Goldeneye: Where Bond Was Born: Ian Fleming's Jamaica (54 page)

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Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

Italicised numbers refer to pictures or their captions.


Adam, Ken 272, 273

Adams, Grantley 245

‘After You’ve Gone’ 304

Agualta Vale plantation, Jamaica 32

Aird, Fiona 286

Aitken, William Maxwell ‘Max’, 1st Baron Beaverbrook 23, 84, 86, 90, 146, 210, 211, 238, 255, 266

All Night at Mr Staneyhursts

Ambler, Eric 92, 141

Amis, Kingsley 40, 133, 302

Amory, Mark 313, 314, 315

Andress, Ursula
279, 280–1,

Anglo-Iranian Oil Company 129

Antonio (Syrian) 38, 216

Aquart, Reggie 16, 17, 20, 22, 41, 72

see Tainos

Armstrong-Jones, Antony Charles Robert, 1st Earl of Snowdon 285

Ashton, Frederick 168

Astaire, Adele 172

Atlantic Charter 98

Attlee, Clement Richard, 1st Earl Attlee 15

Australia 129, 319

Austrian Tyrol 11


Bacon, Francis 210

Bahamas 101, 122, 208

Baker, Lorenzo Dow 44

Barbados 120

Baron Samedi 154–5

barracudas 96,

Barriffe, Felix

Fulgencio 250

bauxite 104, 153, 191

Bay of Pigs Invasion 257, 262

Beal, Dr 94, 208

Beaton, Cecil 95, 111,
127, 139, 140, 167, 198

Beaumont, Hugh ‘Binkie’ 221, 224

Beaverbrook, Lord
Aitken, William Maxwell

Beckford, Ballard 121

Beckford, Peter 24

Beckford, William 179


Bedford, Duke and Duchess of 289

Belize 246

Bellevue (Great House) 1, 2–4,
, 63, 70, 76, 156, 298

haunting rumours 3–4, 156

‘Belly Lick’ 138

Benbow, John 115

Benson, Raymond 37

Bent, Rupert 279

Bergonzi, Bernard 240

Berlin, Germany 11, 257

Bermuda 46, 212

Bernstein, Leonard 172

Berry, Gomer, 1st Viscount Kemsley 36, 77

Bessborough, Lord and Lady 289

Betjeman, John 141

Black Panthers 157

Blackburne, Kenneth 244

Blackwell, Blanche 3, 26, 34, 35, 41, 48–50, 52, 86, 156, 201–6, 207, 210, 215, 216, 222, 223–6,
240–3, 251, 252–3,
254, 255, 259, 268, 271, 291, 294, 298, 307, 312, 314–15, 317, 318

Blackwell, Chris 27, 50, 156, 161, 202, 203, 206–8, 224, 242, 271, 273, 275, 278, 279, 280–1, 288–9, 317–18, 320

Blackwell, Joseph 48, 49–50, 205

Blake, Evon 87, 88–9,
103, 146, 174, 193

Blue Harbour, Port Maria 72, 77, 80, 85–6, 95, 111,
151, 162, 200, 202, 204,
308, 312–13

Blue Lagoon, The 201

Blue Peak, Jamaica 3

British Overseas Airways Corporation

Boeing Stratocruiser 93, 187

Bolt Cottage, Wentworth 202, 204,
242, 243

Bond, James
James Bond

Bond, James (ornithologist) 305

Field Guide to Birds of the West Indies
65, 128

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