Going Hard: Boys of Fall (11 page)

BOOK: Going Hard: Boys of Fall
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Before he could question that, she was pulling out a packet and tearing it open with her teeth. He couldn’t really say he minded that she slicked virulent purple latex over his dick, because hell, it was a condom. If it had been covered with daisies, he wouldn’t have cared.

She wasted no time in climbing astride him again. “I like to imagine me being on top.” She ran her hands up her torso to her breasts and his cock bobbed against her inner thigh. Even through the latex he could feel the steam coming off her pussy. “Being confident enough to reach down and do this,” she said, grabbing hold of him and guiding his dick to her slit. “To just slide on down and take…ahh, fuck…take what I need.”

He groaned, his hips lifting of their own accord. Remaining still and letting her do what she wanted took all his control and then some.

But the brightness in her eyes, the way her hand shook as she brought him inside—so worth it.

“Cup your breasts and ride me. You took the reins, now use them,” he said, voice low, his hands curling into the sheets to keep from forcing her down harder on his cock.

Her show, her way. For now.

Nodding, she swallowed hard and closed her hands around her tits, squeezing until her hard nipples poked through between her fingers. She dropped her head back and inched farther down on him, waiting a moment to get acclimated. Her mouth fell open a little as he gave in to the urge to bury himself just that much more, and fuck, if that wasn’t gratifying.

She might’ve had issues with his performance the first time they’d made love, but tonight, they would blow that evening right out of the water.

“Ride me,” he said again. “You know what to do. Don’t stop now.”

“No. I won’t stop.” Fiercely, she held his gaze as she squeezed her tits again and rocked her hips. She eased him out and in again, so deeply that they both groaned. “You feel…”

“Yes.” There weren’t words. Nothing but how good they were together and how right this was.

She sped up, clasping him in between her retreats. Sinking in to her as her walls fluttered and clamped around him was indescrible. Her hands worked her gorgeous breasts while she worked him with her pussy, using him exactly as she needed to in order to get off.

Bathing him in her pleasure, making him drown in it every time he looked into her beautiful eyes.

He knew before she did she was going to come. This time, he was paying attention, holding back his own thrusts so she could take, take, and take some more. But the first time she rippled around him, he stopped fighting his urges and dug his nails into her hip, slamming up into her so hard that her mouth fell open on a fractured moan.

“You better soak my dick, baby. Or else I’ll spank you again, and make you wait to come.”

Her eyes flew open and her pussy clenched, halting him mid-thrust. All he could was hold on as her hips went wild, driving him into the bed as she wrung out every moment of her climax.

The second she slumped against him, he reversed their positions, holding her down against the mattress. “I have to,” he said against her neck, half in plea, half in apology. “Gotta see myself moving between these. My hand marks are on your skin.” He gripped her still pink cheeks, rubbing and squeezing.

She whimpered and he stilled. “Are you okay?”

“Oh Rafael.” She turned her cheek against the bed and gave him a slow smile. Her damp hair clung to her rosy cheeks. “I couldn’t be any better. Unless you fucked me like you just said you were going to. Then I’d be the absolute…” She sighed. “Best.”

“Jesus, Hol.” He snapped back his hips and plunged inside her, and her cry nearly stopped his heart. Only when she squeezed him tight inside did he realize she wasn’t hurt. He hadn’t hurt her.

She liked this, just like he did.

“Thank you,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to her shoulder blade.

She lifted her head, clearly about to ask what he meant, but he couldn’t. Not now. Talking was for later.

Now, he needed to bury himself inside her.

He jerked out and drove home again, his stroke smoother the second time. She clawed at the sheets when he repeated the move, then closed his hand around the back of her neck and hauled her up on her knees. He needed a better angle. Had to go deeper. He leaned down and bit the side of her neck and she spasmed around him. Aftershocks, maybe. But then she grew even wetter and hotter and bent her head between her supporting arms, and he realized she’d come again.

Three times. He’d made her come

“Fuck, belleza.” He rammed into her again, unable to check his strength. She went down to her belly on the mattress again, her knees not able to keep her up, and he couldn’t slow himself down enough to correct her position. He just kept fucking her, his fingers branding her skin, his teeth grazing whatever flesh he could reach.

“God, come.” She reached back and dragged her nails down his side. “Come.”

