Guardian (5 page)

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Authors: Valerie King

BOOK: Guardian
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“You look amazing, by the way.” His breath was hot as it passed over my ear.

“As do you, Trey.”

Opening my eyes, I watched the people buzzing about around us, many with their shimmery bursts of light following them aimlessly. It only heightened the sensation of perfection as I lived in the moment, Trey’s arms wrapped around me tightly.

“So, what are these
plans of yours this evening?”

“Isn’t this magical enough for you, sweet Mac?” he said playfully, his deep laughter filling the air around us.

“It is, but I have to admit, this girl could use a bite to eat.”

Pulling away from me, he took my hand in his and smiled. “Dinner it is, dessert later,” he replied, a sly grin across his face. “How does that sound?”

“Let’s see how dinner goes first.” I winked at him, biting my lip in embarrassment and resisting the overwhelming hunger to plant another kiss on his lips.

I thought of Evan, as we stood close within the confines of the elevator, Trey’s hand still tightly gripping mine. His face lit up my visions, but I pushed them aside with pure fervor, vowing to keep my focus on Trey tonight. If Evan needed my presence, I would know it. His spirit lay still this evening, but my heart pounded within my chest. And I was quite certain it wasn’t because of Trey, which left me feeling unworthy and afraid of what I had been given.



Chapter Seven






Trey’s gaze left me feeling incredibly self-conscious as I tried to eat my linguine in a lady-like manner. The candlelight flickered across his face, his eyes portraying a flame of passion unlike anything I had ever seen before. He was so strikingly handsome with his dimpled chin and high cheekbones. I felt so undeserving of his presence, his devotion…his desire to be with someone like me. There were countless beautiful young women within the Guardians, why he had chosen this simple and often impatient girl – I knew I would never understand.

“Can I ask you something, Trey?” I said genuinely, laying my fork aside and propping my chin within my hands.

“Of course you can.”

I watched as he took a swig of his iced tea and wiped the perfect lips that I longed to kiss once more.

“What is it you want to know, Mac?”

I fumbled with my words before drawing up the courage to proceed. “Why, of all people…women, I mean…have you chosen to be with me? I guess I just feel somewhat unworthy to be with you.”

He smiled and snickered aloud. “How can you say that, Macy? You’re incredibly beautiful, and I adore being with you.”

I watched as his hand crossed over the white linen tablecloth, begging for me to place my hand within his. I did as prompted and immediately felt a surge of infatuation rise within my chest.

“There is something so…intriguing about you. You’re not only gorgeous. I’m just naturally drawn to you. It’s unlike any feeling I’ve ever experienced before.”

This is the part where I clung tightly to the words my mother had spoken so plainly. Trey could have any woman that he wanted, so was he simply sweet talking his way into my life, or did he honestly feel attached by his heartstrings to me? Before I could answer, the tattoo that resided on my shoulder blade began to burn with intense heat, a fair warning that my Shomer needed me. Now?

I pulled my hand from Trey’s and swung my left arm across my chest, my hand rubbing my Guardian mark in an attempt to suppress the pain. Evan’s heartbeat thumped loudly in my ears as danger lurked within the confines of his world. The voices of the atmosphere around me became hushed as I listened intently to the pounding of his lifeline coursing through me with extreme speed and profuse intentions.

“Is something wrong, Mac?”

I pulled my thoughts back to where I sat, slowly, as goosebumps covered my milky white skin in response to his calling.

“Yeah, my mark, it burns. My Shomer needs me. This is the first time I’ve ever experienced this,” I replied, tears swimming in my eyes as I tried desperately to deal with the sting of being needed.

I pulled my thoughts together and took a deep breath, wiping away the beads of sweat on my forehead.

“I guess…I should go. Look, I’m really sorry,” I pleaded with him, longing to stay with him instead.

“Hey, look, it’s fine. It’s our duty, our calling. And no matter the current situation, we have to follow through.” He stood up from his chair, and I followed suit.

As I rummaged through my purse for my wallet, he grabbed my hand. “I got it. Remember, I asked
on a date.” A smirk fell upon his lips as he bent down to kiss me lightly. “We’ll finish where we left off soon.”

