God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World (60 page)

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Authors: Stephen Prothero

Tags: #Religion, #General, #History, #Reference

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Avalokiteshvara, 190–91
(father of secrets), 204, 205, 206, 235
Babylonian exile of Jews, 254–55, 261
Baha’i faith, 15
Barks, Coleman, 60
Bascom, William, 222
Bayazid Bistami, 58
Beastie Boys (“Bodhisattva Vow”), 176
Bebbington, David, 84
beliefs: atheists on man-made religious, 318; Buddhist tradition on experience over, 172–73; by Christians on sin, 71–72; Islam on sin, 37; Mormon, 83, 184; orthodoxy (right thought), 70; Pentecostalism disinterest in, 91; religion and role of, 69.
See also
faith; religion
The Believers
(film), 230
Belloc, Hilaire, 87
Benedictines, 66
Benedict, Pope, 94
Berg, Philip, 274
Berry, Wendell, 130
Berthrong, John, 124
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church (Jamaica Plain), 67–68
Bhagavad Gita: description of, 134, 135; dialogue on ethics of war in, 160–61; on religious unity, 6; on renouncers and householders, 162
bhakti yoga
(Hindu discipline of devotion)
137, 150–53
Bible: American political use of the, 18; annual sales of the, 8; Biblicism, 84; Catholic Bible, 75, 80; comparing the Quran to the, 43–45; different versions of the, 74–75; “The Greatest Story Ever Told,” 159; Jesus as described in the, 70, 71–73; King James Bible, 79; “texts of terror” in the, 47; war and violence depictions in the, 97.
See also
Christianity; Hebrew Bible
Big Love
(HBO show), 84
bin Laden, Osama, 25, 50
Bismillah, 36–37
BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party), 168
Blair, Tony, 27, 320
Blake, William, 1
blind men examining elephant story, 338–39
Bohr, Niels, 144
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 81
Book of Changes (Yijing or I Ching), 102–3
The Book of Common Prayer
(Church of England), 79, 299
Book of Documents (Confucianism), 103
Book of Mormon, 41, 83
Book of Odes (Confucianism), 103
Book of Poetry (Confucianism), 115
Book of Rites (Confucianism), 103
Boston Area Coalition of Reason, 325
Boston Confucianism, 124
Boston University, 4, 16, 132, 168
Brahman (Hindu essence of divinity), 149, 150, 151
Brahma (Hindu creator god), 132
Brandeis, Louis, 299
BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China), 63
British Humanist Association, 325
Brown, Dan, 1
Brown, Karen McCarthy, 209
Buddha: death of, 173; four sacred places of life of, 173–74; Great Awakening of, 171–72, 181, 200–201; life of, 169–74; as transformer, 114, 115, 181;
(Three Baskets) of teachings of, 187
Buddha of Infinite Light, 191
(no soul) teaching of, 184–86; dependent origination chain (
), 182–83; divisions within, 12; Four Noble Truths of, 172, 181–84, 200, 201; four-step problem/solution approach in, 14–15; influence on American popular culture by, 176–77; Mahayana, 42, 176–77, 186–90, 193–96, 200–201; meditation practices of, 178–79; as missionary religion, 180; monasticism of, 174, 176, 181; Noble Eightfold Path of, 14, 172, 181, 200, 201; as one of Three Teachings, 103–4, 105; origins of, 169–74; nirvana goal of, 177–80, 182–83, 200; religion versus philosophy debate over, 105;
(life, death, and rebirth cycle) of, 136, 151, 152–53, 200; spread of, 174–77; Theravada, 42, 114, 177, 186–90; Three Refuges (or Three Jewels) of, 180–81; Tibetan Book of the Dead of, 198; Vajrayana, 196–98; Zen, 190–93
Buddhist Bible,
Buddhists: devotion to Ganesha by, 132; Engaged, 180; global demographics of, 175–76; Western popular cultural portrayal of, 29
Bush, George W., 27, 72, 320
Cage, John, 103
Cain and Abel story, 255, 279
Caitanya, 151–52
Calvinism, 78–79
Calvin, John, 31, 76, 78, 82
Campbell, Joseph, 5, 6
Campus Crusade for Christ International, 67
canang sari
(Bali), 158
Candomble (Yoruba religion), 219, 223–25, 227, 229, 236
Cartwright, Peter, 85
caste system (Hinduism), 142, 150
The Catcher in the Rye,
Catherine of Aragon, 79
Catholic Bible, 75, 80
