Grey Eyes (26 page)

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Authors: Frank Christopher Busch

BOOK: Grey Eyes
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he Crane clan warrior announced the visitors in each of the four directions.

Near the centre of the circle of lodges stood two women, one in front of the other. The taller of the two looked to be about thirty summers. She stood with her hands on the shoulders of the younger woman, who appeared to be about thirteen summers. They wore strange clothes, made mostly of lightly coloured deer hide and quillwork forming diamond shapes. Their hair was braided with thin deer hide ribbons and mink fur hung from the ends.

The younger woman's head was bowed to show respect for the people of
and to indicate that the other woman would speak for her. The duty of greeting outsiders fell under the jurisdiction of the Eagle clan. “Welcome to
, the place where three rivers meet,” began the Elder Eagle twin. “What brings you to our home?”

“I am called Yellow Moon Woman, from
, the place of the poplar tree river,” she answered. “I am told that among the
walks a great medicine carrier who is blessed with the dreaming eyes and the secrets of the plant world. We have come to seek his teachings.”

The Eagle clan members stood with the sun on their faces and chins up. One of the young warriors clapped Red Sky Man on the shoulder. The elder Eagle twin smirked and nodded at her younger sister.

,” she said. “You are well informed. Our Eagle medicine carrier, Red Sky Man, is the one you seek.”

“Forgive me, cousin,” said Yellow Moon Woman. “The name I have heard spoken among the villages is Painted Turtle Man of the Bear clan.”

muttered and whispered amongst themselves. Pilgrims from other villages seeking out Painted Turtle Man? This could be an embarrassing situation for
, partly because they did not hold Painted Turtle Man in as high esteem as the other villages apparently did, but especially because the Bear medicine lodge was no longer.

“We have been told that a great miracle took place here,” continued Yellow Moon Woman. She looked at the blank faces around her, wondering what she had said wrong. “Last summer at the sacred sundance ceremony….”

“I think you may have been misinformed. The miracle came about by way of the Grey-Eye magic. It was the Eagle medicine carrier, Red Sky Man, who was overseeing that particular part of the ceremony.” The twin allowed her voice to carry some of the annoyance she felt.

Walking Moon Woman stepped forward for the Bear clan, addressing the elder Eagle twin. “My sister. There are many ways in which the miracle could be interpreted. None of us can understand Creator's will. The interpretation you have shared is one of many. Here is another: it was under my cousin Painted Turtle Man's guidance that my grandson was blessed with the miracle, for the good of all the

No one among the
who witnessed the miracle claimed to understand its meaning, though everyone had an opinion about it. Although it had been Little Grey Bear Boy who produced the miracle, two eagles
appeared. Red Sky Man was the one who did the piercing and he was born of the eagle. Painted Turtle Man had taken Little Grey Bear Boyto the tree, but any sundance chief could have done that. The miraculous healing that had taken place was only done by Painted Turtle Man's hands and everyone knew that he and the boy shared an uncommon bond. Perhaps both the Bear and the Eagle where equally responsible?
Kitchi Manitou
's will was never easily understood.

The Eagle twins and Walking Moon Woman looked into each other's eyes, neither one backing down. The tension between the two clans was palpable.

Drifting Butterfly Woman stepped forward for the Crane clan. “My apologies, cousin. I could not help but notice your beautiful dresses. They are unlike any I have seen before and I am not familiar with the place of the poplar tree river. Are you of the

“I am sorry, cousin. We came from farther south than the
dwell. We call ourselves the
, your neighbours to the south. My daughter and I hail from the Turtle clan and if this is the home of Painted Turtle Man of the Bear clan, we would ask to dwell among you for a time.”

“Just what the Turtles need,” whispered Red Sky Man to the younger Eagle twin, “more useless mouths to feed.”

The younger Eagle twin giggled, stopping herself when the matriarch of the Deer clan began to speak.

people are welcome amongst the
. The great peace between our peoples is without beginning and without end.”

nodded their agreement.

“How is it you speak our tongue so well?” asked Drifting Butterfly Woman.

“That is not my doing,” explained Yellow Moon Woman. “It is because of my daughter, Water Lily Woman.”

She presented her daughter to the people of
, pushing her forward slightly so she could be seen. The young woman raised her head to reveal shining grey eyes. The
vibrated as the ancient magic coursed through them.

“I wanted my daughter trained in the ways of the Grey-Eye magic,” continued Yellow Moon Woman to the shocked crowd. “We wish for her to be taught by Painted Turtle Man of the Bear clan. Our village has not known the Grey-Eye magic for many generations and there was no one who could teach her. When we heard of the sundance miracle, we made our preparations and left our village as soon as the snows melted.”

A wave of disbelief rippled through the
. It would seem
would again have two Grey-Eyes living in it.

