gobekli tepe - genesis of the gods (72 page)

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Authors: andrew collins

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1. Göbekli Tepe Site (Turkey) 2. Excavations (Archaeology)—Turkey—Sanliurfa Region. 3. Neolithic period—Turkey—Sanliurfa Region. 4. Sanliurfa Region (Turkey)— Antiquities. 5. Sacred space—Turkey—Sanliurfa Region. 6. Eden. 7. Legends—Turkey— Sanliurfa Region. 8. Sanliurfa Region (Turkey)—Description and travel. I. Title. II. Title: Göbekli Tepe.

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To Those Who Struggle for Freedom,
In the Garden of Eden,
Past and Present

And to the memory of
Filip Coppens


Colin Wilson

Friends and Genuine Seekers of the Truth


All page numbers refer to the print edition of this title.
Page numbers in
indicate illustrations.

Abraham, 11, 55, 230
Abu Hureyra, Syria, 153–59
Abus Mons (Mount Abus), 246–47, 248
    burial site, 322
    creation of, 352
    death of, 305–6, 307, 309, 352
    secrets of, 324, 326–27, 334, 336, 339–40
Adam and Eve
    expulsion from Paradise, 226, 228, 305,
        322–23, 369, Plate 26
    loss of innocence, 368–69
    spiritual bodies before the Fall, 335
    Tree of Life and, 239
agriculture, 21, 39–40, 154–55
Alcor (Fox Star), 127–31, 128, 150
Alcor (Wolf Star), 132–34, 150
Alevi faith, 257–58, 357, 371
Alexander the Great, 252–53, 254, 284,
        285–86, 325, 327, 359
Al-Khidr (Hizir), the “Green One,” 252–
        53, 254, 257–58
Allerod interglacial, 158
Allerod interstadial, 35, 153–54, 171
Allerod-Younger Dryas boundary, 159
Altair (star), 70
    angelic nature of humankind, 334–35
    Collins’ interest in, 9–10
    fallen, 274, 275–77
    See also Watchers
    birthplace and abode of, 6, 259–61
    in Kharsag, 266–67
    name of, 291
    Watchers and, 278
See also
Apocalypse of Adam
, 326
Araxes River (Gihon river), 230–32, 329
    fear of, 13–14
    prophesized in the Eddas, 136
    Scandinavian story of, 146
See also
Prose Edda
Armen (Watcher’s name), 282
Aşıklı Höyük, 360, 369–70
Astronomical Tower, 10, 12, 14
Atlantis, 135, 168
aviform signs, 185, 186
axis mundi, 63–64, 67, 148, 208–9

Babylonian Map of the World, 287–88, 289
Babylonians, 93–94
Banning, Ted, 44
Baty, John, 280–81, 282
bdolach, 228, 233
bedouin catastrophe myth, 163–64
beer production, 36, 37
Beila’s comet, 138,
belt buckle glyph, 120–23, 125
Benedict, Peter, 19
Big Dipper, 127, 128, 149
Bingöl Mountain
    Abus Mons (Mount Abus) as, 247–48
    Collin’s visit to, 355–61
    described, 195, 355–56, Plate 31
    Fountain of Life at, 252–54
    Göbekli Tepe’s connection with, 196
    rivers of Paradise and, 252
    Swiderians living on, 202
    as Watchers’ abode, 290–91
    as Wolf Stone Mountain, 204–5
    crows and ravens, 36
    cult of, 185–87
    flightless, 46–47, 56, Plate 16
    role of carrions, 37, 38
    totemism, 185, 186
See also
birth chamber, 110–11
black dog, 149
“black mat,” 157, 171
Bogomils, 370–71
Bradley, Bruce, 181
Braidwood, Robert J., 19
Bright, Jonathan, 273, 290
British heraldry device, 123, 124
Brünn peoples, 180–83, 293
Brünn skull, 175–76
bucranium (bull calf), 30, 55, 57, 108–10, 197
Bundahishn (Zoroastrian text), 151–52, 157, 203
burial practices, 96, 201–2

