Good Time Bad Boy (23 page)

Read Good Time Bad Boy Online

Authors: Sonya Clark

Tags: #romance, #small town romance, #contemporary romance, #country singer romance

BOOK: Good Time Bad Boy
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For years, Daisy had been telling herself it was enough that she understood her decision. That she stood by it and respected herself for it. That didn’t feel true anymore. As much as she wanted Wade’s acceptance, she hated it that a part of her needed it if she was going to be with him.

She shut off the vacuum to find her cell phone buzzing with a voice mail alert. Caller ID told her it was Wade. She considered not listening, but couldn’t bring herself to ignore him. He’d done nothing wrong. They were too different, and wanted different things in life. That didn’t make him a bad guy.

“Hey, it’s me. I’d really like to talk to you. See, the thing is, even if you don’t want to be with me, I could really use a friend right now. I’ve got some things I’m trying to figure out and I need to talk to someone. And I like talking to you. You get me, Daisy. You understand me and you don’t judge me and I really need that right now.” He paused for a long moment and she waited for the message to click off. “I am probably going to try to get you back into bed. Just thought I should be honest.” Even over the phone, the deep rumble of his laugh sent shivers dancing up and down her spine.

Daisy saved the message and left her phone on the kitchen table. She wrapped the vacuum cord back up and put the vacuum away. All the usual chores were now done. If she was going to keep at it, she’d have to get into deep cleaning mode. Might as well, she thought. At least she’d be doing something useful while thinking nonstop about Wade. Kitchen first. She started with the cabinets, clearing them one by one to clean and going through the items, throwing out anything past date.

He really had opened up to her. She’d noticed it almost right away, but didn’t understand it. Why her? Why did he feel comfortable enough with her to do that? And why couldn’t she do the same? A part of her wanted to. There were things she didn’t even talk to Megan about, though lately that had as much to do with not wanting to burden her friend. The temptation to open up to Wade was enormous, but fear kept her from doing it. He wasn’t going to be there for her long-term, so why risk it? Why risk his likely rejection?

She heard a vehicle on her gravel driveway and looked out the kitchen window to see who it was. By the time she got her hands washed and half dry, Wade was at the front door. She hurried to open it, not sure what to say.

He stepped inside and pulled her into a kiss without a word. Good sense vanished under a wave of fierce hunger. Everything she’d been so worried about all day long melted away to nothing as they tumbled to the couch in a tangle of limbs and half removed clothing. She ran her fingers through his chest hair, heat pooling low in her body as he kissed and nibbled an abstract pattern on her neck.

“I came here to talk, I swear.” He slid his hand under her t-shirt, the calloused pads of his fingers a silky-rough tease on her skin.

“I believe you,” she said. “We can talk all you want.” She tried to be good. Really, she did. All she had to do was gently push him off of her and she knew he would respect that. One word, and this would stop. But she didn’t want it to stop. She didn’t want to stop touching him, kissing him, loving him. So she didn’t. “Later.” She cupped his face in her hands and pressed her lips to his. She ran her tongue along the seam of his lips and he opened his mouth for her. Their tongues danced and played and stoked the desire already burning hot in her.

Letting go of him was going to hurt like hell, but for right now she held on tight.

“Tell me what you want.” His breath fanned across her neck as he whispered. “I’ll give you anything, baby.”

The erotic promises he’d made her echoed in her head. She knew exactly what she wanted. He’d given her beautiful and romantic last night. Now she wanted hot and dirty. It took her a moment to find her voice.

“You said you’d fuck me hot and hard,” she said.

His body tensed above her. “I believe against the wall was mentioned.”

Daisy brought her leg up slowly to wrap around his. “What if I had something else in mind?” Why was it so hard to just say it? To tell him what she liked? What she wanted? She wanted to be able to just say it, instead of having to work up to it. Wade wasn’t some insecure jerk who would try to make her feel ashamed of her desires, mock her for them, use them as an excuse to treat her badly. She was sure of that about him but still hesitated.

“I told you I’d give you anything and I meant it.” He caressed her cheek. “Just tell me.”

She licked her lips. “I want it from behind. Hard. Deep. Fingers on my clit while you fuck me. Hold me in place. Don’t treat me like I’m made of glass.”

