Good Woman Blues (29 page)

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Authors: Lynn Emery

Tags: #romance, #new orleans, #family drama, #art, #scandal

BOOK: Good Woman Blues
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Erikka took the phone from her. “Hello?
Nadine, what’s up?” She listened to her boss rattle on as though
they were still in the office. “First thing in the morning. Yes,
early in the morning. Bye.”

“Does she have a life, this woman? Damn. You
just left that place two hours ago,” Hope said when Erikka punched
the button and put the phone down.

“She’s a bit obsessed with being on top.”
Erikka shrugged.

“We’ll talk about rumors of her sex life
later,” Hope quipped, with an evil grin.

“Say sweet things about the woman who has
given me three major clients. I now have my old accounts back plus
Layton Inc. Laurie is so pissed.” Erikka giggled just remembering
the look on her face when Nadine made the announcement about the

“As in copper, paper mills, and oil holdings
Layton, Inc.?” Hope sat straight for the first time since they’d
gotten home.

“You left out newspapers and three radio
stations. We’re working on revamping their employee pension and
benefits package. I’ve got my hands full.” Erikka sank back into
the overstuffed chair.

“You love it,” Hope observed.

“Oh yeah,” Erikka agreed, grinning widely.
“With outsourcing and the cost of benefits shooting up, I’m on my
way to getting a rep as being a top expert on the subject.”

“Excellent!” Hope raised her soda can in

“Best of all, I can rub Laurie’s face in it.”
Erikka propped her stocking feet on the cocktail table.

“Success is the best revenge,” Hope replied,
with a nod. She leaned forward. “Back to Gabriel. When do we get to
meet your man?”

“Soon. He’s coming this Saturday.” Erikka
easily shoved work aside in her mind.

“I’ll be sure to hang around before I leave
for my date with Damon. I’ll be pulling an all-nighter,” Hope said
and wiggled her eyebrows.

“I’m counting on it. So, don’t be Miss Drama
Queen and pick a fight with him over some nonsense. I won’t let you
in.” Erikka stabbed a forefinger in the air between them for

“Not to worry. Damon and I are tight this
week. He just bought me this.” Hope held out her wrist to reveal a
stunning turquoise-and-silver cuff bracelet.

“Are you for sale? Tsk, tsk.” Erikka shook
her head.

“At various times in my life, yes. So, I
won’t be touchy with him. I want the matching earrings to this bad
boy.” Hope tossed her long hair.

“I despair of ever making you see the error
of your ways.” Erikka continued to shake her head, pretending to be

“Look at my bracelet again. Did I mention the
little beauty he bought me last month?” Hope wiggled the ring
finger on her right hand at Erikka.

‘Terrible. You’re totally screwing up my
fantasy about finding true love.” Erikka swung her feet to the

Hope gave a most unladylike snort. “Girl, you
have used and let go of more men than the army.”

Erikka bared her teeth at her and hissed.
“Bitch,” she tossed as she padded into the kitchen.

“Yes, my sista. We recognize each other. But
I’m not in denial,” Hope yelled after her.

“Okay, so I have a checkered past. A true
friend would not bring that up.” Erikka came back with a bag of com
chips. She sat down in the chair and put her feet up again.

“I’m helping you keep it real. Your therapist
would thank me.” Hope pointed at her.

“Shut up.” Erikka aimed a com chip at Hope’s

Hope ducked as she whooped with laugher.
“Okay, fairy tales can come true. Happy?”

‘Too little too late,” Erikka mumbled around
a mouthful of chips.

“What about Gabriel? Is he showing any signs
of strain with this long-distance love?”

“He’s an hour away. I’d hardly call that
long-distance. We’re tight right now.” Erikka had a hot flash
thinking about their coming weekend together.

“You’re in love, and the world is lovely.
Sweet.” Hope went to the bar. She came back with a soda for Erikka
and a bottle of imported beer for herself.

“Thanks.” Erikka took the soda and drank from
the can.

‘Tell you the truth I could use some of
that.” Hope took a long pull from bottle.

“You’ll find it. A good start would be no
more superficial relationships. No more trading what’s real for
jewelry,” Erikka said carefully. They were crossing into deep
water. She wasn’t sure how Hope would take her observations.

“You mean I need to stop being cheap.” Hope
appeared to study the label on the bottle.

