Greed: A Stepbrother Romance (6 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Brother

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Chapter 10: The Eternal Kiss


Mom looked at both of us angrily and stomped out of the place. She understood that trying to convince us was a lost cause, because we were too deeply in love to settle for any alternative.

“Nick, what are we going to do?”

“Don’t worry Lacie—there is nothing that can separate us. If they do not accept the love we have, we will settle somewhere else. I am sure they will eventually come to terms with it after some time.”

“I wish Nick, I wish! I really can’t live—"

My sentence was cut off midway as I heard a very loud noise. “Nicholas Rudolph Jackson, where are you?”

This was the first time I had heard Nick’s full name, and I could very well understand how furious Ralph was. He was fuming when he came in and looked at both of us with disgust.

“Are you out of your mind? How could you even think about dating your sister! Nicholas, this disgusts me. I expected a lot better from you.”

“Dad, she is not my sister. We were dating before I came to know about your marriage. In fact, I proposed to her in the church itself, as we didn’t know that our own parents were getting married. I am really happy for you, and I am glad that you are choosing to take another shot at your life, but this doesn’t mean that I can give up my love. We are not biologically related, and I have every reason to love her. Absolutely nothing will make me feel otherwise.”

“What is so hard to understand, Nicholas? This is not the way it works. You can’t date your goddamn sister!”

“She is not my sister, Dad. She is your stepdaughter, but that doesn’t make her my sister. Did I object to your marriage when I came to know about it? When I could be understanding enough to not let my feelings hamper your love, why can’t I expect the same from you?”

Nick had a point, but no matter how hard we tried, our parents were simply unable to be convinced. They felt that we were committing a sin, but one needs to understand love is not a sin. There is no way people can rule out the existence of love. The fact that Nick and I had been in love even before we were stepsiblings solidified the point that we couldn’t just change the way we felt for each other.

I felt helpless, as I didn’t want to be the reason my mother’s marriage would start out troubled, but there was no way I could let my love for Nick fade away. I prayed for God to show me a way to sort out the mess, but it looked like I was stuck in a place with no exit.

As I kept thinking and wondering about all these things, the stress began to take its toll, and my mind started spinning. I could feel the whole world swirling, and even before I could say anything, I found myself falling in an endless state of darkness.

“Nick,” was perhaps the last word I said before I fell to the floor, unconscious.


When I woke up, I was in a room, and I saw Nick, Mom, and Ralph sitting next to my bed.

“Babe, are you okay?” I heard Nick ask, and I nodded my head.

Mom was the next one to ask if I was alright, and so did Ralph. Before I could form a coherent response, I ended up crying, and tears rolled down my eyes. Nobody needed to ask me the reason for my tears, as they were all aware of it.

“Lacie, darling, I don’t know what to say,” my mother whispered and kissed me on the forehead. “I love you and I hope you know that. It is just a very ugly situation we all found ourselves to be in.”

“Love is not ugly, Mom,” I whispered and she nodded. I did understand that she was in a terrible position, but was it so hard to understand love?

“Mom, I am in love with Nick. We aren’t biological siblings. What is so hard to accept? Even if we part ways, do you really think it is possible for the two of us to treat each other as siblings after the feelings that we have?”

When no one replied anything, Nick came closer and sat by my bed and took my hand in his. “I am not leaving, Lacie, no matter what,” he stated. He then pressed his lips on mine and kissed me right in front of our parents, expressing what he meant. I kissed him back and our tongues danced together.

We were not apprehensive of what others would think, because we were in love, and that was all that mattered for us. Mom and Ralph turned away, as they didn’t quite know what to say. It was really hard for them.

“I will think about it. I will need some time. Is that alright with the two of you? Do you promise not to do anything reckless?”

We both nodded, and Nick whispered in my ears, “Don’t worry honey. I have condoms.” I couldn’t help but smile. Nick was literally a sex god.

Ralph and Mom were supposed to leave for their honeymoon. I knew that both of them were a little apprehensive, but we were both grownups, and there was nothing that they could do to us. They hugged us and asked us to be sensible and not to do anything foolish, then left. Mom promised to think about it on her honeymoon, and when she came back, she said we would find a way amicably as a family.

I knew that no matter what they decided, our decision was made. Life doesn’t always gives everyone a love story. Now that I had one, there was no way I was going to let it go. However, I simply nodded for the time being and let her go.


After seeing them off, we both sat down in Nick’s car, and he looked at me with his predatory eyes that promised a hot time.

“What are you looking at, Nick?”

“That cleavage and those nipples that are screaming my name.”

“Nick!” I blushed.

“I can’t wait to worship your body again. We’re going to do it right now.”

