Golden Blood (6 page)

Read Golden Blood Online

Authors: Melissa Pearl

Tags: #Love, #History, #Paranormal, #adventure action

BOOK: Golden Blood
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“I don’t want to hurt him. I don’t want to
lie. I want to be in a relationship where I can be myself.”

“Relationship? Sweetie, chillax! We’re
talking about a casual fling here. And stop putting such a negative
twist on the whole lying thing.” Ruby lay down, one arm resting
behind her head. “Do you remember the legend that Mom used to tell
us when we were kids… about the electus?”

“The chosen ones.”

“Yeah, well, you know how their mother was
killed and then they faded to gold dust, but returned and
everything was back to normal? Lucia was alive again.”

Gemma nodded.

“Well when they told Lucia about it, she knew
right away that they held a powerful gift that needed protecting.
So the village made an oath to guard their skills… and it wasn’t
just any oath, it was a blood oath. Secrecy was paramount to their

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because I’m trying to make a point.” She
turned to face her sister. “Secrets are not always a bad thing,
Gem. The oath needs to be honored or people get hurt.”

“You’re talking about Decimus, aren’t

Ruby nodded at Gemma’s referral to the
seventh member of the electus. According to legend, the seven babes
had simply appeared on earth around 150BC. As they had grown, the
three girls had fallen in love with the three boys. Decimus was the
only one left without a mate… the black sheep that Gemma dreaded

“I don’t want to make that same mistake he

“But you won’t. You’ve had years of this
stuff shoveled down your throat. Your first instinct is to protect
your family… and that’s what you’ll do.”

Gemma gazed up at the ceiling, tortured.

“Do what I do, Gem. Don’t think of it as
lying. Think of it as protecting the ones you love.”

“That’s why I push people away, Rube, because
I love you guys.”

“Yes… and we love you too, which is why you
need to stop hiding and go enjoy your life. It’s not like you’re
proposing marriage. We’re just talking a couple of dates and a few
kisses. Go to the movies, make out a little. Enjoy it.”

Gemma felt a smile tugging at her lips. She
shuffled her body and swung her arm around her sister. “Thanks,

“Girls! Break’s over!”

They both groaned then giggled as they sat

“Ready to go kick Dom’s butt?”

“Always. I heard Dad mention pulling out the
weapons later too. We can broad sword his ass.”

This sent them into fits of giggles as they
wove their way through the house and down into the basement for
another round of training.


Gemma felt lighter when she woke the next
morning. She took her time getting ready, choosing her skinny jeans
and brown leather boots for a change. She tied her hair back into
its usual ponytail and ignored Ruby’s suggestion of a little make
up. There were still lines that needn’t be crossed.

She felt confident that the day would go
well. Everything had been planned. She would find a way to casually
bump into Harrison, then she’d smile, say hi and maybe even throw
in a comment about seeing him in History. This small exchange would
win his forgiveness and they could begin one of those smile and
wave friendships that would slowly grow. It would be perfect.

She drove through the school gates and
spotted her heart’s desire getting out of his Stingray. He pulled
the shades off his face and flung them onto the dashboard. Reaching
back inside, he grabbed his book bag, flung it over his shoulder
and ran a hand through his waves of thick hair.

Gemma let out a dreamy sigh, caught herself
and frowned, knowing she had spent the morning in la-la land. Have
fun with this guy? Was that some kind of joke? Not even a whole
movie spent together and she knew the prospect of falling for him
was inevitable. An unconscious smile spread over her lips as she
remembered his Jackie Chan moves.

She watched him ascend the stairs with an arm
wrapped around his stepsister’s neck. He must have been hassling
her about something because she wiggled free and gave him a firm
punch in the arm. He laughed and made some other comment that
revealed her two neat rows of braces.

The metal gun smile disappeared when Dana and
Chelsea called Harrison’s name and rushed up the stairs towards
him. Gemma knew how Rosie felt. Pulling her key from the ignition,
she got off her bike and grabbed her bag. The bell was ringing as
she snuck in the back door and headed for homeroom.


