Going Down (19 page)

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Authors: Vonna Harper

BOOK: Going Down
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The slaves came in all sizes and physical conditions from a nearly cadaverous woman who looked to be in her midforties to one who couldn't have been more than eighteen and was built like a wrestler. Saree even spotted two men in bondage, one who was busily servicing his mistress without use of his arms. The other sniveled as his nude mistress gyrated in front of his tethered body.

From the moment she'd known where they were going, she'd wondered if the air of saturated sex would be her undoing. After days of being kept on the edge of sexual insanity, could she handle watching people fuck? She now had her answer, a resounding yes. There was nothing erotic about what she was seeing, certainly nothing that came close to what she provided for The Dungeon's paying members. Where was the slow buildup, the heat and power?

“That's what I came here for?” Reeve demanded, his voice heavy with distain. “I can get this in any number of cheap BDSM clubs.”

“I trust you noticed the doms checking out your property.” Jeffrey ran his nail over her throat. “You have prime stock here; they're jealous.”

“Tell them to get their own prize. Look, if this is the best you've got, I'm leaving.”

If she hadn't been keeping her eye on Jeffrey, she would have missed his knowing nod. “No, this isn't the best we've got. Far from it. I simply wanted you to get an idea of what law enforcement sees when they come in here. That's why we've stayed in business as long as we have. The so-called moral majority might turn up their noses at what goes on, but no laws are being broken. Consenting adults, you know.”

“Your point is?”

Up until now, there'd been something unassuming about Jeffrey. Even with the way he'd copped a feel, he'd treated Reeve with the utmost respect. However, that changed with nothing more than the way he folded his arms over his chest. “My point, there are video cameras in use all over here.”

“I figured as much.”

“With a select group of men watching those consenting adults.”

“Watching me and my property, that's what you're saying, isn't it?”

Jeffrey nodded. “The two of you have been on camera since just before you pulled into the parking lot. You'll be pleased to learn that you've officially passed your first test. If you're interested, it's time to experience what the invitation you received was really about.”

No, she didn't want this! Forget everything she'd said about wanting to rescue Amber and the others!

“Before we do,” Reeve drew out his words, “what did the first test consist of?”

“Behavior. We were looking at the relationship between you and your property, the kind of communication you have going.”


“And there isn't any. She's desperately hot but not looking to you for any kind of protection 'cause she knows it isn't there. Your hand on her chain tells her what to do when. She could be a dog you're taking for a walk for all you care.”

“Oh, I care.” He shot a glance in her direction. “I'm a man who appreciates the finer things. The pathetic creatures in here can't hold a candle to her.”

“Then I can take that to mean you're ready to go where the candles burn bright?”

If Jeffrey hadn't just said what he had about people watching them, she would have slipped to Reeve's side. Instead she gazed up at Reeve, her expression hopefully that of a well-trained dog waiting for her next order.

“I've been ready since we got here,” Reeve said. The slight tension on the chain telegraphed something she didn't understand.

Jeffrey laughed. “Something tells me you're going to get along with the men you're about to meet. Money indeed breeds arrogance.”

“Call it what you want. I just don't like having my time wasted.”

Nearby, a woman started gasping. Recognizing the unmistakable sound of a climax, Saree struggled to hide her reaction. Even if the scenes here did nothing for her, she wanted to share that woman's experience. However, after making sure Reeve—and she—were following him, Jeffrey headed toward the rear of the building. The pace was faster than while they'd been studying the various activities, forcing her to concentrate on her progress. Just the same, she caught the look on several doms' faces as she passed them. They wanted her, chains and gag included.


effrey led them to a short hall with three doors on the left. The first two were marked as restrooms and the last was labeled
. Jeffrey stopped in front of the third door, and after looking around to assure himself that no one else was around, he slipped a key into the lock. The door swung open. “Step in and then wait for it to close. When it does, the light'll come on.”

Try as she did, she couldn't force her legs to follow Reeve into the dark space until he reached back and grabbed her hair. “She knows something's up,” he said to Jeffrey. “One thing about this slave, she doesn't like the unknown.”

“You could beat that out of her.”

“I could and maybe I will, but she's no good to me with all the life sucked out of her.” He released her hair but only so he could run his hand under her breast. More primitive heat plowed into her.

When muted overhead lighting came on, she discovered that they were in a space about five feet wide and twice as long with another door at the far end. She could no longer hear the loud music let alone any human sounds.

“What the hell—” Reeve exclaimed.

“Relax,” Jeffrey told him. “You haven't been kidnapped, far from it. I've no doubt that you'll appreciate the effort we've put in to ensure that only those we want to know about the rest of this operation actually do. The sound-deadening properties are excellent, aren't they?”


