Going Thru Hell (6 page)

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Authors: T. J. Loveless

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“And separated for years because I can't figure out how to divorce an immortal.” I paced, chewing on a thumbnail.

“You should call on me for any needs you may have.
I don’t mind giving you what the power seeks.” He stood in my path, grabbing my arms, his tone sincere. It felt so damned good to be touched by unthreatening male hands, for a change.

“Leave us alone.”
He wouldn't do it. Modi would hound me until I gave in to his advances.
Damn. Double damn.

“The time is almost here. The agreement must be kept.” He gently pulled me into his chest, the hold strong yet gentle.

“I can break this agreement, you know. You haven't exactly kept your end of the bargain.” I gave in to the pull of heat from his body, stepping toward him, remembering the month when I was nineteen ... I had to leave Valhalla
and quickly.
If Odin found out I was in his realm, the results would not be pleasant. The thought cooled my ardor and allowed for clear thoughts.

“Brought her as I requested, son?” Thor's thunderous voice echoed around the valley.

“Requested?” I looked into Modi's face, seeing his surprise. Thor was playing us.

“No, I give the promise of my ancestors, I did not bring you here at his request.” Desperation filled Modi's features.

“Then get me out of here!” I peeked at Thor, thoughts becoming a whirlwind. Calm settled over me and I realized it was Bru's influence. I looked at the valley, knowing Bru could see the view through me thanks to our bond. Anger and fear flashed across the line between us, along with the knowledge she was on the way. I only needed to buy time.

“I cannot,
Father has frozen me.” Modi's voice sounded strained, and despite pushing against him, nothing gave.

“Brunhilde is on her way. Stall!” I moved in a bid for freedom. My palms grew hot, the strings appearing.
We would be harmed in the backlash, and I longed for other option. Besides, despite all Modi stood for, I couldn't harm the jerk.

“Do not worry, son. I will not harm the young Braider. She needs only do one little change
, and I promise to release her. I am aware of your attachment to her.” Thor stood a few feet away and I peeked at him around Modi’s arm. Bastard had a smug expression, as if I already agreed.

re a liar and you know it.” I subtly moved my hands against Modi's hips, letting him feel the heat and movement without drawing Thor's attention.

Modi moved his head to look at me and I met his gaze. He understood. Too bad I couldn't guarantee the outcome. Unlike braiding, using the secondary power never had a
foolproof outcome. And currently, three fools stood in Valhalla, ready for a standoff.

“I would never lie, young Kylie.” His voice took on the cadence of
a parent speaking to a toddler.

Modi flinched as the heat from my palms burned his hips. Thor didn't notice.
The god of thunder would always be powerful, but he wasn't known for brains. That ran to Loki, whom I actually liked.

I pressed closer to Modi, almost melding our bodies as I kept my sight around the massive arms, trying to aim a little better. With the arms of steel around my shoulders and upper arms, it took more wiggling than I
preferred. If the huge erection pressing against my upper belly was any indication, Modi enjoyed it far too much.

,” I whispered. Modi's body tensed and I released the power at Thor, the backlash sending Modi and I rolling on the soft, warm grass. He released me, and I stood to see Thor lying on the ground, fifty feet away, his body twisted in an unnatural position.

“Kylie!” Bru's voice carried on the sweet breeze and I turned to find her running, in full battle regalia, sword out, a fierce look on her fac
e. I took off in her direction. As I reached her, she grabbed me in a bear hug, threw me behind her and waited with blank expression.

I turned to find Thor slowly standing, popping joints into place,
and pulling on broken bones to realign them, his expression murderous.

“Don't do it, Thor.”

I shivered at Bru's tone.

“She harmed me for no reason. The mortal will pay for such disrespect.” Mjolnir, Thor's hammer, appeared.

“Remember the last time you tried that?” Bru relaxed.

went still. “You would do such a thing against your own?”

“Oh, yes. Especially you,

joined us. The first time in nine years, my body didn't automatically begin to hum. I filed it away for later. I turned my attention to the standoff between Thor and Bru.

“I may fight you again, Brunhilde. Revenge for Odin and your betrayal.”

“Please do. I haven't had a good fight in ages. Might be a bit rusty and all.” Bru tensed, a cold smile appearing. She dropped into her thighs, gracefully moving into a battle stance.

Thor walked forward slowly at first, picking up speed, Mjolnir held high. Bru laughed and ran to meet him head on.

I watched, unable to turn away.

The two immortals crashed into each other, the sound loud and echo
ing throughout the valley. Bru moved like a ballerina on stage and Thor danced with the grace of a battle-hardened warrior. They exchanged body-crushing blows, Thor dancing away from Bru's vicious sword thrusts, Bru dodging swings of Mjolnir. A beautiful display of deadly skill, both players practiced and determined.

