Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid (12 page)

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Authors: Douglas R. Hofstadter

Tags: #Computers, #Art, #Classical, #Symmetry, #Bach; Johann Sebastian, #Individual Artists, #Science, #Science & Technology, #Philosophy, #General, #Metamathematics, #Intelligence (AI) & Semantics, #G'odel; Kurt, #Music, #Logic, #Biography & Autobiography, #Mathematics, #Genres & Styles, #Artificial Intelligence, #Escher; M. C

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<= => happy

<= => apple

acquires a new interpretation: "apple horse apple hat apple apple"-a poetic sentiment, which might appeal to horses, and mi! even lead them to favor this mode of interpreting pq-strings! However, t interpretation has very little

"meaningfulness"; under interpretative, theorems don't sound any truer, or any better, than nontheorems. A ho might enjoy "happy happy happy apple horse" (mapped onto
q q
just as much as any interpreted theorem.

The other kind of interpretation will be called
. Under si an interpretation, theorems and truths correspond-that is, an isomorphism exists between theorems and some portion of reality. That is why it is good to distinguish between
interpretations and meanings
. Any old word can be used as an interpretation for `
', but

`plus' is the only
meaningful choice
we've come up with. In summary, the meaning of `

seems to be 'plus’ though it can have a million different interpretations.

Passive Meanings

Probably the most significant fact of this Chapter, if understood deeply this: the pqsystem seems to force us into recognizing that
symbols of a formal system, though
initially without meaning, cannot avoid taking on "meaning" of sorts at least if an
isomorphism is found.
The difference between meaning it formal system and in a language is a very important one, however. It is this:

in a language, when we have learned a meaning for a word, we then mar-c new statements based on the meaning of the word. In a sense the meaning becomes
, since it brings into being a new rule for creating sentences. This means that our command of language is not like a finished product: the rules for making sentences increase when we learn new meanings. On the other hand, in a formal system, the theorems are predefined, by the rules of production. We can choose "meanings" based on an isomorphism (if we can find one) between theorems and true statements. But this does not give us the license to go out and add new theorems to the established theorems. That is what the Requirement of Formality in Chapter I was warning you of.

In the MIU-system, of course, there was no temptation to go beyond the four rules, because no interpretation was sought or found. But here, in our new system, one might be seduced by the newly found "meaning" of each symbol into thinking that the string


is a theorem. At least, one might
that this string were a theorem. But wishing doesn't change the fact that it isn't. And it would be a serious mistake to think that it "must" be a theorem, just because 2 plus 2 plus 2 plus 2 equals 8. It would even be misleading to attribute it any meaning at all, since it is not well-formed, and our meaningful interpretation is entirely derived from looking at well-formed strings.

In a formal system, the meaning must remain
; we can read each string according to the meanings of its constituent symbols, but we do not have the right to create new theorems purely on the basis of the meanings we've assigned the symbols.

Interpreted formal systems straddle the line between systems without meaning, and systems with meaning. Their strings can be thought of as "expressing" things, but this must come only as a consequence of the formal properties of the system.


And now, I want to destroy any illusion about having found the meanings for the symbols of the pq-system. Consider the following association:

p <= => equals

q <= => taken from

- <= => one

-- <= => two


has a new interpretation: "2 equals 3 taken from 5". Of course it is a true statement. All theorems will come out true under this new interpretation. It is just as meaningful as the old one. Obviously, it is silly to ask, "But which one is
meaning of the string?" An interpreta

tion will me meaningful to the extent that it accurately reflects some isomorphism to the real world. When different aspects of the real world a isomorphic to each other (in this case, additions and subtractions), or single formal system can be isomorphic to both, and therefore can take ( two passive meanings. This kind of double-valuedness of symbols at strings is an extremely important phenomenon. Here it seems trivial curious, annoying.

But it will come back in deeper contexts and bring with it a great richness of ideas.

Here is a summary of our observations about the pq-system. Und either of the two meaningful interpretations given, every well-form( string has a grammatical assertion for its counterpart-some are true, son false. The idea of
well formed strings
in any formal system is that they a those strings which, when interpreted symbol for symbol, yield
sentences. (Of course, it depends on the interpretation, but usually, there one in mind.) Among the well-formed strings occur the theorems. The: are defined by an axiom schema, and a rule of production. My goal in inventing the pq-system was to imitate additions: I wanted every theorem] to express a true addition under interpretation; conversely, I wanted every true addition of precisely two positive integers to be translatable into a string, which would be a theorem. That goal was achieved. Notice, then fore, that all false additions, such as "2 plus 3 equals 6", are mapped into strings which are well-formed, but which are not theorems.

Formal Systems and Reality

This is our first example of 'a case where a formal system is based upon portion of reality, and seems to mimic it perfectly, in that its theorems a] isomorphic to truths about that part of reality. However, reality and tt formal system are independent. Nobody need be aware that there is a isomorphism between the two. Each side stands by itself-one plus or equals two, whether or not we know that
is a theorem; and
is still a theorem whether or not we connect it with addition.

You might wonder whether making this formal system, or any form system, sheds new light on truths in the domain of its interpretation. Hat we learned any new additions by producing pq-theorems? Certainly not but we have learned something about the nature of addition as process-namely, that it is easily mimicked by a typographical rule governing meaningless symbols. This still should not be a big surprise sing addition is such a simple concept. It is a commonplace that addition can I captured in the spinning gears of a device like a cash register.

