GO LONG (14 page)

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Authors: Joanna Blake

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"I can't wait, Bellie..."

The tip of his cock pressed against my pucker. I felt myself open as he pushed forward. It felt strange, but not bad. I was so desperate for him I would have done anything at that moment.

"Fuck... you're so tight. Try to relax Bellie..."

He murmured encouragement as I focused on relaxing, breathing in and out slowly. He slid in another inch. I felt full somehow, overstuffed. But it didn't hurt.

"That's it... unfff... let me in baby."

His voice sounded so deep and sexy. I was scared but I tried to open myself even more. He groaned in pleasure as he slid inside me another inch.

That was two inches... of ten.

I whimpered as he began to stroke himself in and out of me. Just a little, but it felt so good. I was surprised at how good it felt.

That's when he reached underneath me. I screamed as his fingers stroked my clit, sending me into an instant, over the top, bigger than ever, orgasm. While I was convulsing he slid in further.

A lot further.

Now I felt like I was being sawed in half. But it still didn't hurt. It was the strangest feeling. I was warm all over and relaxed as he started to ride me in earnest.

"Fuck baby... oh fuck yes!"

Kyle was slowly grinding his cock deeper and deeper with each thrust. I felt his hands clenching on my hips as he pumped himself into me. I felt something strange happening. It was a minute before I realized what it was.

Even without his finger on my pussy, I was going to come.

"Oh oh oh!!!!"

I whimpered as the wave overtook me. Kyle was grunting like an animal as he plunged even deeper, and started to ride me faster and faster. I shook on the bed, convulsing from the orgasm but I couldn't move because his cock and hands had me pinned down.

That seemed to only make me come harder.

"Fuck fuck fuck YES!"

Kyle's cock expanded inside me and burst, filling me with his seed. He slid in and out easier now and he took full advantage, pummeling my ass with his cock. I was still shaking when he finally came to a stop, both of us quivering with exhaustion.

I was limp as he turned me over and kissed me. I stared into his beautiful eyes in a daze. He smiled, brushing the hair out of my face.

"Maybe this time we'll try the shower."

Chapter Twenty-Four


I kissed Bellie's shoulder as I washed her for the second time in one day. This time, she'd definitely been dirtier. Much, much dirtier.

I grinned.

"You surprise me Bellie."

She gave me a look, poking my arm.

are the one who surprised me! I had no idea what you had in mind!"

I laughed and squeezed her.

"You are very... flexible."

She smacked my shoulder.

"My turn to wash you."

She took the shower gel and poured some into her hands. Then she reached down and grasped my balls. I moaned as she lathered them slowly.

"Fuck, Bellie..."

She was working on my shaft when the bathroom door burst open. Betsy was there, waving her hands in the air with two big fluffy towels.

"Out of the shower! Out! Out!"

"What? What's wrong?"

"It's late and you haven't eaten."

I squeezed her and turned off the water.

"She's right. You should eat."

"Come on, it's time for a midnight pancake party!"

I grinned as Betsy covered her eyes and took a towel from her hands. I wrapped Belinda in one and slowly reached for the second towel.

"No peeking Betsy."

"I'm not!"

I laughed as I wrapped the towel around my waist.

She giggled as she ran out of the bathroom.

"I only peeked a little!"

I dried off my woman and myself and got us both dressed.

I was hungry for pancakes too.


I nibbled the stone ground spelt pancakes. They were slathered with cinnamon, coconut manna and raw honey. Betsy tossed some fruit on my plate. Evan was flipping more pancakes in the air and sipping a beer.

Betsy told us he brewed his own.

Kyle and I exchanged a glance.

Of course he did.

Like everything in their house, they had renovated the kitchen themselves. The cabinets were dark wood, unvarnished but oiled to a dark sheen. Bets said they didn't use any chemicals on anything, not even the wood floors. The island was a huge honed marble slab with stools along on side.