“Now, in the car?

“What? Do you doubt me or my skills?”

Nick rolled up the windows of the car and revved up the heater. It started getting really hot, between both the heat and our chemistry, and I expressed it to him.

“Lacie, darling, why don’t you take off your clothes if you’re feeling so hot?” he teased, then took away my top in a flick. He then took off my bra and hungrily cupped my breasts, and the sensation of his touch tickled them.

I moaned in delight, and he kissed the top of my nipples and lowered the seat so I could almost lie down. He climbed over the top of me and buried his face in my neck. He kept kissing me passionately, and I took off his coat and shirt and rubbed my fingers on his bare neck. Nick stuffed his fingers inside my panties and rubbed me under my skirt. I was swollen and wet, and he loved the way my body reacted to his touch. He unzipped his pants and quickly slipped a condom on, and without wasting another moment, he stuck his cock inside me.

This time, I didn't have to wait another minute as my orgasm shook me the moment he entered. It was as if I was waiting for him to enter and conquer me.

“Oh, Nick. I have waited for you. I have wanted you to ram me for so long. There is nowhere I would rather be.”

“Hmm. Me too. I love you.” Nick could barely speak as he was too busy kissing my nipples and then went further down to lick my pussy. Once there, he let his tongue dance, and it kept making me passionate and hot.

“Take me home, spread me on the bed, I want to roll over it naked with you,” I whispered.

Nick agreed but didn’t let me dress myself. He drove the car while we were both half-naked, and he let one of his hands rest on my breast. I kept nuzzling his neck and kissing him, and he gave me some sexy looks.

The moment we reached my home, he took me in his lap and let my long hair cover my bare breasts and quickly rushed inside.

Nick could barely wait, because the moment we were inside, he gently sprawled me on the bed and took off my skirt and lacy panties. He unzipped his pants, and he threw them on the floor, along with his boxers, and I could see how hard he really was. He kissed the inside of my thigh, and then planted a long kiss on the entire length of my swollen pussy. He let his tongue push inside me, and I could once again find my orgasm coming.

“Hold it, Lacie. Hold it because I want to feel it together,” he said.

It was hard, and my hips arched, but I tried my best not to let the orgasm climax. Nick then made me sit halfway and once again pushed inside me with full force. His penis went deep inside me, and when we looked into each other’s eyes, we could feel the way we were connected.

This was one man I would never get tired of having sex with. It felt like I was exploring a new body, and it still felt like home.

He kissed me, and I kissed back, and we let every inch of our bodies touch as we became two bodies with one soul.

“I love you, Nick.”

“I love you too, Lacie.”

Our bodies rocked as Nick pushed deeper still, and our orgasms crashed together, and we could both feel like we were flying through the air. Nick rolled above me and whispered, “Today, we will break some records in terms of how many orgasms a human can have in a day. Ready to roll, honey?”

I licked his soft nipples, and he knew the answer was yes. It was always yes.



“Lacie, how long are you going to take? It’s getting late,” Mom called.

“I am almost done, Mom.”

I moved out of the room, and Mom almost cried with happiness. “You look beautiful, darling.”

As I stepped down the stairs, I saw Nick looking handsome as ever in his black tuxedo, with his dad by his side.

It wasn’t a conventional wedding, and I knew that we were still stepsiblings, but what really mattered was that we were in love. Leslie was my maid of honor, and as I walked down the aisle, I couldn’t take my eyes off Nick. He kept staring at me like I was the only thing he had ever desired.

It was hard to convince our parents, but they had finally bowed down to the power of love, because in the end, it is love and love alone that makes the world a better place. It took us two years of staying apart to finally make them see that we were soul mates who were made from the same stardust.

No matter how far we went, we would always find a way back to each other.

As I stood beside Nick, ready to exchange our vows, Nick couldn’t help but smile. Neither could I.

“Nick, you sure about this?” I whispered.

“Yes, honey. Of course. You?”


“Do you know what I have in my pockets?” he whispered even more lightly.

“What?” I asked and was very curious to know the answer. I wondered if he had got me some kind of a gift.

“Condoms,” he said, and I laughed. After all, only Nick would have carried condoms to his wedding night.

We kissed and this time, the kiss never ended.

About Stephanie Brother
Stephanie Brother writes scintillating stories with step-siblings as their main romantic focus. She's always been curious about the forbidden, and this is her way of exploring such complex relationships that threaten to keep her couples apart. As she writes her way to her dream job, Ms. Brother hopes that her readers will enjoy the full emotional and romantic experience as much as she's enjoyed writing them.