Tension radiated out from Reeve. To Jeffrey, Reeve's hand on Saree's breast probably came across as domination plain and simple, but she understood—or hoped she understood—that he was communicating with her on another level.
Stay calm
I'm here.

She wanted to believe him

She also wanted him, plain and simple.

Again Jeffrey led the way. Another key opened the second barrier, and she found herself looking down at a well-lit flight of stairs. “It's a different world down there,” Jeffrey said. “I'm certain you'll appreciate the effort that was taken to separate what you're about to see from the, shall we say, tawdry quality of where we've been. After all, men of means such as ourselves deserve the best—in both our trappings and possessions.” He stared at Saree as he said the last.

“We'll see.” After releasing her breast, Reeve positioned her in front of him so she was sandwiched between the two men. Reeve kept his hands on her arms to steady her. The chain between her ankles was barely long enough to allow her to take the stairs on her own, and Jeffrey watched her every move with an amused and aroused expression. When had she last worn clothes or felt free?

Sis, sis, hang with me, please. I really need to know you've got my back.

She was shaking by the time she'd tackled the last step. She'd also learned that this wasn't the only way into the underground space they'd just entered. According to Jeffrey, another door at the back of Segun labeled
led to a second set of stairs, designed so those who had a right to come here didn't have to parade past the players on the main floor. “I wanted you to see what we offer the public,” Jeffrey explained to Reeve. “That way you can make your comparisons between a membership that can be bought for a couple hundred dollars and one available only to a discriminating and wealthy few.”

“Point taken.”

They were at yet another door. For some reason this one unnerved her more than those that had come before. Unable to stop herself, she slipped closer to Reeve. Jeffrey took note.

“We like seeing that in a slave. She might be scared to death of her master, but she's also aware of how dependent she is on him. If you don't mind, how did you prepare her for tonight?”

“I told her to behave herself or she'd get punished. I couldn't say more because I didn't know. I still don't.”

“Oh, I believe you do. At least you have a fair inkling. It goes without saying that whatever you see, hear, and experience goes no farther than these walls.”

“You're right. It goes without saying.”

If Jeffery was bothered by Reeve's sharp reply, he gave no indication. Reeve's body was giving out a heat that Saree hadn't noticed before, proof that he was as tense as she was? They should have discussed this ahead of time, developed a plan.

But if they had, whomever they were about to see might sense it.

Trembling despite the heat she was absorbing from the man whom Jeffrey—and soon others—saw as her master, she battled the nearly overwhelming urge to fight her bonds. Jeffrey seemed to be making a show of unlocking and then opening the door. In contrast to the ear-splitting music upstairs, soft instrumental music speaking of refinement reached out to embrace her. Refinement in a world of masters and slaves?

The lighting had a blue hue, not cheap but subtle. And as her eyes became accustomed to it, she began making sense of what she was about to enter. The floor was richly carpeted in off-white. The room, maybe thirty by thirty feet, had been arranged with several groupings. Closest to her were a number of leather recliners angled so whoever was in them could carry on a conversation. At the moment only two were occupied by men she didn't have the courage to study.

Beyond that and to the right was an alcove of sorts designed for one thing—bondage. It had been furnished with a cage so low to the ground that whoever was in it would have to stay on her hands and knees. The cage was occupied by someone curled into a tight and unmoving ball.

A number of rings and hooks dangled from the ceiling, and one wall of the alcove was well stocked with bondage devices ranging from collars and chains to an assortment of metal locking devices.

To the left was another area designed for the pleasure of those in charge. There was a bed with metal framing designed to anchor arms and legs. Several comfortable chairs, obviously for viewing, had been placed around the bed. Nearby was something the uninformed might mistake for an elaborate sawhorse, but she understood the difference—and purpose. A slave could be forced to straddle the sawhorse. Once there, her legs would be anchored to the ground while her arms were cuffed overhead. Immobilized, she'd have no way of escaping while what she was forced to sit on began vibrating. Operated by electricity, the sawhorse could tease and then torture a helpless pussy into endless climaxes until pleasure became intolerable.

“Reeve, it's good to meet you,” one of the two sitting men said. “I was beginning to wonder if you were a figment of my imagination.”

He was surrounded by shadow as was the older, heavyset man to his right. Just the same, she had no doubt that their gazes were locked on her. Even when she'd done a live shoot watched by thousands, she hadn't felt as exposed as she did now. If only she could move her hands, she'd at least cover her crotch. And yet despite her unease, the hunger Reeve had placed in her growled. She was a body, a vessel, ripe and empty.

“I believe in being cautious,” Reeve said. “That's why I didn't immediately respond to the invitation. Research, you know. Only two? I was under the impression I was going to be allowed to observe your

“It's going to happen; however, it isn't the only thing tonight is about. Please, sit down.”

