Going Nowhere (20 page)

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Authors: K. M. Galvin

BOOK: Going Nowhere
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Between the wedding, Emily and Mikey, and getting everything in order with Declan for my trip the week flew by and Emily was dropping me off that the airport. Mikey was jealous that I got to see his Uncle instead of him, but I reminded him that Jase would be home in just a few weeks and then they could have all the “bro” time they wanted. I was gathering my bag out of the back of her car when they both sandwiched me into a hug.

“We’re going to miss you!” Emily cried.

“Yeah, gonna miss you Mari!” Mikey wailed, imitating his mother dramatically. Mikey never half-assed anything, it’s what I loved most about the kid. I couldn’t help it; I burst out laughing.

“You both realize I’ll be gone for like one night, right? I’ll be home on Saturday night.”

I bent down and gathered Mikey into a hug, promising him practically the world to get him to stop crying. I really needed to get a handle on my lack of willpower where he was concerned. At least before he catches on if he hasn’t already. Kid has me wrapped around his chubby little finger. Standing up, I gave Em a quick hug and promised to call her when I landed. With a wave, I went
to check in and was in my seat before I could blink. I got out my phone to send Declan a quick text before the flight attendants made me put it away.

On the plane now! :D

Awesome, so you’re getting here in nine hrs? ;D

Declan, I swear to God, if you are late I will geld you!

You’re just horny!

OMG! Not having this convo with you, ass!

It’s ok, he is too. At least he won’t be such a Tommy Thundercloud anymore.

Declan. Focus.

LOL! See you in two hrs, Mars! Safe flight!

See you!

Switching my phone off, I shoved it back in my purse and tried to calm the butterflies in my stomach. Settling my hand over my stomach, I mentally surveyed how I looked. I wanted to look hot, but not like I was trying.

Considering Declan was picking me up and taking me straight to the festival, I didn’t dress up too much. I had on dark brown ankle boots (to avoid whatever gross was on the ground), dark jean cutoffs, and a loose tank top with a cool geometric design. I had my hair in a high ponytail that fell past my shoulders and minimal make up. No point in putting too much on since I’d probably sweat it all off.

Emily said I looked suitably hipster for the event, I guess that means she approves. Mikey asked me what happened to my shorts. That one I laughed over because he sounded like my Dad when he saw me this morning before I left. I tried to picture the excitement on Jason’s face when he saw me and smiled.

I wanted to tell him that I loved him. Just thinking the word made me goofy. It’s so weird to look back and know that in a moment you loved that person, but at the time you were clueless. I think that’s why I fought so hard.

I’d been hearing that sentiment of ‘it would happen when you least expect it’ for years. I never believed it, just rolled my eyes, but it was true. He was my best friend and someone I respected so much. I was nervous about telling him; sure, what person wasn’t when they make themselves vulnerable?

Difference was I don’t think I could go another day without him knowing. It
’s been bubbling up inside of me, bursting whenever I heard his voice. Only thing that’s held me back from telling him sooner was that I wanted to do it in person. I jerked out of my thoughts when I heard the captain announcing our decent.

I took a deep breath and unbuckled when the sign came on. Grabbing my bag from the overhead storage container, I made my way off the plane. I turned on my phone and the only text I had was from Emily asking if I arrived yet. I texted letting her know I made it safely and was looking for Declan now. No sooner had I pressed “send” then I heard my name being called. My head whipped up and a big smile broke across my face when I saw Declan walking towards me. I hitched my bag over my shoulder and made my way into his arms for a hug.

“Hi!” I squealed, hugging him tightly.

“Hey, kiddo!” He grinned, setting me back on my feet, he grabbed my bag, “Is this all of it?”

“Yup!” I said, practically bouncing in excitement. He laughed at me.

“Little excited?”

“Just a little.” I grinned, not even embarrassed at how happy I was to be here.

“Jase is going to shit a brick. Dude has been emo all week after y’alls fight.”

I rolled my eyes, “We made up.” I huffed out a breath when we got outside. “Ok what’s the plan?”

He walked me over to a newer black SUV and beeped the locks. I hopped in the passenger side while he threw my bags in the back. Getting into the drivers seat he
said, “We have a little over two hours until Jase goes on stage. So I was thinking of grabbing some lunch and then getting you hooked up with a backstage pass so I don’t lose you in the crowd. Sound good?”

“Are you kidding? I’m freaking out! Can you believe the bands that are playing at this festival, oh my God! And I get a backstage pass!” I hooted and put a hand out for a high five. Declan shook his head, smacking his hand on mine.

“Not to mention Jase…”He drawled.

“Yeah, yeah, him too.” I giggled. “Of course, I’m excited to see Jase. But the bands, Dec. The bands!” I groaned dramatically.

“I’ll have to let Jase know where he places in your affections.”

I let out a snort of amusement, “Oh, trust me, he knows. Now feed me!” I mock growled.

“Yes, ma’am.” He saluted as we merged onto the highway.



Finally. Finally we were here.

I followed Declan through the hoards of people, my hand gripping the back of his shirt so I wouldn’t get left behind. I looked around me at the amount of people, the music playing all around me, the ocean, and fell in love. This was so amazing. Not one of the biggest festivals out there but I felt like it was almost a little bit better.

A few people recognized Declan, which completely floored me. It was weird knowing someone who was quasi famous. He’s just Declan, friend, boyfriend’s best friend, and Emily’s past crush. Yet here he was, signing a few autographs here and there and continu
ing onward with me dragging behind him like this happened everyday. When it happened a third time I let out a little laugh causing Declan to look my way. I pointed at the t-shirt he was signing and smiled.