Also By Stephanie Brother


Gripped: A Stepbrother Romance


Speed: A Stepbrother Romance


Heated: A Stepbrother Romance


Stepbrother Roommate


Twister and Shout With My Step: With My Step


Stepbrother Unleashed (A Forbidden Stepbrother Romance)




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Excerpt from
Gripped: A Stepbrother Romance


“Well, congratulations,” I said as I turned back to my suitcase. I spread out the mountain of clothing so it lay flat in a haphazard mess. “I’m glad I didn’t have to ruin my hands punching this one in the face too.”
“You still can.” She chuckled. “Wait, why are you packing?”
“I’m going to a hotel.” I zipped up the suitcase, lifting it to sit on its wheels.
She advanced into the room, her features a mixture of anger and disbelief.
“You’re leaving? Reid, Dad invited you to stay here. How do you think he’d feel if you left just like that?”
“How do you think he’d feel if he found out what we did?”
A long and heavy silence followed that statement. My words and the memories they inspired hung there between us, taking up too much space, overwhelming us. This complicated mess was way too much for either of us to handle. At least too much for me to handle.
“It’s just so typical of you.” She spoke softly, her voice laced with disappointment. It set me on edge, fuelling my own anger too. “As soon as things don’t go the way you want it to, you bail. You always bail.” Her face pink, she moved closer, her brown eyes glittering with the anger that refused to relent. “You never stick around. Not to talk or work things out. You run. You run like a fucking coward.”
The air felt alive somehow. My skin was too hot despite the light sweater I had on. My heart beat faster than normal. A coward? She thought I was a coward? For years I’d fought against what I felt for her until all I could do was disappear. How the fuck did you ‘talk’ or ‘work’ out a situation where you had fallen in love with your stepsister?
“And what about you, Mac?” I stepped toward her, crowding her space. When she backed up, I followed. “Wanna know what you do when the going gets tough? You ignore it. You stick your damn head in the sand and act like if you pretend it isn’t happening it’ll go away.”
She pressed against the dresser and stared up at me with wide eyes. Her lips parted, she breathed fast and deep like if I was blocking her oxygen. I intended to do just that. I was going to kiss her so hard, she’d hit me to let her go. No amount of rationalization was going to stop me either. I was a coward? Far from it. She was about to learn that much.
“Newsflash, Mac, either you run, you fight, or you give in.”
She licked her lips. “Reid, I—”
“And you know what?” I fisted my hand in her hair, pulling her head back so every bit of her attention was focused on me. Her features were conflicted, growing desire warring with deepening anger. My cock was as hard as stone and I decided that maybe kissing her was not the only thing I needed to do to her today.
I bent my head so she could feel my lips move against her jaw as I spoke.
“I’m fed up of running, I’m fed up fighting, so I think I might as well give in.”




to continue reading Gripped.






