Glimmers of Change (58 page)

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Authors: Ginny Dye

BOOK: Glimmers of Change
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“We don’t know,” Thomas answered. “We’re hoping he can tell us when he wakes up.”

“What about Spencer? Wasn’t he with him?”

“Spencer is sleeping downstairs,” Miles announced. “We figured that be the best thing for him.”

“I ain’t sleeping no more.” Spencer walked in slowly.

Dr. Wild turned quickly and gently pushed him into a chair. “You probably should be,” he said sternly.

Spencer scowled. “I been beat worse than this on the plantation before I got free. It’s Mr. Jeremy I’m worried about.”

“Who did this?” Thomas snapped.

Spencer shook his head. “I ain’t got no idea,” he admitted. “It was real dark and they just came out of nowhere. The first thing they did was throw a rock that hit Jeremy real hard. Some men grabbed the horses and then a whole passel of them jumped in the carriage and beat Jeremy.” He bit back a moan. “I tried to stop them, but two more men jumped on me before I could reach my pistol. I remember the bat, but it was too dark…it just happened too fast.”

Abby jumped up and laid a hand on his shoulder. “We know you did everything you could,” she murmured. “I’m so sorry you were hurt.”

Spencer shrugged and turned to Dr. Wild. “Is Jeremy gonna be alright, Dr. Wild?”

“I believe he will be,” Dr. Wild responded. “Thanks to May.” He turned to her, his eyes warm with admiration. “When did you learn how to do all this? Peter told me about the drink you had him make for both of them. There is not one thing I would have done differently.”

May grinned and ducked her head. “I just did what Miss Carrie taught me how to do.” She glanced up. “I cleaned his cuts, but I didn’t put nothing in them. I figured you might have to sew some of them up. His arms don’t look so good either, but Miss Carrie never taught me how to set bones.”

Dr. Wild probed gently with his fingers and then nodded. “Three of the cuts are going to require stitches. His right forearm is broken. So is his left wrist. Several of his ribs are broken, as well,” he announced, his eyes flashing angrily. “Whoever did this did a real job on him.” He reached for his bag and pulled out a needle and suturing thread. “I’m going to start with his cuts. Then I’ll set his bones and wrap his chest to support his ribs. It will be easier if I do it while he is unconscious.” He looked around the room. “If any of you have sensitive stomachs you might want to leave the room.”

No one moved.

“We’re not leaving until Jeremy wakes up,” Matthew announced.

“Except you,” Abby said quietly, smiling at the look of surprise on his face. “Can I ask you to do one more thing? Jeremy is going to want Marietta here when he wakes up, and I know she’ll never forgive me if I don’t let her know what has happened. Until you got back with the carriage, I couldn’t do anything about that. Do you need directions to her boarding house?”

“I know where she lives,” Matthew assured her. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”



Matthew had been gone about an hour when Jeremy moaned and moved his head a little. The slight movement made him moan more loudly.

Dr. Wild moved quickly to his side. “Nice to have you back,” he said cheerfully. “Try to not move your head. I’m afraid it’s going to hurt badly for a few days.”

Jeremy remained still. “What happened?” He whispered.

“We’re hoping you can tell us more about that,” Thomas said, relieved beyond words that Jeremy was awake and talking.

“My eyes,” Jeremy murmured.

“They’re swollen shut,” Dr. Wild informed him. “We’ve been putting cold compresses on them, but it will take a while for the swelling to go down. You were beaten badly,” he said calmly.


“You’re at home, Jeremy,” Abby said tenderly. “Spencer brought you here after you were attacked.

Jeremy frowned, the movement causing him to groan again. “Spencer?” he gasped. “How…?”

“I be just fine,” Spencer said roughly, coming to stand beside him.

“They got you too,” Jeremy whispered, confusion rippling across his battered face.

“They didn’t get me as bad as they got you,” Spencer said. “I’m real sorry, Jeremy,” he muttered.

“Not…your…fault,” Jeremy managed, pain twisting his face.

Dr. Wild looked at May. “Will you please make me some ginger tea? It will help with his pain. And will you bring me some honey to treat his wounds?”

May looked surprised. “You use the same stuff Miss Carrie use?”

Dr. Wild smiled. “There is a time for drugs, but Carrie taught me that nature has already provided most of what we need. I saw her treat every person who came into the black hospital with herbs and plants. I’d be a fool to not use what I learned.”

May returned his smile and then left the room.

“Do you know who did this to you?” Thomas asked, desperate for some answers.

Jeremy began to shake his head and then gasped, tears seeping through his swollen lids.

“No more talking,” Dr. Wild announced. He looked around the room. “I want everyone out of here,” he ordered sternly. “Jeremy has suffered a severe concussion. He needs to remain quiet and still. You’ll get your answers, but you’re not going to get them tonight. May will stay with him through the night to monitor him for any additional signs of shock, but I don’t want him to say one word,” he commanded. “Is that clear?”

