Goldie and Her bears (3 page)

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Authors: Doris O'Connor

BOOK: Goldie and Her bears
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Why she craved Jason’s approval so desperately was completely beyond her, but she did. Sheesh, most men would have been pleased as punch to have their woman combusting like she did, but not Jason Stanhope, oh no. What the fuck was wrong with her anyway? She couldn’t have just picked a nice boring co-worker to have some perfectly nice vanilla sex with, could she? No, not her. She had to pick a Dom with two siblings just as domineering and hot as he was, and instead of being frightened of the punishment she knew she’d no doubt earned herself, she would completely disgrace herself in a minute if her pussy got any wetter. The smell of sex that filled the air of the inner sanctum and moans and screams of sexual abandonment all around her were so not helping her current state. She didn’t need to see; her imagination worked just fine!

She was so focused on not noticing anything, she ran into Jason’s broad back when he stopped abruptly in front of her. She swallowed her cry of surprise as he turned around and his strong arm snaked round her waist to steady her. He cupped her chin with his free hand, forcing her to look at him. Her heart skipped a few beats at the concern in his eyes, and she drew in her breath when he rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip.

“New sub, Master J?” The silver-haired, elegantly dressed man ran his gaze over her, and her skin pricked in annoyance. The man smiled and dismissed her. “If you want a hand taming her, let me know.” His eyes widened, and the smile slid off his face at Jason’s growled denial.

“The day I need help is the day I leave the lifestyle. What did you want me for?”

“Well, I—on second thought, never mind. I can see you’re busy. I’m sorry I bothered you. I’ll just have to find her myself.”

“Find who?” Goldie jumped at the deep snarl coming from Jason. He let go of her and grabbed the smaller man round the throat in the blink of an eye. “Have you lost another sub? I warned you…”

Goldie watched, horrified as the older man’s face turned purple. She looked around for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Just as she thought she would have to do something, Jacob and Catalina appeared.

“Let him go, bro. He can’t answer you if he’s unconscious.” Jacob’s cool, collected voice got through to Jason. He smiled at Goldie as if to reassure her and put one arm out. Goldie wasted no time scrambling to his side as more people surrounded them.

“I suggest you tell Master J what you did to lose another one of your subs before I let his beast out to roam and finish you off once and for all,” Catalina said.

His beast?
Goldie drew closer to Jacob, unease travelling up her spine.
What the hell did that mean?
Jason certainly looked as though he would be capable of ripping the other man’s head off. Leashed power emanated off him, and he growled.
Oh good God!
Catalina smiled, and more chills raced down Goldie’s body. The very air around them seemed thicker and full of anticipation as they waited for the other man to speak. He didn’t look like a Dom anymore, quite the opposite. Eyes downcast, he shuffled his feet nervously, and when he finally spoke, Goldie had to strain to hear the words.

“I didn’t do anything. She just ran off. I thought she would be in the club, but I’ve looked everywhere and—”

“And what? Why would she run away? What did you do? Tell me, Simon.” Jason’s voice was frost itself, and he grabbed the other man again, this time by the lapels of his designer suit, and shook him like a leaf. Despite the situation, Goldie couldn’t help but admire the play of muscles in Jason’s back and the way his biceps curled as he continued to shake the stocky man as though he didn’t weigh more than a feather. “Did you ignore her safe word? Answer me. I. Asked. You. A. Question!” Every word was punctuated by another vicious shake that made the man’s teeth snap together.

Again, it was Jacob who stepped forward and put a warning hand on his brother’s arm. “Let him answer, Jase, though I fear we already know the answer to this.” Jason lowered the other man slowly.

Goldie hugged her arms around herself as Catalina’s smile turned even more chilling. She wished like hell Jacob was still standing next to her. She needed his warmth right now to chase away the goose bumps spreading over her exposed skin.

“I didn’t ignore it—I just didn’t hear her straightaway.”

“Fucking bullshit!” Jason and Jacob swore in unison, and Simon blanched and took a step backward straight into Catalina. She spun him around and grabbed his balls. Simon dropped to his knees, panting, white as a sheet.

“I told you last time you didn’t
a sub use her safe word that if you did it again, I’d make sure you wouldn’t be able to use these—” she replaced her hand with the silver tip of her stiletto heel and pushed down “—for a very long time indeed.”

