Gravity (Free Falling) (40 page)

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Authors: Raven St. Pierre

BOOK: Gravity (Free Falling)
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          “I thought
I told you to leave him alone.” Mr. Hahn turned up his nose and spoke to me like I was the lowest life form on planet Earth.

          “Don’t say anything
else to her.”  AJ warned him sternly, just before closing the car door and walking toward the school.  Mr. Hahn glared at me through the window, but didn’t try to go against AJ’s command.  He looked back over his shoulder at me one last time before following AJ inside. 

At about a quarter to ten my homework was finished and I decided to take a hot bath.  The thoughts of AJ being surrounded by the awaiting female population at Westwood was still taunting me.  My muscles were in knots because I was stressing over it so much.  The back of my neck hurt so bad that I was almost craving the warm water.  I’d just put my foot in it when my phone went off on my dresser.  Ignoring it was a tempting option, but I knew that it could be AJ.  It stopped ringing just as I placed my hand on it.  When I checked the call log I was shocked to see that he’d called from his own phone.  I frantically pressed send and waited for an answer. 

When I heard AJ’s voice on the other end I breathed a sigh of relief.  His father returned his phone despite the fact that he’d caught us together.  He explained to AJ that once he got to college and saw all the girls he’d forget about me instantly anyway.  It stung a little to hear the words, but AJ only told me because I kept pressing him for the details of his conversation with Mr. Hahn.

He got his car back and the gate code too, so he didn’t waste any time arranging one of our secret meetings.  I thought of how cramped we’d be in the car and made the bold move to invite him over to my house this time.  Once my parents were asleep, they never got back up before morning.  If he parked down the street, I could sneak him up to my studio unnoticed.  It was a simple plan and AJ seemed to like the dangerous idea, so it didn’t take him long to agree to it.

I was too high strung from our plan for my bath to relax me any.  I washed and climbed out of the tub to put on my pajamas before sitting to watch the clock.  At 11:11 I heard my parents going to their room.  They shut the door and then there was silence.  Mom usually read for about ten minutes before she fell asleep, so that meant that by no later than 11:30 they should both be asleep.  So by midnight, AJ and I would be in the clear. 

My phone went off at 12:03. 

          “Are they
asleep?”  AJ asked.

          “Yeah, w
here are you?”

“Sitting in my car around the corner.  Should I start walking that way now?”

My mind told me to tell him
and to abort the mission, but I was still unable to mend the connection between my brain and body.  Maybe I’d try that again next week, so for tonight I was going for it.

I’ll be downstairs waiting.”

I hung up and put my phone on the nightstand.  My light was already off, so I opened the door and peered out into the hallway.  There was no sound at all coming from the direction of my parent’s room.  I eased out and crept down the stairs like a burglar in my own house.  As I approached the door, I could see AJ’s silhouette as he walked up to the porch.  I hurried to open the door to bring him in out of the cold.  He was smiling from ear to ear when he entered.  “I can’t believe you really wanna do this?”  He whispered excitedly. 

I rolled my eyes at him and pulled him behind me as we slowly climbed the two flights of stairs to the attic.  We moved to the back of the room and sat on the blue couch – our eyes were locked on one another.  It was hard to believe that things were finally going to be back to normal again.  We’d be able to hang out after school and at Karl’s house on weekends.  Seeing him in the controlled atmosphere of school hadn’t been anywhere near enough for me.

          “Are you nervous?”  He asked quietly.  “Cause if you are
, it’s not too late for us to leave and go somewhere else.”

This was by far the most dangerous thing we’d ever done, but my mind was already made up.  I answered his question with a kiss.  With our lips interlocked and moving together excitedly, I removed his coat and shirt.  He stood and removed the rest of his clothing hastily. When the snow melted from his hair, beads of water caught the light from outside, glistening like crystal as they dripped down onto his bare skin.  He pulled off my t-shirt and pajama pants and laid me down on the couch as he slowly kissed from my neck to my chin and finally reaching my anxious lips.  It felt like it had been so long.  My fingers pressed into the skin on his back as I did my best to control myself.  I could hardly keep my body from shaking underneath his. 

Suddenly, the doorknob to the attic rattled causing me to jump. 
Stupid me forgot to lock the door!
  At least that would’ve bought us time to dress and come up with some sort of story to explain why AJ was up here with me.  Maybe I would’ve said that he’d just come by to talk or something along those lines.  Granted, I still would’ve been in trouble, but not like I was about to be. 

AJ lifted himself off the couch instantly and we pulled on the clothing that we had time to grab.  I heard footsteps on the stairs and I could hardly control the shaking in my hands as I struggled with my shirt.  By the time my mom reached the top of the stairs that was all I had on and AJ stood beside me wearing nothing but his jeans.  My head was down as she flicked the light on and came to her own conclusions about what AJ and I were doing. 

The embarrassment that I felt was unbelievable.  I couldn’t lift my eyes to look at her or AJ.  She took a minute to speak, but then finally whispered my name in a disappointed tone.  There was no mistaking what was taking place.  I imagined that she was observing my pants and AJ’s t-shirt slung carelessly onto the floor – plus my hair was a mess.  A tear ran down my cheek as I sat before my mother in the most compromising of situations.

AJ shifted uncomfortably and folded his arms over his bare chest.  I imagine he was wrestling with whether it would be best for him to leave, or if he should stay for my sake.  Mom turned to walk back down the steps.  “Both of you downstairs.  Now!”  She hissed without turning around to look at either of us.  Her footsteps even sounded angry as she walked down the stairs.  I finally turned in AJ’s direction.  He was still looking at the floor expressionless.