Reeve took an inordinate amount of time deciding which chair to take, finally choosing one that allowed him to look at both men without more than the slightest move of his head. Of course he left her standing center stage.

“Prime,” the man who hadn't spoken yet said. “Absolutely prime. I've seen the video you took of the two of you and was already familiar with her from her work at The Dungeon, but the camera didn't do her justice.”

“Which is why I went after her. Come here, slave. I want you close.”

Not so he could protect her, she acknowledged when he ordered her to kneel before him, but so he could slip off his shoe and rub his foot over her belly. Just the same, the contact helped. He was a known commodity, capable of tenderness, her
for lack of another term. He was also responsible for her wet and clenching pussy.

“You haven't had her long,” the first man said. “Just the same, her training appears to be coming along.”

“I'm making strides. Before we go any further, I want to know who I'm talking to.”

The first man introduced himself as Paul and his companion as Ty, which might or might not be the truth. Although they were sitting, both men appeared to be taller than Jeffrey, who'd taken his own seat. Dressed in expensive slacks and crisp collared shirts, they looked as if they'd just come out of a business meeting. Under other circumstances, she might have been flattered to be included in the exclusive gathering. However, her helpless nudity made a joke of that notion.

“We've taken a calculated risk by inviting you here,” Paul told Reeve. “You're an interesting man, public and private at the same time. In short, we don't really know who you are.”

“I'm not a cop if that's what you're getting at.”

“We know that. We're just not sure who you are.”

“Someone who highly values his privacy.” For all the attention he was giving her, she could be a stuffed animal. At the same time, his toes against her midsection calmed and centered her. “As do you. You know of my special interests—” He ran his foot between her breasts. “Interests I believe you share with me. There's a large and provincial segment of society that considers us criminals. Instead of granting us the freedom to indulge in our
they'd like to see us castrated and locked up.”


“What they fail to comprehend is that although civilization has progressed a great deal since Neanderthals, two givens remain. The strong prevail and sex drives will always be primitive. This”—Shoving against her chest, Reeve knocked her back so her legs were under her and her body impossibly arched. Without use of her arms, she couldn't move—“is a prime example. I'm not going to apologize for my animal nature, and I don't believe the three of you ever would either.”

“Indeed, indeed,” Ty agreed. “And when one of the strong is able to get his hands on a fine example of the weak”—getting to his feet, Ty planted himself near her head—“then his superiority must be acknowledged and rewarded by the weak.” Leaning down, he gripped the rod behind her back and righted her. His next move was to slide the rod out of the crook of her elbows. Her shoulders caught fire. “I've no doubt that you'll see what I'm about to do as circumventing your rights of ownership. However, before we can go further with our possible association with you, we need to be assured that she is indeed your possession.”

“Are you asking my permission to question her?”

“After a fashion.” Wrapping Saree's leash around his hand, Ty tugged, forcing her to strain toward him. Behind her gag, she silently begged Reeve to come to her defense. “You can leave any time you want if you object to what's about to take place. She just won't be coming with you.”

Reeve sat upright. “Go on.”

“Quite plainly, she's our bargaining chip. You're a wealthy man and, as such, powerful. Despite our research of you, it's possible that your motivation for responding to our invitation isn't a simple matter of wanting to hook up with kindred souls. It could be—a desire to blackmail us perhaps.”

“Let's see if I have this straight,” Reeve said. “You want to explore the possibility that she and I are partners in, what should I call it, our scheme to extort you.”

“Reeve, none of us in this
wants this aspect of our nature to become public knowledge so, yes, we are vulnerable. However, determining the truth is a simple matter, a short test. Our relationship with our possessions is both complex and simple. Anyone who joins our association must have the same relationship with his possession. I'll demonstrate in a moment but first—”

Ty's hand snaked out to grab the chains between her wrists. An instant later he'd hauled Saree to her feet and was dragging her over to the nearby alcove with the cage and bondage equipment. Reaching up, he pulled down a hook attached to a cable and slipped her chain through the hook. As soon as he had, the hook started to retract, forcing her arms up over her head. It stopped when she was on her toes. A few feet away, whoever was in the cage lifted her head.

Instead of coming to her rescue, Reeve remained seated. He looked more curious than alarmed.

“Despite the progress you've made in her education, she needs to become accustomed to being under someone else's control,” Ty explained. “Feels different, doesn't it, slave? You believe you know what to expect from your master, but you don't know what the hell I might do.”

The way he stared at her, he obviously expected an answer, so she shook her head.

“You're about to be interviewed. I suggest you answer promptly and honestly, do you understand?”

This time she nodded. Fear and something else kept her in the moment. She felt alive, so terribly alive.

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