Goddess in the Middle (10 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Julian

BOOK: Goddess in the Middle
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She’d thought maybe Rom truly didn’t want her. That maybe he hadn’t wanted to touch her, only to watch.

But she’d felt his desire for her, felt how much he’d wanted her as they had sex before she could heal Remy.

She was usually very good about reading people. Here… she was making such a mess of things.

“Why do you need both of us? Why not just Remy?”

Undercurrents flowed between them, thick and dangerous. She wished she knew exactly what he was asking.

Did he really not want her?

And was that so hard to believe? Perhaps there was a reason she was more forgotten than most other goddesses.

The thought put an edge on her words. “The amount of power I could gain from both of you together would be exponentially more than what I’d get from one-on-one encounters.”

Damn it. She hadn’t meant to sound so clinical, so cold.

And Rom’s raised eyebrows displayed his lack of enthusiasm with her offer.

Uni’s ass. She’d always been told she had a great bedside manner. Where the hell was it?

“I’m sorry.” She shrugged, surprised to feel a flush heating her cheeks. “I’m not normally so bad at this.”

“At what? Talking men into sharing your bed? I can’t believe that, Lady Amity.”

Was that sarcasm she heard in Rom’s tone?

Some of her sister goddesses believed she was too soft for her own good.

Which was a crock of dung, if you asked her.

She dealt with pain and death on a daily basis. She’d seen the worst people could do to each other. It took strength to forge ahead every day, to treat those who’d been so cruelly abused or who suffered so much.

She was no cream puff.

Drawing her spine straighter, she watched Rom’s eyes widen as wariness crept in.

Good. She was still a goddess, after all. She deserved a little respect, at the very least.

“Forgive me, Lady.” His gaze dropped. “That was uncalled for.”

Shit. Just… shit. She didn’t want him to come to bed with her because she commanded him to. “No, please forgive me, Rom. I would never want to force you into anythi—”

“Lady Amity, trust me.” He raised one hand as he shook his head. “You wouldn’t be forcing me. I’d be more than happy to share your bed. It’s just—I don’t want…”

“Rom.” Remy’s voice sounded from behind her. “Just shut up and say yes.”

Chapter 7

Rom’s head shot up as his gaze sought Remy’s.

His cousin had shocked the hell out of him. Rom had never in a million years expected Remy to go for this.

That he wanted to…

It made him wonder what the hell Remy was up to.

Yes, they’d shared women before. The women Rom—and it was always Rom—chose were always
. Any female from the magical races would have known what they were immediately and would have raised too many questions they couldn’t answer.

Remy had used those women like they were food or water, a necessity of life. Not a pleasure.

He wasn’t looking at Amity like that. Remy’s expression held nothing of his normal detachment.

Remy wanted her. Rom could admit, at least to himself, that he wanted her just as badly. But if his cousin had feelings for Amity that went beyond simple lust, Rom should start walking fast and far.

“Remy,” Amity started to turn, “wait—”

“No, we can’t wait.” Remy’s gaze held his steady. “You can’t give him time to think about it because he’ll talk himself out of it. He wants you. He just won’t admit it. But I’m not that stupid.”

Amity drew in a sharp breath and Rom’s gaze dropped to watch Remy’s hands curve around her hips. Remy’s fingers spread, tightening and she went still. When he looked into her face, he realized that she was also intently watching him.

He saw worry in the way she bit her bottom lip, but she couldn’t conceal the rapid rise and fall of her chest. Or her nipples as they poked through the T-shirt she wore. He had the almost overwhelming urge to bend and suck those stiff points into his mouth.

Instead, he watched Remy bend his head and put his mouth against her neck, causing her eyelids to fall and her lips to part.

Rom had never seen another woman as sexy as Amity in this moment. It made his cock thicken as his pulse thundered.

Remy knew all of Rom’s secrets. A casualty of sharing a telepathic bond with another person. Remy knew how much he liked to watch.

He enjoyed seeing a woman get lost in passion. And Remy had a gift for getting women to let go.

Remy’s hands hadn’t moved, but Amity put hers over his. She wanted him to move higher. To her breasts. But Remy wasn’t giving her what she wanted. Instead, his hands actually moved down, lower on her hips, causing her to moan. Sweet and powerful, that sound practically reached between his legs and grabbed his balls.

The air around them became heated and thick, and he caught the scent of her arousal. Fuck, she smelled amazing.

It was the same scent he’d caught this morning when he’d woken with her. He nearly growled with hunger.

He caught back the sound, not wanting to break the spell she appeared to be under.

Instead, he reached for her. His right hand cupped one breast, letting it settle into his palm. The weight felt good there, the heat of her seeping into his hand. He squeezed the plump flesh, his thumb and forefinger pinching the tight little nipple and teasing it.

“Sweet Mother Goddess, don’t stop.”

