Going Rogue: An American Life (107 page)

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Authors: Sarah Palin,Lynn Vincent

Tags: #General, #Autobiography, #Political, #Political Science, #Biography And Autobiography, #Biography, #Science, #Contemporary, #History, #Non-Fiction, #Politics, #Sarah, #USA, #Vice-Presidential candidates - United States, #Women politicians, #Women governors, #21st century history: from c 2000 -, #Women, #Autobiography: General, #History of the Americas, #Women politicians - United States, #Palin, #Alaska, #Personal Memoirs, #Vice-Presidential candidates, #Memoirs, #Central government, #Republican Party (U.S.: 1854- ), #Governors - Alaska, #Alaska - Politics and government, #Biography & Autobiography, #Conservatives - Women - United States, #U.S. - Contemporary Politics

BOOK: Going Rogue: An American Life
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Andree wasn’t the only complaint filer, jusr one of the most prolific. As per the conventional leftwing playbook, disgruntled political operatives twisted the ethics reform process that I had championed into a weapon to use against me. They were relentless-and shameless. I was charged with violating ethics laws for wearing a jacket with the logo of Todd’s Iron Dog sponsor. I was charged with accepting “btibes”· of chocolates and a kids’ hockey

Going Rogue

stick when I gave a speech at a chatity event in Indiana. I was charged with holding a fish in a photo for a state fishing pamphlet. I was served with a complaint filed under the name of a fake British soap opera character. I was

with conducting

an interview with a national media figure in my state office. I was with

repotters’ questions
in the lobby
of my

state office the day I returned to work and fuund a hetd of reportets congtegated near the dootway ro my office. I ttied to make

my way through, I stopped to answer questions-and got slapped with an ethics accusation.

relencless time-sinks shook my staff’s confidence and fotced us to question our every decision. Instead of concerning ourselves with legislation and problem solving, my staff had to worry,

get in trouble if I



she get hit with

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