Goering (63 page)

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Authors: Roger Manvell

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The principal sources for this chapter, in addition to the official record of the trial itself, are the studies made of Goering by the American prison psychiatrists, Dr. Douglas M. Kelley and Dr. G. M. Gilbert, in their publications 22
Cells in Nuremberg
(by Kelley) and
Hermann Goering, Amiable Psychopath
Nuremberg Diary (by
since the entries in
Nuremberg Diary
are dated, we have not given page references for our quotations in the text. The late Lord Birkett's notes on the behavior of Goering in the courtroom were kindly given to us by him shortly before his death. Other personal accounts relating to the period have been obtained from Frau Emmy Goering, Robert Kropp, Papen and Schwerin von Krosigk.


See Kirkpatrick,
The Inner Circle,
pp. 194–96.


Quoted in Kelley, 22
Cells in Nuremberg,
p. 62.


Confirmed by Papen to H.F.


The mystery of how Goering obtained the cyanide capsule with which he poisoned himself remains unsolved. Papen claims (
p. 551) that on two occasions American guards offered him means of killing himself, one so insistently that Papen had to report him to the officer in charge. Milch claimed that it was not difficult to conceal the capsules that all the principal Nazis, including himself, carried in case of need, and he discounts completely the claims of Bach-Zelewski that it was he who smuggled the capsule to Goering in his cell; Goering had no regard whatsoever for this man. However, Frau Goering believes he did not have the capsule at the time of her last interviews with him a fortnight and then three days before his death. On both occasions she murmured a “Have you got— —?,” using a key word they both understood, and he shook his head. She believes that he finally obtained what he wanted from one of the guards. According to Frischauer, the small metal container found beside him was exactly similar to that found wedged in a cavity of Himmler's gums; Himmler had committed suicide in captivity after being stripped and searched. The official explanation given to the press by Major Frederick Teich, the prison operations officer, was that Goering had kept the capsule with him throughout his imprisonment and concealed it inside the rim of his lavatory in the cell; Teich discounted completely the theory that before captivity Goering had undergone a special operation which enabled him to hide the capsule in his flesh near the scar of his war wound, which, after his death, was found to have reopened.


Aachen, Germany


Ach, Professor von

Afrika Korps

Air Ministry, Germany


Alexander, King, of Yugoslavia

Alt Aussee

Alvensleben, von

Anderson, Major

Andrus, Colonel B. C.

Anglo-Polish pact



Anti-Comintern Pact


Antonescu, General Ion

Antwerp, Belgium

Ardennes offensive

Army, German (Wehrmacht)

Aschaffenburg, Bavaria


Athens, Greece

Atrocity films

Augsburg prison camp

August Wilhelm, Prince (Auwi)

Auschwitz prison camp



Bader, Douglas

Bad Harzburg, Bavaria

Bad Mondorf prison

Balbo, Marshal Italo

Baldwin, Stanley


Ballin, Ilse

of Fire, The

Barbarossa, Operation

Bavarian Motor Works

Bavarian People's Party

Bayreuth Festival (1936)

Beamish-Fock, Baroness Huldini

Beaumont, Captain Frank

Bechstein, Carl

Beck, Józef

Beck, General Ludwig


Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Below, Colonel von

Beneš, Eduard


Berghof, the

Berlin, Germany


Berlin Folklore Museum

Berlin Sports Stadium


Birkett, Sir Norman (Lord Birkett)

Bismarck, Prince Otto von

Black Front, the

Black Reichswehr

Bled, Yugoslavia

Blitzkrieg, the

Blomberg, Erna Grühn

Blomberg, General Werner von


Bock, Field Marshal Fedor von

Bodelschwingh, Friedrich von

Bodenschatz, General Karl

Boris, King, of Bulgaria

Bormann, Martin

Bose, Herbert von

Bouhler, Philipp

Brandt, Colonel

Bratwurstglöckle tavern, Munich

Brauchitsch, General Bernd von

Brauchitsch, General Walther von

Braun, Eva

Braun, Count Wernher von

Brause, Standartenführer

Bredow, General Kurt von

Brenner Pass

Britain, Battle of

Britain and the British

British Air Force;
see also
Royal Air Force

Brown Book of the Hitler Terror


Brüning, Heinrich

Brunswick, Germany

Buchrucker, Major



Bunjes, Dr.

Cadogan, Sir Alexander

Canaris, Admiral

Canary Islands

Cape Verde Islands


Carol, King, of Rumania

Castiglioni, Camillo

Catholic Center Party

Cecilie, Crown Princess

Central Emigration Office for Jews

Central Planning Board

Chamberlain, Neville

Champetier de Ribes, Auguste

Charter of Labor (1934)

Christiansen, General

Churchill, Winston


Ciano, Count Galeazzo

Cologne, Germany

Communists and communism

Compiègne, France

Concentration camps

Condor Legion

Copenhagen, Denmark

Coulondre, Robert

Coventry, bombing of

Cracow, Poland

Cranach, Lucas


Cripps, Sir Stafford

Croydon Airport


Czechoslovak National Bank

Czechoslovak-Russian pact

Dachau extermination camp

Dahlerus, Birger

Daladier, Edouard

Danzig, Poland


Darmstadt, Germany

D Day

De Boer

De Havilland fighters


Deutsche Bank

Diels, Rudolf

Dietrich, Otto

Dietrich, Sepp

Dimitroff, Georgi

Dix, Dr.