“You must stop this, Kylie. Bru is playing with him and it won't be long before Father realizes it.” Modi placed a light hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged it off. “He deserves it. Whatever she wants to do is fine by me.”

Bru began to move faster, her actions precise, lethal. Thor's swings slowed, no longer dodging Bru's sword fast enough. She sliced his arm from shoulder to elbow as he swung away.

Bru stopped, smiling, her breathing easy. Thor, on the other hand, grabbed his arm, panting hard and dropping Mjolnir. Sweat ran in several rivulets down his face, skin mottled red, eyes blazing.

“Ready to give and let us go without further incident?” She stood upright, her head tilted slightly, posture easy. Thor bent his massive body in half, struggling to recover.

“For now, I will concede. Take the child. I will return later for her.” He disappeared, the atmosphere shimmering, electricity flowing through the air.

Modi grabbed me, but I couldn't fight his strength. As soon as I felt his chest against my back, the nausea started, currents dancing across skin.

“No!” Bru hit us in a violent movement, my head hitting Modi's chin. She grabbed my shoulders and rolled to the left. The sensations caused my stomach to roil, goosebumps appeared and fuzzy thoughts. We rolled again and I pushed against the couch.

I lay there, trying to catch my breath. Aki's face appeared, smiling.

“Did you have a good time?”

“I did! Haven't had a good fight in a while.” Bru bounced to her feet,
breathtaking because of the happy smile.

“I, on the other hand, am sore and feel
like a tennis ball.” I stood, giving Bru the look of respect she deserved. For as long as I lived, I would never forget the sexy, fatal dance with Thor.

“You're getting too serious. You used to have more smiles.” Aki stood before me, watching carefully.

“Too much.” I walked out, wanting a long hot bath filled with bubbles and a lot of introspection.

I lay in the hot water, grabbing handfuls of bubbles and blowing them. Thoughts of Modi, the past, present and future swirled like the water. A lot of if onlys interjected. I could feel her wish of peace.

If only.

At the age of nineteen, a hormone ridden teenager so close to adulthood, I'd crossed the college campus in Laramie to the next class. I could sense several gods on the campus
, but as long as they left me alone, I'd ignore their presence. The party trick at thirteen kept them at bay for the most part.

the brick building holding my next class, I saw him. I knew he was immortal by the smells flowing strongly from his skin. He topped six and half feet, covered with wonderfully sculpted muscle, shown off by the tight t-shirt and jeans. The beautiful and savage face, the copper and strawberry highlights of his blond hair, and smile stopped me. My body responded instantly and, with such ferocity, I almost doubled over. The need brutally painful, I couldn't resist. No words were spoken as I walked to the vision of masculinity, dropped the twenty pound backpack and did a little jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and pressing my lips onto his waiting mouth.

We found a small, nearby roadside motel.
I skipped several classes that day, but managed to make myself leave his bed. Spent a month of heavenly nights, fell in love as much as I was able. Promises were made, none of which he'd kept. I pulled myself together and walked away.
I learned two weeks later I carried the child of Modi. A child with the power of my ancestors and an immortal battery.

Chapter Ten

I woke to find my poor Yogi Bear pajama bottoms
torn in several places. I didn't remember the dreams that haunted my sleep, but concluded they'd been fairly violent.

Showered and dressed, I sat on the couch, contemplating options. The Greeks would be recovered, I could hear Tiamat flying by the window at regular intervals, felt the addition of several dozen gods to the mix already stalking me.

My time was up.

With slow steps, I walked to the rooftop. Stood in one place, waiting for their appearance. I was surrounded. Bru withdrew her emotions, leaving me cold and logical.

“What exactly do you believe I will do for you?”

The resounding answers almost deafened me. Several reminders of my ancestry, reasons why I should be loyal to this pantheon or that one, threats of varied types. I rolled my eyes.

I held up my palms, showing how hot they ran. “None of them persuade me. Not one of you have come up with a valid reason why I should help any of you.”

More yells, pleading and threats. With a shake of my head
, I moved to leave. Tiamat circled overhead, her powerful wings beating faster as screeching cries ripped through the air. Every assembled immortal to ducked and crouched, fear of the gigantic beast palpable. I walked calmly through the crowd to the door. I'd only made a short term point. For creatures so sure of their supreme intelligence, the little gathering proved most were lacking common sense.

large, warm, callused hand grabbed my arm, turning me quickly to face an Egyptian. Khnum, ancient god of creation. Like Zeus, he was larger than most due to amassed power. His thick black hair hung in a shining river from immense, muscular shoulders to a tapered waist. Bronze skin, black eyes, and a strong, masculine face made him handsome. The kindness blazing from his eyes made him beautiful.

I smiled and hugged his massive form. “Why on earth are you here?”