Simon squealed liked a pig, and several of the men standing close by covered their balls with their hands. Goldie would have laughed if Jason hadn’t chosen that moment to look at her. She couldn’t decipher the emotion in his golden eyes, but her body responded anyway. The gold color intensified, and the rest of the room faded away as Jason took several steps toward her. He pulled her into his frame and held her close before he released her with a muttered curse and faced squealing Simon again.

“Is she pack or human?”

“Human—argh.” There was a sickening crunch, and Simon screeched as Catalina’s heel disappeared into his balls. Jason spun Goldie around but not before she saw the blood staining Simon’s groin. Bile rose in her throat.

“Jacob, get her to our rooms. Get her settled and then come and help us sort this mess.” He framed Goldie’s face in his hands and smiled. “Go with him. I need to find this sub and make sure she’s okay. This sort of thing does not happen in my club.”

“Your club?” Goldie asked.

He sighed and nodded. “Forgive me. This is not the introduction into the lifestyle I’d planned for you. If you want to leave, I understand. Just let me sort this first and then I’ll take you home.” The sincere words delivered in hushed tones only she could hear soothed some of Goldie’s worries, and she shook her head.

“I don’t want to leave. You do what you have to do.” A brilliant smile lit up his face, and he pulled her in for a bruising kiss that left them both breathless by the time he released her. He ran his thumb over her kiss swollen lips, and his eyes darkened before he handed her to Jacob, and walked away. Goldie was dimly aware of Jacob’s reassuring bulk at her back as she watched Jason leave, shrugging out of his vest as he went. Catalina and several other men and women followed, and when she finally tore her eyes away, the club had emptied. A few subs remained, no doubt having been ordered to stay where they were by their masters, and even Simon was gone. Goldie’s eyes widened, taking in her surroundings for the first time. Booths were dotted around the open area, interspersed with an array of BDSM equipment. Several St. Andrew’s crosses—one of them still had a sub strapped to it—spanking benches, and a collection of wicked-looking chairs were dotted around. Jacob swore, following her astonished gaze, and urged her to sit down in one of the chairs. Goldie perched herself on the edge of it, eyeing the various cuffs and restraints warily. This particular chair had a hole in the middle for God only knew what, and the seat tipped backward. Even perched on the edge, Goldie’s bottom slipped backward, and she hastily scrambled off it.

The next chair was soft and cool on her exposed pussy, but it too tilted backward, and Goldie slid down into it with an embarrassingly loud squelch. Once again, she scooted to her feet. Jacob’s low chuckle carried across the quiet room, and heat suffused Goldie. His amusement faded when he released the sub from his cross, and the slender man collapsed in his arms. He picked the sub up and deposited him in one of the booths. Concern for the man had Goldie moving toward them. She stopped dead when she saw the tender way Jacob massaged the other man’s arms and then legs.

“Where is your master?”

“He left, Sir, to go with Master J. I was staying as punishment. I deserved to stay, Sir.”

“What is your name, sub?”

“Andy, Sir.” Andy cast a quick glance in Goldie’s direction before dropping his eyes hastily at Jacob’s raised eyebrow. “Sorry, Sir.”

“When you can walk, go home. Your master won’t be back for a while, and the club is closed for tonight.” He raised his voice. “The same goes for the rest of you. Whatever scene you’re in, it ends now. Go home!”

Goldie sank down onto another chair, and she screeched when the world tilted. Strong hands grabbed her round the waist, and Jacob’s amused laughter skittered over her face.

“Careful, Goldilocks. There is no need to live up to your name.”


Goldie closed her eyes and sank into the fragrant bubbles with a sigh of appreciation. Her eyes flew open again when the door creaked, and Jacob appeared with a steaming mug of hot chocolate. She shrank down into the bubbles, and he chuckled. He placed the hot chocolate on the side of the bath and propping himself up either side of the bath, lowered his head until his mouth hovered over hers. He was so close their breaths mingled until he pulled back with another smile.

“Such a shame Jase claimed you. We could have so much fun on our own. Alas.” He picked up her discarded dress and sniffed it with a wicked smile that did strange things to her insides. Goldie was glad the bubbles hid her body’s reaction, and she frowned when he tucked the dress under one arm and went to leave.

“Hey, where are you taking my dress? I haven’t got anything else to wear.”