Her breathless plea made him freeze for several seconds, waiting to hear her voice again. He had no idea who she was begging not to stop but he figured the plea extended to both of them.

Remy had plastered her back to his chest, his hands holding her hips tight against his. His mouth had moved from her neck to her ear, where his teeth alternated between nibbling at the lobe and the sensitive skin behind it.

Her head had tilted to the side to give Remy more access, her eyes closed. He didn’t want her to close her eyes. He wanted to see everything she was feeling.

Moving closer, he bent his head until his eyes were on a level with hers. Then he used his left hand to cup her jaw and tilt her head back. “Amity, look at me.”

He’d thought maybe he’d have a hard time giving her orders. She was a goddess, after all. He had to disregard everything he’d ever been taught about the deities, especially the number one rule… Never demand anything. You were likely to get your ass singed by a bolt of lightning.

But when she opened her eyes immediately and looked into his with that glaze of passion hazing her vision, everything else ceased to matter.

She was a beautiful woman, one he wanted with a burning passion.

“I want you to keep your eyes open. I want to see you.”

She sucked in a rough breath and her lips parted. He couldn’t help himself. He closed the few inches between them to kiss her.

He didn’t think, he acted. The hand on her breast tightened as the one holding her chin tilted her head so he could get a better angle.

His tongue licked at her lips, slicking over the plump curves before slipping into her mouth. He vaguely registered Remy pulling back as he used his lips to get her to open hers.

As she moaned into his mouth, he crowded closer. Since she had nowhere to go, he had her body pressed tight against his, and Remy’s, in seconds.

Her stomach cradled his cock. She wasn’t tall enough for him to rub against her mound but he was content for now to have her breasts crushed against his abs and her hands clutching at his shoulders.

She kissed him with a sense of urgency that quickly infected him. His kiss became more demanding as she gave him everything he wanted. His tongue played with hers, deepening their connection. Damn, she tasted so good, he swore it made him drunk.

When he had to pull back or risk suffocation, he opened his eyes to see hers blinking up at him. Satisfaction at her dazed expression made him long for more. Much more.

“Strip her.”

The words were out of his mouth before he realized he was going to say them and, for a second, he wondered if Remy would obey.

Typically when they shared a woman, they were both careful to rein in their natural dominance. Neither wanted to tip that delicate scale between them.

Of course, they’d never been in a bedroom alone with a goddess.

One Remy had feelings for. A goddess Rom wanted more than he wanted to breathe.

Remy’s gaze caught his and held for a few seconds. In that short time, he saw exactly what his cousin wanted him to see. How very okay he was with all of this.

The strap he’d been keeping on his libido snapped, allowing his brain to shut down so all he could do was feel.

Crossing his arms over his chest, he nodded then watched Remy’s mouth curve in a wicked grin just before his hands began to move.

They rose along her hips to the hem of the oversized T-shirt. She blinked as he slid his fingers beneath the material, and Rom let his gaze drop as Remy’s hands disappeared.

Amity gasped and Rom figured Remy’s fingers were playing along the edges of the red lace underwear he’d caught brief glimpses of.

How soft was her skin there? Remy already knew. He’d had his hands all over her last night.

Rom felt no jealousy. The anticipation wiped out any trace he might have felt.

Instead, he bit back a demand for Remy to go faster.

As if he were moving in slow motion, Remy gripped her shirt in his fingers and began to lift it. He bared her stomach inch by inch, his mouth settling on the curve of her neck and shoulder to bite her.

She shuddered and Rom’s gaze flipped back to hers. “No. Don’t close your eyes. Watch me.”

Her eyes on his, her lips parted as she reached behind her to grab Remy’s hips as if she needed to anchor herself. Maybe she did. She certainly looked dazed enough to need support.

Damn, that made him so fucking hard. He almost reached down to adjust himself then stopped. The sharp ache helped to focus him as Remy bared her stomach and the lower curve of her breasts. But her arms stopped him from taking the shirt over her head.

“Lift your arms,” Rom said. “I want to see your breasts.”

She obeyed without hesitation, and Remy drew the shirt over her head.

“You’re so fucking beautiful. I want you naked.”

The words were out before Rom could censor them. So not appropriate for a goddess but totally right for the moment.

She must not have taken any offense because her breasts began to quiver with her faster breathing.

The pebbled tips were dark raspberry, and his mouth actually watered for a taste of them.

Remy dropped her shirt to the floor then cupped both breasts in his hands. The contrast between her pale skin and Remy’s darker flesh sent Rom’s pulse thudding through his veins.

“Goddamn, your skin is amazing, sweetheart.” Remy’s voice was barely audible as he whispered in her ear. As she shivered, Rom swallowed a groan.

She continued to stare at him as Remy lingered at her breasts, caressing them, pinching the nipples until they stood at attention and begged for Rom to put his mouth on them.

