Greeley's Spyce (26 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

BOOK: Greeley's Spyce
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but I think Kacy needs to just go out and have some fun.‖

Nodding his understanding, Brett said, ―Okay. Stay safe and have a

good time.‖ Kissing his wife on the lips, he gathered their trash and walked

away, leaving the women alone.

Lisa pulled on her arm. ―Let‘s go, Kacy. We are going out.‖

―I don‘t want to go out. I have work to do at home,‖ Kacy protested.

Seeing Ernst made her want to curl up in a small ball and cry over her stupid

loss. He had confessed his love to her and now he was kissing another

It’s your own damn fault, Koali Cynemon Travis,
her mind taunted.

―It‘ll keep. Let‘s go. I want to play a game of pool,‖ Lisa said.

Why not?
―Okay,‖ Kacy replied as the two women walked to her car.

She had to admit she did like to play a game of pool every now and then.

Despite how clumsy Lisa was normally, the woman was a kick-ass

pool player. She and Kacy had teamed up against a couple of guys. The place

was well-lit and atmosphere was relaxed and friendly.

Leaning on her pool cue and sipping a soda, Kacy watched as Lisa

sank another ball, much to the chagrin of the men there. The guy next to her

just groaned causing her to look over at him. ―Didn‘t think she was going to

be that good, did you?‖

He laughed a rich, kind laugh. ―Not really, especially when I saw her

stumble in through the door.‖ His dark eyes sparkled as he shook his head.

Greeley's Spyce


―That makes two of us,‖ Kacy admitted. Her heart felt light and she

was glad Lisa hadn‘t taken no for an answer.

―Makes me glad we are just playing for fun and not money,‖ the man

who‘d introduced himself as Jake admitted.

―See, now I am feeling just the opposite. I could have made some

cash.‖ Kacy‘s grin was full of teasing mischief. ―What do you do, Jake?‖ she

asked as she lifted her hair up off her neck for a moment.

―I‘m a cop.‖

Releasing her hair, Kacy looked back at him with wide eyes. ―For


He nodded. ―For real.‖

―Well, then, I guess it‘s good we
betting on this game.‖ She

pointed to his friend. ―And Rick, is he a cop as well?‖

―Yes, ma‘am. We‘re partners. Been partners for ten years now.‖ Jake

took a swig of his beer, all the while watching the woman beside him.

Kacy turned to face him totally. ―Can I ask you something?‖

Jake nodded. ―Anything.‖

Before she could speak, a cackling laugh filled the air, grabbing both

of their attentions. It was Ernst again with the same people. This time,

however, their eyes met across the establishment.

Frozen to the spot, Kacy could only stare as Ernst brushed the blonde

woman‘s hand off his arm and headed towards her. Swallowing hard, Kacy

tried to remain calm and collected.

Wanting nothing more than to end the date and get home to plan

how he was going to get Kacy back into his life, Ernst had agreed very

reluctantly to go to the bar with his group. It was one he didn‘t know.

The woman on his arm was driving him crazy. Nothing but endless

babble came out of her mouth. He would bet she didn‘t even know what she

was rambling about half the time. But he owed the Chief a favor, and so into

the place they went.

As one patron inside said something to the woman on his arm, she

cackled like a hyena and grated out about how lucky she was that the man on

her arm was her date and a military man. Her laugh was like nails on a

chalkboard to his ears. It made his skin crawl.

Looking across the room to try and regain control of his rising tem-

per, Ernst felt his knees go weak. Kacy. She was standing next to a tall, good-

looking black man by a pool table. They were talking, but her conversation

stopped as their eyes met.

Immediately his body responded with surging lust, desire, and jeal-

She was with a man.
The warrior in Ernst wanted to rip him limb from

limb for daring to look at his woman, but the man who loved her witnessed

the pain she unsuccessfully tried to conceal at seeing him with another



Aliyah Burke

As if the woman beside him was no more than an annoying insect, he

brushed her off his arm and flowed towards the woman he knew was his

soul mate. Walking past the pool table she stood behind, Ernst recognized the

woman who had been sitting with Brett at the table along the boardwalk.

