Goddess of Love (15 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

BOOK: Goddess of Love
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Ariella gasped and leaned her chest firmer against Draco’s chest, just as Orion pushed into her ass. He felt so thick, so incredibly hard and she wanted it deeper. It was an outrageous feeling but like this she needed him. Orion pushed slowly, taking his time, caring for her, and then she felt a rush of cream release from her pussy. Orion’s cock slid completely into her ass.

He moaned. So did Draco, and Ariella found herself losing focus as pleasure overtook her body.

* * * *

Orion grunted and growled low. As he tilted her hips upward his wolf claws emerged, his eyes glowed, and he began to thrust into her ass in sync to Draco’s thrusts. The shape of her round ass, the beautiful scent of her cream, and the curves of her body were too much.

Palidor growled and pumped into her mouth, coming immediately from the wild, magical sensations in the room. He leaned over and bit into her neck, and Ariella screamed.

Orion felt the vibrations and he pumped faster with Draco until Draco growled, pumped upward, and bit into her shoulder next to their brother’s mark. Ariella was panting and pushing her ass back hard against Orion. He gave her ass a slap and she jerked and growled at him. He chuckled, loving that she was so wild and strong-willed.

Giving her ass another smack as she rocked back, he thrust hard. He pulled her up, wrapped an arm around her midsection under her voluptuous breasts, and began a series of hard, deep thrusts into her ass. Draco moaned. He was still deep inside of her and he helped to hold her up. She was teetering between them.

“Mine,” he growled with his claws against her feminine skin. The sight of his dick lost in her ass and the need for his wolf to claim her was too overwhelming. He felt himself lose control. The feeling of love and contentedness was all powerful.

Brothers of Were, Goddess of Love


“Ariella!” He called out her name and thrust one more time. She screamed and he exploded inside of her, marking her once again as their woman, their mate, and lover while he bit into her shoulder.

He sucked at the wound, his wolf fully aware of how content it made him to feel her body shaking, to see the marks on her body, and to experience the deep, unbreakable connection they all shared now.

“Our mate, our love goddess. Forever.”

He kissed along her skin as Draco cupped her breasts and Palidor smiled.

“Beautiful,” Palidor whispered.

“Fit for Alphas,” Draco added, and Ariella chuckled.

“Tired. Need sleep.” She lowered to Draco’s chest, hugging him close.

Orion stared down at her ass, his dick still deeply embedded, and smiled giving her cheek a smack.

“I love this fucking ass.”

Palidor reached over and caressed it as he chuckled, and so did Draco, caressing the other cheek as he held her close.

“Oh boy, I think I’m in trouble,” she whispered and they all smiled.

Their connection as triplets was immediately felt again. That missing bond, the empty sensation that had grown larger over the years with Draco’s absence was now filled again. Thanks to Ariella, their mate, their Goddess of love.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Chapter 11

It was total chaos as Ariella, Palidor, Orion, and Draco entered the Venificus estate. Ariella was holding Draco’s hand and the moment they entered the house, Charity gasped.

“Draco?” Maximus asked, as Antoinette, Brad, Luke, Jacob, and Troy emerged from the living room. They all seemed shocked.

“It’s okay. There was a situation, but we resolved it,” Palidor stated.

Ariella walked Draco closer to his mother and fathers. “Your son is home.” She bowed her head and released Draco’s hand. He watched her and smiled, but before she could get too far, he pulled her back against his side. She hugged him close and everyone just stared at them.

“Ariella, Palidor, and Orion saved me.” He looked at Ariella and held her gaze. “My mate is beautiful,” he whispered.

“Our mate is beautiful,” Palidor added as he and Orion placed a hand each on her shoulder. Palidor placed his other hand on Draco’s shoulder.

Everyone around them chuckled.

“This is amazing,” Antoinette whispered.

“I think a celebration is in order, and some explaining,” Maximus said with authority.

Draco released Ariella’s hand and moved toward his mother and fathers.