I was wrapped in an enormous fluffy bathrobe. Kyle was beside me, dressed but without shoes, making sure I ate enough. He kept feeding me pieces of fruit and pancakes with his hands. I licked his fingers clean. Then I bit them.


Betsy smiled at him.

"Look out Kyle, she bites!"

"She's a wild animal."

Betsy winked.

"Must be the hormones."

Kyle laughed and pinched my bottom. I rubbed it, glaring at him. He winked and gave me a secretive smile.

"I think it's time."

"Time? For what?"

He stood and slowly got down on one knee. My heart started to beat like crazy as he pulled a box out of the pocket of his jeans.

"Kyle? What are you doing?"

He looked up at me. Betsy and Evan leaned over the island to get a better view. I swallowed nervously.

"Belinda Dawn Carmichael, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I stared at him in shock. This could not be happening. Was this happening? He opened the lid of the box and there was a simple,
sparkly diamond solitaire inside it.

Oh yes, this was definitely happening.

My hand was at my throat as I nodded. I didn't even think about it. I felt my answer in my bones. I just said yes.

Actually, I may have shouted it.


Betsy and Evan cheered as Kyle lifted me up and kissed me, spinning me in a circle. I was laughing and crying at the same time. I noticed that Betsy was too.

I stared at Kyle's happy face, still worried he was doing this for the wrong reasons. I didn't want to give in to the happiness until I was sure.

"Are you
you aren't just doing this because of the baby?"

Kyle frowned at me. He looked mad. He looked serious.

"No Bellie, listen to me. For the last time, I want you,
the baby. I love you and I will forever dammit."

He squeezed me.

"I've been thinking about this moment since we met."

"Well, there's no need to exaggerate."

He squeezed me again.

"Actually, I'm not."

Chapter Twenty-Five


I leaned on my elbow, watching Belinda sleep. She was so peaceful, so beautiful. With her creamy skin and silky hair, she looked like a porcelain doll.

My doll.

I suddenly understood why little girls treasured their dolls so much. I wouldn't mind brushing her hair, dressing her. And undressing her...

I used a strand of her hair to tickle her nose. She flopped her hand at it and I laughed. She didn't wake up though.

So I did it again. She opened her eyes, blinking at me. She looked like a confused little owl.


"Wake up sleepy head."

"What time is it?"

I grinned at her, kissing the tip of her cute little nose.

"After eleven."

"What? How long have you been up?"

I shrugged. "A while." I lifted the covers and peeked at her naked body. "But don't worry, I wasn't bored."

She squealed and turned pink, snatching the covers away from me. She was always turning pink. Along with the red of her hair, 'Belinda pink' was quickly becoming my favorite color.


"What? I can't look at my fiancé?"

I pulled her against me and nuzzled her neck. Her curves felt just right against me. Just like that, I was hard.

"Hmmm... Kyle..."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but you have to get up."

She moaned as I rubbed her tush. I could really go for another round right now. But she was pregnant and she did have to get up.


"You have to call your folks."

Her face changed as she looked at me. Her eyes were shuttered. She shook her head. It was obvious how much they'd hurt her. I wished I could take that away.

"Listen B, I'm mad at them too. But you didn't see them after you left. They were hurting."

She sighed and closed her eyes. When she looked at me again, they were open, her feelings completely exposed. I felt everything she was feeling. I'd never seen such naked emotion. She finally trusted me. She was letting me in.

She nodded bravely and sat up.

"Here, Betsy made you some tea."

Belinda laughed, taking the cup from me and sipping.

"How many times has she seen you naked now?"

"At least twice, but who's counting?"

She shook her head, looking so beautiful it nearly took my breath away. I could get used to waking up beside her. Not a bad way to spend the rest of my life.

get used to it.

"Alright. Hand me the phone."

I handed her my phone and started to leave. She grabbed my hand.

"No. Will you stay?"

I nodded and sat down beside her. I cradled her against me, rubbing her shoulders while she dialed her folks. I couldn't resist sneaking one hand around to touch her belly.

