Grasshopper Glitch (8 page)

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Authors: Ali Sparkes

BOOK: Grasshopper Glitch
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A moment later, Danny fell on his face.

“MMM-OW!” Josh shoved Danny off. “You could've aimed somewhere else!”

“Sorry,” said Danny, as he picked himself up. “Didn't have time.”

He turned and quickly collected the S.W.I.T.C.H. cube from the mantelpiece. He shoved it deep into his school pants pocket.

“WHAT ON EARTH IS ALL THIS?” yelled a voice from the hallway.

Josh and Danny froze, horrified. They were in the middle of burgling Mr. Grant's house—and he was IN IT!

Mr. Grant appeared in the doorway, looking furious—at the newspaper in his hand. He was staring at the headline and shaking his head.

“What's all this?” he thundered. “Burglaries on the increase? Stuff and nonsense.” He flipped over the paper as two small burglars slid down behind his old leather armchair. “Tennis club faces closure!” he bellowed. “Rubbish! All newspapers are rubbish!”

Then he stomped across the room. He thumped down into the armchair, sending up a cloud of dust around it. Josh and Danny, squashed behind it, held their breath and scrunched up their eyes. Josh felt a sneeze build up in his nose. He pinched the end of it, desperately. If he sneezed, they would be found out.

“Whoo-hoo!” called a voice and the doorbell clanged. Mr. Grant, being rather deaf, had fitted an extra-loud bell. “Whoo-hoo!” called the voice again. It was Petty Potts, trying to sound sweet.

“What?” yelled Mr. Grant and hurried out to the door.

“She's distracting him so we can get out!” hissed Danny. He was right. As soon as the door was opened, Petty invited herself right in. She began to propel Mr. Grant down the hallway, past the living room, and on into the kitchen.

“I was wondering if you could lend me some TEA!” she was shouting. “I've run out and I have friends coming. No time to run to the store!” It was a pretty feeble excuse, but it was good enough for Josh and Danny. They sprang out from behind the armchair and dashed out through the hallway. Seconds later, they were out on the pavement, hiding behind the front hedge.

“Thank you so much!” trilled Petty. She backed away down Mr. Grant's driveway. “And really sorry about your funny turn in the park yesterday. I do hope it doesn't happen again. Real children are bad enough without imaginary ones popping up on park benches!”

“Thanks!” mumbled Danny as all three of them ran down the street.

“Did you get it? Did you get it?” hissed Petty.

“Yes! Yes!” hissed back Danny.

“You might say thank you!” said Josh.

“Look, you're not the only ones who had to make a sacrifice!” huffed Petty. “I had to agree to go on a date with Old Yellow Teeth, back there, to give you two enough time to escape!”

In Petty's kitchen, Danny took out the S.W.I.T.C.H. cube and put it on the table.

“Oh, how wonderful!” sighed Petty. She scooped it up and turned it over in her palm. “Three out of six! We are halfway there!” She opened the green box and pressed the new cube in beside the other two. “One day soon,” she murmured, standing straight and letting out a crazy cackle, “we will have them ALL! And then there will be NO STOPPING ME! Then I'll get you back, VICTOR CROUCH! I'LL GET YOU. I don't know how yet—but I'LL GET YOU!”

She was still shaking her fist, cackling, and staring into the middle distance when she finally noticed Josh and Danny folding their arms and giving her a look.

“Any chance you can stop doing the evil genius thing now and give us a bit of cake?” asked Danny.

“Oh, all right then,” said Petty.


Want to brush up on your bug knowledge? Here's a list of books dedicated to creepy-crawlies.

Glaser, Linda.
Not a Buzz to Be Found
. Minneapolis: Millbrook Press, 2012.

Heos, Bridget.
What to Expect When You're Expecting Larvae: A Guide for Insect Parents (and Curious Kids)
. Minneapolis: Millbrook Press, 2011.

Markle, Sandra. Insect World series. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications, 2008.


Find out more about nature and wildlife using the websites below.

The University of Michigan's Critter Catalog has a ton of pictures of different kinds of bugs and information on where they live, how they behave, and their predators.

National Geographic Kids
Go to this fun website to watch clips from National Geographic about all sorts of creepy-crawlies.

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
This website has lots of activities for when you're outside playing and looking for wildlife.


#1 Spider Stampede

Eight-year-olds Josh and Danny discover that their neighbor Miss Potts has a secret formula that can change people into bugs. Soon enough, they find themselves with six extra legs. Can the boys survive in the world as spiders long enough to make it home in time for dinner?

#2 Fly Frenzy

Danny and Josh are avoiding their neighbor because she “accidentally” turned them into bugs. But when their mom's garden is ruined the day before a big competition, the twins turn into bluebottle houseflies to discover the culprits. Will they find who's responsible before it's too late?

#3 Grasshopper Glitch

Danny and Josh are having a normal day at school…until they turn into grasshoppers in the middle of class! Can they avoid being eaten during their whirlwind search to find the antidote? And will they be able to change back before getting a week of detention?

#4 Ant Attack

Danny and Josh are being forced to play with Tarquin, the most annoying boy in the neighborhood. But things get dangerous when the twins accidentally turn into ants and discover that Tarquin kills bugs for fun….Can they find a safe place to hide until they turn human again?

#5 Crane Fly Crash

When Petty Potts leaves town, she puts Danny and Josh in charge of some of her S.W.I.T.C.H. spray. Unfortunately, their sister, Jenny, mistakes it for hair spray and ends up as a crane fly. Now it's up to the twins to keep Jenny from being eaten alive.

#6 Beetle Blast

Danny is forced to go with his brother, Josh, to his nature group, but neither of them thought they would turn into the nature they were studying! Both brothers become beetles just in time to learn about pond dipping…from the bug's perspective. Can they avoid getting caught by the other kids?

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