Growl (50 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Growl
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“You can't take a shower from over there,” he said, and Kira looked up at him.

He was naked. Totally. Deliciously.

Had he been naked last night when he'd come into her room? More important, had he been naked the entire time he'd lain in that bed next to her? Oh yes, she recalled immediately, he definitely had. The inside of her thighs were still wet from that knowledge, as she'd continuously pressed her ass back to rub along the mouthwatering length of his arousal. He'd been hard and hot all night long and she'd wondered how she'd managed to fall asleep at all. Easy, when she slept she dreamed of him slipping every inch of his thick cock deep inside of her, sort of like that wolf in her nightmare had done with its tongue.

“You can stare at me from inside the shower as well” was Blaez's final irritatingly cocky statement before he stepped through the glass door, to stand beneath the spray of water.

His words bothered and aroused her, and before she could analyze them any further Kira found herself doing exactly as he'd said, again. She stood there staring at him as water sluiced over his ripped abs, down his toned thighs. When he turned she sucked in a breath to see a line trickling down the crease of that perfect ass of his. Hell, she wanted to scream that he shouldn't look so damned good and be so freakin' irritating all at the same time. No, what she really wanted to do was fuck him.

It was a startling truth, and since she'd decided long ago that she wasn't in the business of lying or betraying or any of that other stuff her father and his pack seemed to thrive on, she had to start by at least being honest with herself. No matter how she'd come to be here or how much she thought leaving was the only answer, she wanted to be beneath Blaez with her legs spread wide, willing and waiting for him even more.

With that thought and the realization that it was morning so she would need a shower anyway, she pulled the nightshirt up and over her head, moving slowly until she was opening the shower door and stepping inside, with him.

He'd already grabbed the soap and stood just a couple inches away from the water rubbing it all over his body. There was nothing seductive about his movements, they were purely functional, and yet she could not stop watching every swipe of his hand over taut muscles, sculpted peaks, and that rigid gloriousness of his shaft. Her mouth watered at the sight.

Kira had never gone down on a guy before. She'd seen it of course, as her father's pack were absolutely shameless in their sexual exploits. There'd been more than one occasion when it had been late and she'd gotten up for a snack—or because she'd known what she'd see—and she'd found them in the living room. All of them. Together. Of course she'd seen more than she'd ever personally experienced. Dallas sitting on the couch, his head tilted back, mouth open as he groaned, some unknown female between his legs sucking his hard cock until he was coming into her mouth. Cody would be behind the same female, spreading her ass cheeks as he thrust his length into her from behind. While across the room Kev and Milo would touch and suck each other, until finally they were both howling with release.

She'd been both aroused and alarmed by the sights at first but over time had grown more accustomed to seeing how lycans were together, how her father said they were meant to be. But when Dallas had come for her that night she'd wanted him off of her. She'd screamed and fought back and done everything in her power to resist becoming a part of the circle these men had formed, no matter how normal it was said to be for their kind.

“You like what you see?” Blaez's deep voice pulled her from her reverie and her gaze snapped up to his face to find him staring intently at her.

His eyes were usually brown—she'd noted that during yesterday's breakfast—but in the gym and again last night when she'd looked up at him they'd been almost black and clouded with what … she thought might be desire. Was Blaez as attracted to her as she was to him? How could that be possible? He was an alpha of his own pack and she was just— On second thought, yeah, he could want her. He could want to claim her just like the others. If nothing else, she was an opportunity to any pack, a rise in their power and a key part to whichever side that pack was on. How was that for knowing her worth? However, Kira sensed something different here, something more intriguing than anything she'd ever seen the members of her father's pack doing before.

“What are we doing?” she asked in response because she simply wasn't sure. Her plan had to be to find her mother's family, to possibly stay with them while she figured out what else was out there for her, what her mother had said was her true destiny.

“You're just about salivating while staring at me,” came Blaez's reply.

“Even in the shower you're an arrogant ass,” she quipped, turning away from him and reaching for one of the bottles of body wash. She was just reading to see what scent it held when he reached an arm around her, taking it from her hand.

“But I wasn't lying,” he said. “You were staring at me like you wanted this dick for yourself.”

She opened her mouth to say something, but he touched two fingers to her lips after replacing the body wash. “Shh, just listen before you argue.”

Kira did not want to listen to him, not again, and certainly not now when he was so close to her and the thoughts of him pounding hard and fast into her pussy were still running rampant through her mind.

“Like I told you yesterday, part of taking full control of your life is knowing what you want and taking it,” he said, water trickling at his back.

They were both wet and standing only inches from each other. The water was hot and steam had begun to fill the stall, so that she could no longer see anything outside the space they now occupied.

“I do know what I want,” she told him defiantly. “I know that I do not want to be here. I never planned to be here … with you.”

“And yet, you want to touch me,” he told her, his gaze going dark as he stared down at her. “You want to wrap your little hands around my hard cock and stroke until I come. Or do you want to suck it? You do, don't you? You want to suck me dry,

His voice had deepened as he'd continued, his gaze falling to her lips that as if on command had opened, not wide enough for him to slip his length inside the way he'd suggested, but enough so that even if she denied his words he would know she was lying.

“I don't understand,” she replied with every ounce of honesty she possessed. “Why me?”

His gaze came back up to meet hers, his lips pressing tightly together before his next words seemed to be ground out, “Why not you?

“I'll bet that smart mouth of yours is hot as hell. And wet, just like your pussy. Ever since that night in the woods I've been unable to get the scent of your arousal out of my head. It's driving me insane!” He had raised his voice and Kira took a precautionary step back.

“I don't belong here.”