Dodd, Martha

Dodd, William E.

Doenitz, Admiral

Dollfuss, Engelbert


Donovan, General William J.

Doorn, Holland

Dorsch, Käthe

Dortmund, Germany

Dresden, Germany

Drexler, Anton

Dunkirk, France

Durcansky, Ferdinand

Dürer, Albrecht

Eagle's Nest, the

East Prussia

Eckart, Dietrich

Edelweiss Society

Eden, Anthony


Eiken, Professor von

Eisenhower, General Dwight D.

Eitel Friedrich, Prince

El Alamein

Elite guards (S.S.)

Enabling Act

Epenstein, Hermann (Goering's godfather)

Epenstein, Lilli von

Ernst, Karl

Essen, Germany

Extermination camps

Falkenhorst, General Nikolaus von


Faure, Edgar

Felmy, General

Feme, the

Fifth Army, German


First Division, American

Fischhorn, Austria

Fock, Baron Karl von

Focke-Wulf fighters


Four-Year Plan

Fraenkel, Heinrich

France and the French

Franco, General Francisco

François-Poncet, André

Franco-Soviet pact

Frank, Hans

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Frederick the Great

Freiburg, Germany

(free corps)

Frick, Wilhelm

Friedrich Wilhelm, Crown Prince

Fritsch, General von

Fritzsche, Hans

Funk, Walter

Galland, Adolf

Garmisch, Germany

Gatow Airport


George VI, King, of England

Gerch, Herr

German Air Club

German Air Defense Union

German Air Force,
Luftwaffe German New Order in Europe

German Officers' League

German-Soviet Pact

Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei)


Gilbert, G. M.

Gisevius, Hans Bernd


German battleship

Godesberg ultimatum

Goebbels, Joseph

Goebbels, Magda Quandt

Goering, Albert (Hermann's brother)

Goering, Carin (Hermann's wife)

Goering, Edda (Hermann's daughter)

Goering, Emmy Sonnemann (Hermann's wife)

Goering, Franziska Tiefenbrunn (Hermann's mother)

Goering, Heinrich Ernst (Hermann's father)

Goering, Herbert (Hermann's cousin)

Goering, Herbert (Hermann's nephew)

Goering, Hermann Wilhelm, aircraft industry agent; air pilot in World War I; anti-Semitism; arrest by Hitler; art collector ; Austrian
and; awards; birth; Cabinet positions; Carinhall; character; childhood; children; commander of the storm troopers; concentration camp system; conspiracy to eliminate; courtships; Dahlerus and; death by suicide; drug addiction; economic control of Germany; education; escape from Germany and exile; failure of Munich abortive revolution; final plea; first world war activity;
Reborn; Goebbels and; Hitler and illnesses; imprisonment : judgment of; Laval and; “leadership principle”; marriages; Master of the Hunt; military commission; mission to the Vatican; ; Munich beer hall putsch; Mussolini and; parents; personal habits; physical courage and endurance; plunderer of art treasures; Premier of Prussia; promotions; purges by; railway cavalcade; Reichstag fire and trial; Reichstag member; religion and; Rommel and; roving ambassador; successor to Hitler; surrender to the Americans; trial at Nuremberg; wealth of; wounds

Goering, Karl (Hermann's brother)

Goering, Michael Christian

Goering, Olga (Rigele), (Hermann's sister)

Goering, Paula (Hermann's sister)

Goering, Peter (Hermann's nephew)



Gormanns, Christa

Görnert, Fritz

Goudsticker, Jacques

Graf, Frau

Graf, Hitler's bodyguard

Graziani, Marshal


Green File

Greim, General Ritter von

Greve-Ture-Gatan, Germany



Gruener, General Wilhelm

Grüber, Fräulein

Guderian, General

Guernica, Spain

Gürtner, Bavarian Minister of Justice

Hácha, Emil

Haile Selassie, Emperor

Halder, General Franz

Halifax, Lord

Hamburg, Germany

Handley-Page bombers

Hanfstaengl, Ernst

Harteveld, Simon

Hassell, Ulrich von


Heines, Edmund

Heinkel-51 fighters

Helldorf, Count von

Helzelt, architect

Henckel-Donnersmark, Prince

Henderson, Sir Nevile

Hermann Goering Museum

Hermann Goering Panzer Division

Herrenklub, the

Hess, Rudolf

Hessen, Prince Philipp von

Heydrich, Reinhard

Hilgard (insurance consultant)

Himmler, Heinrich

Hindenburg, Oskar von

Hindenburg, Paul von

Hitler, Adolf, anti-Semitism; arrest and imprisonment; background; Chamberlain and; Chancellor of the Reich; Commander in Chief and Supreme Commander; conspiracies against; death by suicide; foreign policy; Four-Year Plan; Goering and; Hindenburg and; last days of; last will and testament; marriage to Eva Braun; megalomania;
Mein Kampf
; Munich beer hall putsch; presidential election and; presidential powers; purges by; Reichstag fire and; repulsed at Munich

Hoare-Laval plan

Hofer, Walter Andreas



“Horst Wessel Song”

Hossbach, Colonel

Hueber, Franz Ullrich

Hugenberg, leader of German Nationalists


Illzach, France


Inner Life, The

Innsbruck, Austria

International Military Tribunal

Isegham, France

Italian Air Force


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