close to her bear, and as he turned on the shower, she felt her heart start to race. She was inches away from him, and it felt so perfectly right.

Lucas dialed the water's heat up high and groaned as it struck his body. Handing the showerhead to Emily, he stood still and let her scrub him. The blood and dirt of the day's fighting sluiced away, leaving his body clean and pink and beautiful.

The wounds weren't serious at all, now that she could see them properly. She was sure that some of them were smaller than when she'd cleaned them in the living room.

"You weren't kidding when you said you healed fast," she said, voice full of wonder. Lucas laughed.

"Anything but silver heals quickly," he said. "That's why I don't have scars. But that doesn't mean I wasn't in danger back there; that fight was close."

"Are you playing for sympathy?"

"Of course!" Lucas laughed, the sound echoing in the small bathroom. "Anything to get you closer."

Emily tried to glare, but she couldn't manage to make it convincing. His laugh touched something in her heart, and she couldn't keep the smile off her face. It was a laugh she didn't think she'd ever tire of hearing.

Lucas took the showerhead from her hands and rinsed himself off, before looking at her with mischievous eyes. Emily saw what was coming in time to raise her hands, but that didn't stop him from soaking her. She shrieked and swatted at him, giggling wildly.

"Oops," he said, not sounding sorry at all.

"I'll get you for that," she told him, grinning and stripping off her soaking clothes. "That wasn't nice."

"I'm not here to be nice," he shot back. "I'm here to protect you, and keep you safe, and make you happy."

"Well, you're doing a good job of those, jerk!" Emily swatted his arm again, stepping into the shower with him.

The space was too small for them, but neither cared. Their bodies pressed together under the hot water, its pressure pounding their skin and washing them clean of the pain and stress of the day. Lucas reached for the shower gel, squeezing it out over her, and ran his hands across her body. Emily shivered at his touch, the feel of his hands, so tender and careful as he washed her clean.

Shutting her eyes and leaning against him, she enjoyed the feeling. The closeness with him.

"What now?" she asked quietly, not sure if he'd hear over the sound of the shower running. But he folded his arms around her, holding her close, and answered.

"Now? We start the rest of our lives together," he said. "Like we're meant to be, like we're fated to be."

"So I'm your mate? What does that even mean?" Emily rested her head against his chest, listening to his heart. A strong, powerful beat that she could listen to forever.

"It means that I'll be there for you, and you'll be there for me. That nothing can keep us apart. I never thought that I'd find mine, you know. It was a shock when I realized you were the one."

"At least you knew you were looking for her," Emily pointed out, her fingers tracing along his body. She loved the feel of his skin under the warm water. "This is… all a lot to take in for me."

Lucas laughed, squeezing her tighter. "I know, love. I know. And I'll tell you everything you want to know, but it'll take time. We have all the time in the world, you know."

"Mmm, I like the sound of that," she said. "But some things I need to know now. Like what this mate business means."

"It means that you are the one and only woman meant for me, love. Shifters can tell, and I knew it when I met you even if I didn't believe it right away. But my bear knew, and he wouldn't let me be stupid enough to ignore it. We belong together, forever, and there's no doubt in my mind that we will be."

She smiled, enjoying that thought. Forever with her bear? She could live with that, happily.

"I like that," she told him, wriggling against him under the shower. Injured he might have been, but his body was responding to her anyway – she could feel him harden against her, and she giggled, blushing. "I like

"I'd noticed," he told her, chuckling in return and brushing a finger down her spine. Emily groaned happily, her body responding instantly to his touch. "Emily, I love you. I want to be with you forever. Human, bear, and everything else in me knows this – you are the one and only woman for me. Will you be my mate?"

Part of her thought that she should object, but it was a small and cowardly part. Her heart knew what she wanted, and so did her brain. There was no doubt in her, just the habit of fear and caution which made her want to take time over this.

I won't let my fears rule me,
she told herself. And to Lucas she answered, "Yes."

Looking up into his eyes, she saw that the anger she'd seen there so often was absent. He looked calm, joyful, but just as intense as ever. Her cheeks flushed, and she bit her lip before continuing. "I love you too, Lucas. I love the man and the bear and everything about you. Of course I'll be your mate."

His smile was brilliant, the greatest show of happiness she had seen from him. Hitting the button to kill the shower, he lifted her with his free hand, carrying her as he stepped out.

