Grif (Tales of the Were - Redstone Clan) (25 page)

BOOK: Grif (Tales of the Were - Redstone Clan)
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Time stood still until he heard a very obvious and loud throat clearing behind them. It was Freddy, the guy who’d helped Lindsey down from the roof the night before. He’d led the small team that accompanied them to her grandfather’s house.

“Everything’s shut down and should be good for a few months,” he reported when Grif looked over at him. “If you want to make your flight, we should be getting on the road, sir.”

Grif had known Fred for more than a few years. In fact, they’d been in the same unit for a while when they were both still in the service. The grin on his face belied his polite words. No doubt about it, Fred was getting a kick out of seeing how distracted Grif was by his new mate, but Grif really couldn’t hold it against him. He was in too good a mood with Lindsey by his side to let anything much bother him today.

“Thanks for the reminder and for the help with the house. I know it’s a little outside your usual duties.” Grif let go of Lindsey to shake Fred’s hand.

“No problem, Alpha. You’d be surprised how domestic some of us have become up on Moore’s mountain.” Fred let go and Grif saw the rest of his people already mounted up, sitting in the vehicles they’d arrived in, waiting. “Now, sir, let’s get you and the missus to the airport.”

Grif agreed wholeheartedly and though he knew Lindsey still felt a little anxiety about going home to Nevada with him, he also knew it was best to get it over with. She’d learn soon enough how little she had to fear.


Sometime just before midnight, they pulled into the long driveway of a lovely house in a well manicured housing development on the outskirts of Las Vegas. It had nice homes with much bigger property lines than Lindsey was used to. She tried to see as much as she could from behind the glass of a luxury SUV that had been waiting for them at a private airstrip.

She’d been a little overwhelmed since leaving the cabin in Wyoming. Instead of the airport terminal she’d expected, Grif had led them all to a private hangar where a very luxurious private jet waited for them. Lindsey had never flown on a private jet before. In fact, she could count on one hand the number of times she’s flown anywhere at all. And those trips had always been on a commercial airplane, crammed in with lots of people in the economy section of the plane.

The house was huge. Not quite a mansion, but certainly larger than anything she’d ever lived in. And it was beautiful. From the outside, it had the same charm as the cabin, without the rustic setting. The yard was filled with native plants and succulents that did well in the arid climate.

When Grif shut off the engine, everyone piled out of the vehicle. Steve carried Belinda up to the front door, which was opened before they got there. Lindsey saw light spilling out but couldn’t make out whoever had been waiting.

Nerves assailed her. It had to be more of Grif’s family. Or maybe close members of his Clan. She worried about what they would think of her. She tried to brush the wrinkles out of her shirt. They’d been traveling for hours and she probably didn’t look her best, but it couldn’t be helped.

Grif came up behind her, his arms wrapping around her waist as he bent to whisper in her ear.

“Don’t fret. They’re going to love you as much as I do.”

Lindsey didn’t get to reply because Grif lifted her into his arms, carrying her up the walkway and into the house, right past a surprised man who had to be another of the brothers, judging by his looks. She laughed as he made some joke about carrying her over the threshold and it felt good to see him in such a playful mood. He hadn’t been this lighthearted with her in days. Possibly, she’d never seen him this joyful. It made her heart lift to join his. She liked that she could make him happy. And she felt like just maybe, things would work out after all.

Grif deposited her in the middle of a spacious living room and kissed her for all he was worth. For a moment out of time, only the two of them existed in the entire world. And then she heard the wolf whistles from the hallway by the door.

Grif let her go and they turned to find Matt, Steve and the new guy all grinning from ear to ear, stomping their feet, clapping and cheering them on. Lindsey had to laugh at their reaction. Not only did it take away some of her nervousness, but it also made her feel almost giddy with reflected joy.

“Kitten, that’s my brother, Bob,” Grif introduced the new man, then called to him. “Where’s Mag?”

“No idea. He’s been scarce since he took that lady vamp away.” Bob frowned for a moment, but his expression quickly cleared. He moved closer as Grif let Lindsey go completely. “Nice to finally meet you, Lindsey. I’ve heard lots of good things about you. Welcome to the family.” Bob gave her a big hug that felt truly welcoming and she lost a little more of her nervousness.