“That sounds great. I would love that,” I replied.

We walked out of the restaurant and into the foggy streets of the city. The sidewalks were wet with a light drizzle that fell from the darkness above. My mark began to intensify with a blazing heat once more.

I stood up on my toes, wrapping my arms around him, kissing him fervently and lustfully as I ran my hands along the nape of his neck. I could feel the heat of his body as he drew me closer, leaving me begging for air, but longing to stand here for a lifetime intertwined within his arms.

“I have to go,” I said, my heated breath leaving a mist hanging in the cool night air.

His arms fell from around my waist, unwilling, but knowing I had to follow my calling.

“If you must. Be careful, Lady Milligan. I’ll call you tomorrow.” His fingers traced the outline of my jaw, the heat of his touch melting into my skin.

I left him standing in the moonlight, turning around to face him once more as I rounded the corner of the restaurant to wave. He waved back, and I vanished into the night, my tattoo scorching its immediate need within my skin. My feet led me to where Evan was without even the slightest notion of where I was going within the confines of my mind. My spirit knew his spirit, and that was enough to take me to his presence…his need. Dematerializing in the blink of an eye.




There he sat, on the ledge of the Brooklyn Bridge, alone and unaware that I stood only a few feet away. His silhouette shimmered beautifully before me. The tiny bursts of golden light shot through the darkness, pulling me forward. I stood quietly, my image completely invisible to the world around me, concealed from the eyes of my Shomer.

His hair was wet, his hands folded within his lap as looked out across the East River. A light rain had started to fall gently as cars sped by, his presence unnoticed by the cosmos around him. As his spirit intertwined tightly with mine, I could sense the sadness that lapped at his heels. Loss, the death of a loved one, a distinct notion that life was no longer worth living. The picture unclear, but the hurt tangled deep down within his soul. I yearned to heal the brokenness that he was swimming within. Closing my eyes, I prayed fervently for his soul.

Before I had time to spread my wings in secret and to remain unseen to those around me, he stood up, looking out across the river, darkness hovering around him. Closing his eyes, he allowed one foot to tumble off the edge. Before I could stop myself, I sprang forth from my hiding place, coming to life, no longer a piece of the backdrop. Instead I was a girl, her wings no longer hidden beneath her skin, holding his hands tightly within mine. I was flying in midair only inches away from his stunned face, his eyes piercing mine like sharp daggers. Instantly I knew I had made the wrong decision, I had broken the very vow that I had so recently spoken. I had allowed my Shomer to see me, to view me as a whole instead of a premonition, to see me as an angel, not as a human. I had allowed him to envision me as a real individual instead of remaining within the shadows of his life.


The wind whipped my hair wildly around my tormented face, the pieces of my once-perfectly-placed bun now in tangled knots. Speaking to our Shomer was forbidden, but I had brought myself this far. Moving forth surely wouldn’t allow me to be in any more trouble than I already was with the Guardian council and Baron Griland himself, yet I hesitated to tumble forth into a conversation with him.

I grasped him tightly in my arms, my wings gently gliding through the wind and rain, lowering him down to the scaffolding of the bridge below the paved street…away from the peering eyes of any onlookers. His back fell against a steel lattice piece, his eyes watching my every move as I took a seat next to him, disgusted with myself, my wings disappearing into the confines of my being. Evan had every right to fear me, to proceed to jump out of anguish, but instead, he sat motionless beside me. Our feet were dangling nearly 100 feet above the cold, murky water below, sending the chill of fear coursing through my body. First encounter, first try, and I had blown my cover. And I knew what the sentence was for having seen a living angel. Death. Evan had longed for death, and I had been sent to save him from its grips. Yet instead, I had handed him the passing of life by my own two hands. His breath would be stolen. The very breath I should have protected for a lifetime.



Chapter Eight






Rain fell in sheets, the wind howling through the dark night of death. Cars raced across the bridge above us, yet the two of us sat in silence for what seemed like hours. Words were lost, a life would be taken, and dread masked its ugliness across the folds of my heart. I had failed, and I was suddenly overtaken with guilt for the path before me…the path that now lay before Evan.

