Read Good as Dead Online

Authors: Mark Billingham

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

Good as Dead (22 page)

BOOK: Good as Dead
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Rahim nodded and put out his hand.

Thorne shook and said he needed a word. ‘It won’t take long and you’re not due at your Digital Marketing seminar until one o’clock, so there’s plenty of time.’

Rahim blinked, taken aback. ‘Right … ’

Again, it was a simple enough trick, but when you weren’t sure where a conversation with someone was going to lead, the back foot was usually the best place for them to start.

Thorne led the way to a small seating area where he had spent most of the previous fifteen minutes drinking coffee and flicking through a student newspaper. A few metal tables and chairs, vending machines for snacks, hot and cold drinks. He sat Rahim down and asked him if he wanted anything. He bought him a bottle of still water, then took the chair opposite.

He saw Rahim looking around and told him not to worry.

He had been careful to select a table where they would not be overheard.

‘So come on then,’ Thorne said. ‘What the hell is “quantitative literacy” when it’s at home?’

‘It’s just about being comfortable with numbers really,’ Rahim said. ‘How we use them in our everyday lives. So … logic and reasoning, algebra, geometry, probability, statistics. It’s basically just a pretentious way of saying maths.’

‘Enjoy it?’


Thorne nodded. ‘Take away the algebra and geometry bits and it’s the same kind of stuff I use. Reasoning, probability, all that. Maybe I should start calling myself a quantitative detective.’ He stumbled over the words and smiled. ‘Well, I would if I could say it.’

Rahim smiled too, but it was as short-lived as before. He fiddled with the cap from his water bottle.

‘What are you now, eighteen?’

Rahim nodded.

Thorne had recognised Rahim straight away, but the boy had certainly changed a good deal since he had last seen him. Perhaps it was just that jump from sixth-former to undergraduate. The neatly combed hair was now gelled up into a fin and the simple grey suit had been replaced with baggy jeans and a tight-fitting T-shirt. A tattoo was just visible on his forearm and he wore a diamond stud in each ear.

Before he had clapped eyes on Thorne, he had seemed comfortable and happy.

‘You know what this is about?’ Thorne asked. ‘Right?’

‘What’s going on with Amin’s dad, you mean? Yeah, I saw it on the news.’ Rahim sat back. ‘Is everybody OK?’

‘At the moment.’

‘So, what’s it got to do with me?’

‘You lied about where you were,’ Thorne said. ‘The night you and Amin got attacked.’ He waited, but Rahim said nothing. ‘I mean we knew you were lying back then, but we didn’t think it was very important. Now, it might be.’

Rahim took a long swig of water.

‘I know you’re gay, Rahim.’ Thorne knew no such thing, but the look on the boy’s face told him he was right.


‘And so was Amin.’

‘Look … ’ Rahim put down the bottle. ‘We couldn’t say anything because our parents didn’t know. Mine still don’t know. They’re pretty strict …
strict, and there’s no way I can tell them that isn’t going to be a nightmare. It’s an Indian thing, OK? You wouldn’t understand.’

‘I do understand,’ Thorne said. ‘And for what it’s worth I’ve got no intention of telling them.’ He studied the boy’s face, looking for a sign of reassurance or relief, but there was none. He was clearly worried about something else.

‘I still don’t see—’

‘Javed Akhtar doesn’t think Amin killed himself.’

‘Sorry, I don’t—’

‘He believes that Amin was murdered.’


‘And I think he’s right.’

‘Jesus …!’

It could easily have been an exclamation of shock, but it had taken just a second too long and to Thorne it looked more like fear. ‘Here’s the thing, Rahim,’ he said, leaning across the table. ‘Right now, I don’t have a motive and if I’m going to catch the person responsible for this, I really need to find one. So … using “logic” and “reasoning” and a bit of bog-standard guesswork, there’s a fair chance that there are other things about Amin that I don’t know and maybe one of them got him killed.’ He let his words hang for a moment, waiting until the boy looked up and met his eyes. ‘Now, you’d know way more than me about the
, but I’m betting that he had more than one secret, and I need you to tell me what they were.’

Rahim leaned away and raised his hands. ‘There’s … nothing.’

‘You quite sure about that?’ Thorne’s tone was sharp suddenly. He had given up expecting anything on a plate, but was content to take out his frustration at the last day and a half on the young man sitting opposite.