It had been tempting to look away or shut her eyes while voicing her desires. Now she was glad she hadn’t. The play of emotions across his face amazed her. Shock, the good kind. Intense arousal. A darkly sexual triumph in his narrowed eyes, as if he was proud she’d thought him worthy of sharing something so secret. Determination in the set of his mouth.

“I’ll treat you like a woman,” he said. “And I’ll give you exactly what you want.” He sat up to rest on his knees, hands at the fly of his jeans. “Where?” His voice was rough, scratching her in all the right places.

The sight of him like that nearly made her moan. “Here.” Her own voice shook and she almost laughed from nervousness. “Let me...let me go get a condom.”

He undid his jeans then reached for her. “Hurry. When you come back, don’t be wearing anything you don’t want ripped off of you.” He kissed her, his lips bruising and hard and so fucking good she hated to pull away.

But she did, because she so very much wanted him to give her what she asked for. He slapped her ass as she stepped away, hard. The delicious sting traveled straight to her pussy. She whirled, smiling. “Think you can get away with that now, huh?”

His brown eyes were black with desire. “
I said hurry

That commanding tone drove her crazy, made her want to disobey just to see what he’d do. Maybe another time. Right now, she had another purpose. Shedding clothes as she went, she rushed to the bathroom and dug through a drawer for the condoms she’d bought after agreeing to that first real date with him. She ran back with a foil packet clutched tightly in one hand, not giving a single fuck how eager she appeared, because damn it, she was eager.

Wade stood gloriously naked in the middle of her living room. His cock jutted out thick and hard, the mushroom head dark and glistening with pre-come. At the sight of it she added something else to her fantasy.

Without a word she dropped to her knees in front of him and took his cock in her hand, the condom slipping out of the other to fall to the floor. He was hot and silky under her fingers.

He swayed a little and shoved his hands in her hair. “This is about giving you what you want.”

She looked up at him, smiling. “Your cock is what I want.” She licked the tip, flattening her tongue against him.

God damn

Warm flesh, a little salty, and a taste uniquely Wade. She stroked the root of his penis as she took the end in her mouth, humming with pleasure. His breath caught, his hands tightening their grip on her head. She glanced up again to see his eyes half closed, his face a portrait of absolute bliss. Knowing she’d put that look on his face broke something open inside her. What little bit of hesitation might have still lurked fled, and she gave herself over completely to the experience.

No artful teasing, no slow and steady climb. She sucked until her cheeks hollowed, working her mouth up and down his length over and over. He swelled even harder, and feeling him grow larger sent the walls of her pussy trembling. She stroked his thigh with one hand, then moved them both to cup his ass.

The invitation was there, she just didn’t know if he would take it.

The answer came soon enough. He rocked his hips, pushing his cock into her mouth. He had control now. She’d given it to him. He rocked again, fucking her mouth. His cock went right to the edge of what she could handle. She gripped him to keep herself steady, humming and nodding so he would know she was okay.

Wade murmured her name as he stroked her hair, the touch so tender it should have been at odds with the dirtiest, hottest foreplay she’d ever had, but for some reason it felt so right. He rocked into her several more times, controlling his thrusts so he didn’t go too deep.

The lights were still on. The curtains were open. She couldn’t remember if she’d locked the door. She didn’t care. No way was she stopping this.

He pulled her up and grabbed the condom from the floor, his cock releasing from the suction of her mouth with a pop. Her lips felt full and used, and he shaped them with his own. He slicked his tongue into her mouth, drugging her with his rough kisses and his big hands on her body and his hard, wet cock pressed against her belly. She wound her arms his neck, needing his solid form to hold on to. The hair on his chest was soft on her nipples and she pressed her breasts against him. He spanned her lower back with his hands, kneading the flesh there and on her ass. His mouth traveled from hers to her neck, her throat, her collarbone, his stubble abrading her skin.

Wade led her back to the couch and turned her around, none too gently. Both of them were breathing heavily. It was the only sound in the room, though it wouldn’t have surprised her if he could have heard the pounding of her heart. Excitement rushed through her veins as he arranged her body – knees on the couch cushions, hands on the back, spread and open for him.