“Thanks,” she whispered, a little overwhelmed by having four of the Redstone brothers in such a comparatively small space. The room had looked really big when she’d entered, but these guys were all huge and they took up a lot of room.

“You guys must be tired after all the traveling. I’ll bring in the luggage and see you in the morning if you turn in before I’m through,” he said, already heading for the door. Matt went with him outside, pitching in, while Grif escorted Lindsey toward the staircase.

“I’ll show you around and where we’ll sleep. I have to check a few things before I join you. It’s always tough coming back when I’ve been away for a while. There are a million details,” Grif began as they walked up the wide staircase.

“It’s okay. I understand.” She smothered a yawn. “I’m pretty tired, so finding a bed sounds like a really good idea.”

Grif steered her down a hallway, pointing out who the various doors belonged to. It seemed every one of the brothers had a room of his own in the house, as well as one for Belinda.

“This one,” Grif paused outside the second to last closed door. He had to clear his throat before he continued. “This was my mother’s room. Nobody’s been in there since she was killed, but I think, in time, you might be able to learn a little bit about who she was and her role in the Clan by seeing how she lived. She made me take the master suite when we moved in to this house, hoping I’d bring a mate home sooner or later, I guess.” He closed his eyes briefly and hung his head. “I wish you’d gotten to meet her. I think she would have loved you, Lindsey.”

His voice was a whisper that went straight to her heart. Lindsey moved closer to his side, putting an arm around his waist and leaning into him.

“I wish I could’ve known her too. She had to be a very special woman to raise such a wonderful family.”

Grif leaned down and kissed her. “Thanks.” They stayed there for a moment more before he turned to resume their walk down the hallway.

He threw open the last door and then surprised her by lifting her into his arms again, carrying her over the threshold into the master suite. It was a big room. Bigger than any bedroom she’d ever slept in. And she could see a luxurious bathroom through the open door off to the right.

But Grif didn’t give her much of a chance to take in the sights. He kicked the door shut and made straight for the huge bed, depositing her gently on its plush surface and following her down. She barely had time to breathe before he captured her mouth in a devastating kiss.

Clothes disappeared quickly as Grif went after what they both wanted. It had been too long since they’d been free to come together. Too much had happened that had almost driven them apart forever. It was time to reaffirm the love that continued to blossom and grow between them.

Lindsey welcomed him into her body gladly, meeting his thrusts with eager cries. She vaguely wondered if maybe the others in the house knew what they were up to, but then Grif touched her in just the right spot and it didn’t seem to matter anymore. Let the men envy their love. Knowing the brothers, they’d keep little ears away until it was safe. The Redstones could be relied upon to protect their little sister. She knew that for a fact.

Grif brought her to peak after peak as he stroked deep within her body. He hadn’t taken time to do much but get her naked and lower his pants enough to get inside her, but she didn’t care. The rough rasp of his denim jeans against her calves was a sensory delight that reinforced how strongly he wanted her. It also reminded her how impatient she was to take him as well. They were well matched and she would spend the rest of her days proving it.

She shouted his name as she came for the final time, taking him with her. She felt the magic of their union, the heat of their joining, the beauty of their love, with everything in her.

She must’ve dozed for a bit, for when she woke, she was under the sheet, a pillow tucked under her head. Grif had taken care of her when she was too stunned to do so.

“Now that’s the kind of welcome home I like,” he said, leaning over her and placing a lingering kiss on her lips.

He was dressed once more—which is to say, he’d pulled up his jeans and buttoned his shirt. It was a little wrinkled, but they’d been traveling all day, so maybe the wrinkles had come from sitting in various vehicles and not from the way she’d been fisting the cotton in her hands as he’d taken her. Yeah, that could be it. She had to laugh at her own musings as he lifted away from her.

“You’re not coming to bed?” Damn. She sounded even more needy to her own ears than she’d thought she would. She didn’t want to be too clingy. Men hated clingy women.