‘I can’t think of anything, I swear.’

‘You might want to try a bit harder,’ Thorne said. He spat the words out, happy enough for them to be overheard by the group of students two tables away. ‘Because he was your friend, and he wouldn’t even have been in prison if he hadn’t been trying to stop some thug sticking a knife in you.’

‘I know that. Don’t you think I know that?’

‘Good, so rack that fucking big brain of yours and do it sharpish.’ He grabbed the half-empty water bottle and threw it hard into the plastic bin by the side of the vending machine. ‘You’ve seen what’s happening at his dad’s shop, so you know that we’re kind of against the clock on this one.’

‘Yeah, I know … ’

Thorne gave him a card with his mobile number on. ‘Call me any time, OK? Now you give me yours.’

Rahim gave Thorne the number, then reached down for his bag. He looked close to tears. He said, ‘I need to have lunch before my next class.’

Thorne watched him walk away without a word.

He felt a brief pang of sympathy for Rahim Jaffer, of regret at his outburst. The boy was guilty of nothing, he was almost certain of that. As he reached for his phone and dialled, he knew losing his temper had been justifiable – given the circumstances, given his desperation – but that he should be saving all his anger for those deserving of it.

If he ever got the chance.

‘Dave?’ He could hear that Holland and Kitson were driving. ‘How did it go with Allen?’

‘I managed to stop myself punching him,’ Holland said.

Thorne heard Kitson laughing. ‘You fancy him for the attack on Amin, then?’

‘Oh yeah, but there’s definitely something else going on.’

‘He was shitting himself,’ Kitson shouted.

‘When we talked about someone putting him up to it, he was as nervous as hell.’

‘Any bright ideas?’

‘Well, he’s rather more minted than your average ex-con, I know that much,’ Holland said. ‘He’s got seven or eight grand’s worth of hi-fi and TV in his front room.’

Thorne told Holland that he might as well get himself and Kitson back to the office, then asked them to run a name through the Police National Computer as soon as they had a chance. ‘It’s Rahim Jaffer,’ Thorne said. ‘J-A-F-F-E-R.’

When he stood up, he could see that the group of students were eyeing him suspiciously. Most stared quickly down at their Cokes and lattes when they saw him looking. He smiled as he walked past them on his way to the exit, toyed with announcing that he was a visiting Criminology professor, but decided against it.

There’s definitely something else going on.

It might well have been the two coffees he’d drunk waiting for Rahim, but was more likely the conversation he’d just had with Dave Holland and Yvonne Kitson. The implication, the possibilities.

Either way, Thorne was fired up suddenly. Full of energy.

All he needed now was something, or someone, to focus it on.


‘What happens if Thorne doesn’t find what you want him to find?’ Helen asked. ‘What do you do then, Javed?’

Akhtar was sitting at the desk. He had been to fetch an assortment of reading material from the shop, and had been staring at the same page of a motoring magazine for half an hour. He looked across at Helen. ‘Is he a good policeman?’

‘I think so.’

‘OK, then.’ Akhtar shrugged as if there was therefore nothing to worry about. ‘So we have to trust that he will do a good job. A better job than his colleagues made of things, at any rate.’ He went back to his magazine, turned the page.

‘Sometimes it doesn’t matter how good you are,’ Helen said. ‘How hard you work. You don’t always get the result you want.’ She waited, but he didn’t look up. ‘Do you know how many times I’ve had to watch while someone I know is guilty as sin gets away with it? Someone who’s hurt children and who will go on hurting them.’

Akhtar closed his magazine. ‘And you wonder why I no longer have any faith in the law?’ He shook his head. ‘Justice is a bloody joke, you have just made that very clear yourself.’

‘Things don’t always work out the way they should, I’m not saying they do.’

‘I know that, believe me.’

‘But that doesn’t mean … this is right. What you’re doing.’

‘Right does not come into it. I know that this is not
, but in the end I did not have a choice.’

‘Course you did.’