“To ensure you don't pick sides, little one.” His voice carried a smoky, whiskey-roughened quality as he returned the hug.

“No intentions of it. Listen, follow me to the room. Bru and Aki are waiting to hear if I managed to earn another day or two.”

“I cannot. I come only to warn you. Many of the pantheon are letting it leak onto the mortal plane. There is only one way to end this.” His eyes held mine.

“I can't, there has to be another way.


“I'll find another way. There are always different outcomes.”

“I have worked the wheel, child. There is only one answer. Make peace and do it.”

I walked around Khnum. His previous nuggets of wisdom had carried me through many interesting situations. In this instance, I ignored him. There had to be another way, another path that didn’t mean giving up everything I loved.

Entering the room, Bru and Aki t
urned to watch me. I don't know what expression I carried, but both rushed forward to hug me. They hissed when my hot palms gripped them as I let the tears fall.

Bru's hand softly petted my long ponytail, making soothing sounds in her throat. Aki moved to my back and embraced us.

“I think it's time we had a bit of fun. I found a pub with a dance floor five blocks away.” Aki's throat vibrated against the back of my head, his chin moving over my hair.

“That sounds like a great idea. No arguments, Kylie. Surely you brought something to
sexy wear?” Bru leaned back and smiled.

We separated, Bru and I taking over the bathroom. I'd brought a dress or two. I picked them up and compared them in the mirror. The Giambattista Valli sleeveless shift dress in black and red with
chevron designs at the top gave me a slim line and serious look. The Alexander Wang leather sleeveless said sexy badass.

“Definitely the Alexander
Wang, honey.” She wolf whistled and handed over a pair of Christian Louboutin Sea NN Girl thigh high leather boots with a three-inch stiletto heel.

“Are you trying to say I need a new profession?” I
gave her big eyes. I'd worn the outfit once before and ended the night with several offers from sugar daddies. Plus one sugar momma.

“Nope. But it's time
to remember you are more than a pawn in their games. Get dressed, I'll do your hair.”

An hour later
, I turned back and forth in the mirror, struck speechless. The hours of working out showed in the trim lines, the leather showing off my curves without a lot of skin. The boots ended mid-thigh, two inches below the dress itself. Only my arms and two inches of thigh showed, but the entire outfit hinted splendidly at all I hid. Bru braided small hanks of hair, then pulled it back from my face with only a few artful curls loose around my face and neck. The rest in a thick chignon at the back. It was classy and sexy at the same time. Without my face in the shadow of thick, curly hair, you could see the ocean blue of my irises. The carefully applied makeup made my full lips capture attention, brought out the high cheekbones and peachy colored complexion.

“Holy cow, you're gorgeous.”

“Can't possibly be me in the mirror, Bru.”

it is. Now, let's get me ready and we are going out for a night of fun.”

Another hour and Bru took my breath away. Her Nordic beauty highlighted by the artfully braided hair, body curvaceous and fit, she wore a similar outfit. Together, we would cause a bit of a commotion.

Walking out of the bathroom and
sitting on the couch, we waited. Aki dressed in jeans, a blindingly white button down under a black, hip length leather jacket and matching boots. He'd trimmed the beard, pulled the top half of his hair into a ponytail, his blue eyes standing out. Women would beg for his attention. When he saw the two of us, I heard his intake of breath, watched his eyes widen as his body tensed. “Bloody hell.” He turned around, and if his arm movements were any indication, adjusted himself as he zipped the jacket.

I smiled, feeling the power of every
red-blooded female to arouse without a word or touch.

“Let's go. And clean the drool off your chin, Be
rserker.” Bru laughed, grabbing her purse and strutting out the door.

The pub turned out to be a club with music rattling my teeth while outside, lots of early twenty
-somethings lining the sidewalk, and a serious looking bouncer carefully checking every form of ID presented. Bru walked past the line, much to the chagrin of those waiting. She stood in front of the bouncer, one hip cocked out, arms crossed, head tilted at a slight angle. The bouncer's eyes roamed over every inch of her body with a bored expression. Until he met her eyes. He gasped. Without another word, he undid the rope and waved us into the club.

I put my mouth to her hear and whisper-shouted, “What the hell was that?”

“One of my many charms.” She grabbed my hand and led me to the bar.

Aki kept close, a hand low on my back and not saying a word. We ordered drinks, relaxed
at a table by the bar, and before I knew it, he'd grabbed me for a dance.

A popular tune thumped through the speakers, causing a crush of bodies. The heat of so many in a small space rose in
radiating waves, as the dancing bodies shoved Aki and I past the personal bubbles and melded us into one. He grabbed me around the waist, eyes searching for a way out. At first all I could see and feel was his large body, a strong heartbeat, and the smell of his skin. It took a moment to sense two gods trying to pull us apart. One grabbed my hair in a painful hold, jerking my head back at an unnatural angle and restricting my breathing. The other put a hand on the inside of my thigh and began to slide upwards. Aki swung a fist and I heard a grunt of pain as the wandering hand left my thigh. The one holding my hair pulled harder, bowing me backwards. I reached over and grabbed his arm with a hot palm, Bru's anger at the ambush racing through the bond.

