Grow a Sustainable Diet: Planning and Growing to Feed Ourselves and the Earth

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Authors: Cindy Conner

Tags: #Gardening, #Organic, #Techniques, #Technology & Engineering, #Agriculture, #Sustainable Agriculture

BOOK: Grow a Sustainable Diet: Planning and Growing to Feed Ourselves and the Earth
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Grow A Sustainable Diet
is just the book you have been looking for!

—JOHN JEAVONS, author,
How To Grow More Vegetables (and Fruits, Nuts Berries, Grains and Other Crops) Than You Ever Thought Possible On Less Land Than You Can Imagine

Amid the plethora of how-to garden books, this book stands out as the comprehensive resource written from the lifetime of rich experience of a successful gardener.

Cindy not only gives us experienced guidelines for the management of a healthy organic garden, but clearly explains the practical details of every aspect of managing a successful garden-homestead from planning, tending, harvest and storage to preserving the harvest. If you are seeking one book to to carry you through the full cycle of gardening, seek no further!

—ELI ROGOSA, Heritage Grain Conservancy,

Grow a Sustainable Diet
is both timely and timeless. Cindy Conner’s book is a valuable addition to current locavore lexicon. The practical down home advice she provides will be of use for generations of gardeners to come. Cindy speaks with authority, drawing on her real life experience, her teaching skills and her love of the earth, providing practical guidance to help readers to design the garden and to grow, store and use the fruits of their labor. A combination of bio-intensive gardening, permaculture planning, and straight forward down home wisdom
Grow a Sustainable Diet
shows us that good nutrition is a close as our own back yard.

—DARRELL E. FREY, Three Sisters Farm, author,
The Bioshelter Market Garden

Are you looking for ways to better nourish your family, care for your garden, and walk more lightly on the planet? Come spend a day, a season or the cycle of seasons with one of the nation’s leaders in ecological home food production in the pages of
Grow a Sustainable Diet
. Ms. Conner’s practical innovations will guide your homesteading endeavors, and her commitment to living in harmony with all life will inspire you.

—MARK SCHONBECK, consultant in sustainable agriculture

Too many of us see gardening as an analog in miniature to Big Ag — an essentially extractive process powered by machines and fossil fuel, requiring purchased inputs to replace depleted soil fertility and protect crops from insects. Imagine gardening instead as a process which improves the soil even as we grow our crops, helps balance and enrich the ecology, relies on free services of nature rather than purchased inputs — and is powered with energy from the nearest star. That is the way of gardening Cindy Conner offers in G
rowing a Sustainable Diet

The Small-Scale Poultry Flock

Grow a Sustainable Diet
provides a can-do, critical step towards a health and independence on every level—from the soil, to yourself, your communities and our planet. The most powerful action you can take to navigate these transition times is to plant gardens and participate in local foods. Once you do, fear fades and hope sprouts. This book helps show the way.

City Chicks: Keeping Chickens as Garden Helpers, Compost Creators, Biomass Recyclers and Local Food Suppliers

grow a

, our society is seeking ways to live more conscientiously. To help bring you the very best inspiration and information about greener, more sustainable lifestyles,
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Mother Earth News
are leading the way to a wiser, more sustainable world.

For more information, please visit

Copyright © 2014 by Cindy Conner. All rights reserved.

Cover design by Diane McIntosh.

Gardening tools image © iStock (Mark Swallow); plate/table © iStock (sorendis); garden plots © iStock (Skystorm); all interior illustrations by Betsy Trice.

New Society Publishers acknowledges the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund (CBF) for our publishing activities.

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-86571-756-5 / eISBN: 978-1-55092-553-1

Inquiries regarding requests to reprint all or part of
Grow a Sustainable Diet
should be addressed to New Society Publishers at the address below.

To order directly from the publishers, please call toll-free (North America) 1-800-567-6772, or order online at

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New Society Publishers

P.O. Box 189, Gabriola Island, BC V0R 1X0, Canada
(250) 247-9737


Conner, Cindy, author

Grow a sustainable diet : planning and growing to feed ourselves and the earth / Cindy Conner ; illustrations by Betsy Trice.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Issued in print and electronic formats.

ISBN 978-0-86571-756-5 (pbk.). — ISBN 978-1-55092-554-8 (ebook)

1. Permaculture.2. Organic gardening.3. Gardens — Planning.4. Gardening — Environmental aspects.I. Title.

S494.5.P47C65 2014






New Society Publishers’ mission is to publish books that contribute in fundamental ways to building an ecologically sustainable and just society, and to do so with the least possible impact on the environment, in a manner that models this vision. We are committed to doing this not just through education, but through action. The interior pages of our bound books are printed on Forest Stewardship Council®-registered acid-free paper that is
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by John Jeavons
First, a little history…
1.Sustainable Diet
What If the Trucks Stop Coming?
Making Changes
2.Garden Maps
Plan Outside the Box
Permaculture Plan
Tools for Map Making
3.Crop Choices
Growing Calories
Growing Protein
Growing Calcium
Oils and Sweeteners
Other Crops
More Planning Tools
4.How Much to Grow
How Much to Grow
Biosphere 2
Homegrown Fridays
Oils and Sweeteners
Keeping Records
5.Cover Crops and Compost—Planning for Sustainability
Beware of Bringing in Outside Inputs
Grow Your Own Compost
Sixty Percent Compost Crops
60/40 Bed Crop Months
Cutting Rye at Pollen Shed
Harvesting the Grain
6.Companion Planting
Achieving Balance
7.Plan for Food When You Want It
Frost Dates
Plant/Harvest Times
Plant/Harvest Times
Length of Harvest
Determinate and Indeterminate
Plant and Harvest Schedule
Plant/Harvest Schdeule
Plan for Special Events
8.Rotations and Sample Garden Maps
Transition Garden
Quartet of Beds
Garden of Ideas
Seed Inventory
Seed Inventory
How Many Seeds?
Seeds and Plants Needed
Germination Test
Save Your Own
10.Including Animals
Dairy — Goats and Cows
11.Food Storage and Preservation
Make Use of the Space You Already Have
Crawl Space Root Cellar
Cooling Cabinet
Solar Food Dryers
Grain Mills
12.Sheds, Fences, and Other Stuff
Garden Shed
Water Storage
Outdoor Washing Station
Chicken House
13.Rethink Everything!
About the Author


by John Jeavons

Grow A Sustainable Diet
is just the book you have been looking for!

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