The whole casual bumping into Harrison thing
was going to be harder than Gemma thought. She knew he had Italian
second period so scuttled through the halls hoping to catch him
coming out, but she was too late. As she neared his locker, she saw
him surrounded by Darren and the girls. She’d rather die than draw
their attention.

She stood watching them for a moment then saw
Harrison’s head turn in her direction. Taking the chicken’s way
out, she whipped through the bathroom door and made a beeline for
the back stall. Five minutes should be enough time for them to
disperse. She didn’t care if she was late to class.

With a huff of self-disdain she plonked down
on the lid of the toilet and dropped her face in her hands,
resisting the urge to scream.

“It was so pathetic. I swear he was checking
her out. He was supposed to be driving me home, but he couldn’t
keep his goo-goo eyes off the freak show.”

Gemma recognized Dana’s voice. Her muscles
tensed in response.

“She was walking right in front of us. It was
kind of hard not to spot her. Anyway, who cares if he was checking
her out, it’s not like you guys are dating. What’s the big

The tense pause as Courtney’s question hung
unanswered in the air was physically painful. Gemma knew exactly
which freak show they were talking about.

“The big deal, Courtney, is the fact that
cold little cow has caught the attention of the best asset this
school has had in a long time. I don’t get it! He’s gorgeous,
charming, funny, sweet and she’s… uch… such a freak! He could do so
much better!”

“Meaning you.”

Gemma picked up the third voice in the room
as Chelsea’s. Her miffed tone was not to be missed.

“Or you. I mean whatever! Anything has got to
be better than Hart! She could have any guy in the school, but
, she treats them all like clumps of dog poo, then
Harrison turns up, completely available, and she pounces on him
before any of us get a chance!”

“She’s hardly pounced. They haven’t even
spoken to each other. Don’t you think you’re over-reacting?”

“Stop standing up for her, Courtney. Dana’s
trying to make a point here!”

“What point?”

“The point that Little Miss Perfect doesn’t
deserve him.”

“I think you’re being way too harsh, D. She’s
not as horrible as everyone thinks.”

“Are you serious?” Chelsea sounded

Gemma felt her chest squeeze with gratitude
then deflate with guilt. Wasn’t Courtney the one who always smiled
at her? Gemma cringed as she thought of all the times she’d looked
the other way. Dana was right; she was a cold cow!

“Besides, Dana, don’t you already have a

“If you’re talking about Paul Hobbs, I’m
going to ring your little neck Courtney Taylor. Ugh. I could kill
that guy for thinking we were an item. One drunken kiss six weeks
ago and I’m still paying for it.”

One of them stifled a giggle.

“Shut up, Chelsea!”

“Sorry, Dana.”

Gemma heard the rustle of a bag being opened
then the twist of a lip-gloss tube. Dana’s next words were muffled
due to the make up application and Gemma only just caught the end
of it.

“… like she’s cast a spell on him.”

“You know when she first came here, I thought
she was a witch?”

“She probably is.”

“You guys…”

“Don’t try and deny it, Courtney. The only
guy in school that’s not afraid of her is Jordan.”

“And he totally should be. You know she
actually broke his nose that time he tried to kiss her.”

“And a couple of ribs.”

“Dana, you made that part up to make the
story sound better. You told me that yourself.”

“Courtney, you make me sick! If you like her
so much, you go be her friend.”

“Let’s just hope for Harrison’s sake, that if
they do hook up, they don’t have a lover’s tiff.” Chelsea

Gemma’s insides twisted as she listened to
Dana join her on their way out of the bathroom. They were right.
Harrison did deserve better. He deserved normal, sweet, easy to be
with… someone who could “stay put” so to speak. Her lips pulled
into a pout as her brilliant plans from the morning turned to

Squeaking the door open, she checked the room
was empty and stepped out. Staring at her perfect features, she
suddenly despised them. It did feel like almost every guy at the
school had made a pass at her and she’d been horrible to them all.
Even Harrison.

The door flew open making her jump.

“Oh, sorry. I just forgot my…” Courtney’s
voice trailed off as she pointed to the bag at Gemma’s feet.