A masculine yell and my head snapped upwards into Aki's chest. He shoved through the gyrating crowd, the smell of alcohol, sweat and arousal strong. I didn't resist. Finally free, I bent over a moment, stretched and marched to the bar, ordering a double shot of Jack.

“Come on, let's go.” Aki's voice and hot breath startled me.

“No. They tried, they'll leave me be for a few. I didn't dress up for nothing.”

“Kylie, we need to keep you safe.”

safe. We're fine. Don't let them win this round. They won't do much in public.”

“Want to bet?” Bru's finely tuned body leaned against me from shoulder to thigh. I frowned as I looked up and followed her pointing hand.

“Holy. Shit.” I stared, slack jawed at Carman the Celtic, goddess of evil magic. Supposedly dead from grief over the loss of her sons, currently dancing with a young man who couldn't keep his hands off her. Like all goddesses, she carried an ethereal quality mixed with classically beautiful features, jet-black hair and pale skin, gray eyes glowing. She stared at me.

“What is she doing?” Aki watched her tease the young man.

“Giving me a warning.” I frantically tried to find a way to save her dancing partner. A movement caught my attention, and I turned to a different area of the floor and found Magdi with a young woman. I sagged against Bru. A quick sweep of the dance floor showed twelve immortals, moving suggestively against humans, watching me with smiles.

Instincts screamed
, the message clear: they intended to use all of the people in the club against me. Carman gyrated around the male, putting her body against his back, from breast to thigh, an arm around his shoulders, a hand gently rubbing the front of his throat. She intended to kill him, with as much pain as possible, and slowly.
What are you willing to sacrifice for your soul?
she mouthed.

I turned away. They would push me tonight.
I had two choices, give in to their demands, something I desperately fought
to do, or braid backwards far enough to keep them out of the club. Problems arose when I examined the threads. In none of the scenarios did the mortals live. Twelve innocents, no clue they danced with death.

“What do I do?” I looked into Bru's eyes, pleading with the first female best friend in my life. I couldn't think a way out of the situation.

“Give them what they want.” An evil smile spread across her beautiful features.

I frowned at her before it dawned what she meant. Aki's hand landed on my neck.

“Lass, the Valkyrie is right. Give them what they want. We'll be there to drive home a few points of our own.” His voice carried through the pounding bass of another song.

I swallowed hard.

“No, go back to the rooftop
. Tiamat won't have left.”

I nodded as I separated the necessary threads. The six hours wasn't the problem. The decision of which one to let win a battle would be the hardest. It would require choosing the weakest, the ones easily bested by Tiamat, Bru and Aki. A double braid which
would leave me in a pained emotional desert.

Stiff legs took me to a corner of the club where I faced the wall, shoring up my resolve. I put my hands on the wall and leaned in. I wanted to go home, away from my so
-called vacation. I was due back at work next week, but deep inside lay the truth, ignored.

Taking a deep breath, I began to braid,
choosing the best strings, tears rolling down my cheeks, the ending not as clear as I wanted. The world spun, blurry, the darkness of the club corner giving way to humid afternoon sun on the hotel rooftop. I fell, sliding several feet in the leather dress and boots, scraping the exposed skin of my thighs. I frowned at the strangeness of landing in the earlier time. Previous braids left me in the new timeline, not at the beginning of the thread.

I stood and looked around, seeing myself in the huddle of gods, their reaction to Tiamat, watched as I left the rooftop. Walking forward, I stared into the sky, seeing Tiamat's beautiful form move gracefully above my head.

“So, you guys want to force my hand.”

They turned as one to face me, fear evident. “Who should I choose? The lucky lottery winner will get one braid from me.” I mentally went through each pantheon represented, calculating the odds. I felt the payment coming for me, leaving precious seconds to complete the necessary changes.

“Choose mine, Kylie.” Annie's voice rang out and I turned to find she'd been hiding in the shadows of an air conditioner.

“That's favoritism!” Thrud yelled. Daughter of Thor, she
inherited his booming voice and love of fighting.

“My choice.”

The strands appeared, Annie's pantheon the victor in battle, allowing Bru and Aki a chance against all of them. I braided into the plane of the Persians, finding a recent battle in which the Persians had been soundly beaten by the Greeks and Romans. More braiding, more strands, more choices I didn't want to make. The more I braided, the less I cared.

The world continued to spin, leaving me dizzy and weakened. I shifted outcomes, changed who was injured, moved through almost a month of timeline distortions and conclusions.

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