Grand Conspiracy (91 page)

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Authors: Janny Wurts

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Nor was Elaira without the stark grit to encourage, and receive the forgiveness he offered. Through salt tears, her mouth bent in
that wry smile she saved to level his deepest defenses. ‘You have boneheaded stubbornness. Is it true, what I heard, that Parrien s'Brydion once broke your leg to restrain you from misguided loyalty?'

‘Well yes,' Arithon admitted, contrite. ‘But let's not omit facts. I'd had the bad manners to make splinters of the salon in his brother's state galley, beforehand.'

Elaira laughed. ‘The wasp hazing the bull? I ought to have guessed.' She mopped her damp chin with the back of her sleeve, then said in apology to Fionn Areth, ‘This is a man who can't ever admit the hour he's been fairly beaten.'

‘That's likely to change,' a chill voice intruded. Disheveled, short-tempered, no longer possessed of her seamless coiffure or composure, Lirenda arrived like the shadow of bane in the open mouth of the archway. ‘Or will you see Elaira made into a mindless husk just to maintain consistency?'

Arithon whipped around like a wildcat to face her. ‘Keep the lady's name out of this!' His eyes, brilliant green, matched that tone of chill hatred with a hot-blooded, furious challenge. ‘If you would claim the victory for Morriel Prime, then sully your hands, bitch.
Come take me

Lirenda flicked a fallen wisp of black hair from her face, her vindictive triumph made all the sweeter by years of deferred anticipation. ‘What, no begging for me?' She advanced, the assured clarity of privilege etched into each mocking consonant. ‘No princely gallantry? Shall I have no soft word of forgiveness? Or are my vows any less binding than Elaira's when enacting our Prime Matriarch's given will?'

Braced in vised stillness, prepared to draw steel, to use any and every unforgivable expedient to defer his inevitable defeat, Arithon s'Ffalenn ceased breathing. His head tipped a startled fraction to one side. As if through his bard's sensitivity he could hear and interpret some subtext layered through Lirenda's fierce joy in his downfall, he suddenly straightened and laughed. ‘You believe your heart's fiber is made sterner than hers? Oh, madam.' He flung off his cloak. ‘Shall we take the issue to trial?'

‘How far you have fallen, how desperately you grasp at straws.' Flushed to wicked enjoyment, Lirenda advanced. ‘Will you stoop to try steel against spellcraft? A dog shown the collar and leash can but bark. Do go on. Discard all the pride of your training along with the manners of your royal birthright.'

Lit to reckless delight, Arithon did not appease her taunt with
the obvious. His quick hands stripped off his gloves, then followed with sword and dagger. In a debonair abandon, he tossed the sheathed weapons and clothing into the startled arms of Fionn Areth. Still regarding Lirenda, he raised both dark eyebrows. ‘Sword steel can but kill.' His expression was poured honey stirred through with malice, and his voice, the lightning bright cadence of satire. ‘Madam, did you know Caolle?'

Thrown off her stride, Lirenda stiffened. ‘What? Do you think to enact some petty revenge? Yes, I knew him. He died as my captive.'

As Arithon advanced, unarmed, toward her, she fell back an unthinking step.

‘Caolle died free, avenged by his own hand.' Smooth in grace, possessed of a calm to outwear chiseled granite, Arithon s'Ffalenn raised his bare hands, palm upward. ‘You once bound him like a calf, to draw me to slaughter.
What's wrong?
Can you not bear to shackle me in turn?'

Unprepared for the presence of him at close quarters, Lirenda retreated a second step on stunned reflex, her golden eyes wide in the flood of Elaira's held torch.

‘Go on,' prompted Arithon. His smile opened into a genial invitation, he lilted a stunning, light phrase of clear melody.

Lirenda snatched a swift breath. Her hand closed in involuntary defense and shielded the quartz at her breast. ‘Don't. Not again.'

‘Oh, madam,' provoked Arithon in virulent good humor. ‘Can it be that I know you?' He sang another line. His flexible voice used the acoustics of closed stone and magnified nuance to a spellbinding presence woven of unfettered sound. His intimate words fell too softly for any but Lirenda to overhear. ‘What is a vow, after all, but a snippet of wind hobbled in words without meaning? Your heart knows a truth that your mind would deny.'