“No, I mean stop underestimating your value,”
Erikka said firmly.

“Yeah,” Hope replied after a few minutes of
silence. Then she wore a wide grin when she looked at Erikka.


“If I take your advice, I won’t see Damon
this weekend, and you won’t have this spacious two-bedroom to
yourself.” Hope puckered her lips.

“Oh—well. Uh, don’t try to change overnight.
These things take time. Lots of time. Weeks even,” Erikka added
with emphasis.

“Uh-huh, thought so. I’m keeping the bracelet
and going for the earrings.” Hope stood. She swung her hips as she
walked toward her bedroom. “Matter of fact, I’m going all out.”

“Don’t tell me, the necklace,” Erikka

“A toe ring and ankle bracelet, too. I can
wear them all when he takes me to the St. Lucia Jazz Festival.”
Hope spun around to face her with a saucy smirk.

“Definitely not cheap,” Erikka wisecracked.
“But seriously—”

“I feel ya. Giving up Damon would be going
cold turkey. I’m going to take little baby steps. Which means you
shall have your weekend of bliss.” Hope spread her arms out and did
a neat curtsey.

“Bless you.”

“Thanks for the talking to,” Hope said, with
affection. “Now I’m going to soak in the tub with a good book.”

“Sounds wonderful. I’m heading to the
shower.” Erikka went back to answer the ringing phone. “Hi, Nadine.
What did you forget? Yeah, I’ve got those notes with me. Hang

“You ask me,
should be sending out
resumes,” Hope whispered.

“I’m about to take the business world by
storm.” Erikka hit the mute button on the phone to be safe. “Nadine
might be a barracuda, but she’s a successful barracuda with
contacts. This is short-term pain for long-term gain.”

“Yeah, well you better hope your man sees it
that way.” Hope tossed out her grain of wisdom, and then headed to
her room.

Her words made Erikka pause as she searched
through her briefcase. Job one would be getting a handle on her
work schedule. Erikka had to find a way to stop a runaway work
train called Nadine Lewis. She had to prove to herself and Gabriel
that she wouldn’t slide down the same old slippery slope.




Chapter 17



Erikka stretched right down to her toes. She
wiggled closer to Gabriel’s warmth. Cuddling after sex was a rare
experience. All her previous lovers had dashed for the door, unless
Erikka beat them to it. She’d known something was missing with
those affairs. Somehow it had never pushed her to find more. Or
maybe they were safe. Stop, Erikka ordered herself. Therapy had led
her to these sudden bouts of self-examination. She needed to stay
in the moment. To that end she reached under the sheet and stroked
Gabriel’s muscular thigh.

“Show some mercy,” he muttered.


Erikka kneaded the hard flesh until he came
back to life. As she suspected, Gabriel had plenty of energy to
spare. He proved it by turning the tables on her. His revenge was
sweet for both of them. Gabriel licked, kissed, and stroked Erikka
until she came three times. Afterward, she lay exhausted beneath
him. With one leg she kicked the damp twisted top sheet off the
edge of the bed.

Gabriel gave a final kiss to both her
nipples, and then lifted his body from hers. Both were content to
be silent for a long time drifting in and out of a drowsy stupor.
When the phone rang Erikka didn’t move.

“You’re going to answer it?” Gabriel asked.
He shifted as though allowing her space to reach for the

“Uh-uh. Nothing is that important,” Erikka
said, and breathed deep with the effort.

“It could be your boss. She—”

“Whoa, good point.” Erikka rolled neatly to
her left and grabbed the phone. “Hello? Oh, hi. Company, call you
back. Bye.”

“Not your boss obviously.”

“No, my sister. Another long rant about how
our mother is losing her mind.” Erikka would have given Jaci the
same answer even if she’d been alone.

“Is she losing her mind?” Gabriel pushed
himself and a pillow against the headboard until he was sitting

Erikka rested her cheek against his stomach.
She wiggled with pleasure as he stroked her hair. “Not unless you
think having an affair with a much younger man is a form of
insanity. That more than qualifies in my sister’s opinion.” “I can
see why she’d be upset. Even adult children suffer when their
parents break up,” Gabriel said gently.

“Yeah.” Erikka pressed into his body for
comfort. “I used to worry about Craig leaving us. Every time Roz
would get into one of her moods or get angry, I’d work overtime to
be a good girl.”