Cain and Abel, 305, 339
Calvin, John, 240
Çambel, Halet, 19
Campbell, Stuart, 294–95
carved art
    animals on T-shaped pillars, 41–42
    clockwise (sunwise) movement of, 61
    fox as, 119–20
    head of predator, Plate 22
    human statute, Plate 23
    stone friezes of the Solutreans, 183–84
    wolves as, 212–13
Carver, Marmaduke, 241–48, 286, 319, 320–22
Çatal Höyük
    cult shrines of, 76
    dead portrayed by, 96
    death and rebirth at, 98
    excarnation at, 97
    stalagmites and stalactites found in, 76
catastrophe myths
    bedouin, 160–63
    Bundahishn (Zoroastrian text), 151–52, 157, 203
    importance of, 135–36
    Nordic folklore, 146–49
    Teutonic mythology, 150–51
See also
Prose Edda
catastrophic events
    aftermath in Europe, 168
    Eddas’ recordings of, 136
    fear of, 5–6, 144–45, 163–64
    overview, 4–5
    during Younger Dryas (mini ice age), 162–63
    Younger Dryas impact event, 156–59, 161, 162
Cauvin, Jacques, 55–56
cave art
    ice age, 68–76
    Lascaux Shaft Scene, 69–71, 94, 185, 187
    Venus and the Sorcerer, 71–76, 108
Cave of Treasures, 330, 331–32, 338, 353
Çayönü Tepesi
    alignment of, 83, 84
    excavating, 19–21
    human blood at, 20–21
    Skull Building, 20
    Terrazzo Building, 20
cedar forests, 256, 268
center of the world, 63–64
C glyph, 50, 52, 53, 54
Charaxio, 327–28, 329, 334
Chauvet Cave, France, 71–72, 73
Childe, V. Gordon, 39, 182
Chin people, 298–99
Christie, Agatha, 293–94
Clovis culture, 158–59, 180
Clow, Barbara Hand, 6, 162
Collins, Andrew
    Dera Sor (“Red Church”) visit, 342–54
    dream of Yeghrdut monastery, 224–25, 302
    Göbekli Tepe visit, 362–66
    with Klaus Schmidt, Plate 19
    visit to Bingöl Mountain, 355–61
    visit to Turkey, 340–41, 342–54
    Yeghrdut monastery visit, 340–41
    Alcor (Fox Star) and, 128–29
    bringing destruction to the world, 136, 143
    dog, fox, and lion tails as, 124–25
    Donnelly’s theories on, 135
    fear of, 124, 126
    predicting, 125–26
    three-tailed, 120–22
    types of, 139, 140
See also
catastrophe myths; Younger
        Dryas Boundary impact event
constellations, twelve, 61–62
cosmic birth, 108–11
cosmic order, preserving, 5–6
cosmic trickster
    causing the death of the world, 213
    as enemy of Big Dipper, 128
    as enemy of sky pole, 131, 145
    fox as, 128, 131, 144–45
    wolf and hound as, 144–45
Crabtree, Don, 192
crescent symbol, 55, 56
Cro-Magnon skull, 176
Cross Bands glyph, 90, 91
Cross of Calvary, 309–10, 348–49
crow-flint fire, 193
crows and ravens, 36
Cuinet, Vital-Casimir, 313
cup marks, 36, 37, 38
Cush, land of, 230, 232
Cygnus constellation
    bucranium (bull calf), 108–10
    as celestial bird, 70, 71, 81–82, 95
    celestial pole shifts away from, 95
    Deneb (Pole Star) as brightest star in, 81–82
    as “falling vulture,” 98, 102–4
    Saint Martin as guiding intelligence of, 133
cylinder, Nippur foundation, 261–62, 266–67
Czaplicka, Maria, 207–8

Dacians, 150, 188
Deneb (Pole Star)
    alignment toward, 83–84, 85–86
    alignment with opening of Great Rift, 107–8
    as brightest star in constellation Cygnus, 81–82
    as entrance to sky world, 89
    as Pole Star, 70, 71
    as star portal, 92
    veneration of, 94, 95
Dera Sor (“Red Church”)
    Collin’s visit to, 342–54
    community of, 344–45
    holy tree and sacred spring of, 315–16, 345–47
    online forum research, 314–15
    ruins of, 311–13, 349–51, Plate 28, Plate 29
    as Yeghrdut monastery, 316–17
See also
Yeghrdut monastery
Devil, 129–30, 133
Dietrich, B. C., 76
Dilmli Kurds, 257
Dilmun, 256, 257, 270, 291, Plate 33
divination, cup marks for, 36, 37, 38
dodos (flightless birds), 46–47, 56, Plate 16
dogs/dog tails, 124–25, 149–50
dolmens, 87–88, 112
Donnelly, Ignatius, 135, 144. See also
Prose Edda
dragons, 149–50, 161–62
dromos, 44
Duku mound, 6, 259–61, 266, 269

