Guardian Angel (23 page)

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Authors: David Trebus

BOOK: Guardian Angel
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  Jazen began humming a soft soothing song to help her relax. Claire seemed to be stamping on her anxiety, as if it were an annoying bug. His song tapered off and as he ceased humming, Claire turned round to face him, looking directly at him.

I can't see you, angel, but I know you're there. I have always known you were with me, seen your aura…I’ve heard you sing and hum to me in my dreams so many times when I’ve felt…well like I just felt a moment ago. Thank you for being there for me."

Jazen stood dumbfounded, looking like a teenager who'd just been told his popular girl- crush cared for him. He managed to mouth "you're welcome," but no words came out. His lips moved silently as he stood like a gaping fish. All this time she had known he was there, all this time she had been breaking the rules.

"But the rules don’t apply to humans,” he finally managed to say, regaining some composure.

Michael, staring blankly, a moment of clarity, brought about by Jazen’s words. “The rules don’t apply to humans.” He replayed the words in his mind, managing a small laugh as he realised what Metatron had meant. There was nothing stopping him from looking for a way to save Jasmine. There had to be a way to do it! He also had help sitting right in front of him, if he needed it: help he had had for weeks and been too blind to see.

“What are you laughing about, joke boy?” Claire demanded, returning to her usual, overly composed self.

Nothing, not you. Just how stupid all this is, how stupid I have been.” Michael looked straight into Claire’s eyes as his confidence returned.

Claire took a sip of tea to quiet the last of her nerves and to avoid Michael
’s stare. It gave her goose bumps.

That Angel behind you," said Michael. "His name is Jazen.”

  Jazen again pulled a shocked face and waved his
arms frantically. It was what Jazen had always wanted, Michael knew, to be acknowledged by his charge, and be closer to her, but he also feared breaking the rules and being separated from her. He, as a mortal, was not bound by those rules however.

You mean you can see him as well?” Claire spluttered, trying to gulp down some tea.

Michael, what the He…heck are you doing?” Jazen demanded, but Michael ignored him, focusing on Claire instead.

I can…I can see all of them, every person's Guardian Angel. Ever since the accident.”

Blimey…,” was all Claire managed in reply.

That word sums it up about as well as any. I may as well tell you the whole story, if you're willing to listen? I’m sure Jazen will find some bits interesting as well.” Michael was hoping beyond hope that Claire would say yes and not think he was nuts.

Of course. It’s what I’ve been hoping for ever since I had that dream about your accident. Tell me all of it, me and Jazen are all ears.” Claire replied smiled back in Jazen’s general direction.

  Michael took a gulp from his cup, and tried to sit comfortably. A part of him rebelled against telling Claire everything; he was used to hiding it from everyone except Jasmine. Another part, though was glad for the chance to finally confide in someone, finally share everything he had been through and hopefully get a little advice on what to do next. “No turning back now,” he thought.

Leaning back again, Michael told Claire and Jazen everything. How he had woken up in a hospital to find Jasmine there with him. How he could see every Guardian of every person he met. About the demons he had encountered, his ability to sing. Lastly, he told them about the train accident and Jasmine’s letter to him. Michael told them about Metatron's message, but decided not to reveal who had actually told him. It was probably better to keep that information to himself.






   “Bloody Blimey,” Claire exclaimed Michael finished telling his story.

Yup, that about sums it all up.” Michael took a deep breath.

I always knew…I mean, sensed that someone was looking out for me, but I never dreamed we actually all had real, Guardian Angels looking after us.” Claire's gaze returned to where Michael had previously indicated Jazen, although, the angel had moved to sit next to her half way through Michael’s story.

We do. Every single human being on this planet has one looking out for them - well, except for me right now." Michael felt melancholy, he missed Jasmine so much.

“What you’ve been through…what you’ve seen, Michael, I can't begin to imagine how all of it has been like for you," Claire said, leaning forward and placing a hand on the table. "Part of me wants to say you're lucky, that it’s such a singular thing, but from what you have told me..., told us, it doesn’t sound like much of a blessing.”

“In a way, I do feel lucky. I mean, if it wasn’t for all that’s happened, I never would have even met Jasmine, never known she was there with me all this time. I never would have fallen in..” Michael found himself unable to say the final word.

  Claire sighed
, looking round the room as if searching for the source of a noise. Michael wondered if she were trying to look for Jazen.

Jazen..," she said, "I know you're there now, so you may as well reveal yourself. I doubt if it’s going to be breaking any rules, now I know you're about. Let me see you, my silent Guardian, after so long.”






Jazen was caught off guard. For all his time with Claire he had wished for this moment, prayed for this moment. She had acknowledged him, knew he was there. His wings trembled as his feelings slipped their leash and sought an outlet. Sweat formed on his brow.

What should he do? His heart told him to reveal himself but he still remembered the choir's verdict and the rules. But Claire already knew of him, and not through his own design, so revealing himself at this stage would not break any edicts. In any case the situation was exceptional and he very much wanted to help Michael.

   The war in his mind settled
, Jazen took a deep breath and stood up next to the door. He bowed his head and let his wings spread. Pressing his hands together, Jazen gave voice to a song seldom sung by any Guardian: the song that would allow his charge to see him. The last time Jazen had heard of an angel using this song was in the time of the Grigori, before the rules became so strict.

