Goddess Sacrifice

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Authors: M.W. Muse

BOOK: Goddess Sacrifice
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Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Author’s Note

About the Author

Goddess Sacrifice


Copyright © March 2013, M.W. Muse

Cover art by JTLW Design © March 2013


Penning Princess Publishing

Maumelle, AR 72113



ISBN: 978-0-9882130-3-6


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To all the rock bands out there that help me get through the brainstorming and writing process. I’ve spent many hours exercising to Bullet for My Valentine, Breaking Benjamin, Adelita’s Way, Five Finger Death Punch, Nickelback, Chevelle, and many others I follow via my “other” twitter account. And yes, I brainstorm a lot on the treadmill. It’s my way of taking something as torturous as exercising and making it somewhat tolerable. So thank you for rockin’ it out.




Chapter One


Homecoming week was packed with activities. They had dress-up themes each day at school. There’d been a hippie day, silly hat day, nineties grunge day—Legacy totally channeled her inner Kurt Cobain—crazy colors day, and of course, spirit day on the day of the big event. And the fun hadn’t just been during school hours. Oh no, they’d spent every evening getting the gym ready for the upcoming dance. There was no escaping the hoopla, and Legacy had to admit, she was kinda looking forward to it.

She still had her fears about her ascension. She couldn’t let River learn the secret about her true abilities, but the fact was, she needed to keep that from everybody else too. She’d divulged that information to Calli and had let it slip to Adin, but she had to draw the line there. At least this past week had given her a reason to focus on something else. Something a little more age appropriate and light, like dressing up and dancing rather than worrying about her destiny.

Calli was happy that River had asked her to go with him to the dance since Zach had broken up with her, but she knew he was doing it as a favor to Legacy. Yeah, Legacy had asked him to go as Calli’s escort, and he’d agreed…though not without a fight. He and Adin had come to blows literally for reasons not related to Legacy’s request—it had just been the catalyst. Of course, River hadn’t told Calli he’d been strong-armed into going by a chick half his size. He reminded Calli that they were friends, too, and he didn’t want her going alone. It was her big night, and she needed to be treated like it was. River could be nice when he wanted to be. Unfortunately, he didn’t allow niceties too often.

By Monday, River and Adin both looked worse. The bruises on their faces were dark, and Legacy seriously hoped they’d both heal by the big night. River was sweet enough to tell people around school he’d gotten into a fight with Zach defending Calli’s honor. Yep…he could definitely be prince when he wanted to be. His thoughtful story had helped Calli deal with the embarrassing breakup because everyone wanted to hear about the fight instead. In typical male fashion, he let everyone know that Zach had gotten the worst of it. But if Adin wasn’t completely healed by Friday, the tale Riven had spun would unravel. No way would the story would be believable then.

Luckily by Thursday, their bruises had faded, so she didn’t have to worry about the lie. But more importantly, they would both look nice in the photographs. No one wanted the fight being a Kodak moment.

She and Calli left school early on Friday to get ready because Calli had to be back before the game to sit on the stage that had been set up on the track. They had their hair and makeup professionally done before separating to get dressed.

When Legacy got home, she carefully put on her dress. It was a beautiful burnt orange color on top with blue sequin detailing. It had a two-tiered bottom with the orange material slightly shorter than the blue color that hung below. There was a ruffled slit up the front and to the side with the blue material billowing out from the slit that matched the sequins. Her strappy stilettos were the same blue color that peeked out from the bottom on her dress. Even though the neckline was low-cut and the dress was strapless, she didn’t wear a necklace. She felt like it would have competed with the look of the dress. She did wear her beautiful watch and some small earrings, though.

When she finished getting ready, she walked downstairs. Lissa was in the living room with Myrha and Rose. They’d come over to take some pictures of the happy couple, but Adin was still out picking up her corsage.

“Oh, Legacy. You look so beautiful,” Lissa said, bringing her hands up to her mouth and shaking her head.

“Thanks.” She smiled at her and glanced at Myrha and Rose. All three looked as if they were going to cry.

“Come stand by the fireplace so we can take some pictures,” Myrha said.

She walked over and positioned herself for the snapshots. After several pictures were taken, she heard Adin pull in the driveway. She gasped and smiled.

“He’s here!” Rose cheered, and stepped closer to the door with her camera in hand.

Legacy felt her heart racing. She was so excited about tonight, but she felt a little nervous. She and Adin had never been to a dance before. Plus, it was a little weird having everyone here to take their pictures. She knew they were just excited about seeing them all dressed up. Honestly, she was excited about seeing Adin dressed up too.

Adin knocked softly on the door, and she had to take a deep breath to steady herself.

“Come in, Dinny!” Rose called with her camera ready.

He walked in, and she immediately took a picture of him.

, I wasn’t ready,” Adin said, trying to deflect the flash of light.

Rose stepped back into the living room with the camera ready again. When Adin walked around the corner and saw Legacy, his jaw dropped. Rose was quick on the trigger and snapped a picture of his expression.

That didn’t faze him this time. He stood there, staring at her in awe with her corsage in his hand.

And he looked just as stunning. He was wearing a black tux with an orange tie and a blue and orange boutonniere. His hair was gelled into place, and his face glowed.