Eagle on the World Tree, 347–48
Eddas, 136. See also
Prose Edda
Egypt, 3, 299–300
El (god), abode of, 284, 287, 327, 354
Eliade, Mircea, 188
elite ritual center, 296–97
Emmerich, Roland, 144
Enclosure A (Snake Pillar Building),
        29–32, 45, Plate 4
Enclosure B, 32–33, 45, Plate 5, Plate 6
Enclosure C
    described, 33–34, 42–43, Plate 7
    double ring of stones, 43–44
    dromos (entranceway), 44–45
    Lion’s Gate, 44, Plate 8
    Pillar 27, 43, 55
    Pillar 37, 42, Plate 9
    plan of, 45
    sighting stone, 86
Enclosure D
    described, 34, 45–46, Plate 2
    glyphs and ideograms, 50–57
    holed sighting stones, 85–86, 105–6, 109, Plate 15
    Pillar 18, 46–47, 50, 51, 56, 120, Plate
        11, Plate 13, Plate 16
    Pillar 31, 55–57, Plate 12
    plan of, 45
    twin pillars, Plate 14
    Vulture Stone (Pillar 43), 98–101, 102–4
Enclosure E (“rock temple”), 43, Plate 3
Enclosure F, Plate 21
    alignment of, 83–84
    burial of, 34
    date of construction, 82–83, 85
    elliptical shape of, 64–65
    number of T-shaped pillars at, 60–61
    plan of, 45
    sighting stone, 85–86
    twelvefold division of, 62–63
    yet to be discovered, 49
See also
Göbekli Tepe; twin pillars;
Enki, cult of, 254–56
    meeting with two Watchers, 15, 298
    in Paradise, 286, 335
    translated to Paradise, 333
Enoch, book of, 7, 12–13, 273–74, 275,
        279–80, 282, 283–84, 297, 335
Enoch, city of, 297–98
Euphrates river (Phrat), 229, 230
Eve, giver of life, 271–72
excarnation, 96–98
eye symbol, 55, 56

farming, transition to, 2, 21, 154–55
Fenris Wolf, 137–38, 141–42, 146–47, 149, 152
fig-mulberry tree, 19, 29, Plate 1
Fimbul-winter, 142–43
Finno-Ugric language, 211–12
Finno-Ugric peoples, 174–75
Firestone, Richard, 163
fish farm, 359–60
Forbes, Robert James, 232, 233
Formozov, Aleksandr, 172
Fortune, Dion, 209
Fountain of Hızır, 257–58, 357, 358–59, Plate 33
Fountain of Life, 252–54, 303
    carving on pillars, 119–20, 213
    as cosmic trickster, 128, 131, 144–45
    leaping, 129, 130
    used in burials, 201–2
    worship of, 126
fox-pelt loincloth, 119, 121, 123, 126, 130, 131
Fox Star (Alcor), 127–31, 128, 150
fox tails, comets as, 124, 125
Franchthi Cave, 191–92
funerary practices, 96