* * * *

Brothers of Were, Goddess of Love


Draco wasn’t sure how to begin or what to even say to them. The tears flowing from his mother’s eyes were enough to prove to him that she indeed loved him. The power of the evil force that took hold of him during his time of weakness had been significant in changing his life. He lost years. Years with his parents, his brothers, his pack, and his true calling as royalty.

He bowed his head and then took his mother’s hand.

“I’ve missed you, Mother. I’m so sorry for what I have put you all through.”

He felt her fingers reach under his chin, and when he looked up, his mother, Charity, was smiling.

“He no longer has control over your heart and soul, my son. The Goddesses work in mysterious ways. Now, how about a hug?” she asked.

He stood up and pulled her into his arms. There was nothing like a hug from his mother. It instantly healed him. It was that unconditional love and bond the wolves shared though their bloodlines and their strong family ethics.

He felt a strong hand slap onto his shoulder, and pulling back, he locked gazes with Dante.

His father hugged him and then Luther followed and finally Maximus.

“I would like to hear everything about what happened. Perhaps we could get a rundown as we gather in the living room? After all, it looks like we’re going to be one huge family very soon,” he said, and they chuckled.

Draco looked back toward his brothers who each flanked Ariella’s side. The bites on her neck were in plain sight, and he was certain everyone knew that they had mated and were trying to complete the bond. He knew there was a traditional way of handling this, but considering the circumstances, he was pretty confident that the circle of elders would allow an exception to the rules.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

* * * *

Charity sat with Antoinette and Ariella as Ariella explained what had taken place and how she knew that Draco was her mate prior to him showing up and abducting her.

“So you’ve been keeping secrets?” Antoinette asked her daughter.

Ariella took a deep breath and released it. “Not secrets, Mother. In fact, I was fighting the visions and resisting my mates every step of the way. If it weren’t for you two and your voices of reason and guidance, I may have failed.”

Charity and Antoinette looked at one another and then back at Ariella.

“I didn’t speak to you or guide you in any way.”

“Nor did I, Ariella,” Charity added.

Ariella paused a moment and thought about the voice in her head.

That calm, yet firm tone that came at precisely the right time.

“Then who was it?”

Charity and Antoinette smiled.

“I sense that it wasn’t evil, so that is good,” Charity said. “I am certain in due time you will figure out who was guiding you. In the interim, we need to discuss how we are going to approach the circle of elders. An alert went out that Draco had abducted you, and that he was possibly possessed by the evil responsible for the attacks.”

“Yes, since you’ve been gone, there have been multiple raids on smaller packs throughout the state. Both Charity and I have received word that the one responsible has not given up,” Antoinette added.

Ariella was shocked and also concerned.

“We’ll meet with whoever will give us the opportunity to explain the situation. That evil is no longer present in Draco. Just as I was able to assist that lone rogue wolf and make him come back to the good side, I was able to assist Draco. I think with the help of Palidor and Orion, together, our connection, our love was able to defy the evil. I believe that the one responsible for all of this is not the same
Brothers of Were, Goddess of Love


evil that was inside of Draco. Again, I’m just trying to understand my gut instincts and this whole magic ability thing I have. After all, I’ve only just begun to use it and understand what I am supposed to do.”

“So you think that the one who had a hold of Draco’s soul wasn’t who we should be trying to identify and find?” Charity asked.

Ariella shook her head.

“It wants to cause as much havoc and pain as it possibly can. It’s seeking something bigger. It wants ultimate control and power,” she started to say, as the men all joined them in the room. Draco placed his hands on her shoulder as he stood behind her and the couch.

She covered his hand with her own.

“I know what my part is. I knew it the moment Palidor and Orion grabbed onto my shoulders and locked us to Draco.”

“And what part is that, Ariella?” Orion asked, He took a seat on the arm of the chair and Palidor took a seat next to her on the couch.

She looked around the room. “We are all so important to the sanctity of our people, the wolf packs, the mystical creatures. Each of us has a role, from the SWAT team members, doctors, security teams, to the Chosen One, the princess, and all the Goddesses that have yet to be alerted to join the fight against evil. It’s become clear to me, and I am ready for the challenge.”