Thomas nodded quickly. “Of course.” He reached down and placed his hand on Jeremy’s leg gently. “We’re all going to be here for you, Jeremy. All you have to worry about is getting well.” He understood the look that flitted across his brother’s face. “The factory will be fine,” he said firmly. “And I will make sure both Abby and I have an armed guard with us at all times.” He was relieved when the anxiety melted from Jeremy’s features.

Dr. Wild nodded solemnly and smiled. “He’s asleep again,” he said quietly. “It’s what he needs more than anything. Even if he wakes up during the night, I don’t want anyone talking to him.”

“A young woman named Marietta is coming over,” Abby whispered. “He is quite in love with her. Will it be alright if she sits with him?”

Dr. Wild considered the question. “Only if she is very clear that he is to not talk about
. Any additional strain could do more damage, and it will certainly slow his healing.”

May appeared in the door, her hands full of supplies. “Won’t nobody be talking to him while I’m in this room,” she said staunchly, her eyes flashing. “If I could keep that Moses quiet, it ain’t going to be nothing to take care of Jeremy. He ain’t near as stubborn!”

Dr. Wild chuckled. “I’m confident he will be in good hands.” He turned to Thomas. “I’m going to stay here with him a little longer before I leave.”

“Matthew will drive you home as soon as you’re ready to leave. He should be back any minute.”

A rumble of carriage wheels confirmed his prediction.



It was almost twenty-four hours before Jeremy woke again. It took him a minute to remember where he was, but then the memories came roaring back. He was relieved when he could force his eyes open into a slit. He moved his head slowly, reassured when the pain wasn’t quite as intense as it had been the night before. It still hurt, but it didn’t feel quite so much like a train wreck in his head. He tried to take a deep breath, gasping as pain knifed through his chest.


“Marietta?” Jeremy whispered. He wanted to reach out to her, but any movement sent waves of pain rolling through him.

“Yes, I’m here,” Marietta said tenderly. “Matthew came for me last night.” She interpreted the look on his face. “It’s Tuesday night. You’ve been sleeping for the last twenty-four hours. May and I have taken turns putting cold compresses on your face to bring the swelling down.”

“Thank you,” Jeremy whispered. In spite of the unrelenting pain, he felt a surge of joy that Marietta had cared enough to stay with him. The last months had drawn them closer together, but he’d said nothing else about his love for her since that cold, winter night. She had asked for time. He was willing to give it to her. His love had done nothing but grow stronger and more certain.

“I wouldn’t have been anywhere else.” When she spoke next, he knew she was crying. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

Jeremy lay quietly, knowing any movement might render him unconscious again. “It was so dark,” he whispered. “I didn’t see…anyone.”

“I know,” Marietta assured him. “You don’t have to talk about it.”

“I want to,” Jeremy gasped. His dreams had been full of the attack. Now that he was awake, he was anxious to tell Marietta what he remembered. It was only fair that she know the truth. He tried to look around the room to see if they were alone, but he couldn’t move his head. “Is anyone else here?”

“We’re alone,” she said quietly as she took one of his hands.

He was suddenly aware of a pain radiating up from his arms when she touched him. “What…?”

“Both your arms are broken,” she answered, anger flaring in her voice. “And several ribs. Breathing is going to be difficult for some time.”

Jeremy lay still, trying to absorb what she was telling him. He wanted to scream and rage, but he knew any movement was more than he could handle. He was appalled when sudden hot tears scalded his eyes, but he couldn’t stop them. If was as if his body belonged to another person.

Marietta stroked his hair softly, giving him time to regain control. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered again. “So very sorry.”

“You have to leave me,” Jeremy managed to say.

“What?” Marietta sounded shocked. “Why?”

Jeremy wished he could see her clearly, but between his swollen eyes and the waves of pain still rolling in his head, it was impossible to focus. “They came after me because of what I’ve been doing,” he said weakly, vivid memories raging through his mind as he slowly forced the words out.

You think you can fire a white man?

You think we’re going to let a nigger lover live in our city?

Their taunts had been followed with vicious kicks and bat blows to his head and body. He could vaguely remember the sound of bones cracking when he tried to use his arms to shield his head.

“Shh…” Marietta laid a hand on his lips. “It’s too soon to talk about it.”

Jeremy tried to shake his head, but the only result was another loud groan escaping his lips. He was desperate for her to understand. “You’re not safe,” he murmured. “Not safe…”

More memories swallowed him.

You think we don’t know, Mr. Anthony?

You think we don’t know you’re a nigger, too?

You think we don’t know you’re helping the niggers because you’re one, too?

Jeremy closed his eyes to try to block out the vicious beating that accompanied the mocking voices, fear swelling in his chest until he could hardly breathe. Trying to breathe only intensified the pain roaring through his body.

You think we don’t know about that white school teacher who is a nigger lover? We’ll get her, too, Jeremy Anthony!

Frantic now, he forced his eyes open and tried to rise to a sitting position. He had to warn her! He had to make her leave.

Jeremy groaned as he sank back into the blackness.


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