He reached her. Framed in the velvet shadow of twilight, he extended a bare hand and entrapped the fist she held cupped to her quartz. ‘I'm no cipher, but a living man. Would you know me?' A tug drew her to him. His second, swift move snatched the bone pin that fastened the tightly bound length of her hair. The jet coils spilled free. The long, straight length cascaded down her back, catching small snowflakes like diamonds.

Lirenda could not pull free. His gentleness disarmed, waking passion and need where she had no armor of experience. No
weapon she owned could match his compassion; no power of denial could heal the breach of a lifetime starved of affection.

The gift of his intimacy was no dry barb of intellect, but a breathing force that stripped away pretense and
. Against the sure truth of his masterbard's empathy, she stood emotionally naked.

‘What principle stands in the absence of love?' Arithon drew her closer, then stroked her cold cheek with a touch to wake fire from frost. ‘Nor are you Morriel's bloodless instrument, after all.'

He caught her chin, turned her face. ‘Lirenda?' He laid his lips upon hers, kissed her until he unchained the torrents of passion she had mistaken for the surrogate of ambition. She found the cradling support of his arm and gave way, swept into a spiraling sweetness of ecstasy beyond any dream to fulfill. When she lay in limpid surrender against him, he unclasped the hand tucked through her black hair.

The plea escaped before thought. ‘Don't leave.'

‘I must.' Then the parting line, shaped in a pity honed like a knife thrust. ‘Tell me again, what's the worth of a vow? If you would use loyal hearts for your weapon,
pray don't forget how the
experience feels

Stunned beyond thought, beyond reason, beyond poise, Lirenda sensed nothing else but the surgically brisk withdrawal of Arithon's embrace. The impact of his absence left her unmoored. She scarcely heard his purposeful step, retreating back into the archway.

As though the script had been written and played behind a liquid shimmer of tears, she saw Arithon reclaim his cloak and his weapons from Fionn Areth's numbed hands. Then the Prince of Rathain stepped to the postern, where Elaira patiently waited.

He gave her a gallant's smile that burned for the gentle regard that was genuine. Nor was his voice either polished or suave as he stood inside arm's length, without touching. ‘Beloved, forgive me.'

Elaira regarded him, her staunch pride expressed in the bracing wit that had never yet failed to salve the agony from his stripped nerves. ‘Were you going to tell me you usually kiss your one-night trollops in private?'

He laughed. The free-ringing sound held a spark of pure pleasure, unforced and rich with surprise. ‘I don't kiss them at all, that they don't wear your face in the sanctity of my thoughts.
Now tell me the truth. Will your senior peer's profligate romantic indiscretion be enough to shield you from blame?'

For indeed, he had managed the miracle of creating a cunning double blind. Lirenda could not reveal Elaira's collaboration in Prince Arithon's escape. Not without laying bare the glaring weakness Morriel was least likely to forgive in a successor.

‘Go safely, both of you.' Elaira stepped aside, allowing clear access through the postern.

Arithon gestured for Fionn Areth to pass first. While the herder set his strong shoulder to raise the bar, the Prince of Rathain paused, one hand raised. While the door hissed open with the oiled ease kept for Jaelot's wealthy smugglers, and sleet swirled cold through the gap, he traced the determined lift of Elaira's chin, then cupped her face with a tenderness no one else living could match. ‘You are as my life, lady.
Never forget that

The next instant, he was gone, and Fionn Areth with him, safely vanished into the gathering darkness. Elaira pulled the postern closed and dropped the bar back in place. Through the uplifting, bittersweet rush of pure gratitude, she ached for the memory left with her. The tiny impressions returned to haunt deepest, of his hands, which were chilled, and of clothing that had not been nearly sufficient to withstand the storm that rolled in off the waves of Eltair Bay.