Our little baby was in there. It was still pretty small at five months, about the size of an eggplant according to Belinda. She was barely showing, but if you knew her body like I did, you could tell.

Oh yeah, I definitely knew her body.

I sat with her as she called her mother first. Her dad was at work so she was going to call him after. There were a lot of tears, on both sides of the phone. Belinda assured her mother that she was alright. She was safe. And that she was with me.

Then she looked at me and took a deep breath. I held her hand as she dialed another number.

"Hello, Dad?"


"Bellie? Is that you? Are you alright?"

"Yes, Dad. I'm alright."

"You come home this instant! Do you have any idea how upset your mother has been? We've been out of our minds with worry!"

"I can't come home. I'm in New York."

"New York???"

"Yes Dad. I'm with Betsy."

I could hear his wheels turning while he recalibrated.

"I will be on the first flight- I will come get you-"

"No. I don't want you too."

He inhaled, his breathing sounding ragged over the phone. I could hear tears clogging his throat.

"Bellie... we are sorry we locked you up. We were angry and... surprised."

"I know Dad. I can't come back there though."

"Where are you going to go? You are only twenty years old!"

"Almost twenty Dad. And that's old enough to move out."

"How are you going to afford it?"

Kyle squeezed me and I smiled at him tremulously.

"I have help."

"What? Who?"

I sat up straight.

"From my fiancé."

I could practically here the tension crackling over the phone.


"Yes, Dad."

"You called him but not us? The man who abandoned you?"

"He never abandoned me. And I didn't call him. He tracked me down somehow."

I elbowed my fiancé. I liked saying that. Fiancé. Fiannnnnceeeé.

Dad huffed and puffed.

"Why don't we make a deal, you come back and I let him back on the team?"

"You kicked him off the team?"


I twisted my head, staring at Kyle in shock. He nodded, giving me a funny little sad smile of encouragement. My dad cleared his throat.

"He didn't tell you?"

"No, he was busy being concerned about my well-being I guess."

I'd never used that tone of voice with my father before. The old me would not have dare. I didn't care. He was being an ass. First he locked me up and then he kicked Kyle off the team? I guess I should be grateful he didn't go after him with a baseball bat!

His voice cracked when he spoke.

"Do you love him Bellie?"

I turned to look at Kyle. His chin was on my shoulder. He smiled at me.



"Listen Bellie- we made some mistakes-"


"Well, a lot maybe. But we want to make amends. You kids can move in with us-"

I looked at Kyle. He looked alarmed. I guess he heard that. I smiled at him, shaking my head.

"Thank you Daddy. But that's not necessary."

"Don't you want to be near your mom during the..."

"Pregnancy? Birth?"


"Dad, if you promise to take Kyle back on the team I will move in with you-"

Kyle was shaking his head. He frowned at me, mouthing the word 'no' over and over again. I squeezed his hand in mine.

"Just until the wedding. Agreed?"

"Yes! We - uh - agree!"

"Good. It's settled then. I will see you soon. And Dad?"

"Yes sweetheart?"

I smiled at the endearment.

"Take the locks off the doors."

"Of course! Um, Bellie, I need to talk to the boy."

I looked over my shoulder and held out the phone.

"Dad wants to talk to you."

Chapter Twenty-Six


"He played you B. Plain and simple."

I stretched my legs out in first class as my bride-to-be snuggled up beside me. I'd requested an upgrade due to her delicate condition, and they'd given it to us. Free of charge.

It didn't hurt that Belinda looked like an angel.

Hell, she was an angel.

She'd sure as shit reformed me.

"Your dad was going to ask me back anyway. He had to when Jason got injured last game. So you don't have to hold up your end of the bargain. We can find a place now, not wait for the wedding."

She smiled and nodded.

"It's fine Kyle. This way we don't have to rush."

I didn't mind rushing. I didn't want to wait. I wanted her in my bed every night dammit.


"How are we supposed to be alone together with you living at your parents house?"

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