Akhtar stood up and took down a carton of cigarettes from one of the shelves. He brandished it, angrily. ‘You know, I could be doing what everybody else does and driving across to France or Belgium and bringing thousands of these things over in the back of a van. I would save myself a fortune, but I always refused to do it because I never believed that sort of thing was right. You break a small law and soon the bigger ones become easier to ignore. So I always did things the correct way, I always obeyed every rule because the most important thing was that I could sleep at night. That mattered to me, Miss Weeks, however silly it might sound now. I never had to worry that someone would come knocking at my door in the middle of the night, you understand?’ He tossed the carton on to the floor. ‘I was stupid,’ he said. ‘I believed that the law would look after my son, that he would be treated fairly.’ He took a deep breath and wiped the sleeve of his shirt across his face. ‘And when he died, I believed,
, that the person who was responsible would be found and would be punished.’

They both turned at the sound of a raised voice somewhere outside the front of the shop. They waited. Helen guessed it was just some copper shouting at a subordinate and shook her head to let Akhtar know there was nothing to get excited about.

He nodded and sat down.

‘Sometimes people get it wrong,’ she said.

was the one who got it wrong,’ Akhtar said. ‘Because I trusted in people who I thought were far cleverer than me. Who were supposed to be good at their jobs.’ He picked up the gun then laid it down again. ‘Now look where we are … ’

Helen groaned as she shifted her position to relieve the ache in her buttocks. In an effort to ease the cramp in her calves she reached forward with her free hand and pulled back on her toes.

‘Shall I try and find another cushion?’ Akhtar asked.

‘It’s fine,’ Helen said. She leaned back. ‘You never answered my question.’


‘What if all Thorne’s efforts aren’t good enough?’ Helen stared at him, her face neutral, no more than curious. Thinking: what if you’re just a misguided old man with a screw loose? And even if you’re not, will it bring your son back? Will it bring Stephen Mitchell back? ‘What if you don’t get the answers you’re waiting for?’

‘Very simple. I keep waiting. I have plenty of time.’

‘We can’t sit in here for ever, Javed.’ She nodded towards the shop. ‘They won’t let that happen.’

Akhtar shook his head and slapped his palm against the desktop. ‘No, no,
am the one in charge here.’

‘Yes, you are,’ Helen said.

‘Good, because everyone needs to understand that. You and the people outside.’

‘They understand, believe me.’

‘And you’re doing well, yes?’ He pointed at her. ‘I’m looking after you OK?’

‘Very well,’ Helen said. ‘Thank you.’

Akhtar seemed pleased and began searching eagerly through the pile of magazines on the desk. He asked Helen if she would like something to read, told her he always kept an excellent selection. He offered her
Hello!, Bella
Brides Monthly
. Helen said thank you and told him that she would look at them later.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, then Helen nodded towards her phone. It was sitting on the desk, plugged into the charger that Helen always kept in her handbag. ‘Do you think I could make a quick call?’ she asked.

‘Who to?’

‘My sister,’ Helen said. ‘I just want to see how my son’s doing, you know?’

Akhtar looked suspicious, but his expression was almost melodramatic, as though he believed it was how he ought to look. ‘I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’s not what’s supposed to happen.’

‘Please, Javed. Only for a minute.’ Her voice was barely above a whisper, but she kept it even at least. ‘I want to check he’s all right.’

‘No.’ Akhtar stood up. ‘
running this bloody show and
decide what happens.’ He picked up the gun to emphasise his authority, but did not point it at her. He walked towards the shop then stopped in the doorway, calmer suddenly. ‘Anyway, we need to keep the phone free in case Thorne calls.’

‘I just wanted him to hear my voice,’ Helen said. ‘That’s all.’

Akhtar looked at his feet for a while, then disappeared into the shop.

Helen closed her eyes and lay down.

A few minutes later, she could hear him crying again next door.

Sue Pascoe emerged from the toilet cubicle and crossed to the row of small sinks to wash her hands and splash some water on her face. She smiled at seeing that someone had written ‘Wesley is a big knob’ in black felt-tip on the mirror. Wondered if Wesley, who could be no more than eleven, would have the wherewithal to change ‘is’ to ‘has’.

It was the first time all day that she had found a few minutes to herself or thought about anything other than the job in hand.

The first time she had smiled.

She looked at her watch. It was now thirty hours since Javed Akhtar had taken two people hostage at gunpoint. Donnelly seemed happy enough with the way things were progressing, though in a situation such as this one, that only meant that nothing bad was happening. Chivers was still making noises about the need for advanced technical support and Pascoe knew there would soon be pressure from elsewhere to relax the cordon so as to ease traffic congestion in the area, or at least make an effort to get the station at Tulse Hill reopened.

BOOK: Good as Dead
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