Cave Cathedral (Cairo), 93–94
Celestial Masters (Daoism), 291, 308
Chavez, Hugo, 90
Chenyang Li, 123
China: BRIC membership of, 63; Communist, 104, 122; Han dynasty of, 113, 120; number of Daoists in, 284–85; Qin dynasty of, 120, 122; Song dynasty of, 104, 120; Tai Shan peak of, 114; Tang dynasty of, 120, 290; Three Teachings of, 103–4, 105, 121; Zhou dynasty of, 109–10
Chodron, Pema, 194
The Christ Child
(1931), 65, 68
Christianity: browning of, 91–96; “clash of civilizations” between Islam and, 12, 54, 56, 98; diversity within, 12, 66–68; evangelization of the Christian West, 84–86; four-step problem/solution approach in, 14; fundamentalism, 86, 88; Global South and Global North divisions of, 95–96; Incarnation doctrine of, 68, 331; making the case for preeminence of, 18; as missionary religion, 19, 85; megachurches, 93–94; Mormonism, 12, 51, 82–84, 91–92; mysticism in, 98–99; new political divisions of, 95–96; Nicene Creed of, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 199, 251; origins and historical development of, 74–76; Pentecostalism, 87–91, 92; Protestant/Catholic divide of, 76–82; relationship between Islam and, 96–97; salvation goal of, 21–22; Trinity doctrine and soft monotheism of, 36, 68–70, 84.
See also
Christians: brown, 91–96; global demographics of, 74; Quran on relations with Muslims, Jews, and, 48–49; relationships between Muslims and, 96–97
Christian Scientists, 82
Christian Social Gospel, 20
Church of England, 79
Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem), 30
Churchill, Winston, 17
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), 12, 51, 82–84, 91–92
The Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah,
Church of Norway, 78
Church of Sweden, 78
“clash of civilizations,” 12, 54, 56, 98
Clinton, Bill, 102
Comte, August, 86
(St. Augustine), 93
Confucianism: “City of God” and “City of Man” in, 108; denial of self’s independence by, 185; Doctrine of the Mean of, 117; filial piety of, 106–7, 116; Five Classics of, 102–3, 104, 113, 115; Five Relationships and Five Virtues of, 112; individual transformation in, 109–12; interactions between Daoism and, 110, 114, 129, 192, 289–91, 302, 303, 312–13;
(propriety) and Way of Heaven of, 113, 116–17, 118, 124; Mencius and Xunzi’s contributions to, 119–20, 123, 124, 126, 299; on need for rituals, 141; Neo-Confucianism, 104, 120–21, 285; New Confucianism and Boston Confucianism, 120–24; as one of Three Teachings, 103–4, 105, 121, 281; rectification of names notion of, 112; religion vs. philosophy debate over, 105–9, 129–30, 186;
(human-heartedness) of, 113, 115–18, 129; ritual importance in, 69; sensibility and values of, 102, 104–5; struggle between individualism and communitarianism of, 124–29; Three Bonds of, 125
Confucius: Analects of, 102, 104, 106, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117–18, 119, 121, 128, 281; as “The First Teacher,” 110; historic influence of, 101–2; on humans as social beings, 314; life of, 112–15; Mount Tai tigers story on, 127; personal appeal of, 126–29; questions raised by, 339; teachings of, 115–18
Confucius from the Heart
(Yu Dan), 122
Conservative Judaism, 269
Constantine (Roman emperor), 67, 68
Constantinople (1453), 19
Coptic Orthodox Church, 94
Council of Nicaea (325), 67, 68, 74, 251
Council of Trent (1545–63), 77, 78
covenants (Judaism), 257–58
Cox, Harvey, 66, 94
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
(film), 282
Cuban Revolution (1959), 216, 218
Cult of Reason (eighteenth-century France), 323, 326
cultural pluralism, 249
Cunningham, Merce, 103
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
(film), 292
Cyrus (Persian king), 255
Dalai Lama, 2, 25, 176, 177, 196, 199
Tao Te Ching
): on
(power/virtue), 298–99; description of, 281, 291–93; reversal and return themes of, 293–96; “soft power” of, 299; on transformation or ground of becoming, 296–98;
wu wei
(natural action) concept of, 295–96, 299, 312.
See also

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