“Not yet, though I wish I could. I have to make certain of a few things before I’ll rest easy. Most of the Clan is still awake. Many of us keep late hours. Nighttime is the best time to prowl.” He chuckled as he gave her a last, quick kiss before rising from the side of the bed. “Get some rest. I’ll be back in an hour or two and then we’ll see about round two.” He winked as he left her and she had to laugh at his naughty words.

She was already looking forward to round two, as he put it, but she didn’t quite know if she’d make it. She hadn’t been able to sleep on the plane and the night before had been one of the most dramatic of her life. She was exhausted and already yawning before he closed the door behind him.

She took only a minute to use the bathroom and clean up a bit before climbing between the soft sheets once more and drifting away into a blissful sleep.


Chapter Sixteen


When Lindsey woke, Grif was in bed with her. In fact, he was naked and she was spooned in his arms. It was a lovely way to wake, but the sun was shining behind the gauzy curtains in the window. He hadn’t woken her in the night for round two and she was concerned he hadn’t come to bed until the wee hours of the morning.

She didn’t want to wake him, but she needed to get up. Creeping out of bed wasn’t her strong suit, but she somehow tiptoed into the master bath without making too much noise. Grif had grunted when she’d left his arms, but she didn’t think he’d woken up. She wanted to let him sleep since he probably needed the rest.

Besides, Lindsey had been eyeing the decadent bathtub he had secreted in that giant bathroom last night. It had water jets and looked big enough to fit two. She wanted to try it and if Grif woke up and found her there, well, who knows where that would lead?

That happy thought in mind, she turned on the faucets and let the tub fill while she took care of other things. By the time she was ready, the bathtub was steaming and full enough to at least get started. She stepped in feeling very lavish and extravagant. And she had to smile when she hit the switch that turned on the jets.

“Is this a private party or can poor, lonely mates join in?” Grif’s voice came to her from the door to the bathroom, through a fine mist of steam generated by the water.

“I thought you’d never ask,” she replied, feeling playful.

Grif joined her a moment later, shutting off the taps as the water level rose dangerously high with the addition of his large body to the giant tub. They both laughed as he opened the drain to take out a little bit of the water for safety’s sake. It wouldn’t do to flood the place on their first morning together.

“My brothers would never let us live it down if we needed a mop to clean up in here when we’re through,” he said, adjusting the water level until he was satisfied. “I’ve never had company in here.”

“I find that hard to believe,” she replied quickly, rethinking her words as she spoke them. Grif wasn’t the type to expose his family to temporary affairs, even though she was certain he’d had many.

Cats were frisky, he kept telling her. She couldn’t blame him for sewing wild oats. She just hoped that now that they were a couple, those days were over. They were for her and she had to believe it was like that for him as well.

“I’ll admit I had my share of fun,” Grif said, coming close to her and putting his arm around her shoulders. He lifted her legs, one at a time with his under the water, settling her half-on and half-off his lap. “But once we shifters mate, it’s for life. You’re the only woman who will share my bath and my bed and wherever else we make love, for the rest of my days.” He sealed his words with a tender kiss.

“Likewise,” she whispered, almost unable to speak once he let her up for air. She was dazed by his ardor, spellbound by his passion. And the fog in the air all around them gave the whole scene a magical, mysterious feel.

Grif lowered them both into the water until just their heads rested against the sloped sides of the tub, just above the water line. His hands and even his feet teased her skin, rubbing all over, slipping and sliding against each other under the bubbly water.

He let her ride him when she pushed him back against the back of the tub and they made waves together, riding each one higher and higher until they both came in a shower of light and pleasure…and water.

They were both laughing later as they used big towels to mop up the evidence of their exuberance from the bathroom floor. Lindsey promised to sneak the wet towels into the laundry while Grif distracted his brothers later that day. It was fun to conspire with him on something so innocent and lighthearted. She didn’t really care if they got busted for making a mess by his brothers, but it was kind of cute that he would care for her feelings. It was clear he wanted to spare her embarrassment. She doubted he would give a damn what his brothers thought of his mating habits.

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