God and Hillary Clinton (38 page)

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pornography industry during

presidential campaign issues

Hugh Rodham's death and

United Methodist General Conference speech and

welfare reform initiative, National Prayer Luncheon speech, and



Coates Amendment

Collins, Susan

Columbia Lace Company

common ground

Communist Party USA

Composing a Life

confessions, Bill Clinton's

See also
House of Representatives; Senate

Bill Clinton's campaign for

Democratic capture of, in 2006, xiii

federal funding of abortion and(
see also
abortion issue)

Hillary in (
Senate campaign, Hillary's; Senate career, Hillary's)

impeachment hearings in (
see also
impeachment proceedings)

midterm elections and Democratic defeats in

conscience exemption

Conscience of a Conservative

conservatism ratings.
See also
Republican Party

See also
birth-control issue

Contract with America

Court Street Methodist Church of Scranton

Covey, Stephen

Croft, Steve

Cromer, Mark

Crowley, P. J.

Cuban detainees issue

Culpepper, Emily

cultural revolution

culture of life vs. culture of death


Daily News
(New York)

day care initiative

D.C. College Access Act

Dean, Howard

death, culture of

death penalty


William Blythe, Jr.

Roger Clinton

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Mother Teresa

Pope John Paul II and Terri Schiavo

Hugh Rodham

defense issues

Defense of Marriage Act

Democratic Leadership Council

Democratic National Committee

Democratic Party

abortion and

centrism and

Christian faith and, xiii

Bill Clinton as New Democrat

Hillary's shift from Republican Party to

Hillary's siblings and

liberalism-conservatism ratings

midterm congressional defeats of Democrats by Republicans

Department of Defense

Dickinson, Emily

Dionne, E. J.

divorce issue

Dixon, Lynda

Dobson, James

Dole, Bob

domestic partnerships, gay,.
See also
gay rights issues

Domestic Policy Council

Donohue, Bill

Dowd, Maureen

Drew University

Drudge, Matt

Dukakis, Michael

Dunn, Karen


Eagan, Edward

Earth in the Balance

economic issues

Edelman, Marian Wright

Edelman, Peter

education issues

Ehrensperger, Harold

Ehrman, Sarah

elective abortion.
abortion issue

Ella J. Baker House speech

Ellison, Raushana

embryonic stem cell research (ESCR)

Emerson, Thomas I.

Emmanuel Baptist Church

entertainment industry issues

environmental issues

Episcopal faith

evangelical Christian faith. (
see also
Christian faith)

Bill Clinton and

Hillary and

Karl Rove, George W. Bush, and

Evangelium Vitae


Ewing, W. Hickman

executive orders, Clinton administration



Christian faith

faith-based initiatives speech

Falwell, Jerry, xv family planning.
See also
birth-control issue

Family Planning Advocates of New York State speech

federal funding of abortion

Coates Amendment and

Hyde Amendment and


Feulner, Edwin


first lady, Arkansas.
Arkansas first lady, Hillary as

first lady, U. S.
Clinton administration, Hillary in

First United Methodist Church of Little Rock

Chelsea Clinton's choice of

Hillary's choice of

Hillary's Sunday school teaching at

Ed Matthews and

First United Methodist Church of Park Ridge

Hugh Rodham and

Hillary at

Don Jones at

Fitzsimmons, Ron

Flaherty, Peter and Timothy

Flowers, Gennifer

Flynn, Ray

Flynt, Larry

Focus on the Family


Fort Chaffee

forum classes


Foundry United Methodist Church

Fourth World Conference on Women

Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll

Fray, Paul

Freeman, Woody

Frist, Bill



gag rules, global

Galston, Bill

Gandhi, Mahatma

Gans, Herbert

Gaynor, Michael J.

gay-rights issues

Georgetown University

George Washington University

Gertrude Remel Butler Child Development Center

Gifford, Kathie Lee

Gingrich, Newt

Girls in the Van: Covering Hillary, The

Giuliani, Rudolph

Global AIDS Bill

global gag rules

God Squad counselors

Golden Rule

Goldman, Marshall

Goldwater, Barry

Good Samaritan parable

Gore, Al and Tipper

Gospel of Life

governor, Bill Clinton as Arkansas.
See also
Arkansas first lady, Hillary as

Governor's School, Arkansas

Grace Chapel

Gracen, Elizabeth Ward

Graham, Billy

Granholm, Jennifer

Gresh, Dana



Hamilton, Nigel

Hampton Synagogue

Harkin Amendment

Harpaz, Beth

Harrison, William F.

