Gone (Sons of Judah MC Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Gone (Sons of Judah MC Book 1)
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He stood. As she watched, he took off his clothes off. Stacy didn’t even have the energy to move a finger. She could only lay there and gaze at him. When his shirt came off, she feasted on the sight of his hard abs that gleamed in the soft yellow light. He dropped his jeans to the floor. Her gaze was drawn to the hard, long cock that jutted out so proudly from the juncture between his thighs. She raised her hand and touched the tip of it. The skin of it was smooth. Her fingers wrapped around the hard organ, and she felt it throb within her grasp.


Her gaze locked with his. The storm that brewed in his eyes mirrored the one that fumed inside her. His hands settled on her feet. Gently, he ran them up her calves and then under her knees. Everywhere he touched her, her skin burned from the contact. She read his intentions in his eyes, and there wasn’t anything she wanted more than to please him. When he leaned forward, the tip of his penis brushed against her wet pussy. He pushed her legs backward until her velvety center was exposed. She expected him to push deep inside her, but he wriggled free his cock from her hand and rubbed it over her pussy.


The sea of sensations that rocked within her nerves made her delirious with desire. Stacy closed her eyes when he continued to torture her by rubbing his penis on to her delicate area. Her hands clenched the desk, as she fought the waves upon waves of pleasure that careened through her senses. Her juices leaked out and drenched his cock.


“Open your eyes,” he commanded.


She had no option but to obey him. When she looked into his eyes, she could see that he was swaying on the edge of control, and yet the man maintained his balance. “Please,” she begged.


“Do you know how much I want you?”


“Please,” she begged again.


He shook his head, as he continued to rub her pussy with his cock. Every cell in her body longed for the release that would set her free from this sweet agony. He was driving her wild with need. “I want you. You’re mine.”


“I am yours,” she said, breathless with need. “Please.”


As if those were the words he waiting for, he thrust inside fast. His organ impaled her. It hit something deep inside her, and she jerked on the desk. His hands held her knees and locked her in position. There was no escape. She didn’t want one. All she desired was to reach the culmination of this intense marathon. When he pulled out, she nearly passed out from the pleasure of it. Once more, he stroked inside her. In and out, in and out, the pace he set was hard. All she could do was keep up. Stacy groaned, as the pleasure intensified. Higher and higher, he managed to spiral her until she couldn’t go any further. The orgasm that exploded inside her made her shake and shudder. Her toes curled, and her legs trembled.


“That’s my girl,” he said. A moment later, he exploded inside her. She felt his semen release within her. Stacy opened her eyes and looked at his face. He was the most handsome man she ever met, and he was hers, all hers.


From now on, there was no going back.




Chapter Six


Every time he thought about the way he made love to her in his office, on the desk, Marco felt color flush over his cheeks. As much of a Casanova as he was, that was a first for him. He never entertained women at his work place. Marco strictly believed in keeping his personal life separate from his professional one, and now the lines were blurred. For one thing, she was the ex-wife of a man who had influential friends within the club. Ned Alexander may as well be a real jerk, but the Sons of Judah needed him from time to time to bail them out of legal trouble. He kept the police away and that was why he was often allowed to rake up debt in thousands of dollars. For another thing, Marco wasn’t sure if he ready to fall in love so fast.


Lust? Yes, he could handle that.


But this was more than a simple craving for a woman. He knew how to tackle something like that. What he couldn’t figure out was why he felt so strongly about Stacy. She was a beautiful, sensuous woman, but he had met plenty of them before. She was classy, intelligent, and gutsy. Sure, he liked the entire package, but he wasn’t prepared to lose his heart.


Yet, here he was, in the middle of his work day, hours after he made love to her, and he was still thinking about her. This had to be love—and he hated it.


The door opened and in strode Simon. He was one of the other chiefs in the club. “Hey. How is it going?”


Marco made an effort to look busy. He picked up a sheaf of papers and then placed them on the other side of the desk. “Fine. Great. What about you? Did you talk to Wes?”


Simon took a chair and sat. He winkled his nose. “Those guys are not going to agree to a truce until we sign over half the territory to them. I have talked to Wes, but he is convinced that they can beat us in an all-out war. We will have to shake them and only then will they back off.”


Marco tapped his fingers on the desk. “I don’t like it.”