“Oh.” Gemma stepped back and let her reach
for it.

Standing tall, Courtney gave her a timid
smile as she hitched the bag onto her shoulder. “Were… were you
just in here a second ago?”

Gemma thought about lying, but decided not to
waste her breath. She nodded and looked to the floor.

“Sorry you had to hear all that. Don’t worry
about, Dana. She’s just jealous. I think she’s liked Harrison for
as long as you have.”

Gemma looked up. “I don’t like…”

Courtney’s smile was filled with amusement.
Gemma gave up the lie and shook her head.

“You know, I don’t buy everything people say
about you… and I know Harrison doesn’t either.”

“Dana has a point though. I can be a cold

“Yeah.” Courtney grinned. “But you don’t have
to stay that way.” She flicked one of her signature curls off her
face. “I’ll see you around, Gemma.”

“See ya.” Gemma raised her hand in time to
wave at the bathroom door. Turning to gaze back at the mirror, she
grimaced at her image and hated that she was so afraid of normal
human beings.

A witch?

The bell rang. Gemma collected her bag with a
sigh. The light feeling from the morning had fled. She trudged to
class deciding that a casual bump into Harrison could be postponed
for another day or maybe even forever.



Gemma gripped the strap of her bag as she
headed for the back corner of the library. Lunch had finally
arrived. Only two more periods to go and then she was free to go
home and wallow in self-pity for the rest of the day.

Her muscles slowly unwound as the quiet
safety of the library engulfed her. No one ever bothered with
double takes in here. She had found the perfect spot and spent most
lunchtimes reading on a pile of huge cushions the librarian had
provided after catching her sitting repeatedly in the same cold
corner. It didn’t matter what she was reading, when that bell rang
she made a beeline for her spot while everyone else headed for the

As usual the library was sparsely populated.
Gemma smiled as the librarian gave her a wink. Weaving past the
chess players, she took a left down the graphic novel aisle then a
right past the wall of encyclopedias that, thanks to Google, no one
bothered using anymore. She took another left into the history
aisle and stopped.


Harrison glanced up from the book he was
skimming. He didn’t look surprised to see her, which she found

“You never come to the library,” she

“I’m here now.”

“Yes, but why?”

“Because I have absolutely no self

Gemma frowned. Harrison grinned and slapped
his book closed, sliding it back into place. Folding his arms, he
leaned against the shelves and looked at her. She couldn’t decipher
his expression. Was he happy or annoyed? Was it possible to be both
at the same time? He was definitely making it look possible.

Gemma cleared her throat and looked at the
lime green carpet, stained and fading.

“I wanted to talk to you, actually. So it’s
good that you’re here…”

He tipped his head. Her mouth opened and
closed like a goldfish. She clamped her jaw shut and closed her
eyes trying to remember one of the many scenarios she’d

“I just wanted to make sure you didn’t tell
anyone about Saturday.”

“What? About the fact you ditched me with no

“No.” Gemma felt her cheeks catch fire.
“About the fighting stuff I showed you. I don’t really want anyone
to know. It’s embarrassing.”

“I think it’s cool.” He shrugged.

She shook her head. “Please, don’t. It adds
to my weird factor and I don’t need-”

“I won’t say anything.” He stood straight and
buried his hands in his pockets. His stance was so casual and

Gemma wished she had even a quarter of his
cool. She wanted to say goodbye and flee, but her feet were
grounded, stuck in some invisible cement made from sheer

“I’m sorry I bailed on you. It was rude.”

His expression softened. “I saw you leave the

Her stomach somersaulted. Did he want an

“If you weren’t feeling well, you could have
just told me.”

A chuckle burst from her mouth. It was
breathy and filled with relief. She cut it short and dipped her
head so he couldn’t see her grimace.

“Do you… do you want try again sometime?”

Her head shot up at his question.

“Yeah, maybe on Saturday.”

“Are you insane?” She hadn’t meant to say

Thankfully he responded with a rye chuckle.
“Yeah, I think I am.” He shook his head. “I just can’t shake the
feeling that you wanted to come to the beach with me.”

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