Glenn, Stormy and Hagen, Lynn - Pax's Blues [Lady Blue Crew 2] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) (17 page)

BOOK: Glenn, Stormy and Hagen, Lynn - Pax's Blues [Lady Blue Crew 2] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
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“You better not come, little bird. Not yet.” A warning teased in his ear. Pax bit his bottom lip to stave off his orgasm as Colt pistoned into his ass, growling low in his throat. His mate went rigid and then shouted as hot spurts shot into Pax’s ass.

Pax let out a squeal when Colt pulled free, flipped him onto his back, and then swallowed him down to the root. Pax grabbed hair as he bucked and fucked Colt’s mouth. His mate didn’t have to suck him off long. Pax had already been close to the edge as it was. Just a little tongue play and Pax was fucking Colt’s mouth like there was no tomorrow as his orgasm ripped through him, sending him spiraling down into the abyss of sated pleasure.

“Now that was a very proper thank-you.” Colt chuckled as he released Pax’s cock from between his swollen lips.

Pax snorted as he threw his arm over his eyes, trying his best to get his breathing under control. “That felt more like you were thanking me.”

“Maybe I was, little bird,” Colt said as the stretched out beside him. Pax lifted his arm and eyed his mate.

“Why would you be thanking me? You’re the one who bought me such a great gift.” Pax wasn’t following along. He struggled to understand why the hawk shifter would be thanking him and why his mate looked at him with such loving adoration in his beautiful blue eyes. It didn’t make sense.

“Maybe I’m thanking you for giving me a whole new outlook on life.” Colt nuzzled him as Pax rolled over and cuddled next to him.

“Then I guess we both have something to be thankful for.” Pax giggled as Colt cupped his ass and pulled him in closer.

“That we do, little bird.”

Pax sighed before closing his eyes and drifting off into a light sleep. No matter what Colt said, Pax was the thankful one.

* * * *

“Come back here, Bob!” Gigi shouted as he chased his puppy down the corridor. He’d swear the little bugger was laughing at him as he scampered down the corridor. “Damn it, Bob, if Remy finds out you took his favorite shirt, he’ll cook both of our asses.”

Gigi loved having his new pup, but there were just some areas of taking care of a pet that he hadn’t been prepared for. All of the dogs he’d ever heard about were well trained. They were not terrors on paws.

“Bob!” Gigi shouted as the little brown puppy tore around a corner in the corridor. Gigi gave chase, running around the corner and right into Pax. They both fell back and landed on their butts.

“Ouch,” Pax groaned as he reached down and rubbed his ass. “What’s the hurry?”

“Bob took off with Remy’s favorite shirt.”

Pax quickly glanced around. “Where’d he go?”

“You didn’t see him?” Panic filled Gigi’s voice. “He was just here. He ran around the corner then I ran around the corner, and there you were.”

Pax shook his head. “He didn’t come my way.”

“We have to find him!”

Pax sat forward and got on his hands and knees. He started crawling around, looking everywhere. Gigi got on his hands and knees and started looking as well. Bob couldn’t have gotten far.

They were in the storage area of the middle deck. Except for the sick bay, the storage area was the only place left that Bob could have gone. Even Gigi couldn’t get through the airlock into the cargo bay. Remy had changed the code.

“He’s got to be here somewhere,” Pax said. “I mean, how far could the little guy have gone?”

Gigi shrugged as he looked around the edge of a crate of Trillian silk. “He’s pretty small, Pax. He could be hiding anywhere.”

Gigi was really starting to grow concerned. He hadn’t seen Bob or even heard him. He was a puppy. They made puppy noises. They didn’t just disappear.

“Ugh,” Pax groaned.

Gigi’s head snapped up. “Did you find Bob?”

“I found something.”

Gigi felt the blood drain from his face when Pax held up his hand and started shaking it, trying to get the white slimy goo off. “Oh my god,” Gigi whispered. “The worms got you. You’ve been gooed.”

Pax stilled. His face turned pasty white. His jaw dropped open as he turned to look at Gigi. “Am I going to die?”

“Not if I can help it,” Gigi said as he jumped to his feet. He grabbed Pax’s arm and started dragging him across the slick floor towards sick bay. “No one on this damn ship understands me the way you do. Damned if I’m going to lose my best friend because of some dumb ass slimy bug!”

