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Authors: Hazel Gower

Gordon's Dawn (11 page)

BOOK: Gordon's Dawn
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“You’re beautiful. I’m so glad I found you,” he panted before his lips took hers, and she could taste herself on him, and it only drove her body to burn for him even more. 

Gordon’s mouth took everything, demanding she give the same back. He sucked on her tongue and nipped at her lips. “Don’t ever stay away like you have this week,” she groaned. Gordon’s hands eased around to her back and brought her up just enough for her breast to rub against him coursing tingles to jolt her.

Almost crazed, Gordon pounded into her with a power she hadn’t felt from him before. The heavy table shook with his force. The knowledge she was driving him to this high had her body exploding into a million blissful pieces, screaming her release as she gripped Gordon tight. He buried himself to the hilt and let out a roar as she felt his release flood her. He came down and rested on top of her. Papers, pens, ledgers, and other office things dug into her, but Dawn didn’t care as her rapture settled over her.

“I’m sorry I stayed away for so long. Truthfully, after we came home from Vegas, and what happened with Mother, I was waiting for you to get over your anger. Or to get ready to have time to spare so I could fight you when you tried to leave. So I’ve poured myself into work. I figured if I weren’t around for you to say anything to me, then you wouldn’t go, and when you did, I would be caught up enough on work I could follow you.”

“I was angry, but I understand why you did what you did. I’ve seen your crazy life the last couple of weeks and know how superficial everyone is.” He wrapped her around him and sat on his chair. She snuggled against him and kissed his chest. “But, if that’s the sex we have when we spend time apart, and you think I’m going to leave you—then we may have to fight, so we can make up.” Brushing her lips against his, she sighed. “Next time, let’s not fight because I just found out something—like, you’re a billionaire. That you’re a CEO, and your parents are alive and well, and your mother is a conniving bitch. I promise not to keep a hold of my anger.”

Gordon chuckled. “Sure, sprite. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”




He organized a
meeting of his staff when they got home for the morning. Dawn had told him she wanted ground rules set. So at nine the next morning, instead of being at work, he stood by Dawn’s side as she spoke to his house staff, his groundskeeper, who was also his driver Henry, his maid Jane, and two of his security.

“Hi, as you know I’m Dawn, Gordon’s wife. I’ve asked Gordon to gather you all so I can talk to you.” Dawn straightened her back and stood taller. “I’m probably not what you expected, but I’m here. I wanted you to know I am different. I don’t need you to wait on me all the time. I love baking and cooking. Now I know that’s part of your job, Jane, and you won’t have your pay cut because I decide I’d like to cook at least three nights a week. I also don’t need you all running away as soon as you see me. I’d like to become friends or I’d at least like a conversation.” Dawn turned to the security. “I don’t need you in the bathroom or change rooms with me. I’m happy to talk so you know I’m fine or have some other signal. Next and last that I can think of now, when I have my music on loud, please don’t disturb me. I’m working, and it relaxes me.”

Gordon smiled as he looked to his security. “When you hear her music, you may think someone is dying, but it’s just what she calls music.”

Dawn elbowed him. “Ha, ha. You’re so funny.” He grunted as her elbow connected with his stomach. “Thank you all for listening, and I look forward to getting to know you.”

They all nodded and said their goodbyes and got to work.

That was a couple of days ago, and Gordon knew he needed to cut his work hours back, so he’d spent some of his work time looking for a solution. He made sure he’d been home before seven and hadn’t been leaving for work until eight. Tonight, though, he and Dawn were taking a group of his top employee candidates to promote and delegate some of his work to out for dinner. 

Dawn was coming into her own. She was slowly getting back to the Dawn he’d gotten to know and fall for in Australia. He’d been unsure if she were ready for tonight, but she’d reassured him. “Gordon, I can do this.”

“I know you can, but you hated my party, and I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable or not good enough again.”