All three of the ladies snapped more pictures of Adin as his shocked expression morphed into one of joy. His smile grew, and his eyes lit up. He slowly walked over, stopping right in front of her.

Adin sighed and shut his eyes while he stroked her arm with his free hand, his expression now rapt.

“Move over. We can’t see Legacy!” Lissa squealed.

“Turn around!” Rose chided.

Myra walked over beside them and took pictures anyway, obviously unconcerned with them modeling at the moment.

“We should pose for their pictures,” she whispered.

Adin nodded and leaned his head down to her ear. “You look so very beautiful, princess.”

She reached up and stroked his arm. “Thank you. You look amazing too,” she murmured.

Adin slowly moved his lips over to hers to kiss her. Regardless of their company, her body came to life, swaying toward him.

Don’t you dare. You’ll mess up her makeup!” Rose yelled. She must have been getting really irritated because she didn’t call him by her personal nickname for him.

Legacy leaned away from him and giggled.

Adin sighed and turned around, his engrossed demeanor lightening as his joy resurfaced. He took the corsage out of the box and slipped it onto her wrist while they both smiled and their audience took photos. Then they posed for several pictures.

“Okay, we need to go,” she said, laughing.

Adin guided her out to his car while more cameras flashed at their retreat. Once they were safely away from the house, he put his hand on her exposed knee—exposed because of the high slit—and glanced at her.

“Legacy, you look strikingly beautiful.” He shut his eyes in a long blink and looked at her again. “Stunning.”

She smiled at him, and he looked back at the road and sighed through smiling lips.

When they got to the game, Adin helped her out of his car. The cool breeze was unexpected, but she didn’t know why she hadn’t considered it.

“I should have brought a jacket,” she mumbled while she chafed her arms. It was the middle of October. She should have known that she’d be getting colder as the night progressed.

Adin maneuvered out of his tux jacket and placed it on her shoulders. She smiled up at him, and he gently kissed her.

They walked to the field, and Legacy went over to Calli.

“You look great, Legacy!” she squealed.

“So do you!”

And she did. Calli’s dress was a fitted harvest green number. The bodice was scrunched with leaf detailing on the straps and crisscrossing in the back, leaving much of her back exposed. Even though the dress was fitted to her knees, it fanned out at the bottom.

Adin stepped over to her and hugged her. “You look beautiful, Calli.”

“Thanks, Adin. You don’t look half-bad yourself.” She laughed.

Legacy looked over at Ellen and Kate. “You two look fabulous,” she said with a smile.

Ellen smiled at her without saying anything.

“You look really nice too,” Kate said.

She scanned the stands and then turned back to Calli. “Umm, where’s River?” she asked nonchalantly.

“Getting something to drink.”

Legacy nodded. “Well, we’re going to take our seats since the game has started. I’ll see you afterward.”


She and Adin walked up the bleachers and took their seats. She saw River coming back from the concession stand and over to Calli. She was glad he wasn’t over there when they got here because she wasn’t sure if she could’ve kept an even expression on her face.

River looked
. She knew he was a good-looking guy, but she’d never seen him dressed up before. At least now, she could get over the initial reaction without him being right in front of her. He didn’t need any more reasons to obsess about her. Seeing her gawk at him would definitely be too much for his oversized ego.

“When River gets up here, please be nice,” she said as she turned to Adin.

Adin half-smiled as he looked at her. “Legacy, I’m not going to do anything.” He stroked her knee and leaned closer to her. “Umm, after we both got our asses handed to us last week, I highly doubt he’ll do anything either…at least not tonight.” He chuckled.

She laughed and leaned closer to Adin before turning her eyes back to the field.

She glanced at River as he made his way to the stands, but as soon as he got up the stairs, he took a seat on the first row by the homecoming stage.

“Hmmm…I wonder if he knows we’re up here.”

She looked at Adin, and he shrugged.

She smiled at him and scooted closer. She figured River would see them during halftime and come up after the homecoming festivities. For now, she could enjoy being alone with Adin.

“Are you a good dancer?” she asked as she stroked Adin’s cheek.

He chuckled. “Good enough.”

“Me too.”

He leaned down and kissed her. “Umm, I’m going to be busy with fraternity stuff this weekend. We’re having a Halloween party in a couple of weeks that we need to meet about. I should be able to come by sometime Sunday, though.”

“Halloween party?”

“Yeah, I’ll know more about it after we meet. Do you want to come with me to the party?” Adin asked with a smile.

“I’d love to, sweetie.”

“Good,” he whispered as he kissed her again.

They continued talking and kissing until halftime. They watched the show as the court was introduced. Each of the ladies was escorted across the field by their dates while cameras flashed. When they were finished with their walk, the queen was announced.

Calli won. She looked genuinely excited, and so did River. He hugged her before she was crowned, and Legacy and Adin cheered and clapped.

After they were seated and the second half of the game started, River took the same seat he had earlier. She knew he had to have known she was here. She figured he was keeping his distance from her to make things easier on everyone.

But the thought of River avoiding her made her a little sad. She knew he’d come to this dance as a favor to her, but she didn’t want him to feel like he had to avoid her. She figured she’d respect his decision and not talk to him now, but when they got into the dance, she and Calli would be visiting. He’d be forced to talk to her then. Hopefully, he’d feel better about being around her with Adin.

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