Winter Solstice Evening 5670



Surrounded by her circle of twelve tranced seniors, the newly invested Koriani Matriarch infuses the wakened focus of the Great Waystone with the sigils of prime command, that no witness will recall the past night's events, or question her unprecedented succession; then she sends word far and wide to each peeress, of Morriel's death, and of Lirenda's failure in her charge to take Prince Arithon captive …


After nightfall on the desolate, wild shore of Camris, Lysaer s'Ilessid broods over the latest news from High Priest Cerebeld, that his damaged plot has been salvaged by the unexpected miracle of Prince Kevor's intervention; now Tysan's traumatized guilds set their seal to new documents, promising a standing armed force for the Light, and expanded fortifications to rival the Alliance garrison at Etarra …


As cloudy darkness wraps the spire of Althain Tower, and the solstice tides rise toward the harmonic surge that will fire the sixth lane at midnight, Luhaine's worried vigil at Sethvir's side is relieved by the arrival of two adepts of Ath's Brotherhood; and with them, he gains news that Prince Arithon has successfully snatched Fionn Areth from the claws of Koriani conspiracy, and Dakar awaits with hot food and supplies to shelter them from the inbound storm front …

AESHA––one of the volunteer women who assisted the crown healer at Avenor.

pronounced: aye-ash-ah

root meaning:
––a balm

AIYENNE––river located in Daon Ramon, Rathain, rising from an underground spring in the Mathorn Mountains, and surfacing south of the Mathorn Road.

pronounced: eye-an

root meaning:
––hidden one

ALESTRON––city located in Midhalla, Melhalla. Ruled by the Duke Bransian, Teir's'Brydion, and his three brothers. This city did not fall to merchant townsmen in the Third Age uprising that threw down the high kings, but is still ruled by its clanblood heirs.

pronounced: ah-less-tron

root meaning:

ALITHIEL––one of twelve Blades of Isaer, forged by centaur Ffereton s'Darian in the First Age from metal taken from a meteorite. Passed through Paravian possession, acquired the secondary name Dael-Farenn, or Kingmaker, since its owners tended to succeed the end of a royal line. Eventually was awarded to Kamridian s'Ffalenn for his valor in defense of the princess Taliennse, early Third Age. Currently in the possession of Arithon.

pronounced: ah-lith-ee-el

root meaning:

ALLAND––principality located in southeastern Shand. Ruled by the High Earl Teir's'Taleyn,
of Shand by appointment. Current heir to the title is Erlien.

pronounced: all-and

root meaning:
––pine glen

ALTHAIN TOWER––spire built at the edge of the Bittern Desert, beginning of the Second Age, to house records of Paravian histories. Third Age, became repository for the archives of all five royal houses of men after rebellion, overseen by Sethvir, Warden of Althain and Fellowship Sorcerer.

pronounced: al––like ‘all,' thain––to rhyme with ‘main'

root meaning:
––tower, sanctuary

original Paravian pronunciation: alt-thein (thein as in ‘the end')

AMA'IDAN––colloquial phrase in old Paravian for asking forgiveness for a blunder.

pronounced: ah-mah-aid-an

root meaning:
––please forgive

ANIENT––Paravian invocation for unity.

pronounced: an-ee-ent

root meaning:
––suffix for ‘most'

ARAETHURA––grass plains in southwest Rathain; principality of the same name in that location. Largely inhabited by Riathan Paravians in the Second Age. Third Age, used as pastureland by widely scattered nomadic shepherds.

pronounced: ar-eye-thoo-rah

root meaning:
––place, land

ARAITHE––plain to the north of the trade city of Etarra, principality of Fallowmere, Rathain. First Age, among those sites used by Paravians to renew the mysteries and channel fifth lane energies. The standing stones erected are linked to the power focus at Ithamon and Methisle keep.

pronounced: like ‘a wraith'

root meaning:
––to disperse, to send

ARITHON––son of Avar, Prince of Rathain, 1,504th Teir's'Ffalenn after founder of the line, Torbrand in Third Age Year One. Also Master of Shadow, the Bane of Desh-thiere, and Halliron Masterbard's successor.

pronounced: ar-i-thon––almost rhymes with ‘marathon'

root meaning:
––fate-forger; one who is visionary

ARWENT––river in Araethura, Rathain, that flows from Daenfal Lake, through Halwythwood, to empty into Instrell Bay.

pronounced: are-went

root meaning:

ASANDIR––Fellowship Sorcerer. Secondary name, Kingmaker, since his hand crowned every High King of Men to rule in the Age of Men (Third Age). After the Mistwraith's conquest, he acted as field agent for the Fellowship's doings across the continent. Also called Fiend-quencher, for his reputation for quelling iyats; Storm-breaker and Change-bringer for past actions in late Second Age, when Men first arrived upon Athera.

pronounced: ah-san-deer

root meaning:
––stone ‘heartrock'

ATAINIA––northeastern principality of Tysan.

pronounced: ah-tay-nee-ah

root meaning:
––the third;
––suffix for ‘third domain'; original Paravian,

ATCHAZ––city located in Alland, Shand. Famed for its silk.

pronounced: at-chas

root meaning:

ATH CREATOR––prime vibration, force behind all life.

pronounced: ath to rhyme with ‘math'

root meaning:
––prime, first (as opposed to an, one)

ATHERA––name for the world which holds the Five High Kingdoms; four Worldsend Gates; original home of the Paravian races.

pronounced: ath-air-ah

root meaning:
––prime force;
––place; ‘Ath's world'

ATHIR––Second Age ruin of a Paravian stronghold, located in Ithilt, Rathain. Site of a seventh lane power focus.

pronounced: ath-ear

root meaning:
––the line/edge

ATHLIEN PARAVIANS––sunchildren. Small race of semimortals, pixielike, but possessed of great wisdom/keepers of the grand mystery.

pronounced: ath-lee-en

root meaning:
––prime force;
––to love; ‘Ath-beloved'

AVENOR––SecondAge ruin of a Paravian stronghold. Traditional seat of the s'Ilessid High Kings. Restored to habitation in Third Age 5644. Became the ruling seat of the Alliance of Light in Third Age 5648. Located in Korias, Tysan.

pronounced: ah-ven-or

root meaning:


BECKBURN––market located in the city of Jaelot.

pronounced: beck burn

root meaning not from the Paravian

BLACK ROSE PROPHECY––made by Dakar the Mad Prophet in Third Age 5637 at Althain Tower. Forecasts Davien the Betrayer's repentance, and the reunification of the Fellowship of Seven as tied to Arithon s'Ffalenn's voluntary resumption of Rathain's crown rule.

BRANSIAN s'BRYDION––Teir's'Brydion, ruling Duke of Alestron.

pronounced: bran-see-an

root meaning:
––suffix denoting ‘of the one'; the one with temper

BRETA––one of Fionn Areth's sisters.

pronounced: bret-ah

root meaning:
––little sprout


CADGIA––Koriani seeress of senior rank who was temporarily
assigned to Lirenda's service.

pronounced: cad-jee-ah

––Paravian name for a high king's first counselor; also, the one who would stand as regent, or steward, in the absence of the crowned ruler.

pronounced: kay-ith-day-in

root meaning:
––behind the chair; ‘shadow behind the throne'

CAITHWOOD––forest located in Taerlin, southeast principality of Tysan.

pronounced: kay-ith-wood

root meaning:
––shadow––shadowed wood

CAMRIS––north-central principality of Tysan. Original ruling seat was the city of Erdane.

pronounced: Kam-ris, the ‘i' as in ‘chris'

root meaning:
––way; ‘crossroad'

CAOLLE––past war captain of the clans of Deshir, Rathain. First raised by, and then served under, Lord Steiven, Earl of the North and
of Rathain. Planned the campaign at Vastmark and Dier Kenton Vale for the Master of Shadow. Served Jieret Red-beard, and was feal liegeman of Arithon of Rathain; died of complications from a wound received from his prince while breaking a Koriani attempt to trap his liege.

pronounced: kay-all-eh, with the ‘e' nearly subliminal

root meaning:

CAPEWELL––city located on the south shore of Korias, Tysan. Home of a major Koriani sisterhouse.

CARITHWYR––principality consisting primarily of a grasslands in Havish, once the province of the Riathan Paravians. A unicorn birthing ground. Currently used by man for grain and cattle; area name has become equated with fine hides.

pronounced: car-ith-ear

root meaning:
––forgers of the ultimate link with prime power. An old Paravian colloquialism for unicorn.