“I didn’t hate it your party. The people are just not the type I would choose to socialize with, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be in the same room with them. As for being uncomfortable, I will get the hang of this.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tight. “I know this is important, and I can do this. I’m your wife. This is our life.”

So now, he stood as his chauffeur Henry helped Dawn out of the limo. Gazing at her as she straightened her purple and black fifties-style dress that emphasized all her lush curves to perfection, he was rethinking the dinner for other reasons. He adjusted himself, moving his trouser zipper before turning and hooking his arm around her waist. “Let’s go, sprite, before I change my mind and take you home, and we can spend our evening very differently.”

Smiling up at him, she nodded, and they walked into the restaurant. The Maître d’ came to him straight away recognizing him. “Mr. Wilks, all of your party is here. I have sat you all in a private room.”

He nodded and followed the Maître d’ to a back room filled with the candidates. He paused at the door before entering and shooed the Maître d’ away, handing him a hundred. Bringing Dawn into his embrace, he gave her a gentle kiss before lingering at her ear. “These are who I’m looking to take some of my workload off me. I need your help if you think they could handle it.”

Gordon grinned as the huge smile spread over Dawn’s face. “Of course.” She pulled him down and kissed him just enough to get him hard and in agony before breaking away beaming. “I love you.”

Groaning, he brushed his lips over hers. “I love you, too. Let’s go get this over with so I can find out what’s beneath that dress.”

She laughed, slid her arm through his, and walked with him into the room whose occupants were now staring at them.




Most of the
men were douches, but there were a few who were decent. The wives and girlfriends were different. There was a clear divide, the power money hungry women, the arm candy who seemed to be there to be an object, and lastly, the true partner, the loving, there for their spouse.

The woman before her was the latter. She was in her mid-forties and spoke of her children proudly. Her husband was one of the decent ones and beamed with pride the more his wife spoke. Dawn liked them. The only thing that held her back from telling Gordon this man was the one for the job was she didn’t want the guy to have too much work. She didn’t want the added stress to flow over into his family life.

Battling with herself over whether she should stay polite or be herself by talking and asking questions like she usually would, had her gaze wandering and searching for Gordon. He stood talking to a younger couple, one Dawn hadn’t felt too fond off. When her gaze caught Gordon’s, he smiled and excused himself coming over to her. As soon as his fingers intertwined with hers, she relaxed, and her confidence came back and her decision was easy.

“You both sound like amazing parents. Your children are lucky to have you. I’m worried though. How would you feel, Mrs. Staffer, if your husband received a promotion, but it added an extra at least fifteen hours a week to his work hours? How would this affect your children, too?”

Mrs. Staffer’s mouth opened and shut, her eyebrows rose, and her gaze widened in shock at her asking those questions. Mr. Staffer looked just as shocked she had asked his wife the questions. It had taken a moment before Mrs. Staffer replied.

“Those are good questions, and I thank you for thinking to ask how I and my children would feel as we’re a family, and my husband’s job affects us all.”

Gordon squeezed her hand, and Dawn felt good because she’d done the right thing.

“To tell you the truth, I think a promotion now would be the best time. If I’d been asked this ten, even five years ago, my answer would be different. Our youngest just turned sixteen, our oldest is in their first year of college, and our middle child is in their last year of school. They’re all old enough that they don’t need all our time and can fend for themselves. A promotion would be a wonderful opportunity, and the extra money would be a huge help for my children with college. So I think the timing is perfect.” 

Dawn knew without having Mr. Staffer answer that this couple would be perfect for the promotion. Dawn looked up at Gordon to see him grinning, his gaze catching hers as he nodded. “George, I’d like to see you in my office tomorrow morning at nine-thirty.” Gordon held his hand out, and George shook it. “It was nice to meet your wife.” George nodded. He seemed a little shell-shocked.

When Gordon let his hand go, Dawn grabbed it and shook. “It was so nice to meet you and your wife, and I look forward to seeing more of you and meeting your children.” Mrs. Staffer gasped, and when Dawn dropped George’s hand, she leaned over and hugged Mrs. Staffer.

