Gracefully Insane (38 page)

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Authors: Alex Beam

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Hicks, Munson
Higginson, Henry Lee
Higginson Hall
Hinckley, Robert
History of Psychiatry
Hitler, Adolf
Hoch, August
Holian, Constance
Holland, Delia
Hollos, Istvan
Hooper, Edward William “Ned,”
Hope Cottage
Horseback riding
Hospital Re-Use Master Plan
Hot air bath
Hotel Beau Rivage
Houghton Mifflin
House of God
Howard, Paul
Hudson Review
Hughes, Ted
Humane living conditions
Hurd, Henry
Hydriatic suite
Ice-pick lobotomies.
See also
If You Listen Quietly
“The Incidence of Manic-Depressive Psychosis in Certain Socially Prominent Families” (Myerson and Boyle)
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton
Institute of Living
Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital
Insulin coma therapy (also: insulin shock therapy) 75, 78-79, 81, 114, 123, 204 and Plath, Sylvia
Insurance companies
Insurance plans
International Harvester
International Psycho-Analytic Journal
Intestines, removal of
Iron lung
Jackson, Charles
Jackson, Clay
Jackson, James
Journal of the American Medical Association
James, Henry, Sr.
James, Henry
James, Michael “Mickey” (grandson of William)
James, Peggy
James, William (father)
James, William (son)
James family
James Taylor
Jefferson, Thomas
“Jenkins, Priscilla,”
Johns Hopkins
Johns Hopkins’ Phipps Clinic
Jones, Ernest
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
Jung, Carl Gustav
Kahne, Merton
Kaysen, Susanna
Kempf, Edward J.
Kennedy, Jacqueline
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Richard S.
Kety, Seymour
Kidder family
“Kids” (Swan)
Kimball, Edith
Kimball, Frank
Kirkbride, Thomas
Kirkbride plan
“Knockin’ ‘Round the Zoo” (James Taylor)
Kokoschka, Oskar
Kraepelin, Emil
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von
La Farge, John
Lafayette, Marquis de
Landau, Jon
Landolt, Heinrich
Landscape, sculptured, curative power of
Langevin, Henry
Langhorne, Nancy
Last Resort: Psychosurgery and the Limits of Medicine
Lawson, George
Léger, Fernand
Liebman, Carl
Liebman, Julius
Liebman, Kitty
Liebman, Marie
Life Studies
(Robert Lowell)
Literary Digest
Live or Die
Livingstone, John
Livingston Taylor
See also
Ice-pick lobotomies
Logan Airport
London, Jack
“Loneliness and Interpersonal Isolation: Focus for Therapy with Schizophrenic Patients” (Shein)
Louis Second.
Shaw, Louis Agassiz
Lowell, Ralph
Lowell, Robert (son)
Lowell, Robert Traill Spence, III (father)
Lowell family
“Lunatic hospital” design
Lynn, David
“Madame George,”
Magnan, Valentin
Manic-Depressive and Depressive Association
Mann, Horace
Mann, Thomas
Marquand, John
Massachusetts General Hospital
and Partners HealthCare System
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Massachusetts Medical Society
Massachusetts Mental Health Center
Matisse, Henri
May, James
McAleer, John
McCormick, Cyrus
McCormick, Katharine
McCormick, Mary Virginia
McCormick, Nettie
McCormick, Stanley
McCormick Harvest Machine Company
McLean, John
portrait of
The McLean Gazette
McLean Hospital
Board of Trustees
buildings. See also
individual buildings
cost of stay
cultural opportunities
and Pavilion, the
recreational facilities
Mechanical inventions
Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases of the Mind
Meduna, Joseph Ladislas von
Menninger, Karl
Menninger Clinic
Men’s Division
Mental health, patient reimbursements for
The Mental Hospital
(Stanton and Schwartz)
Mental illness, psychiatrists with
The Mentally Ill in America
Menzer-Benaron, Doris
Metrazol therapy
Metropolitan State Hospital
Meyer, Adolf
Middlebrook, Diane
(George Eliot)
Milieu therapy
“Milieu Therapy is Alive and Well,”
Miller’s Creek
Mills hotel
Milton Academy
Mirin, Steven
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Modern psychiatry
and Stanton, Alfred
Moral therapy
Moran, David
Morbid Fears and Compulsions
Morning Reports
Morris, Eleanor
Morrison, Van
Morton, William
Moses Maimonides
“The Moth,”
Mount Auburn Cemetery
Mount Misery
Muscle relaxants
Music therapy
