Government Zero: No Borders, No Language, No Culture (18 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #Political Science, #Commentary & Opinion, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism & Liberalism

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Not only has the Obama sorority allowed thousands of sick immigrants to enter the country, it has then transported them all over the United States, over the objections of immigration professionals who are trying to do their jobs and contain any threat of contagious disease. Even ABC News reported on this. They also interviewed Cabrera:

“We are sending people everywhere. The average person doesn’t know what’s going on down here,” said Border Patrol agent and Rio Grande Valley Union representative Chris Cabrera.

Cabrera says agents are seeing illegal immigrants come over with contagious infections.

Whoever has permitted this, whether it was the stooge at the CDC, the stooge at the NIH, or Obama himself, is at least
guilty of criminal negligence. Where are all the shyster lawyers who sue doctors for negligence when they make an honest mistake? They send their kids to college with money they made suing doctors, but they’re nowhere to be found when the government is negligent and endangers us all.

One of the reasons health departments are overwhelmed is a huge spike in tuberculosis cases over the past two years. It isn’t an isolated incident. Forget what the Department of Health and Human Socialism tells you. Tuberculosis has broken out at camps for illegal immigrant children at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas and Fort Sill in Oklahoma. As Fox News reported last July:

However, at least a half dozen anonymous sources, including nurses and health care providers who worked at Lackland, allege that the government is covering up what they believe to be a very serious health threat.

Several of my sources tell me that tuberculosis has become a dangerous issue at both the border and the camps.

“The amount of tuberculosis is astonishing,” one health care provider told me. “The nurses are telling us the kids are really sick. The tuberculosis is definitely there.”

I’ll bet your local paper neglected to report that, too. Why would they? It might make Dear Leader Obama look bad. It might make it look like keeping his oath and doing his constitutional duty was probably a good idea after all. Don’t expect to hear anything that contradicts the dictator from

Outbreaks of the rare Enterovirus 68 (EV-D68) are also suddenly occurring all over the country, in areas as remote from the southern border as Missouri, Illinois,
and Buffalo,
New York.
Why is this suddenly happening all over the country? It couldn’t be because Obama is putting sick illegal immigrants on buses and airplanes and transporting them all over the country, could it? No, Savage, that’s crazy talk. Nothing Dear Leader does could possibly be so harmful.

It isn’t just measles or the flu. Children have actually been crippled. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) itself was investigating whether the virus was causing symptoms similar to polio in at least nine infected children in September 2014.

One would think that with all of this, the federal department whose sole reason to exist is to control and prevent disease outbreaks would be highly concerned. One might expect the CDC to issue the strongest recommendations to the president to take emergency steps to protect the public, his first duty as president.

Instead, the CDC claims it has no idea about the origin of these diseases. In a February 2015 update to its investigation on EV-D68 causing poliolike symptoms in children, the CDC reported it was now referring to the condition as “acute flaccid myelitis” and had verified cases of 112 children in thirty-four states who had developed the condition.

The section titled “What CDC Is Doing” listed several bullet points on actions taken by the agency, including further testing, working with health-care professionals and state and local departments of health, and so on. What the update makes no mention of is any effort to determine the reason these outbreaks suddenly occurred all over the United States, immediately following Obama’s new immigration initiatives.

The agency had said in its initial report in September it had “particular interest in characterizing the epidemiology and etiology
of such cases.” Apparently, it lost interest in the epidemiological aspect of the investigation. I wonder why. Is there some reason they suddenly don’t want to know the origin of these diseases?

It has previously denied any link between illegal immigrant children and the virus, despite a peer-reviewed report linking EV-D68 to Latin American children.
Now it isn’t investigating the origin of the disease at all, even though it has previously published a study on its own website calling EV-D68 “one of the most rarely reported serotypes, with only 26 reports throughout the 36-year study period.”

Almost five times that many cases have been reported in a five-month period in 2014–2015, but the CDC isn’t even curious why that might be. Perhaps that’s because finding the answer could hurt the president politically.

They’re doing the same fake science with tuberculosis. The Lynn, Massachusetts, scare was by no means an isolated incident, but it is interesting that there have been no statements by the CDC about the origin of the disease there. Remember how fast they were to announce the source of the “Disneyland outbreak” of measles in February 2015? Within days, the CDC had done genetic tests indicating the virus was “similar to strains seen in Indonesia, Qatar, Azerbaijan, and Dubai.”

“We don’t know exactly how this outbreak started but we do think it was likely a person infected with measles overseas,” the CDC’s Dr. Anne Schuchat told reporters.

Why were they so quick to determine the origin of the measles strain, but not the origin of the much more dangerous tuberculosis outbreak?

I can think of one possible answer. The measles was likely carried into the United States by a tourist here legally and thus not politically damaging to the president, but the tuberculosis
in Lynn was probably brought in by an infected illegal immigrant child carrying the disease into its overloaded Community Health Center. Announcing that would have been very harmful to the president politically. We’re supposed to believe that’s a coincidence. Do you?

Tuberculosis cases in the United States have been steadily declining in the United States for sixty years, from over fifty cases per hundred thousand in 1953 to just three per hundred thousand in 2013. Numbers for 2014 were not available at the time of this writing, but I assume that trend will continue, in spite of cases the administration may have brought in with its immigration policies. What if it doesn’t? If there is an uptick in the number of cases for the first time in sixty years, will the CDC investigate then?