CARRIGAN––matron who brews watered spirits in Jaelot.

pronounced: carey-gen

CASCAINS––rugged chain of islets off the coast of Vastmark, Shand.

pronounced: cass-canes

root meaning:
kesh kein
––shark's teeth

CASLEY––prostitute in Meliane's house, in Jaelot.

pronounced: caz-lee

CATTRICK––master joiner hired to run the royal shipyard at Riverton; once in Arithon's employ at Merior by the Sea.

pronounced: cat-rick

root meaning:
––a knot tied of withies that has the magical property of confusing enemies

CENWAITH––great grandmother, and one of the eldest clan chieftains who maintain watch over Caithwood.

pronounced: sen-wayth

root meaning:
––shining smile

CEREBELD––Avenor's High Priest of the Light, formerly Lord Examiner of Avenor.

pronounced: cara-belld

root meaning:

CHEIVALT––coastal city south of Ostermere in Carithwyr, Havish. Known for its elegance and refined lifestyle.

pronounced: shay-vault

root meaning:
––a rare yellow flower which grows by the seaside.

CIANOR SUNLORD––born at Caith-al-Caen, First Age 615. Survived both the massacre of Leorne caused by methuri, or hate- wraiths out of Mirthlvain Swamp in the year 815, and led the Battle of Retaliation on Bordirion Plain (which by the start of the Second Age had been enveloped by the swamp). In 826, Cianor's forces were defeated at Erdane by Khadrim; Cianor retired to Araethura, gravely wounded. Crippled but alive, he was on hand at the arrival of the Fellowship of Seven. Healed by the Sorcerers; appointed Keeper of Records in 902; stabilized the realm after the murder of High King Marin Eliathe in Second Age 1542. Crowned High King of Athera in Second Age 2545 until his death in a rising of Khadrim in 3651.

pronounced: key-ah-nor

root meaning:
––to shine

CILADIS THE LOST––Fellowship Sorcerer who left the continent in Third Age 5462 in search of the Paravian races after their disappearance following the rebellion.

pronounced: kill-ah-dis

root meaning:
––whisper, compound;
––colloquialism for ‘gentleness that abides'

CILDEIN OCEAN––body of water lying off Athera's east coast.

pronounced: kill-dine

root meaning:

COREYN––road master of caravans, often hired by Reysald, merchant
of Daenfal.

pronounced: core-rain

root meaning:
––antique nail

CORITH––island west of Havish coast, in Westland Sea. Site of a drake lair, and a ruined First Age foundation. Here, the council of Paravians met during siege, and dragons dreamed the summoning of the Fellowship Sorcerers. First site to see sunlight upon Desh-thiere's defeat.

pronounced: kor-ith

root meaning:
––ships, vessels;
––five for the five harbors which the old city overlooked

COWILL––initiate priest dispatched to Alestron by Cerebeld.

pronounced: cow-ill


DAELION FATEMASTER–– ‘entity' formed by set of mortal beliefs, which determine the fate of the spirit after death. If Ath is the prime vibration, or life force, Daelion is what governs the manifestation of free will.

pronounced: day-el-ee-on

root meaning:
––king, or lord;
––of fate

DAELION'S WHEEL––cycle of life and the crossing point which is the transition into death.

pronounced: day-el-ee-on

root meaning:
––king or lord;
––of fate

DAENFAL––city located on the northern lakeshore that bounds the southern edge of Daon Ramon Barrens in Rathain.

pronounced: dye-en-fall

root meaning:

DAKAR THE MAD PROPHET––apprentice to Fellowship Sorcerer, Asandir, during the Third Age following the Conquest of the Mistwraith. Given to spurious prophecies, it was Dakar who forecast the fall of the Kings of Havish in time for the Fellowship to save the heir. He made the Prophecy of West Gate, which forecast the Mistwraith's bane, and also, the Black Rose Prophecy, which called for reunification of the Fellowship. At this time, assigned to defense of Arithon, Prince of Rathain.

pronounced: dah-kar

root meaning:

DAGRIEN COURT and LANE––locations in the city of Jaelot, Rathain.

pronounced: dag-ree-an

root meaning:

DAON RAMON BARRENS––central principality of Rathain. Site where Riathan Paravians (unicorns) bred and raised their young. Barrens was not appended to the name until the years following the Mistwraith's conquest, when the River Severnir was diverted at the source by a task force under Etarran jurisdiction.

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