and Jackson, Clay
and Taylor, James
Myers, Grace Whiting
Myerson, Abraham
Myopia Hunt Club
Mystic River
Napoleonic Wars
Narcosis therapy
Nash, John Forbes
National Institute of Mental Health
Neptune girdle
Neuroendocrine Research Foundation
New Deal
New England Journal of Medicine
Newton-Wellesley Hospital
The New Yorker
New York Herald
New York Psychoanalytic Institute
New York Psychoanalytic Society
New York Times
New York World
Nijinsky, Vaslav
Nobel Prize
and Axelrod, Julius
and Egasmoniz, António
and Enders, John
and Shein, Harvey
“Nobel Prize complex,”
Noble and Greenough School
North Belknap Hall
Northland Development Corporation
North Shore nursing home
Norton Anthology
Noyes family
Nunberg, Hermann
Nurses, at McLean Hospital
Occupational therapies
Olmsted, Frederick Law
Olmsted-Vaux design
“On Mourning and Melancholia” (Freud)
Opium, tincture of
Orne, Martin
Orr, Elaine Eliot
Packard, Frederick
Pail douche
Partners HealthCare System
Patient Activities Association
Patient reimbursements, for mental health
“Paton, Walter,”
Paton family
Patterson, Richard
Patton, George
(Louis Agassiz Shaw II)
Pavilion, the
Payne, John
Peabody, Elizabeth
Peabody and Stearns (architects)
Perkins, Robert
Peters, William
Pfister, Oskar
Pharmacy, at McLean Hospital
Philadelphia Hospital
Phipps Clinic
Physical restraints
Physical therapies
Picasso, Pablo
Pierce Hall
Pine Bluffs Sanitarium
Pinel, Philippe
Pitts, Ferris
Plagiarism scandal
Plath, Sylvia
Pleasant Street gatehouse
Pleasant Street Lodge
Plunkett, Eugenia
Plunkett, Robert
Poetry therapy
and Lowell, Robert
and Plath, Sylvia
and Plunkett, Eugenia
and Sexton, Anne
Polio viruses
Pollack, William
Pope, Alfred
Porcellian Club
Postmortem dissections
Pound, Ezra
Practical Navigator
Pressman, Jack
Prison stupor
Proctor Hall
Prolonged narcosis therapy
The Proposition
Prouty, Olive Higgins
Psychiatric suicide
and Cu, Wellington
and Shein, Harvey
See also
Psychiatrist: Personalities and Patterns
Psychiatrists, with mental illness
Psychopathia Sexualis
Psychopharmaceutical revolution
Psychosocial therapy.
See also
Talk therapy; Psychotherapy
See also
Ice-pick lobotomies; Lobotomies
and Plath, Sylvia
See also
Talk therapy
Pugatch, Maria
Pulitzer Prize
and Lowell, Robert
and Sexton, Anne
Putnam, Israel
Putnam, James Jackson
Quincy Market
Radcliffe College
Rainsford Island
Rank, Otto
Ratner, Ellen
Real Boys
Reality-adaptive supportive (RAS) psychotherapy
Recreational facilities, at McLean Hospital
Redding, Otis
Reiter Electro Stimulator
Reni, Guido
Residential care, at McLean Hospital
costs of
Rest cure
Revulsive sitz bath
Rich, Charles
Richardson, H. H.
Ritz hotel
Riven Rock
Riven Rock
Rivers Protection Act
Roazen, Paul
Robart, Mark
Roberts, Paul
Robinson, Michael “Mickey,”
Rock, John
Rock and roll
Rock concerts
Rockne, Knute
Roethke, Theodore
Ronnie and the Waverley Squares (band)
Roosevelt, Franklin
Ropes and Gray
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Rush, Benjamin
Sakel, Manfred Joshua
Salem District Court
Salinger, J. D.
Salot, Anne Marie
Salt glow rubdown
Sanders, Stewart
Sanger, Margaret
Saudi Embassy
Scandals, at McLean Hospital
and Danish twins study
vs. hippiephrenia
“Schizophrenics Can Recover” (Stanton)
Schnitzler, Arthur
Schrafft family
Schreiber, Judge
Schwartz, Barbara
Schwartz, Morris
Scofield, Edward
Scotch douches
Scribonius Largus
Sculptured landscape, curative power of
Seidel, Frederick
Selkirk, Alexander
Semrad, Elvin
Sex, and adolescent psychiatry
Sexton, Anne
Sexual harassment scandal
Sharpe, Douglas
Shaw, Louis Agassiz
Shaw, Parkman “Parky,”
Shaw, Roberta
Shaw, Robert Gould
Shaw, Robert Gould
Shaw family
Shein, Harvey
Shein, Mrs.
Sheldon, John
Sheldon, William
Shem, Samuel.
Bergman, Stephen
Shepherd Pratt
Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge (architects)
Shine, William
Shock therapies. See also
individual therapies
Shorter, Edward
Shurcliff, Sidney Nichols
Signac, Paul
Silver Hill
Silverman, Samuel
Simon, Linda
Sister Kate’s Soul Stew and Submarine Sandwich Shoppe (band)

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