His balls tightened and he tried to warn her. To reel back his aggression. But he couldn’t stop from fisting his hand in her hair and dragging her off the bed to bite down on her shoulder as he jerked and exploded inside her.

Fucking into her again and again was all he could do. He wasn’t able to stop. She panted and moaned as he slid his arm up between her breasts to anchor her to him, and all he could do was thrust into her slick, willing body again and again while he drained himself.

Together, they collapsed on the bed. He couldn’t even pull out. Every bit of his energy had been expended in her sweet pussy.

She fumbled out her hand and wriggled her fingers. Belatedly, he realized she was asking for his hand.

He gave it to her, and she pulled his arm into her chest.

“Just a lil catnap, then want more of that. So much more. Don’t wanna walk tomorrow.” She yawned. “Fucked brainless.”

He frowned. She couldn’t want to sleep this way. He was half on top of her, half on the mattress.

A moment later, she was snoring.

Exhausted, he pressed his face into her hair.

Not a dud this time, Rafael Martinez


ollie woke
with her face smushed into an unfamiliar shoulder. Oh, and said shoulder was attached to a lovely broad back. However that particular package of delicious was currently cramming her into the wall. One would think that a queen bed would be sufficient.

Evidently not.

She tried to move, but he’d effectively pinned her to the wall by his leg over hers. Otherwise he just spread himself across the bed. All up in her dance space. Then again, she’d rather enjoyed his brand of crowding the night before. She’d never had someone pull her hair before. She tried to twist under his arm, but he grunted and tried to encroach on the last inch she had available.

Not exactly the morning after she was going for.

She elbowed him.

“Not yet. Sleep.” His voice buzzed from his chest. Low and sultry.

Goose bumps flooded her arms, but dude she wasn’t down with the orders this early in the morning. Couldn’t he wake her up with a little tongue action like the books she’d read?

Sure they were mostly fantasies, but he was particularly good with his mouth. She wouldn’t have minded that as her morning wake up call. “Who said I wanted anything? Except to breathe maybe.”

A bloodshot dark eyeball fluttered open. Rafe’s signature scowl already creeping in. Suddenly he rolled away from her. Not just giving her space, but actually on his way off the edge. She sat up and pulled the sheet up to cover her breasts.

His eyes bounced down to her breasts, then back up to her face. Wasn’t this the part where he tried to get back under the covers with her?

Rafe swiped his hair out of his eyes and swung his feet off the end of her bed. She got another glimpse of his truly spectacular shoulders and trim waist. There was a flash of his white butt before he swiped his shorts back up and over his hips.

She flipped her mangled top sheet around her toga-style and inched into the center of her bed. “Where are you going?”

He paced across the room and back. He glanced down at his watch, then raked his fingers through his hair again.

“It’s not like you have to be to work. It’s Sunday.”

“No. It’s not work.” His eyes skimmed her again. He knelt on the bed and her nipples perked immediately. What the hell? Was she Pavlov’s dog for this guy?



Especially when he did that thing with his tongue. The tongue she already knew about. That had been her first endeavor to Rafe’s Pleasure Palace. Well, at least on her very sensitive breasts. But it was the part where he finally went south of the border that had truly done trick. Who knew he had that kind of talent behind those straight white teeth? He sort of skipped that part last time.

He flicked her hair back from her shoulder and swore, then withdrew again. This time he crossed the room and didn’t stop until he sailed through the doorway to the bathroom.

She bounded off the bed and tripped on the tail of the sheet. “Fuck,” she growled. This so wasn’t working. She dropped her sheet. Her gaze locked on his in the darkened bathroom. There was just enough morning light to show his shadowed jaw and granite hard jawline flex.

Stupid man. Didn’t he know that this was the time for seconds? Not some existential crisis?

When he fisted his hands at his sides she scooped off a T-shirt off her overflowing chair in the corner. “Obviously you have issues with me being naked. Sure didn’t seem to last night.”

“Dammit, Hol. It’s not that.”

She dropped the shirt over her head. It barely skimmed her thighs, but he’d just have to deal. “Yeah? Is that what you call this action?”

He turned to the sink and gripped the counter. “Do you have a spare toothbrush?”

Did they drop into some alternate reality? Where the hell had that come from? “Because I have so many male overnight guests?”

“Jesus, no.”

She stomped into the bathroom. “Good thing for you it was a three pack at the market.” She rummaged into the pantry then held out a hot pink toothbrush. When he gave her a raised brow she growled. “Really? You’re going to be picky now?”

