Goat Mother and Others: The Collected Mythos Fiction of Pierre Comtois

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Authors: Pierre V. Comtois,Charlie Krank,Nick Nacario

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Supernatural, #Suspense, #Paranormal

BOOK: Goat Mother and Others: The Collected Mythos Fiction of Pierre Comtois
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Goat Mother and Others:

The Complete Weird Fiction of Pierre Comtois
is published by Chaosium Inc.

This book is copyright as a whole © 2015 by Chaosium Inc.;
all rights reserved.

“Goat Mother”,
Eldritch Blue
, Lindisfarne Press 2004.

“The Old Ones’ Signs”,
Tales Out of Innsmouth
, Chaosium Inc., 2006.

“The Deep Cellars”,
Lin Carter’s Anton Zarnak Supernatural Sleuth
Marietta Publishing, 2002.

“Dreams of Yig”,
Cthulhu Codex
, Necronomicon Press, 1989.

“Take Care What You Seek”,
The Cthulhu Cycle
, Chaosium Inc., 1996.

“Country of the Wind”,
The Ithaqua Cycle
, Chaosium Inc., 1998.

“What the Sea Gives Up”,
Cthulhu Codex
, Necronomicon Press, 1987.

“Footsteps in the Sky”,
The Ithaqua Cycle
, Chaosium Inc., 1998.

Cthulhu Codex
, Necronomicon Press, 1985.

“The King in Yellow”,
Crypt of Cthulhu
, 1994.

“The Pallid Masque”,
, Pierre Comtois Publications, 1996.

“Question of Meaning”, Sargasso, Ulthar Press, 2013.

“Thoughts on Lovecraft and his Mythos”,
Cthulhu Codex
Necronomicon Press, 1997-1998.

All other stories are original to this collection.

Cover Illustration © 2014 Victor Leza

Interior Illustrations are © C. George Porter (p.
and Gregorio Montejo (

Editor-in-Chief Charlie Krank

Similarities between characters in this book and persons living
or dead are strictly coincidental.



10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Chaosium Publication 6060

Published in February 2015

ISBN-10: 1568824033

ISBN-13: 9781568824031

Printed in the USA


Author’s Preface


The Secret Name

Goat Mother

High and Dry

The Old Ones’ Signs

The Deep Cellars

The Legacy of Acheron

Aqua Salaria

Dreams of Yig

Take Care What You Seek

The Country of the Wind

What the Sea Gives Up

Footsteps in the Sky


Second Death

The King in Yellow

The Pallid Masque

Final Plea

Masks of the Puppet Lord

A Question of Meaning

Thoughts on Lovecraft and his Mythos


Author’s Preface

elieve it or not, I wasn’t always interested in the Cthulhu Mythos. No, really! Before high school, my reading endeavors were divided mainly between science fiction and non-fiction (when I wasn’t reading Marvel Comics of course). By the time I did get to high school, it was the golden age of Edgar Rice Burroughs paperback reprints and it was from the back pages of one of those volumes that I discovered the wonders of the mail order form. Soon after, I latched onto J.R.R. Tolkien’s
Lord of the Rings
and became an avid reader of the
Conan the Barbarian
comic book which led me to the sword & sorcery worlds of Robert E. Howard whose work was also being massively reprinted at the time. Meanwhile,
served as an introduction to the Ballantine Adult Fantasy Series all of whose volumes I devoured, but no doubt it was likely
Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath
The Spawn of Cthulhu
that first clued me in to H.P. Lovecraft. The real closer though, was Lin Carter’s
Look Behind the Cthulhu Mythos
with its appendix listing of nearly every Mythos tale written by the Lovecraft Circle and beyond. From that point on, I had to read everything there was and having exhausted what was immediately available in local stores and mail order, reached out to Arkham House for some of its super-expensive hardcover volumes including Lovecraft’s letters. For the first time, I felt compelled to read an author’s non-fiction output, his letters, essays, and articles—not just his fiction. And as a would-be writer, it wasn’t long before I had a yen to make my own contributions to the Mythos (following in the footstep of many other fans before and since). Of course, it took many years before I had any results that would be worth anyone’s time but with a self-imposed apprenticeship in my own small press mags
Cthulhu Codex
, I managed to improve (if I do say so myself) to the point where other publishers began to search me out for contributions to their own projects. The results of those efforts (for good or ill; the reader will have to be the judge), spread over the last two decades, are contained in this volume.

By way of a few words about the stories in this collection (which are not necessarily presented in any published or compositional or chronological order), “The Secret Name,” “High and Dry,” “The Legacy of Acheron,” and “Masks of the Puppet Lord” are all unpublished with the first three having been written expressly for this collection and the last for an anthology that was to have been produced expressly for the Japanese market but never came to anything. “The Secret Name” features Dean’s Corners, located next door to Dunwich, which I’ve made the setting for many of my later Mythos stories. This might be insider baseball, but my conception of Dean’s Corners is based on the real life Massachusetts town of Groton (with next door Dunstable standing in very loosely for Dunwich). In fact, they fit the profile so well, I’ve often wondered if Lovecraft himself had those two towns in mind for Dean’s Corners and Dunwich?

“The Old Ones’ Signs,” “Take Care What You Seek,” (published as “Zombies From R’lyeh”), “Country of the Wind,” and “Footsteps in the Sky” first appeared in Chaosium’s
Tales Out of Innsmouth
Cthulhu Cycle
, and
Ithaqua Cycle
respectively, all edited by Robert M. Price.

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