His spectral gaze didn‘t relinquish its hold on Kacy, however. He

moved right up to her so her head had to tip back to maintain eye contact.

The subtle scent of the lotion she wore filled his nose, his senses. Filled his

heart. Filled his soul.

―Hello, Kacy,‖ he spoke in his deep timbre.

―Mr. Zimmermann,‖ she responded.

Something foreign flared in his eyes at her greeting. ―How are you

doing?‖ He could feel his fists clenching to keep his hands from entwining

themselves in her thick locks.

―Never better,‖ she chirped, sounding false to his ears. ―You?‖ It was

like no one else existed in the business.

―Better now.‖ His response fell gently.
Kacy, I love you so much.

―I see you are out on a date so I won‘t keep you from her.‖ Swallow-

ing hard, Kacy tried bravely to keep from showing how much it hurt her to

say that. ―It was good seeing you again.‖

Ernst saw the final brick fall into place around her heart when she

stepped closer to the man beside her. Finally focusing on someone other than

Kacy, Ernst looked at the man beside
his woman
. ―Sorry, nice to meet you.

Name‘s Ernst Zimmermann.‖

Reaching out one strong hand, he shook the offered one and re-

sponded. ―Nice to meet you. My name‘s Jacob Trask.‖

Staunchly refusing to let them continue their date Ernst asked, ―What

do you do?‖ This time there was unconcealed hostility in his words.

―I‘m a cop.‖ Ernst didn‘t bother to hide his possessive stare on Kacy.

―And you?‖

A cop? Kacy was dating a cop?
―I‘m Navy.‖ Those unforgettable eyes

focused back on Kacy who reluctantly answered the mental call he gave her

to look at him. ―Well, I should get going. It was
good to see you again,

.‖ Ernst turned and walked away before he touched her.

Jake looked down at the cute woman beside him. Her hand was

pressed to her mouth as if she were trying to keep from calling out that man‘s

name as he walked away from her. Tears swarmed in her vast eyes and he

was amazed they weren‘t running down her face.

―Ex-boyfriend?‖ he asked as he handed her a napkin to wipe her


―You could say that,‖ she mumbled as her trembling hand dabbed

away the traitorous tears. How could Ernst still call her that?

Lisa stood in front of her. ―You okay?‖

Taking a deep breath, Kacy nodded. ―I will be. Is it my turn now?‖

Greeley's Spyce


Lisa nodded and soon Kacy was battling it out with Jake at the pool

table. One of the hardest things Kacy had ever done was ignoring the tall,

blond German who kept watching her the whole time they were in there.

Ernst was still watching them as the four walked outside. He fol-

lowed under the pretense of getting some air. He saw her friend climb in the

car and then watched Kacy stand too close to that cop and his friend while


They chatted for a long time until Kacy reached up and kissed Jake

on the cheek before slipping behind the wheel of her gray Camaro. Both men

remained until the car had left the lot, and then the two got in their own

vehicles and went their own ways.

At least she didn’t go home with him.
Ernst felt hollow as he walked

back inside. Finding the Chief, he made his excuses and left. The blonde date

had tried to get him to take her with him, but Ernst refused.

Back at his apartment Ernst climbed the stairs to get to his floor. He

didn‘t want to feel trapped in the elevator. He wanted to go to Kacy‘s house

and make her listen to him, make her understand there was nothing between

him and that blonde woman. Make sure she knew they belonged together.

Glancing at the machine, he felt saddened there was no message for

him. It was three in the morning. He wanted to call Kacy. Instead, he went to

bed after washing off the smell of the blonde woman‘s perfume from his skin.

Ernst fell asleep dreaming of Kacy beside him.