He settled at her back, his knees just inside hers, his cock nestled in the cleft of her ass. She pushed back against him, wanting his heat and his hardness. He wrapped one hand around her throat, applying just enough pressure to still her movement.

“I got something you want?” His breath was hot in her ear, his voice a deep growl.

“Yes.” The word was a plea.

“Tell me.” He skated the fingertips of his other hand down her front, teasing her nipples. “I want to hear you say it again.”

Her body tightened with need. She squeezed the cushion at the back of the couch. “Your cock.” He moved his hand lower, brushing lightly over the hair at the apex of her thighs. “Deep. Hard.” He dipped his index finger lower, lower, circling her clit. His touch tore a gasp from her and she bucked against his hold.

He removed his hand from her throat and trailed his fingers down her back. “Are you wet for me, Daisy?”


“Say it.”

“I’m wet for you. Oh God, Wade, I’m wet for you.”

His hands left her body. The sound of the condom wrapper tearing made her whimper. She beat her fist on the back of the couch and let out a strangled cry. She wanted to order him, beg, plead, but she was past words right then.

He pushed her back lower against the cushions. The head of his cock notched against her seam, tormenting her for mere seconds that felt like forever. Then he plunged into her in one swift, deep thrust. She sobbed in relief and dropped her forehead to the cushion, her hair a curtain around her.

His lips were a hot brand on the top of her spine. “Tell me again how you want me to fuck you, baby.”

Daisy hummed. “You just want to hear me talk dirty.” She pushed her ass against him, trying to get him to move.

He laughed. “Damn right.”

“I want you to hold me down and fuck me hard. Find that spot inside that feels so good and hit it over and over. Make me scream. Finger my clit, or have me do that. Fuck me into a frenzy and make me come so hard I squeeze your cock like I’m never letting it go.” Daisy inhaled a shuddery breath, surprised at her own boldness. “Is that dirty enough for you?”

His fingers bit into her waist. “Fuck, yes.” Then he stopped holding back. Deep, relentless thrusts sent shockwaves quaking through her body. She braced herself on the back of the couch, taking him into her, taking what she wanted from him. Soon his thick length found that spot that drove her wild and she cried out. He grunted in understanding and kept himself angled just the right way.

Sharp, intense pleasure splintered through her. Sweat slicked her heated skin. Her knees burned from the friction against the couch’s rough material. Wade gathered her hair in one hand and tugged her head back, just rough enough to make her gasp. With his other hand he grabbed her wrist and guided her hand to where their bodies joined. She let her fingers slide around his cock as it pistoned in and out of her, every groan from him a reward. Her clit throbbed and her inner walls pulsed tighter with every surge of his thick length, every circle of her fingers around her sensitive flesh.

Wade held her hips, calloused fingers biting into her hard enough to leave bruises. His thrusts became jerky and less rhythmic, and she knew he was lost in her, out of control. With two fingers she stroked her clit. The first hint of orgasm fluttered just beyond reach.

Wade said her name, driving into her with abandon. Daisy let his thrusts and her fingers carry her right out of control with him, screaming as she came.

The sound of their breathing filled the room. He brushed his lips across the curve of her neck, no more able to speak yet than she was. He slid from her body and got to his feet, unsteady at first.

Daisy collapsed against the back of the couch. She rested her cheek on the cushion and offered him a weak smile. She’d never felt so thoroughly satisfied in her life, her body still buzzing with sensation and pleasantly sore.

She pointed toward her bedroom. “The bathroom’s back there if you want to go ahead and get cleaned up.” Her smile widened. “I’ll make you a sandwich just as soon as my legs work. You damn sure earned it.”

Wade threw his head back and laughed. “Glad to know I met your expectations.” He leaned over and brushed her hair back then kissed her, soft and sweet.

She rested her hand on his cheek. “You didn’t meet my expectations, Wade. You blew them out of the water.” She didn’t know how else to tell him about her fears of being shamed, mocked for her desires. Used and then left, forgotten, because only certain girls were worth remembering, treating like people. He might not understand because she doubted he’d ever treated a woman like that in his life, even when at his worst. He could give her a night of romance and sweet, tender loving, and then fuck her hot and dirty until she screamed, and after both still look at her the way he did now, like she was the sunrise he’d been waiting for.

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