“Neither do I.”


“If there is a war, the police will get involved, and they will only turn a blind eye so far. These men are idiots. All we want from them is to do their business and let us do ours.”  Wes was one of the enforcers of another club. For the past two years, they were involved in a serious of scuffles and fights that were escalating with each passing month. The Romans, as that club called themselves, were an arrogant, ambitious bunch of people who only wanted one thing, and that was to expand their territory and earn more money through any means. What they didn’t realize was that by becoming too aggressive, they were putting all the clubs at risk. If the police decided to crack down, everyone would lose a lot of business, not to mention get embroiled in a shit load of legal trouble.


Marco and others wanted to avoid that, but with each passing day, it looked as if a peaceful solution was out of the realm of possibility.


“I’ll try and talk to them so more, but so far it looks that they won’t budge.”


“They are idiots.”


Marco waited for the other man to get up and leave, but Simon put his hand on the other chair and leaned back. “So, what’s this I am hearing about a woman who visited you in the office?”


With an effort, he kept his face blank.
Damn the guys!
Whoever said that women gossiped was wrong. Men were the worst of all. He knew that someone would blab, but he didn’t realize that it would be this quick. “Just someone…I am dating at the moment.”


“You have never had women coming here before.”


“She needed to ask me something,” he replied without meeting Simon’s gaze.


“And she couldn’t call?”


If it was another man, Marco might have told him to shut up, but Simon was a buddy. He was a good friend, and the men had weathered some big storms in the past before. Marco sighed. He ran a hand through his hair. “It was something that couldn’t be discussed on the phone.”


“Ah!” Simon ran his hand over the edge of the desk. “I’ve known you a long time, and I can tell that there is something more going on here than just an ordinary affair. She is someone special?”


“I met her a week ago,” said Marco. “But yes, she could be special.”


Simon raised an eyebrow. “You have never said that about another woman.”


“I have never met a woman like her before,” he said honestly. “She’s different, unique. And I am afraid she is also a lot of trouble.”


“All women are, my friend.”


This was the time to discuss Stacy’s connection to Ned with Simon, but for some reason, he had the feeling that his friend would disapprove of involvement with a woman who was so closely attached to a man who could be crucial to their success. Ned might not react well to someone dating his ex. It was a possibility. Ordinarily, he would have talked over the matter with Simon, but right now, he just wasn’t in the frame of mind to talk about Stacy.


She confused him.


She intrigued him.


And he didn’t want to let her go. If Simon told him to drop her, he would have to go against his friend’s wishes and that he didn’t want to do so openly right now. Perhaps he was reading too much into his relationship with Stacy. It might be that once the initial euphoria of sex wore off, they might not have anything in common, and then they would simply drift apart. That was his usual pattern, and he was silly to think it would change. Sure, she was different, but she was just another woman.


Surely, she couldn’t be


He wasn’t ready to meet
woman yet.


“When do I get to meet her?”


“Soon, I guess.” He had no intention of letting her meet anyone, at least not until he sorted out the mess in his head. “So what about you? What happened to Siena?”


Simon frowned. “We broke up.”


“Oh, when? I thought you were thinking of making her your Old Lady?” An old lady was someone a biker claimed as his woman. When a woman became an old lady, she became the responsibility of that man. He would die for her, and so would his mates. Simon had the worst luck in women. He was divorced thrice and broke up once a month with his latest love. But Siena lasted for a full six months, and Marco had high hopes from their relationship.


“She caught me cheating with someone.”


“Simon!” Marco winkled his brow. “Man. Why do you do that?”


“I don’t know. I think it’s a disease.”


He thought about another man who cheated on his woman with regularity. It was known to only a few people that Ned Alexander was a sex addict. He regularly arranged prostitutes through the Sons of Judah and was never faithful to his partner. It was a wonder that his marriage with Stacy lasted for that long. Either she didn’t know during their two years of marriage, or else she ignored his infidelity for as long as she was able to. He couldn’t imagine her taking that shit, so there was a good possibility that she didn’t know until it was too late. Once more his thoughts drifted to her. It was a disease. He needed a doctor to cure him of it.


“So you want to go out and drown your sorrows?”