He sighed and took it.

Did she have atomic morning breath or something? Was this a hint? She snatched her purple brush out of the cup next to her faucet. She squirted on a healthy dollop of toothpaste then held it out for him.

He tapped the counter with this thumb then held out the pink toothbrush.

They brushed in silence. When he finished and looked around, she sighed. “What else?”


“Of course you want to floss.” She opened a drawer and slapped a plastic spool into his palm.

“You don’t?”

“Hate the taste of me in your mouth or something?”

He wound a length around his forefinger. “Why would you say that?”

“Because you couldn’t wait to brush your teeth. I’m laying next to you naked and you’re crossing the room like your ass is on fire.”

He quickly tugged the braided green and white floss between his teeth in a way-too-specific sequence. He was militant about flossing too? Figured.

“I plan to keep all my teeth as long as possible, that’s all.”

She leaned her hip against the counter. “This is too weird.”


“Oh, hell.” She opened the medicine cabinet and slapped the blue concoction down in front of him. “Here. It’s Pro-Health. Super good for the gums and teeth health.” She spun on her heel and returned to her room. It was tempting to crawl back under the covers and tell him to shove off. She’d gotten what she wanted.

And this time he’d more than brought his A-game. He’d brought his B, C, and D game for good measure. Especially the D. For damn that was some good dick. In fact, it had almost been worth dragging out her pom-poms.

Good thing she hadn’t. Because his morning after etiquette needed a lot of work.

When she heard the shower turn on she knew she was completely screwed for the day. Yeah, that pillow on her mattress looked really comfortable. She had the entire house to herself for a weekend and not only had she been interrupted by her brother and company, she’d now officially had her one night stand guy running before he even got another helping of sexual chocolate.

Namely hers, thank you very much.

She slid back in bed and caught Rafe’s scent on her pillow. She tried burying it and pulling another on top, but again it smelled like them.

Everything smelled like him. She pushed the pillows off the bed and pressed her cheek to the mattress. Nope. Dammit. Even worse.

She flung her sheet off and rolled back over onto her back as Rafe came back in wearing a towel low on his hips. Why did he want to shower now? Just for her to durty him up again?

That could be fun.

She rolled onto her side and propped her head on her hand. “Is this a fastidious thing?”

He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Wait a minute.” She rolled into a sitting position and stuffed her knees under her shirt to cover all but her toes. “Is this because you slept with me?” She linked her fingers over her ankles and pulled herself in tighter. “Regrets?” she whispered.

“Yes.” His voice was just shy of a shout. “No,” he swore as his knot loosened. The delicious length of muscular torso and feathery soft hair gave way to the coarser hair around his…interested party. She frowned. He was so freaking contradictory. How the hell was she supposed to figure any of this out?

He stood there half hard where she was more than willing to help him out, and the idiot was telling her he wish he hadn’t done any of last night?

He tightened the towel and raked his fingers through his wet hair. It gleamed blue black in the sunlight, with water droplets snaking along the curves of his breastbone and down into the soft hair at his belly.

She swallowed down a lump.

Everything she’d ever wanted was right here in her grasp and he didn’t want her back. Hadn’t she been down this road already? This was why she was supposed to be having a grand adventure. Not getting tied up with this man.

“I’m very sorry you feel that way.” She scooted off the bed and around him.

“Hollie,” he grabbed her arm. “It’s not that.” He growled. “I’m fucking this up.”

“Yes, you are.”
No crying. There will be no crying.
She bit the inside of her cheek until the need to for tears abated and pain turned to anger. Anger she could deal with.

His dark eyes bore into hers. “It was a little intense.”

“And that’s a bad thing?”

He swiped his hand over his face. “Last night was amazing.”

She couldn’t help the small sniff. God, this man made her so stupid. It was an epic mistake to get naked with him. He got her too wound up. Just when she’d thought she was over him—and their not so awesome first night together had helped move that along.

But last night?

No one had ever made her feel too big and too small for her skin at the same time. The way he held her down to accept every inch of him. God.

And well, he didn’t sound like it was amazing.

He sounded like last night was about as fun as getting a root canal.

“I thought so, now I’m not so sure. All you wanted to do was get me off you. Your teeth, your skin…” She rubbed her arms. Unfortunately for her he was all over her. She’d have to drag the sheets off her bed and clean her room from floor to ceiling to get him out. Her skin definitely wasn’t enough.

