Going Rogue: An American Life (119 page)

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Authors: Sarah Palin,Lynn Vincent

Tags: #General, #Autobiography, #Political, #Political Science, #Biography And Autobiography, #Biography, #Science, #Contemporary, #History, #Non-Fiction, #Politics, #Sarah, #USA, #Vice-Presidential candidates - United States, #Women politicians, #Women governors, #21st century history: from c 2000 -, #Women, #Autobiography: General, #History of the Americas, #Women politicians - United States, #Palin, #Alaska, #Personal Memoirs, #Vice-Presidential candidates, #Memoirs, #Central government, #Republican Party (U.S.: 1854- ), #Governors - Alaska, #Alaska - Politics and government, #Biography & Autobiography, #Conservatives - Women - United States, #U.S. - Contemporary Politics

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The way forward is full of promise. But it takes more courage for a politician to step back and let the free market.correct itself than it does to push through quick fixes. Reagan showed courage when he stayed the course through the long recession of the early

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1980s. Critics even in his own party told him to abandon his tax cuts. He was confident they would work. And they did. Reagan once recalled with amusement that economisrs in the 1970s never saw the rech boom coming when they made their gloomy forecasts. The personal computer revolutionized our economy, yet the “experts” didn’t see it coming. Energy independence is a bit like thar. I don’t think people quite see how important it is and how much it can offer us. Enetgy touches evety aspect of our lives. It lubricates the geats of our economy. Our prospetity has been driven by steady, abundant, affordable energy supplies.
Alaska, we understand the inherent link between energy and prosperity, energy and opportunity, and energy and security. I believe Alaska will lead the nation in developing both renewable and nonrenewable resources. I’ve always advocated an “all of the above” approach to energy production, and I support the harnessing of alternative sources of energy such as wind, solar, and geothermal. Using renewable sources means developing nuclear energy, too.

We will achieve economic growth and energy independence if we also responsibly tap conventional resources. God created them right underfoot, beneath American soil and under our waters. We must abandon the false dichotomy that says you can’t be proenvironment and pro-development. We can responsibly develop our resources in a way that protects the environment. I speak as an Alaskan. We love our state. We live here. We raise our children. here. Why would we want ro foul it up? Alaskans are pro-development because we know from experience it can be done without harming the environment.

No one can deny that we need crude oil. It’s not just for cars. We use petroleum for everything from jet fuel ro petrochemicals, plastics, fertilizers, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals. We need petroleum, and if we don’t drill for it here, we must import it from


Going Rogue

developing countries that have litde to no environmental protections, that often ravage the eatth to extract oil, and that exploit wotkers with little Ot no tegard fot human rights. In denying domestic energy development, environmental groups are effectively just supporring irresponsible development overseas. Taken together, Alaska’s energy reserves coupled with future discoveries on our continent could yield domestic energy supplies to cover America’s needs for decades. Building the energy infrastructure necessary to these supplies to market is true

economic stimulus. It means jobs. It means revenue. The bulk of America’s trade deficit is fueled not just with plastic toys we buy from China, but also by the oil we import. Imagine how much stronger our economy would be if all of those billions of dollars we spend overseas were circulating here in the United States. Instead, our foreign energy purchases now help subsidize regimes that don’t necessarily like us and can always use energy as a weapon against us.

In the end, it’s not just about the environment or the economy. It’s about our security and building a more peaceful world. Washington should work to clear the way fur domestic energy projects that will ensure that our energy needs will never be at the mercy of madmen in possession of vast oil reserves.

The way forward lies in energy independence. It will make us a mote peaceful and more prosperous nation.

And lee’s talk about peace, Today our sons and daughters are fighting, in distant countries to protect our freedoms and to nurture freedom for others. I understand that many Americans are war-weary, but we do have a responsibility to complete our missions in these countries so that we can keep our homeland safe. America must remain the strongest nation in the world in order to remain free. And our goal in the War on Terror must be the same as Reagan’s: “We won. They lost.”


But militaty might isn’t the only tool we have to guatantee peace and fteedom, We are both the world’s sword and its shieldwe lend not just our strength but the support of a free people to others who are fighting for their freedom, They need to know that America is not indifferent to their struggles but will lend her considerable diplomatic power to their cause. Nations like Israel need to be confident of our support.

Some people ask whether we are still a republic, at whether we are becoming an empire,. doomed to fade away like all the othet empires once thought to be invincible.

We are still a republic. We are certainly not doomed to fade away. And we have no desire to be an empire. We don’t want to colonize

countries or force our ideals on them. But we have been given a unique responsibility: to show the world the meaning and the rewards of fteedom. America, as Reagan said, is “the abiding alternative to tyranny.” We must remain the Shining City on a Hill to all who seek freedom and prosperity.

President Obama has reminded us that our security depends in part on reaching out to other nations. I certainly agree, and I respect his leadership on this: But it is not in our best interests or the interests of the peace-loving nations of the world for America to project weakness to terrorists and tyrants.

That’s why I believe that the best way to avoid a fight is to be ready to fight. That sentiment is expressed in the simple yet profound motto on the seal of the USS
Ronald Reagan:
“Peace through Strength.”

The world will not be more peaceful if we retreat behind our borders; it will in fact be more dangerous and violent. We don’t go looking for fights, but we’re ready to face them if necessary. If we ever lose faith in our ideals, the world will be a darker place for those who love peace.

That’s what I stand for and what I see as the way forward.

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Going Rogue

The nation is at a ctossroads. Will we take the path fotward to a sttong and prosperous furute, ot will we tepeat failed policies of the past? Today millions of Ameticans are standing up and voicing their concerns about where our country is heading. Yer some belittle those who attend tea parties, or show up at town hall meetings, Ot date ro run for office without an establishmentapproved Like every othet ordinary American, I’m tired of the divisions and the special interests that pit us against one another. It doesn’t matter whethet you grew up in Skagway or San Francisco, you’re an Ametican. Whether you’te Bill Gates or Bill rhe Cable Guy, you’re an American. Whatever your gender, race, or religion, if you love this country and will defend our Constitution, then you’re an Ametican.

As I said during the campaign, all that most of us have ever asked for is a good job in OUt own

and that governmenr be on our side and not in OUt way. But roo many of us have felt ignored and have become disillusioned. Many Ameticans don’t even vote because they’ve come to expect government to be indifferent-or corrupt. I want to challenge those Americans to stand up with me.

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