She held on to Palidor and Orion as Draco squeezed her shoulders.

Charity smiled and bowed her head as well as Antoinette.

“Everyone, meet my daughter, Ariella, Goddess of love,”

Antoinette said. They all bowed their heads and a feeling of peacefulness, calm, and unity filled the room.

“We shall do our part together and destroy this evil with the power of our love, along with the powers of my sister Goddesses.”

“Who are the sister Goddesses? Do you three know?” Luther asked Ariella, Charity, and Antoinette.

“They have not been identified yet. When they are needed, their identities will be revealed, and when that day comes, may the

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Goddesses and all their powers be beside us in an ultimate fight against evil,” Charity stated and then locked gazes with Ariella.

Ariella knew that day would come. In the meantime, she needed to do her part and protect her family, her mates, and her people.

“Venificus,” Ariella stated aloud, and the others chanted the name, too.

Brothers of Were, Goddess of Love


Chapter 12

“This is insane. Why can’t they accept it? It had to be done to save our brother’s life. Don’t they get it?” Orion demanded as he, Palidor, their fathers, and their commander in the Brothers of Were stood inside the meeting room. Ariella was beside herself. She was waiting down the hallway. They traveled to the city immediately to see two men, Galan and Truert, representatives of the circle.

“Please calm down, Orion. We’ll figure this out,” Maximus stated.

“Now, there was a meeting and a vote? Who had declined to accept the bond between Ariella and my sons and not see it as legitimate to maintain the cycle of royalty?” Maximus asked.

Galan and Truert stared at the Alphas and they seemed nervous.

Maximus had a feeling that something unethical was going on here.

“There were a few who voted this bond down,” Galan replied.

“Who, and why?” Maximus asked in a forceful tone.

Truert swallowed hard and Maximus could tell the wolf was scared. “We don’t actually know.”

“What?” Palidor asked this time. Maximus held Truert’s gaze.

“Explain, or I will be forced to contact the members and find out personally who declined to accept this mating.”

“I’m afraid that it wouldn’t matter who you contacted. You see, with the reconstruction of the circle members, and the reevaluation of all Were authority, voting for such situations as this have been put on hold. They had made an exception for you, because you are the royal family. However, votes came back denying the acceptance.”

Maximus took a deep breath and released it. It was like they were going around in circles.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

“This is not acceptable. Something isn’t right,” Dante added and then looked at Maximus. They were more than concerned. Even this meeting was suspicious.

“What do we do from here, since you seem to be aware of all the new rules and process of authority?” Maximus asked Truert.

Truert stared at him a moment. He then looked at Maximus’s sons. “There is fear that your son is weak. He was controlled by an evil force none of us know about or can identify. The circle cannot in good conscious allow him to maintain a position of royalty or bind to the daughter of such an important influence on were society.”

“What? That’s insane. I was saved because of Ariella and her abilities. Obviously we’re more powerful together,” Draco stated in anger. Maximus put up his hand for Draco to state nothing else. He had a feeling there was something illegal and wrong going on here.

The need to get his sons and his brothers out of here was great.

He spoke to Luther through his mind link.

“Grab Ariella and get her to safety immediately. I don’t like this
situation one bit.”

“I got it. We’ll meet you in the vehicles downstairs.”

Luther left the room. Maximus’s sons stared at their father and one look from him sent Palidor out of the room, too.

“I will not accept this as a final decision. I would like for you to set something up for us to address the members personally.”

“Absolutely not. You know that that is not an option. They don’t even gather in the same place at once.”

“Figure something out. And remember, my mate is the Chosen One.”

As he said the word, he heard his brother Luther’s call for help through their mind link. A quick glance at his sons and they immediately ran from the room.

* * * *

Brothers of Were, Goddess of Love


Ariella was standing alone in the hallway at an area with coffee and beverages for guests to wait. She was fixing herself a cup of tea when she heard the voice behind her.

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