“I told you, while you’re here, Jase will want you naked. Now enjoy your soak. When you get out, there is food on the kitchen table. And some more instructions you’ll want to follow. It will make things easier for you.”

He left, leaving Goldie wondering what those other instructions were. Having soaked away the unfamiliar soreness in her nether regions, she wrapped herself into one of the huge fluffy towels and went in search of food. When they had arrived at the sibling’s living quarters, situated above the club, Jacob had explained that they shared the living and kitchen area. Each triplet had their own bedroom, complete with en suite bathroom. He hadn’t divulged whose was whose, but she’d assumed that the bathroom he installed her in had to be Jason’s. Certainly the simple, muted, and extremely masculine design and queen-size bed screamed Jason Stanhope to her. As did the array of BDSM equipment. Thankfully among the assortment of toys she’d spotted in the wardrobe, there hadn’t been anything too nasty. Certainly no whips, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps whips weren’t his thing. They were clearly Catalina’s.

There had been no mistaking which room was hers. She had the same huge bed, covered in black sheets, but it had been the huge array of chains and whips on the wall that had made Goldie hurry out of there. She had no intention of spending any time in that room, thank you very much, despite what had happened in the hallway. And she wasn’t going to examine that too closely either. She’d never been attracted to a woman before. Maybe there was something in the air out here. Yeah that was it, all this fresh air was going to her head and had turned her into—well, she wasn’t thinking about that either.

The huge American style fridge held an assortment of soft and alcoholic drinks, and Goldie grabbed one of the ice-cold bottles of water and held it to her flaming cheeks. Her body didn’t seem to be listening to her attempts to reason herself out of her feelings. Instead, she grew wet just remembering that scene in the hallway. She ought to be embarrassed, but the other, reckless part of her, the part she had kept tightly under wraps for longer than she could remember, wanted nothing more than to experience those intense feelings of ecstasy again. Never before had she experienced such a powerful set of orgasms. In fact, she rarely came at all unless she used her wide variety of dildos in the safety of her bedroom.

Her gaze fell on the bag on the kitchen table, and taking a bite out of the cold chicken Jacob had also left for her, she checked the contents. Her stomach clenched, and she shifted restlessly on the hardwood chair, remembering Jacob’s earlier promise to fuck her ass. The assortment of butt plugs and large tube of lube came with clear instructions to use the biggest one she felt comfortable using. She smiled to herself. This she could do and give the men a surprise of her own. She grabbed the largest plug in there and retreated to the bathroom.


Goldie was on fire. It consumed her from the inside out. She was pinned, unable to move, a heavy, warm weight on top of her. Her eyes flew open in panic only to discover she was blindfolded and bound. Arms restrained high above her head, legs spread at an indecent angle, she’d lost the protection of the towel she’d fallen asleep in. Panicked, she yanked at her restraints but it was useless. The weight lifted, leaving her feeling strangely bereft, and Jason’s deeply seductive voice stilled her movements.

“Don’t! You’ll hurt yourself. I wish you could see how hot you look tied to my bed like this.” His hand settled on her thigh as he spoke, and she involuntarily arched into his touch. She could hear the smile in his next words. “So responsive, my sweet Goldilocks, so beautiful…”

He lifted her hips and slid a cushion under her ass. The movement made the butt plug slip a little, and Goldie moaned when Jason’s warm hand settled over it.

He kissed the quivering skin on her lower tummy and swirled his tongue round her belly button as he slowly removed the plug. Goldie winced at the slight pain, and Jason clicked his tongue in response.

“You’re not meant to fall asleep with one this size, baby, though I sure as fuck appreciate the sentiment.”

The unexpected endearment delivered in his hushed, almost reverent tones settled straight in her silly heart. He was pleased with her, and she basked in that knowledge as she listened to the sounds of him moving away. She heard water running and moments later, the bed dipped, and she moaned again when he placed a hot washcloth on her anus. The warmth soothed away the last of the sting, and she relaxed.

That is until she felt the featherlight touch of something curling around her breasts. She gasped at the sensation when Jason swirled the strands around her nipples. He chuckled in response to them hardening, and Goldie sucked in her tummy when he trailed the touches lower along her abdomen and into her already drenched folds.

“You’re so wet already, baby, my flogger is soaked in your cream. Taste yourself for me.”

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