Garden of Eden, 224–36
    existence of, 15, 226–27
    four rivers of, 227–36, 240, 248, 249–52
    Göbekli Tepe and, 225–26
    Kharsag and, 267–69
    location of, 12, 230, 232, 234–36, 237, 240, 320–22
    plain of Mush as, 236, 250, 267–68
    return to, 342–54, 370–71
    search for, 227–29
Gaylaxaz-ut (Wolf Stone Mountain), 203–5
geese, as soul carrier, 133
Genesis, book of, 11, 12, 227–28
Gihon river (Araxes River), 230–32, 329
Gimbutas, Marija, 175, 176
Glak, Zenob, 267, 303, 304
global civilization, 4–5
glyphs and ideograms
    belt buckle glyph, 120–23, 125
    C glyph, 50, 52, 53, 54
    Cross Bands, 90, 91
    emblems of office, 53–55
    at Enclosure D, 50–57
    eye and the crescent, 55, 56
    H glyph, 50–52, 54, 56
    shamanic pot stands, 52–53
Gnaedinger, Franz, 72
Göbekli Tepe
    abandonment of, 220–21
    Bingöl Mountain connections, 196
    carved art on, 1–2
    celebrating birth, death, and rebirth, 111–12
    as center of pilgrimage, 195–96
    Collin’s visit to, 362–66
    construction of, 3, 5–6, 117, 162
    engineering conundrum, 38–39
    fig-mulberry tree, 19, 29, Plate 1
    Garden of Eden and, 225–26
    lion pillar, new, 364–65, Plate 20
    Lion Pillar Building, 4, 29, Plate 17, Plate 18
    Neolithic revolution and, 2–3
    overview, 14–15
    phases of building, 34, 47–48
    purpose of, 5–6, 111, 133, 162, 212
    Schmidt’s visit to, 18–19
    Snake Pillar Building (Enclosure A),
        29–32, 45, Plate 4
    stone totem pole, 106, Plate 24
    unfinished monolith, 362–66, Plate 10
    water supply, 35
See also
Gobustan rock art, 199–200
Gokihar (meteor), 151–52
gold, 232–33, 353
golden triangle (
triangle d’or
), 2, 48–49
Greater Zab (Pison/Pishon river), 232,
        233–34, 235, 251–52
Great Flood, 11, 227, 246, 262
Great Pyramid, 3, 325
Great Rift (Milky Way)
    alignment with opening of, 107–8
    entrance to, 108, 109
    as entrance to sky world, 89–90, 95, 108,
    as final destination of the soul, 102
    Venus and the Sorcerer panel as, 72–76
    Vulture Stone (Pillar 43) and, 104
Great Sphinx, 3–4
Greenland ice cores, 162–63
Gregory the Illuminator, 238, 267, 304, 350
Grimm, Jacob, 150–51

Halaf culture, 296–97
Hale, Rodney, 78–79, 80, 83
Hallan Çemi, 196–97, 200
Halley’s Comet, 121, 124–25, 126
Hancock, Graham, 1–8
Har-Minni, 282–84
Harran, 10–12, 13–14
Harva, Uno, 210
Hathor, goddess, 109
Hauptmann, Harald, 98
    carved like a ball, 99–100
    as seat of the soul, 97, 100–101
    snakelike, 293, 294–95, Plate 32
    center of the world, 63–64
    clockwise motion, 61
    cosmic harmony, 62–63
    gateway to, 60–67
    place of the placenta, 64–65
    portals to, 65–66
    Temple of the Twins, 65–66
Heavenly Mountain, 283–84
Hebraeus, Bar, 297–98
Hevelius, Johannes, 139, 140
Heyerdahl, Thor, 347–48
H glyph, 50–52, 54, 56
Hiddekel (Tigris River), 229–30, 244–45
Hızır (Al-Khidr), the “Green One,” 252–53, 254, 257–58
Hızır, Fountain of, 257–58, 357, 358–59, Plate 33
Hoffmann, Andrew Gottlier, 280
holed stones
    Enclosure D, 85–86, 105–6, 109, Plate 15
    Kilisik statue, 106–10, 107
    as seelendloch, 86–88, 111–12
    as symbolic vulva, 112
holy anointing oil, 306, 309, 310
holy oil of Myron, 336–37
Holy Wood, 309–10, 348–49
Hooded Ones
    arrival of, 215–18
    as messianic figures, 117–18, 163–64
    as Neanderthal-human hybrids, 215–16
    predicting comets, 125–26
    statues of, 115–16
    as Swiderian ruling elite, 213–14
    T-shaped pillars representing, 114–16
Horowitz, Wayne, 288
Houtsma, Martijn Theodoor, 247–48, 250
    angelic nature of, 334–35
    creation of, 270–71
    human statute, Plate 23
    regaining our spiritual bodies, 336
    at Abu Hureyra, 154
    catastrophobia of, 5–6
    sudden change in lifestyle, 116–17, 125–26
    transition to farming, 2, 21, 154–55

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