He dragged her into him and closed his mouth over hers. He tasted minty and hot. She bowed back with the force of his mouth on hers.

His fingers slipped under her shirt and around her back to grip her ass. He pushed her back on the bed and nosed her shirt up further to get his mouth on her breast. “All I want to do is keep my mouth on you. To wear you on me,” he said against her skin. The pinch of pain at her nipple made her arch her back.

She wrapped her leg around his hip. Half hard went to full on erection as he covered her. She slipped her hand between them to push his towel away, but he grasped her wrist and dragged her arms above her head.

“It’s Sunday.”

She blinked up at him. “You’re not going to tell me it’s the Lord’s day or something right?”

He laughed and lowered his forehead to her chest, releasing her hands. “No. Well, yes it is. And while my mother would love me in church more often, that’s not what I mean.”

She slid her fingers through his wet hair. “Okay, then get your mouth back on my very grateful nipple and let’s go for round two.” She was already wet for him. “The house is empty for a few more hours and I’d really like to take advantage of that fact.”

He moaned against her skin before moving over to her nipple again. He sucked it hard and deep just like she loved, but when her fingers gripped the back of his neck he pulled away.

“Seriously. If I didn’t have your very impressive cock alive and well sandwiched between us, I’d have a complex.” She flattened her hands on his chest, her nails dug into the little whorls of hair over firm muscles.

He really was seriously muscular for a paper pusher.

“My mother,” he said on a sigh.

“What?” She really wasn’t into that kink. At all. Or the Daddy one. That just squicked her out beyond belief.

“I was supposed to be at my mother’s place an hour ago.”

“Oh.” Her fingers slid up to his shoulders again. “We’re already late. What’s another ten minutes?”

“We?” He frowned down at her.

“You think I’m passing up Rosa’s famous Sunday dinner? You’re more delusional than I thought. And that’s saying something since you’re actually telling me no.”

“Does it feel like I’m telling you no?”

“Rafe, no means no.” She batted her eyes up at him, forcing a serious tone to her voice.

“Oh, fuck.” He laughed and reached around to tug his towel free. “Quickie’s are not my specialty.”

“Make an exception.”

He rolled to the side and reached for the box of condoms she’d put in her drawer. “Yes ma’am.” He slid his hand down between them and hooked two fingers inside the very top of her lips. She jerked under him. “Ah, there we are. Wet for me.” He lowered his mouth to her neck. “You like me on top?”

“The feminist side of me should be shrieking a no, but…” she lifted her legs and locked her ankles around his lower back. “Yeah, I like your weight.”

He slipped his fingers deeper, the pads scraping along every tissue and nerve ending until he stretched her. She hissed out a breath. It had been a while for her and last night hadn’t exactly been all about the soft and easy.

Thank God.

It had been hard and intense just like she’d always dreamed about being taken. Like he couldn’t quite control himself all the way. She wanted that again.

He instantly stopped. “Too sore?”

“Only a little.”

“We can stop.”

She clamped her hand around his wrist. “No stopping.”

He pumped into her slowly. “Maybe just a little easier?”

She closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath. “I’m tired of sweet and easy.” She looked up at him and gripped his ass. “Inside me, Rafe.”

He rocked his fingers inside her a few more times, his thumb doing some delicious twirl around her clit until she was so wound up she surely left nail marks in his butt.

His breath went from the slow and steady to ratcheting up with a moan. She moved one hand between them, twisting her fingers just under the flare of his head.

He brushed her away to rip the wrapper open. “You wanted a quickie, you’re going to get it.”

She dropped her hands back onto the bed and reached over hear head in a lazy stretch. “That I did.”

His dark eyes bore into hers as he took himself in hand. He was so incredibly intense. Part of her wished for the rare smiles and laughter, but when he watched her like that? Yeah. There was nothing not hot about that.

He swiped his cock through her folds and hiked her up the bed a little. She tried to maneuver for him, but he tucked his arm under knee and flattened her into the bed as he filled her in one thrust.

If there was a way for her eyeballs to do the slots thing like Vegas, then it was happening. Holy fuck. He drove into her with and unflinching rhythm. Each thrust was long and hard. She curled her other leg around his hip and pulled him as tight as possible.

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