He leaned close so I could hear him and quoted, “I’m kind of a big deal.”

I barked out a laugh, “Yeah, ok, Justin Beiber. Can we maybe move this along? He’s supposed to get on stage soon.”

I grabbed his arm and tugged. We walked maybe two hundred more feet and approached a smaller stage. There was a good size crowd already gathered and it made my heart swell with pride to realize they were here to see my boys preform.

We walked to the side of the stage and Declan walked up to a huge dude who looked like he could break me in half then gnaw on me like a toothpick. Declan looked over at me and pointed, I glared at him, not wanting Shrek’s attention on me. I gave a tiny wave and tucked my arms behind my back, trying to look as non-threatening as possible. Shrek gave Declan something and Declan walked back towards me.

“Here’s your pass, do not take it off.” He put it over my head and I picked up the laminated pass, looking at The Boonies with Jason Scott printed on it and I smiled so hard my cheeks hurt. “I have to go meet with the guys before the show. Mari, don’t take it off, you hear me?” He ducked down so his eyes met mine.

“Yes, daddy. Don’t worry, I don’t want Shrek over there getting hungry and making me his next meal.” I glanced at the bouncer who was still staring at me. Creep. Declan laughed.

“Brutus? Nah, he’s cool.”

“His name is freaking Brutus? Are you kidding?” His parents must have been psychic when he was born. Declan ignored me, checking his phone.

“All right, kiddo. I gotta go. Get up on stage left and you can get the best seat to Jason’s set.” He gave me a quick hug. “See you later, Mars!” He waved and then took off at a jog in the opposite direction.

I patted the pass that hung to the middle of my stomach and made my way towards Brutus. When I got close enough he held out a hand to ward me off and then waved me towards him. I rolled my eyes because he just saw Declan hand me the pass.

“Pass?” He growled.

His was voice so deep it made my feet vibrate. Good lord he was intimidating. He stood well over a foot taller than me and had to outweigh me by a hundred pounds. I think he would have been kind of handsome if he weren’t so terrifying. I held out my pass towards him and he checked it over while I stood there sweating like a hooker in church.

Finally he let it drop back down and took a step back, nodding his head toward the stage. I could hear the crowd beginning to cheer so I knew that Jase had taken the stage already. I hurried up the steps and made my way carefully over all the cords that lined the floor backstage. There were a few people standing on the side of the stage, most of them crew members according to their shirts. I pushed my way to the front of them and when I got my first sight of him
, my breath hitched and I felt the blood rush my ears making a buzzing sound.

God, he looked good.

I blinked at the stinging in my eyes, refusing to let any tears fall. I didn’t want to look all snotty and gross when he saw me. I took him in, standing in front of a mic, his guitar slung over his shoulder. He had on low-slung jeans and a white V-neck shirt. There was a gray vest over his shirt and he had on his black Chucks.

He had gotten tan since I lost saw him and the glow made him even more attractive, c
reating a sexy contrast with his hair and eyes. He was greeting the crowd and, hearing him mention a girl back home, I focused completely on what he was saying, my heart pounding in realization.

He was talking about me.

“You guys are going to have to be patient with me today, I’m missing my girl back home. She’s a big Mumford and Sons fan, and I know this song means a lot to her. Sing along if you know the words, this is
After the Storm

The crowd went nuts when he began playing the melody. My throat had completely closed off with tears as he sang the lyrics that meant so much to me. My hand came up
to rest against my heart and I could feel how hard it was pounding. My legs felt weak and I literally couldn’t hear anything else, but his voice singing about a time when love wouldn’t break my heart.

I closed my eyes and let it wash over me; tears f
ell from my eyes and didn’t bother to stop them. If I hadn’t already been in love with him before, I would be in this moment. I couldn’t believe that he remembered how much this song meant to me, especially since I mentioned it almost two months ago.

When he got to the chorus a s
econd time I opened my eyes and met vibrant green ones. He was staring straight at me, singing this song to me and I gasped out a breath at the naked emotion on his face. He was feeling the same thing; I knew it. Teary eyed and love written on my face, I mouthed, “surprise” and he smiled. The crowd clapped startling us out of our moment and he turned back to them.

“Apparently, I was in for a surprise today. My girl’s here! You guys want to meet her?” He yelled, the elation in his voice so obvious I couldn’t help feeling ridiculously happy.

I was so concentrated on him that I didn’t actually hear what he said until a second later when he held out his hand to me and waved me towards him. I balked and shook my head at him, mouthing a ‘no.’ He just grinned and put his guitar on a stand and then walked steadily towards me. I tried to back up, but the freaking crew was pushing me towards him. I turned to give them a piece of my mind, but then I was in his arms.

His face buried into my neck
, breathing me in and I forgot everything else as my arms went around his shoulders. We hugged each other so tightly I felt like we were fusing to each other. He pulled back, still saying nothing and took my mouth in a heated kiss. Devouring my mouth and completely decimated any protest I had about anything.

I became his slave in that kiss; I would do anything for him. It was tongue, teeth, and lips fighting to consume every ounce of me

He pulled away from me and rested his head against mine, both of us breathing heavily. His grip tightened on me for a second before he pulled back and looked at me, eyes roaming all over my face like he couldn’t believe I was here. I grinned at him, my hand rising to move some of the hair out of his face.

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