When he woke up the next morning, her image was just as clear as it

had been when he‘d seen her in the bar: her full and succulent lips, luscious

curves, and those eyes that made him want to protect her for the rest of her


―I‘m not letting you give up on our love, Kacy,‖ he vowed as he

stood beneath the pounding water in the shower.

Dried, dressed, and determined Ernst walked to the elevator and

headed to his truck. He really should go to the base; but first, there was

something more important he had to do.

C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - F O U R

Pulling along the sidewalk, Ernst looked across the street to Kacy‘s

house. There was an unknown car in the drive—a white Camaro with tinted

windows. It was much newer model than Kacy‘s.

He watched as her front door opened and she walked out followed

closely by who‘d been with her at the bar. Jacob Trask. A low, lumbering

growl rose up from Ernst‘s throat as he observed them together. They made a

very attractive couple.

She seemed completely at ease with that man. They were gesturing

around and nodding as they spoke. Kacy walked him to the waiting car and

smiled as he leaned down to whisper something to her.

Stepping back from him she laughed. Jacob leaned down and ac-

cepted the kiss she placed on his cheek before opening the door to his car and

sliding in behind the wheel.

The window rolled down and as Jake backed out of her driveway

and Ernst saw his hand reach out of the car and wave to Kacy before he

drove away. With an answering wave and smile, Kacy waited until Jake was

at the corner before she turned to go back in her house.

Standing on her steps, she turned around and Ernst knew she recog-

nized his truck, for she briefly froze like a deer in headlights. Then, a somber

expression crossed her face and she stared deliberately at him, only to look

away and walk into her house without a backward glance.

Once the door was shut between them, Kacy crumbled to the floor.

Her heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest. Her legs couldn‘t

hold her any longer. Why did that man have such a dominant hold over her?

It took all of her willpower not to run across the street and beg him to give

them another chance.

―What is he doing here? Maybe he wants the clothes back he left.‖

Moving slower than a snail in winter, she rose and gathered the small bag of

his clean clothes she had. Time stood still as her fingers drifted lightly across

the top shirt in the bag. Each touch filled her with such memories.

Greeley's Spyce


The doorbell chime jolted her out of her reverie. It didn‘t

take a rocket scientist to figure out who it was. Taking the bag with, she

forced her feet walk back up the hall to answer the door.

Placing the bag by the door, she didn‘t even look out the peephole

before opening it. Her eyes filled with the delectable and scrumptious vision

that stood before her. The door swung open and she stopped it with one

hand, holding the solid wood of the door that consequently held her up.

The affect he had on her was astounding. Every one of her nerves

cried out for his touch. Her eyes roamed up and down his hardened physi-

que. He wore a black leather jacket under which she could see a brown shirt.

Moving lower, she saw he was poured into another pair of black jeans and on

his feet were gray hiking boots. Unconsciously, she licked her lips even as a

soft moan escaped her mouth.

Ernst was having the same issues himself. When the door opened, it

was like his life had meaning again. Being in her presence gave him such

hope, joy, and elation. Like at the bar, the scent of her lotion wrapped him in

a cocoon and held him close. The smell was gentle like she was, and he knew

how soft it made every inch of her skin.

―Hello, Kacy,‖ he managed to mutter.

―Hey.‖ Her greeting seemed forced as well.

Again silence fell as they just stared at one another. He moved his

gaze over her gorgeous body. She wore a pair of worn blue jeans that he

knew settled so perfectly around that ass of hers. Covering the top half of her

body was a sage green sweater. Even as bulky as it was, hanging down to her

knees, it did nothing but accentuate her full chest and inflame his lust.

His tongue snuck out to wet his lips. Ernst almost gloated at the raw

passion that flared in her eyes at the sight. But he still wasn‘t any better off.

One thing flashed through his mind and that was to take her and make slow,

sweet love to her until the only words that left her succulent mouth were his

name and ―yes!‖

―Can I come in?‖ Ernst asked.

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