Like everyone else, Little Grey Bear Boy stared at Water Lily Woman. Her eyes met his. He had been very young when Soaring Star Woman passed into the Spirit World—he had not remembered what grey eyes looked like. He had tried many times to see himself in the reflection of still water, but he could never quite tell what made his eyes so different from everyone else's. He could not imagine that his eyes could be anywhere near as beautiful as those of Water Lily Woman…

Green Wing Woman stepped forward for the Turtle clan, most of whom were staring at their new sisters.

“My daughter, my granddaughter,” she addressed the newcomers. “The Turtle lodge would be truly blessed to welcome you into our family.”

The people of
cheered as the two women embraced their clan mother and new sisters in turn.

Red Sky Man talked into the elder Eagle twin's ear. She nodded as he spoke. She then stepped forward for the Eagle clan.

“My sisters. I think we would be asking far too much of Painted Turtle Man to have him teach both of the Grey-Eyes. Perhaps one of them should be instructed by Red Sky Man…”

Little Grey Bear Boy snapped out of his dumb stare. He looked at his grandmother but she did not return his gaze. She held herself very still. Her face reddened as it dawned on her what Red Sky Man had done. Before she could gather her thoughts, Green Wing Woman again stepped forward for the Turtle clan.

“My sisters. My new daughter has come a very long way, guided by the Grandmother Turtle in search of learning. She came seeking the teachings of Painted Turtle Man and she should be able to receive them.”

“My sisters, perhaps there is a solution to this problem,” said Gliding Heron Woman, stepping forward for the Marten clan. “For many years, Little Grey Bear Boy has had the benefit of learning from Painted Turtle Man. Perhaps he could spend some time learning what Red Sky Man has to teach, in order to allow our new daughter an opportunity to learn from Painted Turtle Man as she requests.”

All of the clan matriarchs nodded in agreement—all but Walking Moon Woman. When the Circle of Clan Mothers faced a decision, all of the matriarchs had to agree or no action could be taken. Normally, this consensus served the greater harmony of the
But, as happened occasionally, it could put those who were in the minority in a difficult position, as it did now with Walking Moon Woman.

All eyes in the village were on her as she stepped forward on behalf of the Bear clan.

“My sisters,” she began, “this would seem a wise course of action, but it would be difficult for my grandson to be separated from the one he calls
It would make my heart sad to see my grandson unhappy, regardless of how wise the decision would be.”

sighed sympathetically for Walking Moon Woman's predicament. A person's feelings were always held in the highest regard.

The elder Eagle twin again stepped forward. “
, my sister. It is not as though we are asking that the boy be separated from his
. He would simply spend some time with Red Sky Man during our Grandfather Sun's light. He would return to the Bear lodge to be with his family each evening before our Grandmother Moon appears.”

looked back at Walking Moon Woman, hopeful for a resolution. She could not deny the wisdom of the Eagle matriarch's words, and could not resist further without seeming uncompromising or stubborn.

“It seems you have grown very wise, my sister,” said Walking Moon Woman bitterly.

She spoke to the elder Eagle twin, but her eyes were fixed on Red Sky Man.

“I believe the Circle of Clan Mothers is now in agreement,” said Drifting Butterfly Woman. It was her duty as matriarch of the Cranes to close the circle, though she was aware the decision was not ideal for the Bear clan.

…” she said after hearing no objection.

The people of
chatted excitedly about the decision and the benefits of having another Grey-Eye in the village where so many other villages did not have even one.

Painted Turtle Man felt as though a rock had been lodged in his chest and he glared at Red Sky Man. The Eagle medicine carrier was looking at Walking Moon Woman, a puzzled expression on his face. For a moment it appeared Red Sky Man had lost himself somewhere in the old woman's face. He recovered and turned to face Painted Turtle Man's scowl.

Red Sky Man sent over a smug upward tilt of the head to acknowledge his victory.

No one among the Bear clan was happy that Little Grey Bear Boy would now have to receive his education, at least by day, from Red Sky Man.

“I am not ungrateful for the opportunity,” explained Little Grey Bear Boy when they had returned to the Bear lodge. “But, I don't see why I should have to spend time with Red Sky Man,

“I am sorry, my boy,” replied Walking Moon Woman. “The Circle of Clan Mothers has spoken.”

“Why would you agree to such a thing?”

“The council's reasoning was sound. This way, you will have the benefit of two teachers.”

“I agree with the boy,” stated Painted Turtle Man. “He should be able to do as he chooses.”

“Oh, is that how it should be?” asked Walking Moon Woman. “We should just let the children decide everything for themselves?”

. This situation is different.”

“Don't worry. If any problem arises, I will use it to speak to the Circle of Clan Mothers again. We will just have to put our faith in
Kitchi Manitou
in this matter. If it is Creator's will, we will receive our reason soon enough. Perhaps, cousin, you should focus your attention on teaching the new Grey-Eye your plant medicine. This is what the Circle of Clan Mothers demands of you.”

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