“Thank you,” Mrs. Staffer whispered.

Gordon pulled her back against him and then turned to the group who was watching the exchange. “I thank you all for coming. You have all given me a lot to think over. I will be calling two more of you to my office tomorrow before lunch. To all the others who aren’t called up to my office, I thank you for coming and will keep you in mind for next time. Now, if you’ll excuse me, my wife and I are going to leave.” Gordon turned and together, they left.

“You did great. I would never have thought to ask what you did.”

They walked out of the restaurant, and the limo sat waiting. Henry stood, holding the door open. “They were one of the nicer couples, and Mrs. Staffer boasted about her children, and it was done so lovingly. They are both so proud of their children, and I really like that quality.” Dawn got in the limo and sat. Gordon slid in beside her. “She found something positive about each child. Her eldest is creative, her youngest is super smart, and her middle, well, she assured me has the biggest heart.” Dawn couldn’t help the chuckle.

“What, how’s that funny?”

“Oh, it’s not really. It’s just what she was telling of her youngest and oldest accomplishments, and then she seemed to remember the middle child. I watched her smile, take a breath and think of something to brag about with her. I just thought it was funny how she made sure, even though the middle child wasn’t there to be offended, she was boasted about, too. Mr. Staffers just agreed and reinforced what his wife said. It all made me think if I have children, I want to be like them. I don’t want to forget about a child even when they’re not around to remind you of themselves.”

Gordon wrapped his arms around her. “I love you, Dawn Wilks, and when you say things like that, you remind me why.”

Closing her eyes, she snuggled against Gordon. This was going to work. She may not have liked many of the people at the dinner, but it hadn’t been as bad as she thought it would be. She thought she’d done well, especially at the end when she was herself. They were going to work. “I love you, too.




Gordon awoke to
Dawn’s ass nestled against his cock and his hand cupping a breast. Flexing his hand, he squeezed her breast, and she moaned rubbing her ass against his hard dick. The lace of her panties teased him, and he groaned, as his cock couldn’t get to its prize. Easing away, he moved, spreading her legs and sliding her panties down and off. Dawn wore a shirt of his as a nightie, and she looked damn sexy. Kissing his way up between her thighs, he settled with his mouth over her pussy and latched on. Dawn’s eyes flew open, and her mouth opened on a scream of pleasure. He sucked her clit in, stuck his tongue into her core, and lapped at her. Dawn ground her pussy against him.

“Best fuckin way to wake up,” she panted out. Fingers ran through his hair before pulling at the strands when he delved deep as he added a digit. Spreading her pussy lips, he sucked and shook his head, and he buried his face and licked back and forth. “Oh, God. More, I need more. Please, please. I need you. Please.”

Pure need rushed through him at her begging and, doing something he hadn’t done before, he moved up her body and settled behind her. Gordon rubbed his cock against her pussy lips.

“Yes. Please. Please. Please. Now. Give it to me now. Please.” She wiggled her ass against him.

Dawn was driving him to the brink of control. He pulled her back to his chest, lined his cock up to her core, and slammed home. Burying his head into her shoulder, he nibbled on her bare skin. A scream of pure pleasure came from Dawn as his dick hit just the right spot as he hammered into her.

Pounding into her, Dawn moaned and reached for the bedside table with one hand and the other, the sheets, pushing her ass back against him as he thrust into her over and over. Gordon sucked on her neck like a hungry animal and her pussy held him in a death grip.

Tightening his hold on her, he drove into her in a frenzied haze of pleasure. Latching onto her neck, he sucked as she mumbled and begged for more, for release, for it harder and deeper. His cock throbbed, and his balls drew up ready to spill his load.

Bringing his hand around and down to her pussy, he stroked her clit. “Oh, God, I’m gonna come.” 

BOOK: Gordon's Dawn
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