"Hey, be careful," she reminded him, worried about his injuries. But she knew he wouldn't listen to that caution, and he didn't. Instead, he kissed her, lips firm and loving on hers as he carried her through to the bedroom. Laying her on the bed, he stepped back and looked down at her, feasting his eyes. Normally, that would have embarrassed her beyond belief, but not today, not with him. Not with her mate.

Looking up at him, she examined him, first for his injuries and then for the sheer joy of looking at him. He was standing easily now, reinvigorated and healing fast. His wounds were closing of their own accord, and her small bubble of worry that he needed medical attention faded away. The second look was slower, tracing across his muscles and enjoying the view of the taught, massive man who had pledged his life to her.

Emily gasped as her gaze settled on his cock, already erect and standing proud, ready for her.
So big, so powerful, and so perfect
, she thought, feeling her own body respond to the sight. She did blush, then, as she realized just how badly she wanted him.

Reaching up, she stroked his thigh, feeling the smooth strength of him, the powerful muscle. Lucas groaned at her touch, and swung himself up on the bed, straddling her and kissing her. He was gentle but insistent, claiming her with his lips and tongue, and Emily moaned into his kiss, pressing herself against him.

He chuckled, kissing his way down her neck, sending little tremors through her every time his lips touched her skin. Emily stroked up his sides, enjoying the feeling of his body moving against her as she caressed him. He moaned, his breath hot on her cooling skin, and moved backward to kneel between her legs.

Emily's body was filled with a passionate fire, a burning need, as he parted her legs and settled between them. She was ready for him as soon as his manhood touched her, but he didn't thrust. Not yet. The sensation of him there was indescribably hot, but he didn't seem to be in any hurry.

His mouth made its way down her body, tongue darting out to lick at her nipples. She gasped and arched, the flames within her burning even hotter as he fanned the flames of her love and need. Only when she was panting with desire did he slowly slide himself home inside her.

It felt so perfect, filled her so completely. Hard as he was, big as he was, he slipped into her as though she was made for him, and he for her. The sensation took Emily's breath away.

"Oh! Oh, Lucas…" she moaned, biting her lip once more.

He chuckled, and she felt it echo through her body. "You feel so perfect, Emily," he said, voice awed.

"So do you," she replied. "I guess we
made for each other."

"Yes," he said, looking her in the eyes and smiling a joyful smile. "Yes, we are. Nothing could possibly feel better."

She wriggled against him, feeling his chest against hers as she moved. "And we're going to be feeling that for the rest of our lives."

Slowly, he started to move, rocking backward and forward. "That sounds so good, Emily. A life with you."

The gentle motion made her groan, squeezing him, feeling him in her. Every slightest motion inside her sent flickering bolts of lightning through her, making her moan softly, her hands clutching at his back.

"Will our children be bears, like you?" For a moment, she thought that might have been a bad question to ask. But he smiled wider at the thought, kissing her.

"Yes," he said. "They'll have the gift, and I'll make sure they know how to use it well. We'll have such beautiful kids, Emily."

She smiled back, so happy at the thought. Lucas would make a great father, she thought.

"I love you," she told him again. Her voice was hoarse and breath came quickly, and every movement of his brought her closer to the edge. The release building inside her was powerful, too powerful to be ignored. "Oh, I'm so close."

"So am I," he said, voice tight with concentration. The smile on his face was a happy one, more genuinely happy than she had ever seen him. And she shared that joy, it filled her soul.

Her body shook as Lucas sped up his thrusts, going deeper and deeper into her. He kept his rhythm slow and steady, almost withdrawing from her completely before thrusting again, each time making her gasp. She clung to him, her fingers digging into his muscular shoulders as he started to speed up.

Emily shuddered, the faster thrusts pushing her body to the brink and then over it. The climax rushed through her like a crashing wave, and she felt Lucas follow her into his own climax, their bodies coming together in a mutual explosion of pleasure. The waves of pure joy rocked them both rhythmically, and they cried out together as one.

Above her, Emily saw Lucas' face contort with joy and she couldn't imagine a more beautiful sight than him in the throes of passion. She cried out in a loud, joyful celebration of pleasure and he joined her, growling and panting.

BOOK: Guardian Bears: Lucas
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