But it is clear that we have hardly scratched the surface, as far formal systems go; it is natural to wonder about what portion of reality co be imitated in its behavior by a set of meaningless symbols governed I formal rules. Can all of reality be turned into a formal system? In a very broad sense, the answer might appear to be yes. One could suggest, for instance, that reality is itself nothing but one very complicated formal system. Its symbols do not move around on paper, but rather in a three-dimensional vacuum (space); they are the elementary particles of which everything is composed.

(Tacit assumption: that there is an end to the descending chain of matter, so that the expression "elementary particles" makes sense.) The "typographical rules" are the laws of physics, which tell how, given the positions and velocities of all particles at a given instant, to modify them, resulting in a new set of positions and velocities belonging to the

"next" instant. So the theorems of this grand formal system are the possible configurations of particles at different times in the history of the universe. The sole axiom is (or perhaps, was) the original configuration of all the particles at the "beginning of time". This is so grandiose a conception, however, that it has only the most theoretical interest; and besides, quantum mechanics (and other parts of physics) casts at least some doubt on even the theoretical worth of this idea. Basically, we are asking if the universe operates deterministically, which is an open question.

Mathematics and Symbol Manipulation

Instead of dealing with such a big picture, let's limit ourselves to
as our "real world". Here, a serious question arises: How can we be sure, if we've tried to model a formal system on some part of mathematics, that we've done the job accurately-especially if we're not one hundred per cent familiar with that portion of mathematics already? Suppose the goal of the formal system is to bring us new knowledge in that discipline. How will we know that the interpretation of every theorem is true, unless we've proven that the isomorphism is perfect? And how will we prove that the isomorphism is perfect, if we don't already know all about the truths in the discipline to begin with?

Suppose that in an excavation somewhere, we actually did discover some mysterious formal system. We would try out various interpretations and perhaps eventually hit upon one which seemed to make every theorem come out true, and every nontheorem come out false. But this is something which we could only check directly in a finite number of cases. The set of theorems is most likely infinite. How will we
that all theorems express truths under this interpretation, unless we know everything there is to know about both the formal system and the corresponding domain of interpretation?

It is in somewhat this odd position that we will find ourselves when we attempt to match the reality of natural numbers (i.e., the nonnegative integers: 0, 1, 2, ...) with the typographical symbols of a formal system. We will try to understand the relationship between what we call "truth" in number theory and what we can get at by symbol manipulation.

So let us briefly look at the basis for calling some statements of number theory true, and others false. How much is 12 times 12? Everyone knows it is 144. But how many of the people who give that answer have actually at

any time in their lives drawn a 12 by 12 rectangle, and then counted the little squares in it? Most people would regard the drawing and counting unnecessary. They would instead offer as proof a few marks on paper, such as are shown below:


X 12






And that would be the "proof". Nearly everyone believes that if you counted the squares, you would get 144 of them; few people feel that outcome is in doubt.

The conflict between the two points of view comes into sharper focus when you consider the problem of determining the value 987654321 x 123456789. First of all, it is virtually impossible to construct the appropriate rectangle; and what is worse, even if it
constructed and huge armies of people spent centuries counting the little squares, o a very gullible person would be willing to believe their final answer. It is just too likely that somewhere, somehow, somebody bobbled just a little bit. So is it ever possible to know what the answer is? If you trust the symbolic process which involves manipulating digits according to certain simple rules, yes. That process is presented to children as a device which gets right answer; lost in the shuffle, for many children, are the rhyme reason of that process. The digit-shunting laws for multiplication are based mostly on a few properties of addition and multiplication which are assumed to hold for all numbers.

The Basic Laws of Arithmetic

The kind of assumption I mean is illustrated below. Suppose that you down a few sticks:

/ // // // / /

Now you count them. At the same time, somebody else counts them, starting from the other end. Is it clear that the two of you will get the s: answer? The result of a counting process is independent of the way in which it is done. This is really an assumption about what counting i would be senseless to try to prove it, because it is so basic; either you s or you don't-but in the latter case, a proof won't help you a bit.

From this kind of assumption, one can get to the commutativity and associativity of addition (i.e., first that
b + c = c + b
always, and second that
b + (c + d) = (b + c) + d
always). The same assumption can also you to the commutativity and associativity of multiplication; just think of

many cubes assembled to form a large rectangular solid. Multiplicative commutativity and associativity are just the assumptions that when you rotate the solid in various ways, the number of cubes will not change. Now these assumptions are not verifiable in all possible cases, because the number of such cases is infinite. We take them for granted; we believe them (if we ever think about them) as deeply as we could believe anything.

The amount of money in our pocket will not change as we walk down the street, jostling it up and down; the number of books we have will not change if we pack them up in a box, load them into our car, drive one hundred miles, unload the box, unpack it, and place the books in a new shelf. All of this is part of what we mean by

There are certain types of people who, as soon as some undeniable fact is written down, find it amusing to show why that "fact" is false after all. I am such a person, and as soon as I had written down the examples above involving sticks, money, and books, I invented situations in which they were wrong. You may have done the same. It goes to show that numbers as abstractions are really quite different from the everyday numbers which we use.

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