Simon grinned and stood. “Nah, man. I’ve got a better solution. Already got a date lined up for tonight. What about you? Want to make it a double date?”


Marco was quite aware that Simon was curious about the woman he was dating. He probably wanted to meet her to gauge for himself as to who she was. It was obvious he’d caught on that she was more important to Marco than he was letting on. He should do this. When Stacy discovered the real him, the one who hung out with tough guys, she might stop dating him, and although that might make him miserable in the short run, it was bound to be good for him in the long run.


And yet he couldn’t bring himself to nod his acquiesce.


He wanted to spend time with her on his own, and he didn’t want anyone to burst his bubble. “Nah. She is busy tonight. Take care. Have fun.”


“Sure, man. See you.” Simon walked out, and when the door closed, Marco ran a hand over his face. He just lied so blatantly to his buddy. What the hell was happening to him? The woman bewitched him. There was no other explanation for the crazy behavior that he indulged in ever since he saw her. He should just forget her and move on with someone who was better suited for him.


But his heart wanted her, and it wouldn’t settle for another woman.


Damn it.
He was in a serious bind. Marco tried to focus on his work. For a while it went well, and then finally he decided to leave early. As he left the warehouse, he heard a couple of men talking in loud voices inside the main office. It was probably Brandon and someone. Brandon was the main guy in the chain of management. He managed the club, and right now, due to the escalating tension with the Romans, he was always in a foul mood. Marco didn’t feel like getting the brunt of his anger for any reason, so he walked out. He was supposed to pick up Stacy in two hours, and since he had a little extra time, he decided to get some flowers for her on the way.


Women appreciated flowers. It was just because he had time. Marco couldn’t recall the last time he bought flowers for someone special. Most women he met through the club were happy with a good meal. They had low standards because most of them escaped from an abusive relationship or unhappy childhood to join a club. They liked the protection the bikers offered. Stacy wasn’t the same. She was probably used to some pretty high standards. He would have to buck up his style if he wanted to impress her.


Impress her?


He stopped in front of a shop. What the hell was he thinking? Why would he go to any trouble to make this woman happy? She was lucky to have him—and so there. His gaze wandered to the nice jacket the mannequin was wearing. He thought that it would look good on him. He hadn’t bought something new in a long time. Marco sighed and went in. Thirty minutes later, he came out and was carrying two shopping bags. So, he was now down three hundred dollars, and in exchange for that, he was in possession of one jacket, two new shirts, and a pair of trousers.


The salesman was good.


And given how besotted he was by his new lady love, Marco had been a too easy mark.


He came home, took a shower, and dressed in his new clothes and jacket. He wanted to leave the flowers at home, but they would just remind him of his foolishness when he came back later that night, so he picked them up. Thirty minutes later, he rang the bell of her apartment. Marco felt foolish, and he was a little bit angry with himself for feeling that way. He shouldn’t have made so much of an effort. When she opened the door, he forgot all his woes.


Stacy looked breathtakingly beautiful. The simple white dress she wore clung to every inch of her body as if it was sewn on her. The white pumps highlighted her toned legs, and her skin glowed. “Hi. You’re right on time.”


“Actually, I am a few minutes early, so if you want to take your time, it’s ok.”


“No, it’s fine. I am ready.” It was hard to believe that he made love to her a few hours ago. She’d writhed under him on that desk, and he was ecstatic to get his hands on her. Now, looking at her, he felt as if he was seeing her for the first time. “Are they for me?”


That reminded him that he was still holding the flowers. “Oh yes, of course.”


She took the white lilies from his hand. “They are beautiful. Why don’t you come inside so I can put them in a vase?”


“Thanks,” he said. He stepped through. The small apartment was neat and uncluttered. He could see the living room that was adjacent to the open kitchen, and beyond it, was a door to the bedroom. She was probably still getting her bearings after the divorce. It was a big change from that magnificent house to this place. “Did you get your issues sorted out with Ned?”


She wrinkled her nose, as if the mere mention of his name annoyed her. “Sort of. Ned is…well, he likes to take his time. I guess he will handle it at his speed.”


“So the divorce is finalized?”


She arranged the lilies in a clear glass vase and put it on the counter. “It is, indeed. But we have to do a lot of other stuff, like get his name off my account, and sort out the insurances, the healthcare, and all that nonsense.”

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