Swallowing so loudly Rom heard it over the sound of their tortured breathing, she tried to speak. It took her at least thirty seconds before she could get the words out.

“Rom said naked.” Her voice, low and husky, reached somewhere deep inside him. “Get with the program, Remy.”

Remy snorted and Rom’s lips curved in a grin.

“You heard the lady.” Rom crossed his hands over his chest. “You’d better listen to her.”

“And why is it that I’m still taking orders from you?”

Remy’s words held a bit of an edge and Rom stilled as he carefully watched Remy for any sign of trouble. But the glint in his cousin’s eyes wiped out all fear.

Even here, Remy was going to bust his ass.

Fine. He could deal with that. As long as Remy was okay.

“Because you know I’m always right.”

“At the moment, I’ll have to agree.”

Releasing her breasts with one last pinch, Remy grabbed the waistband of her panties and, in one swift movement, yanked them to her knees then let them drop to the floor.

Their goddess stood naked in front of them, not a hint of embarrassment in her expression. And absolutely no need for it.

“It’s no wonder men fought to worship at your feet, my lady.” Rom could barely get the words out around the lust threatening to cut off his air supply.

Her smile was bittersweet. “That was a long time ago.”

Did he hear sorrow in her tone? He wanted nothing like that to intrude.

“Then we heartily apologize for the male gender’s idiocy.” Remy settled his hands on her shoulders. “And trust me when I say we will fight to the death for you.”

Her expression softened with wonder and Rom knew Remy had come up with the right thing to say.

“I don’t want you to fight for me. I want you to take me.”

“Oh, we will.” The hint of a growl in Remy’s voice made her visibly shiver. “But first, we’re going to make you scream.”

Remy turned her in his arms and dropped his mouth over hers. From this angle, Rom couldn’t see her face so his gaze dropped. He watched Remy’s hands splay across her back, watched them stroke and knead the soft flesh, slowly drifting down until he reached her waist.

As Rom fought to breathe, he watched Remy smooth his hands over Amity’s hips then go even lower to cup her ass. She had a gorgeous ass, rounded and feminine.

Perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Remy’s skin was at least a shade darker, and the contrast to her skin was vivid, arousing as all hell. Remy stroked her ass with one hand and kneaded with the other, causing her to shift beneath his hands, for her ass to clench as she tried to rub her mound against him.

Their height difference made it impossible for her to align their bodies how she wanted, so she lifted onto her toes, causing her leg muscles to tighten into sleek curves.

Remy shifted, turning his head to get a better angle on her mouth, one hand reaching up to cup her chin and angle her head, and Rom saw total concentration on his cousin’s face. Rom usually only saw that expression when Remy was fighting.

But it was the expression on Amity’s face he wanted to see. Shifting a few inches to the left, he looked… and lost himself in the bliss on her face. She fairly glowed with it.

When her eyes opened to stare into his as she continued to kiss Remy, Rom felt the impact of that gaze throughout his body. His stomach clenched, his skin felt too tight for his body, and his cock pounded against the zipper of his jeans.

He was torn between wanting to watch and wanting to put his hands on her.

His fingers curled into fists but he forced them to loosen as Remy released her mouth to trail kisses down her neck.

Reaching for her hair, Rom threaded his fingers through the curls then tugged, not hard enough to hurt, just enough to let her know what he wanted her to do. She obeyed, tilting her head back so Remy had better access.

Remy didn’t waste time. He bent to suck a nipple into his mouth, cupping them in his hands and drawing hard on the tip, the pink flesh disappearing into Remy’s mouth. With one hand still in her hair, Rom put his other on her shoulder.

The heat of her skin seeped into his, causing his blood to pound through his body and his stomach to curl into a tight knot of want.

“Does it feel good, Amity? Does Remy’s mouth feel good on your breast?”

“Yes.” Her voice was barely audible this time. “Like wet fire.”

“Think how much better it will be when we’re fucking you. When Remy has you impaled on his cock and I have mine in your mouth.”

A heavy blush suffused her cheeks. Shit. Maybe he shouldn’t have been so crude. Maybe—

“Then maybe you should both be naked.”

She punctuated her statement by reaching for him. For his cock, actually. She grabbed the waistband of his jeans to tug him closer then molded her hand to the ridge behind his zipper.

He hissed, the sensation making every muscle in his body clench in anticipation. She petted him, squeezed him, as his hand tightened in her hair. She played with him for endless minutes, until the barrier of his jeans became a torment.

“Open my jeans, sweetheart. Take ’em off.”

She didn’t obey right away, mostly because Remy was using one hand to caress between her legs, almost mimicking what she was doing to Rom.

Her chest rose and fell in short, rapid bursts as she fell deeper into the sensations Remy was creating.

But Rom wanted her hands on him and he was selfish enough to demand it.

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