Hartnuss, Hope

Hastert, Dennis

health care, national

Hendrix College

Henry, Ann

Heritage Foundation

high school graduations

Bill Clinton


Hispanic laborers


Hollywood entertainment industry issues

Holy Land pilgrimage

gay-rights issues

House of Representatives.
See also

Bill Clinton's campaign for

Hillary and committee to impeach Richard Nixon in

Hillary and House Republican Conference

Houston, Jean

Howell, Della (grandmother)

Howell, Dorothy.
Rodham, Dorothy Emma Howell (mother)

human rights


Hustler Video

Hyde, Henry

Hyde Amendment


Ickes, Harold

Immanuel Baptist Church

immigration bill

impeachment, Hillary and Richard Nixon's

impeachment proceedings

Bill Clinton's admission of Lewinsky affair and Kenneth Starr's investigation

Bill Clinton's denial of Lewinsky affair

Bill Clinton's requests for forgiveness during

Bill Clinton's spiritual counseling during

criticisms of Kenneth Starr and support for Bill Clinton during

Larry Flynt's investigations during

impeachment votes

relations with Jesse Jackson during

inaugural prayer service, Bill Clinton's

income tax issue

infidelities, Bill Clinton's

Monica Lewinsky affair (
see also
impeachment proceedings)

rumors of

Informed Choice Act

informed consent

Ingraham, Laura

Institute for Labor and Mental Health

Institution on Religion and Democracy

International Women's Health Coalition Fourth Annual Gala keynote address

Internet pornography

internships, Hillary's

Iraq War

Ireland, Patricia

Irish Catholics.
See also
Catholic faith

Islamic Center of North America


It Takes a Village

Ivins, Molly


Jackson, Jesse

Jefferson, Thomas

Jesus Christ.
See also
Christian faith

Jewish Week


John Paul II.
Pope John Paul II

Johnson, Daniel

Jones, Don

Saul Alinsky and

arrival of, at First United Methodist Church

civil rights, Martin Luther King, Jr., and

departure of

on gay marriage

on Hillary

relationship of, with Hillary

Jones, Paula

Judicial Watch


Keller, Helen

Kelley, Virginia (Bill Clinton's mother)

Kelly, Michael

Kelly Temple Church of God in Christ

Kennedy, Bobby

Kennedy, Edward “Ted”

Kennedy, John F.

Kerry, John F.

Keyes, Alan

Kierkegaard, Søren

King, Alveda

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

King, Norman

King, Peter

Kissling, Francis

Klein, Ed

Klimo, Jon

Kmiec, Edward U.

Kohut, Andrew

Koukl, Greg


Laird, Melvin

late-term abortions.
See also
abortion issue

law school.
Yale University Law School experience, Hillary's

Lazio, Rick

Lear, Norman

Leavitt, Michael

legalized abortion.
abortion issue

Legal Services Corporation (LSC)

Lehrer, Brian

Lehrer, Jim

Lerner, Michael

Lewinsky, Monica.
See also
impeachment proceedings

Lewis, Willard

liberalism ratings.
See also
Democratic Party


controversy about beginning of (
see also
abortion issue)

culture of death vs. culture of

Pope John Paul II on

LifeSiteNews Web site

Lindsay, John V.

Live with Regis and Kathie Lee

Living History

Livingston, Bob

Los Angeles Times

L'Osservatore Romano

love, unconditional

Lowe, A. Lynn

LSC (Legal Services Corporation)

Lynn, Barry

Lyon-Rosenberger, Gale


MacDonald, Gordon

Mack, Connie

Madden, Eddie

Mahoney, Patrick J.

maiden name, Hillary's

Maraniss, David, xiii

March for Women's Lives speech


Bill and Hillary Clinton

see also
infidelities, Bill Clinton's)

Michael Lerner

Hugh and Dorothy Rodham

Tony and Nicole Rodham

same-sex unions (
see also
gay rights issues)

Martin Luther King Jr. Day speech

Marymount Manhattan College speech controversy

Masters, Robert E. L.

Matthews, Chris

Matthews, Ed

McCarthy, Eugene

McClellan, Scott

McCurdy, Dave

McGuire, Darlene Thomas

meaning, politics of

Medved, Michael

Meese, Ed


Bill Clinton's


Memorial Baptist Church

Methodist faith, Hillary's.
See also
Bible; prayer

abortion and (
see also
abortion issue)

abstinence and (
see also
birth control issue)

alternative spirituality controversy and

Clinton family choice of (
see also
Foundry Methodist Church)

Chelsea Clinton's church choice

Clintons' marriage and

faith-based initiatives and

gay rights and

Hillary on

Hillary's Arkansas church choice (
see also
First United Methodist Church of Little Rock; Matthews, Ed)

Hillary's presidential campaign and

Holy Land pilgrimage

Don Jones and (
see also
Jones, Don)

magazine and

National Prayer Luncheon speech on

interview on

politics and, xiv

politics of meaning and

polls on Hillary's religiousness and

Hugh Rodham and (
see also
First United Methodist Church of Park Ridge)

social gospel of(
see also
social gospel)

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