          “You can leave.  You don’t have to sta
y for this,” I said quietly as I pulled my pants on.

I’m just as guilty as you are.  I’m staying,” he replied.  I’d never seen him look so defenseless, but even in an uncomfortable scenario such as this one he still chose to stand by me.  It felt like it took us hours to reach the first floor.  A million thoughts ran across my mind. 
Would my mom wake my father and let him yell at us too?
  I reached for AJ’s hand and tried to prepare myself.  She stood at the bottom of the steps waiting for us and I could see that she was fighting back tears as she stared at the wall across from her.  Without looking in our direction, she motioned for us to follow her into Daddy’s study.  All of the lights were still off except for the small lamp by the living room couch, which led me to believe that she was trying to make sure that my father stayed asleep. 

She opened the door to the study and flicked on the light.  I shut the door behind AJ and me after we entered.  We sat side by side on the couch and I squeezed his hand tighter to brace myself for my mother’s wrath.  She paced the floors and gripped her hair in both hands like a crazy woman.  I almost wanted her to start talking just to put me out of my misery.  She hung her head and shook it from side to side.  I glanced over at AJ quickly as he stared down at the ground unmoving.

          “Do you have
idea how much trouble you’re in?  How long has this been going on?”  She asked as she snapped her head in my direction.  I’d never seen her this way.  Usually, she’s the calm reasonable one while Daddy plays the part of disciplinarian.  I searched for some sort of explanation that would make this all go away, but there wasn’t one.

Telling her that this was the first time seemed like the best answer I could give, but I didn’t want to add lying to the list of offenses I’d committed tonight.  “October.”

My answer deeply disappointed her.  “October?  Didn’t you two just get together in October?”

The way she asked the question made me feel dirty – like I needed another bath.  “Yes.  But I swear that this is the first time ever here,” I responded quietly as I lowered my gaze to the floor.  She exhaled slowly and started shaking her head again.

“Antonio too?”  She asked softly without turning to look at me.

No one but AJ.”  I know that fact didn’t make any of this sound better to her.

I could see her building to another uncomfortable question.  “Have you two been…..
?”  My heart sank and the dirty feeling returned. 

   “Most of the time,” I said softly.  AJ flinched slightly as I admitted this to my mother.  She stopped pacing and stood motionless in the middle of the floor. 

“What do you mean ‘most of the time’?”  She asked angril
y as she shot us both a look that could kill.  “Like……when you feel like it, or when the sun’s up, or on Tuesdays?”  She continued to stare.  “That sounds pretty stupid doesn’t it?  Now just imagine how it sounded coming from

“Mom, I don’t know what to say.”

           She laughed like she was having a nervous breakdown and then stopped abruptly.  “That’s because there is nothing
say.  I’m so disappointed in you.  All this time I’ve been defending you to your father telling him that you were a good girl.  And all this time……..”  She shook her head again like she was trying to erase the incident from her mind.  “I didn’t raise you this way, Samantha.  You know better.”

I felt so stupid.  This was probably the wrong time to beat myself up for not locking the door, because that wasn’t the real issue here.  “I don’t have an excuse, Mom.  All I can say is that I’m sorry. I disrespected you by bringing him here.”

Apparently I’d said the wrong thing again.  She narrowed her eyes.  “Is that the
thing you think you did wrong – bringing him
?”  She asked sharply.

I was admittedly a little afraid to say anything else.  “No, I…..”

Forget about bringing him here.  Even forget about disrespecting
.  You disrespected
  I can’t even look at you right now!”  She yelled loud enough that I was worried she’d wake Daddy.  “You’re father and I waited until we were married, Samantha.  This is unacceptable.”

Hearing my mother compare me to her made me feel so ashamed.  I
know better, but I chose to do what I wanted instead of what I knew was right.  I felt the tears coming on again and did my best to hold it in.  AJ felt me tense up and squeezed my hand gently.  His sympathy made me even more emotional and my tears flowed like a river after a dam failed.  My body quaked like I was seizing as I buried my face in my hands.  I felt AJ’s arm wrap around my shoulders to comfort me. 

Mom was silent for a long time.  When she spoke again, her anger had subsided a little and her tone was softer.  “Samantha, your father and I love you just like I’m sure your parents love you AJ.  We don’t want to see you two messing up your lives.  You’re not responsible enough to handle the pressures that come along with having a sexual relationship.  It changes
.  You two are young and obviously in love.  Don’t mess that up by complicating things with sex.”  I felt her put her hand on top of mine.  “I want to see you two make it.  I really do.  But you’re not ready for that.”  I trusted my mother.  Although I didn’t fully understand, I took her words to heart.

She talked for a little while longer before dismissing us.  I walked AJ to the door and stood there.  “Thank you for staying with me.  You didn’t have to do that.”

He smiled at me reassuringly and we kissed once briefly before he was out the door.  I leaned against it and replayed the night in my head.  None of it seemed real, but it definitely was.  My mother came from the study and stood in the middle of the foyer.  She stared at me for a few seconds before she extended her arms to hug me.  “I love you.”  She patted my back and kissed my forehead.  “But you do know you’re grounded, right?”  She asked as she turned to walk up the stairs.

          “Yeah, I know,”
I sighed.

“Straight home after school every day until Prom.”

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