“You must be scared, too, on some level. If
my parents separated, I’d be hurt, confused, and a little angry. At
least at one of them.” Gabriel stopped stroking her hair. He
started again at Erikka’s urging.

“I am sad. Craig is my father figure.” Erikka
grew still. “I wonder if he’ll call me.”

Gabriel said nothing for a few minutes. “This
is the man you said showed up at every softball game you played. He
broke a thumb helping you build a science project. You’re his

Erikka smiled at the memories. “Yeah, I guess
you’re right. Hey, did I tell you all that stuff?”

“You sure did. That’s when I knew.”

“Knew what?” Erikka closed her eyes and

“That you love me the way I needed you to.
You held back for a long time.” Gabriel blew a soft breath of air
across her back to cool her.

She shivered. “Trust.”

‘Trust and part of you, the part you most
treasured. Thanks.” Gabriel blew again.

“You’re welcome.” Erikka sat up next to him.
“I’m surprised at how cool I’m taking it, the split I mean. Guess
I’m more grown-up than I thought.”

“Oh you’re definitely all grown-up,” Gabriel
said playfully. He gave her an admiring once-over.

“Glad you like.” Erikka smiled at him. “I’m
going to love and support them both. Otherwise, I’m gonna keep my
big mouth shut. As much as that is possible given my genetic
weakness,” she added, with a laugh.

“Good for you, baby.”

“In fact, I’m over being mad at Craig. I’m
going to call him.” Erikka made up her mind to reach out. She
didn’t want Craig to think she wasn’t thinking of him.

“Even better.” Gabriel gave her bottom a pat
to show his approval.

“Then there’s Darlene.” Erikka heaved a deep
sigh. “I’m more worried about her. I haven’t had much time to
really be there for her.”

“Working long hours,” he said quietly.

Erikka heard the double meaning in his

“Uh, right. Anyway, she says the board isn’t
blaming her about the missing money, yet. Aunt JoAnn says that
won’t last once the whispers about her and Kelvin get around.” “Has
the good deacon been there for her?”

Erikka thought about the hoochie with legs up
to her ears she’d seen him with that day. “He’s been scarce

“Too bad.” Gabriel shook his head.

“Darlene is trying to hang tough, but she’s
hurting bad. The last thing she needs is to lose her job.” Erikka
made up her mind. Nadine would just have to understand. “I’m going
to work like a fool and take a long weekend. Tracking down the
answer of how the money was stolen shouldn’t be hard.”

“I’m sure your aunt will appreciate the
support.” Gabriel smiled widely.

“I’ll probably find some time for you while
I’m there.” Erikka smiled back at him.

“Not that I was thinking of me,” Gabriel
said. He folded her in his strong arms.

“You can be as selfish as you please.”

Erikka breathed in the smell of his skin.
Sweat mixed with cologne made for a potent scent. She would
definitely shake loose from Lewis, Calder and Brinkhaus for a few





“I realize you have expenses, too, but—”
Darlene stopped as the woman on the other end of the line kept

Her part-time secretary of ten years came in
and shut the door. “Five board members are here,” Shanae

“Yes, Ms. Howard. I appreciate your patience.
We can make payment arrangements.” Darlene nodded to Shanae.

“They look really upset.” Shanae didn’t look
too happy herself. She rubbed her hands together nervously.

“Yes, an arrangement to make weekly payments
on the balance for the next four weeks is a very reasonable. You’ve
been very understanding. Thank you again.” Darlene hung up the

“They just marched in looking all mad and
asked for you. Didn’t say good afternoon or nothing.” Shanae
blinked in fear. “That’s not like Mr. Ledoux at all.”

“We’re all under a strain right now,” Darlene
said on autopilot. She’d used those words repeatedly in the last
few days.

‘Tell me about it.” Shanae sighed. “I’m gonna
tell ’em you comin’ in a few minutes.”

“Right. Unlock the conference room and serve
them coffee.” Darlene kept writing.

“Okay. You need anything?” Shanae asked, as
she put a hand on the doorknob.

Darlene shook her head no without looking up.
What she really needed was a break after a week of putting out
financial fires, not another meeting with the executive committee.
She was not going to get one today. After jot-ting down one last
note, Darlene stood. Once more she wondered why Kelvin hadn’t
called. Had he made up with his wife?

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