A bright light engulfed the room as the song reached its climax. Jazen emerged from the light, hoping he looked suitably impressive for Claire. Then, without warning, the light was gone, and before a very surprised Claire stood her Guardian, the angel Jazen, in all his glory and for once not at all sullen. He smiled at Claire, trying his best to make a good first impression.

“Hello..,Claire,” was all he could manage.

Jazen…” Claire seemed equally lost for words. She never imagined her Guardian would be so attractive. In fact, Jazen's appearance was just like her perfect man. Slim, bright eyed, intense: she knew she was facing the man she had been waiting for. It was like some cheesy romance novel or mushy film but, for once, the thought didn’t make her feel ill.

The thought brought her up short, though, as she remembered the man sitting across from her. Michael had made this possible. He had been the small force for change that had turned her life upside down, and now he needed her help. Romance and angel dating could wait until later. Gesturing for Jazen to sit next to her, Claire her attention on Michael.

So…now you’ve turned my life into a supernatural romance, what can I…we do to help you?”






  Michael couldn’t help but smile. The chemistry between the two radiating across the table, reminded him of the chemistry he and Jasmine had shared. Claire’s straightforward manner was charming, and he had no doubt if Jasmine had not come along he could been with Claire happily.

Well…that’s the bit I’m stuck on," he replied. "I don’t know what to do, I'm kind of playing this all as it comes right now."

Claire glanced over at Jazen who met her eyes briefly then looked away, clearly unused to the attention. She looked back at Michael, tapping her finger against her bottom lip in thought.

Ok then, Michael." She said. "What do you want to do? Forget what you feel you can't do, what do you want to do?”

I want to bring Jasmine back.” Michael's instant reply brought a wide smile from Claire.

Well, now we know what you want to do, we just have to find a way to make it possible, don’t we?” Claire tapped Jazen on the shoulder and gave him an expectant look.

I hate to put a downer on this," said Jazen. "But all but I’m not sure there is any way we can help. There is no record of angels being turned back once they have fallen to darkness. The only way to stop the fallen is to banish them back to the Pit, or to destroy them utterly. I'm sorry, Michael.”

But what about on the Thames, Jazen, when Michael sung for that girl? Surely her angel was dark?”

That angel had not fallen. He was close, but his chains hadn’t dragged him down into darkness. Michael’s unique gift only saved him because it influenced the angel's charge and helped her heal, as well as him."

But you yourself said his gift is unique," Claire pointed out. "So how do you know it wouldn’t redeem a fallen angel?” Michael sat silent, letting Claire finish her chain of thought.

In truth, I don’t… It’s possible...but if it didn’t work.” Jazen was clearly unsure of himself.

“It’s possible…” Michael murmured.

Huh?” Claire said.

Michael ignored her, recalling again what Metatron had told him: that he had the power he needed to save Jasmine. Michael strained, to push through the fog of his depression and feeling of powerlessness. He remembered that little spark inside him that said “Never give up," trying to rekindle it into a fire.

Then his mind ignited, and everything clicked into place. He knew what he had to do. Metatron had been right; he was exactly where he needed to be, and he had all the resources he required to save Jasmine. All he had to do was believe in himself and his own strength; he could and would save Jasmine, no matter what it took. Hope and self-confidence flooded back into Michael, as he turned to Claire and then at Jazen.

It’s possible,” Michael repeated.

How can you be so sure?” Jazen demanded.

Because I have faith in myself. I can do it, I can bring her back to me.”

Claire grinned
, “So how can we help, Michael?”

Help me get to her. Help me get down into Hell.”






“You can't simply just walk into Hell. It’s not like the UK border.”

There must be a way, Jazen," Michael insisted. "If anyone knows, it would be you. You’re the only angel here."

Hell is a spiritual realm, for a start. Only your soul can manifest there; your body remains here on the physical plain. If you want the easiest way to get there, a life of sin and evil is a sure-fire way of gaining access, followed by death, of course. I seriously doubt you're capable of that, Michael.”

Michael shook his head in frustration. Jazen was holding something back, probably to protect Claire and maybe even himself. But Michael was determined now. Nothing was going to stop him from getting to Jasmine and at least trying to save her. His whole life had been leading up to this moment, and even the fear that knotted deep in his gut only leant strength to his determination.

Claire stood up abruptly and left the room without word. Michael looked on after her with a puzzled expression but didn’t have to wait long until she returned. Claire held an old book in her hands. The cover was cracked and the leather binding worn, but somehow it held together as if the book was determined to keep its form. Jazen gave a look of disgust when he saw it.

“I’ve never been one for demonology or any dark magic stuff. But I found this book in a dusty corner of a charity shop in Cambridge a few years ago. It’s pretty dark reading, all dark ritual and demon summoning stuff, no idea why anyone would be stupid enough to try anything like that though." she sat down, looking pointedly at Jazen. “I must admit I have only ever looked over it a couple of times, but I swear I remember seeing a reference to gaining access to Hell."

Jazen said nothing, but his expression spoke volumes. Michael leaned forward to get a better look, his expression hopeful at a possible way to get to Jasmine. Claire thumbed through the pages, then stopped, putting her thumb over an interesting passage. Red spots dotted the page, and Michael didn’t want to think what they were made of.

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