Excerpt from
Speed: A Stepbrother Romance


His car was exactly what I expected. Black, expensive and fast-looking.
"Sorry for the ride," he said, as he opened the passenger door for me. "This is a rental. Most of my cars are nicer than this."
I didn't respond; I just slid into the deep seat, trying not to expose any more of my legs, which was an impossible task. Axel stood at the door, watching my every wiggle, and I realized too late that he was looking down the front of my low-cut blouse. It was an unexpected rush; I was no longer the awkward teen he barely noticed. He was noticing me, and I could tell he liked what he was seeing.
Axel got behind the wheel and accelerated aggressively as he pulled out of the lot. I got a thrill from being pushed back in my seat as he sped onto the highway.
As he drove, I realized our conversation patterns had changed. I guess he considered his interview over, because now he was asking questions about me, whereas in the restaurant, I don't think he'd asked any.
He asked how long I'd lived in the area, how I liked my job, and why I'd chosen my field of work. He listened, and asked thoughtful follow-up questions, and I felt myself relaxing.
I also noticed that he'd stopped the aggressive flirtation, and I had to admit I missed it, even though I knew I shouldn't.
We arrived at his lot and he drove slowly down the bumpy, unpaved driveway. The framework that had been erected made it clear that his house was going to be huge, a mini-mansion. It looked even bigger than his dad's house that I'd lived in with Axel. No workers were there; they must have been done for the day.
He parked in front of what looked like it would be the garage, and hurried around to my door before I had a chance to open it myself. I tried to get out of the car gracefully, but there was no doubt he got a peek at the sexy bra I'd chosen for today, and when I swung my legs out, my skirt rode higher on my thighs. I paused and Axel extended his hand, helping me out of the low car. He kept hold of my hand as we ventured onto the construction zone that was his property. When he looked down at my high heels, I was expecting him to make some kind of seductive comment, but he just apologized that the ground was rough.
He pointed out where rooms would be and described a theater and other features he had planned for his home. I listened but was half distracted by the heat of his strong grip as he held my hand. I'd always thrilled at the few and far between incidences of physical contact we'd had when we lived together as teens. I'd always felt electricity at his touch, almost as if it burned. I felt that same energy now, but it generated heat in a few very specific places.
"Are you okay to walk around back?" Axel asked. His voice was soft. "I'd like to show you my plans for the yard."
"Sure." I was gathering information for my article, but, to be honest, I didn't want the hand-holding to stop. My heels wobbled on the uneven ground and my body brushed against his a few times as we walked. More heat. More electricity.
In the back, his lot sloped downward with a panoramic view of the valley. When I told Axel how beautiful it was, he seemed extremely pleased by my compliment, as if he were searching for my approval. The cocky demeanor he'd had in the restaurant was gone, and I thought maybe it was his pride in the property that had changed his focus.
After he described his plans for a swimming pool, a hot tub, and a patio that would run the length of the house, we turned to head back. When we reached the car, I stumbled, tripping over a rock I hadn't seen. Axel's arm shot around my waist. He held me up, kept me from falling, and then pulled me against him, pressing my chest tightly against his.
"Are you okay?" He was looking into my eyes with concern and I couldn't look away.
"I'm fine," I said, nearly breathless from his proximity.
He continued to hold me tight, and he searched my face, his eyes moving quickly from my eyes to my lips and back. Then he kissed me.
His lips shocked me with that same electricity, ten times greater than the touch of his hand had inspired. I was stunned at first, and then I started to return his kiss. I'd wanted this since I was fifteen. Axel's smooth, soft lips were pressing against mine, and it was even better than I'd imagined. He tasted better than anything that had ever touched my lips before.
He continued to hold me tight against him, while he ran a hand through my hair, pushing it away from my face, and then deepening his kiss. He gently parted my lips and when I felt his tongue seeking mine, I lost my breath.
I reached a hand up to explore the stubbly texture of his jaw, then ran my fingers through his hair and pulled him closer as our kisses grew more fevered.
Axel backed me up a step until I was against the car. He leaned over me, rounding my body over the smooth curve of the coupe, trapping me. His hardness pressed into me as he laid a trail of burning kisses along the exposed skin of my neck.
My breasts were arched toward him, my nipples hard and needy, poking against the thin blouse. His mouth moved lower on my neck; his hot breath and wet tongue making me grow hot and wet in response. When he reached the fabric of my shirt, he paused and lifted his head.
"Don't stop," I panted.
He inhaled sharply and returned to my mouth, crushing his delicious lips to mine, leaving not an inch of space between our bodies. We fit together perfectly. He pushed his hips into mine and I could feel his excitement throbbing against me as his hands explored my body hungrily.
Axel wants me,
I thought. I was in the moment, but I also felt as if I were outside of my body, like I was watching from above in disbelief. I heard myself moan, and I breathed his name as if I was dreaming. Like I'd dreamt of him so many times.
"Kayla," he said, holding me in his arms like he never wanted to let go.
I sighed and melted into him. And then part of my brain woke up and replayed what he'd just said.
He'd called me Kayla. I froze and pushed him away, or tried to. He was still pressed against me, so I shoved harder and he moved backward, away from me.
Flushed and breathing hard, I stared at him and took in his surprise, watched him realize what had just happened. My body was instantly cold, already missing his. My stomach twisted into a knot.
How had he known who I was? Was I that obvious? And why hadn't he said anything? And why was he kissing me, knowing who I was? My mind raced and I had no clue what to say.

to continue reading Speed.





Heated: A Stepbrother Romance

He was a jerk, but she loved him, that was the first problem. The second? He was her stepbrother.
Dante Hix. An alpha male. A billionaire at 21. A God.
Three years already and she still wasn't over him. What the hell was she thinking going back again now?
If she had any sense she wouldn't have, but if she had any money she wouldn't have needed to either. Broke, with bills piling up, there was only one way left for her to turn.
She had to see
And then when she did, she knew immediately. It was going to happen again.
He asked her to dance for him, but it could have been anything. Stupid Sash didn't realize
what that meant.
All that time later and she was still doing the same. Her clothes on the floor, his body pressed up against hers,
hand on her belly.
A wish.
If she gave him what he wanted, he could never run away.
This is the complete collection of the serialized novel - Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby and includes a never before released, brand new epilogue!
If scorching hot, taboo romance and head-strong, alpha male billionaires that will stop at nothing to get what they want aren't your thing, please look away now.


to read Heated.

Stepbrother Roommate


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