“You do,” he replied.

She was shaking her head, refusing to hear his words, wanting desperately to focus on the sound of the water hitting the tiled floor.

“I don't belong with you.”

“That's what I originally thought,” he said, reaching out to grab her wrist in his hand. He held it firmly while their gazes remained locked. When she could feel him pulling her hand closer Kira swallowed.

“I vowed to never let anyone in. I had no choice.” His voice sounded strained, almost tortured, and Kira's heart beat wildly as she stared at him, seeing that strange glow outlining his body once more.

“But then you showed up,” he continued, and Kira blinked. She tried to focus to hear his words, to understand what they meant, what this aura surrounding him was supposed to mean to her.

“I didn't expect you,” he said, his voice growing deeper as he placed her hand at the base of his dick. “You,” he repeated, clamping his lips tightly once more.

Kira gasped when her fingers scraped along the turgid length of his arousal. Her body trembled, her mind warring with what she should do next. Part of her thinking she should pull away, kick through the shower door, and run like hell, doing whatever she could to get out of this house and away from this man. Another part demanding she stay right there, that she touch him, be with him, accept him. It was weird in a long line of unexplainable things that had been happening to her—Tora's death, Penn's betrayal, her running away and ending up in the midst of a Devoted pack, the dreams that seemed so real, and him, this lycan who should have been so wrong for her but felt so damned right.

Her fingers extended, wrapping around the base, loving the warmth that immediately spread from him to her palm, up her arm, and throughout her body. She held him tightly, her lips trembling, eyes trained on his face.

“Take it,
. Take what you want,” he said through gritted teeth.

Kira stared at him, amazed at what she thought she saw. His face was contorted, in pleasure, she thought, as his breaths were coming faster, a muscle in his jaw twitching as she tightened her grip on him. When she pulled her hand back, stroking her palm along the veined length of his cock, stopping to rub her thumb over the bulbous head, he closed his eyes, shaking his head slightly from side to side.

She repeated the motion again and again, moving faster, watching his shoulders bunch, his Adam's apple shift up and then down each time that he swallowed.

“I want your mouth. Now,” he told her. “Right, fucking now!”

His words had been spoken in a guttural tone, raw with something she wasn't totally familiar with. When his eyes opened and he caught her staring at him, he licked his lips slowly. Kira thought she remembered that tongue and felt her pussy clench in response.

“Put your mouth on me,

Kira wondered if he meant on his lips, which he'd just licked again, or on his cock, which she was thoroughly enjoying stroking.

“Where?” she whispered, her throat going dry with the simple word.

“There,” he said the moment her thumb rubbed over his tip again. “Right. There.”

Never in a million years would Kira have thought she would be here, doing this, with an alpha like Blaez. She'd been told she would never get anyone better than a beta and that even then he wouldn't really want her for anything other than the status her birthright could provide.

There were so many questions, so many obstacles that should stand between her and Blaez. She didn't know the answers to any of those questions, and right at this very moment Kira didn't care. Her body had already begun to lower, her knees planting firmly against the wet tile, her hand still tightly gripping his dick. His gorgeous long and heavy cock with the thick veins stretching like rope along the sides and the tip that at this very moment wept a drop of white cum that she couldn't wait to taste.

So dipping her head lower without another word, Kira extended her tongue, licking the tip of Blaez's cock and taking that drop as if it were there especially for her. His hands were immediately in her hair, tangling and wrapping the strands around his fist until his blunt nails scraped along her scalp and he began to slowly push her down farther over his dick.

Having never done this before, Kira simply went on instinct, opening her mouth, letting her tongue slide along the underside of his length, the head reaching the back of her throat where it seemed to tap and ask for entrance. Blaez helped her this time, by tipping her head back slightly, pressing forward as he did. She looked up at him, shivering at how hot and hungry his intense gaze on her made her feel. His teeth were bared, the sharp tips of his incisors clearly visible through the steam rising around them.

He worked her head slowly, easing himself in and out of her, like he was spoon-feeding her. She could tell he was holding back, that maybe he wanted to pump more deeply into her mouth. That thought had her thighs shaking, her pussy dripping. Her nipples scraped against his legs, sending tendrils of pleasure flitting throughout her body.

With a start she realized she wanted more, needed more. She sucked him in deeper, loving the feel of his turgid skin sliding sinuously against her tongue, pressing back along her throat. Her hand worked up and down his shaft in conjunction with her mouth, until her lips were as wet as his length, the suckling sound echoing in the stall.

When his dick began to pulsate in her mouth, his hands gripping her head more firmly, holding her in place, Kira shivered all over. She wanted desperately to reach between her legs and thrust her fingers deep inside. She would come instantly, she knew; her arousal was so keen she was ready to explode.

“I don't … do … this,” he said, his voice strained as his hips jutted forward, his balls slapping against her chin as she took him completely inside her mouth.

Kira had no idea what he didn't do. All she knew for certain was what he was doing to her at this very moment. Every nerve in her body was on alert, her breasts so full they ached and her pussy creaming so heavily she was certain the moisture on her thighs was not water from the shower.

“Never before,” he continued, this time pulling her head back again.

She could see him looking down at her, saw the twist of his lips, the muscles bulging in his neck as he looked to be fighting something. Whatever it was he was working against must have been strong; the struggle looked so intense that Kira almost let him slip from her lips.

you cannot stop. It's too late for that,” he told her, thrusting forward one more time so that he was once again filling her mouth.

Kira sucked hard and deep, her cheeks hollowing as she held him still right there.

“That's right; you're gonna suck it right out of me,” he said, his teeth gritting between his words. “Whether I want you to or not!”

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