My hair hung in wet threads, cold raindrops falling from the tip of my nose. I felt his hand on top of mine, the warmth radiating beneath my cold, wet skin. His focus was on my silhouette, his heartbeat still beating in rhythm with my own.

“Thank you,” he said swiftly above the silence.

My eyes met his, locking effortlessly as my glance slowly fell to our hands now intertwined on the steel edge of the bridge. The voice in my throat refused to give way, leaving the words I needed, wanted to say…unsaid. Instead, I focused on his eyes of dark chestnut brown, fading into the life that fell behind his windows to the world. The city lights danced within his irises as feelings of protection wound themselves around my heart.

“Can you…speak?” His eyes never left mine as he spoke.

I blinked repeatedly to clear the raindrops that hung from the ends of my lashes before managing to answer, “Yes.”

“You’re not human, are you?” he said earnestly.

“Actually, I am human. Just a little different from the human race you know.”

He pulled his hand from mine, looking down at his feet that hung below us. “Then
kind of human are you?”

“I’m a…Guardian,” I said, tucking the wet ends of my hair behind my ear.

“What’s your name,

“Macy…my name’s Macy.”

“I’m Evan, and–”

“I know your name.” I let the words slip out, interrupting him. “I mean, wow, I have royally screwed things up.” I let my head fall back against the cold, hard steel as the rain pelted my cheeks.

“I think I know who you are, what you are, Macy.”

“It was never supposed to be this way, Evan. You weren’t supposed to ever know me. I was to know you, and that’s where it should have ended. I just reacted out of fear…your foot fell from the edge…” I allowed the words to fade away, believing that I had already said too much.

“You’re an angel,” he said gently, his spirit calm and his heartbeat now slowly growing less fierce within my ears.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that. But I allowed you to see me. I should have never done what I did.”

“What? You saved
life, Macy. I don’t care what you are, or who you are. If you hadn’t caught me, I would be a part of the roaring river below.”

“You don’t understand, Evan,” I said, shaking my head, trying desperately not to cry.

Without a second of hesitation, he pulled my face towards his and kissed me, his lips hot and smooth like melted butter. The heat of his spirit, his racing heartbeat created unimaginable pulsating urges to stir deep within my being. Instead of pulling away, of removing myself from the very situation I had written, I kissed him back. Moments of sheer magnificence fell over us: time standing still as I let myself fall into the one I had vowed to protect.

Prying eyes watched us allow the reins of need and desire to take over. I didn’t feel his presence at first, but as Evan moved his lips to my forehead, I knew instantly that someone was surveying us…someone who now knew I had broken, and continued to break, my vow.

Evan could sense my tense reaction, causing him to pull away and look into my frightened eyes.

“I should go…I really need to go.”

“No, please, Macy. Can I see you again?”

“You never should have seen me in the first place. I broke a sacred vow, one that I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to fix. But I have to try.”

Evan grabbed my hand. “Please, I swear I’ll never tell anyone what happened. I can hardly believe it myself. Please, Macy, I beg you. You saved my life.”

“It just isn’t possible. It isn’t right, Evan. I’m sorry.”

His eyes were full of sorrow as I spoke the very words that crushed his spirit, and in all honesty, it crushed mine as well.

“Promise me one thing,” I said aloud, my breath a heavy mist floating in front of me.


“Don’t look for me, but know I’m always there. I’ll never leave you.”

I stood up on the ledge where we sat, grabbing Evan’s hand, allowing my wings to outstretch once more. I lifted him and placed him safely within the shadows of the walkway on the bridge. Cars raced by at lightning speed, unaware of our presence.

“You’re amazing,” Evan said, as my wings retreated once more.

I smiled at him, my dress now hanging loosely from my soaked frame. “Just remember what I said, Evan.”

I turned and walked away, my footsteps treading lightly down the bridge as I headed home and out of sight. I was capable of disappearing completely, of reappearing upon my very own doorstep, but instead, I wished to walk. Emotions swam through my cluttered thoughts as I removed my sandals, splashing through the cold puddles beneath my feet. The words he had spoken, that he would never tell a soul about our meeting, I believed him completely.

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