So far, the CDC’s answer to sudden outbreaks of disease has been the same as Obama’s answer to everything else: blame Americans. They blame the small percentage of parents who don’t vaccinate their children. Never mind that this has been the case for decades and the outbreaks started only after Obama started inviting sick children into the country and then shipping them all over the States. Who cares about scientific concepts like controlling for other causes? Not the Lysenkoites at the CDC.

I’ve only given you a few examples of the dozens of deadly diseases that could potentially enter the United States as a result of the president’s irresponsible, politically motivated immigration policy. Faith in federal agencies to control the spread of these diseases is obviously misplaced. Politics have corrupted their science, just as it has the IPCC’s. How can we possibly trust the same people who have ignored ongoing outbreaks of tuberculosis, EV-D68, and other diseases to suddenly start doing real science when a more serious outbreak occurs?

Importing Socialism: Amnesty for Illegals

While the White House sorority is importing terrorism through its refugee program and deadly diseases through its immigration policies, it is simultaneously importing socialism.

The progressives have accomplished quite a bit in the century they’ve controlled public schools. But teaching progressivism takes time. It’s taken generations to overcome the common sense inherent in the American people. Sometimes, critical thinking still rears its troublesome head, as it did with those schoolchildren at Pine Bush High School who refused to sit still for the Pledge of Allegiance being read in Arabic.

Fortunately for progressives, they have another source of low-information voters. Those they can’t teach progressive socialism they simply import. That’s the real reason they are so adamant about amnesty for illegals. It’s not about compassion or fairness or freedom. It’s about power.

Before talking about the present, let me enlighten you a little about the past. I’m going to let you in on a little progressive brainwashing that you didn’t even know you were swallowing hook, line, and sinker.

How many times have you heard liberals argue that America lags behind Europe in quality of life because it doesn’t have government-run health care or a larger welfare state in general? Have you heard that one? I hear people mindlessly repeating it all of the time. It’s a mind trick, and a pretty good one at that.

What does this have to do with immigration? Think about it for a moment. What was America like when the huge waves of legal immigrants entered through Ellis Island during the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? Did it have government health care? Did it have a large welfare state in general? No.

In fact, that’s precisely why those immigrants came to America, to escape governments with less freedom and large welfare states. That’s why they called America “the land of opportunity.” It was our free markets, limited government and culture of self-reliance, individual liberty and responsibility, and opportunity to become whatever you wanted if you worked hard enough. They came here because we had less government than they had at home, not more.

I’ll bet you never thought of that, did you? It never occurred to you that the kind of government these liberals want to construct, the socialist paradises in Sweden or France, are precisely the kind of governments millions of immigrants came here to get away from. These were the immigrants who helped make America the greatest nation in human history.

German immigrants came here specifically to get away from the large welfare state in Bismarck’s Germany. They waited in line at Ellis Island, learned to speak English, and studied to become citizens, not for a handout, but just for the opportunity to keep the fruits of their labor instead of having it stolen by the government.

It goes without saying that immigrants who came to America during this period knew they’d have to be productive members of society in order to survive. They would have to assimilate into American culture and find their place in the American economy. They weren’t going to get a handout. They were just going to get a fair chance. That was all people like my parents or any other immigrants were asking for back then.

Even today,
immigrants are far more likely to come to America for the same reasons. They come to attend American
universities, earning degrees in medicine and engineering. They come to do highly technical jobs in fields where there is a shortage of their skills. They are more likely to start businesses and employ other people.

Part of the reason for this is the immigration process has been discriminatory in the past. I know, that’s a bad word to progressives. Liberals have convinced people that any discrimination is bad. That’s ridiculous. Discrimination is necessary for survival. If you can’t discriminate between edible plants and poisonous ones, you’ll die. Every day you must discriminate in a thousand ways to avoid death, financial problems, and other misfortunes.

The immigration system is supposed to discriminate between different types of immigrants. That doesn’t mean it discriminates based on their race, religion, or national origin. It shouldn’t. It discriminates based on each individual’s risk for American taxpayers versus his or her potential value to American society. Will this individual add to American society or become a burden upon it?

No system is perfect, least of all when the government is running it, but it at least attempts to represent the interests of the American people in terms of who is approved to immigrate and who is not. It can at least screen people for diseases, find out what skills they have and what their plans are. That gives some indication of whether they will be a plus or a minus for American society.

None of this happens when people immigrate illegally. As we’ve already seen, they are bringing diseases into the country that have been previously eradicated or have never been present here before. They tend to be low skilled and much more likely to require government assistance than those who go through the proper channels.

Many of them can’t even read or write in their own language.
After California passed a law allowing illegal immigrants to apply for driver’s licenses, most were unable to pass the written test, even though it was offered in Spanish. Nevada had a similar experience after allowing illegals to apply for driver’s licenses. Seventy-one percent failed the test in their own language.

Nevertheless, Nancy Pelosi actually told reporters that immigrants who “flocked to our shores” provided “invigoration that made America the greatest country that has ever existed in the history of the world and will continue to.”

What is she saying? Does bringing in two-year-old babies from El Salvador whose mothers don’t even read or write in Spanish “invigorate” America? What jobs are they going to take? Are the two-year-olds going to work?

Of course, that’s not why Pelosi wants them here. She wants them here to ensure the progressives have voters for the socialist welfare state. First, they get them in by any means possible. Then, they find a “path to citizenship” for people who literally invaded the United States without even needing an army.

They are the army. It’s a progressive-socialist army that is going to change what’s left of the United States after imported Islamists try to blow it all up. This is the new immigration policy under the Progressive-Islamist takeover. If you’re illiterate and from a socialist country or Muslim and from a country rife with terrorism, you’re admitted immediately and subsidized.

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