“Oh, that’s….that’s…” Pax started to wobble. “I don’t feel so good.”

“Imlay!” Gigi screamed at the top of his lungs as Pax started to collapse onto the floor. “Help! Pax got slimed!”

Imlay ran out of sick bay and grabbed Pax as the blue man fell to the floor. The doctor half carried, half drug Pax back into the infirmary, laying him on one of the beds. Gigi bounced from foot to foot as he watched the doctor begin an IV and then proceeded to scan Pax’s entire body.

“Can you save him?” Gigi asked as he ran to the bottom of the bed and stared down at his best buddy. Pax’s eyes were closed, and he looked very pale.

“I’m trying, Gigi. What I need you to do is let the commander know what happened. And Colt.”

Gigi shook his head rapidly. “Oh no. I’m not going to be the one to tell the hawk about Pax. Have you seen how protective and possessive he is? No thanks.”

Imlay continued working, ignoring Gigi. His eyes grew large when Imlay began to strip Pax down. Okay, maybe he needed to leave.

Gigi ran out of the sick bay and down the corridor. “Colt!” He would just point to the infirmary and let Colt see for himself.

* * * *

The crew stood anxiously outside of sick bay, waiting to hear what was going on with Pax. Imlay had refused to let Colt in until Pax was stabilized. Colt wanted to rip something apart as he paced up and down the corridor.

“Those damn slugs have got to go. I don’t care what it takes,” Colt growled as he ran his hand over Hercules’s head. His mate had been terrified of those damn things, and now he was in sick bay fighting for his life.

“I’ve contacted someone on Beta Five who can take care of the problem,” Remy commented as he leaned against the hull.

“Are you sure we should be contacting anyone while we have a bounty on our head?” Tank asked. “Right about now I don’t trust anyone.”

“Get him on this ship,” Colt snapped. “I don’t care what it takes or who we have to pay off, those slugs are going down.”

“Agreed,” Remy said as he pulled Gigi into his arms.

Colt wanted to yell at them to stop acting mated until he had his little bird back in his arms, but he knew it was anger and fear driving him now. No one could blame him, and Colt didn’t care if they did. His mate was lying just beyond those doors probably looking for him.

They all stood to attention when Imlay opened the door. “You can come in, Colt.”

Colt handed Hercules off to Livewire and followed the doctor in. He gasped when he saw Pax sitting on the bed smiling at him. Colt had images of Pax barely clinging to life, gasping to breath, and possibly with white foam coming out of his mouth. He wasn’t expecting his mate to be giggling and holding his hand up.

“What’s going on?” Colt asked as he stepped over to the bed and pulled Pax up into his arms. Colt held him so tightly that Pax was smacking at his arms.

“Can’t breathe.”

Colt chuckled as he eased his hold but didn’t let go. “I thought you were slimed.”

This time Imlay was the one to smile. “White lithium grease. Pax just stuck his hand in white lithium grease. He wasn’t slimed.”

Colt wasn’t sure what shocked him more, the fact that it was a false alarm or seeing the doctor smile. Had he ever seen the man crack more than a sneer? It almost made the doctor seem human—almost.

Pax pulled on Colt’s shirt. “Did Gigi find Bob?”

Colt leaned down and cupped Pax’s face, relief and joy surging through him. “Actually, Bob found Gigi. Everyone is waiting outside in the corridor to see you.”

“Hercules!” Pax jumped from the bed and ran from sick bay.

Colt’s eyes trailed after his mate. “Should he be out of bed, doc?”

“He’s fine. Like I said, it was just white lithium grease. Besides needing a good bath, the stuff won’t harm him.”

Colt let out a relieved breath and turned to Imlay. “Thanks, doc.”

“Think nothing of it.” Imlay glanced toward the door. “It was the least I could do. The guy kind of grows on you after a while, doesn’t he?”

“He does.” Colt chuckled.

“Yes, well.” Imlay looked back at Colt and clasped his hands together in front of him. “If you don’t mind, I need to get the sick bay back in order. You never know when we might need it, and I like it to be in tip-top shape.”

“Can I help?”

“No, no, go play with your mate.” Imlay smiled again. “I’m quite used to this type of work.”

“Are you sure?” Colt only volunteered because it was the right thing to do. He actually wanted to do exactly what the doctor suggested. The need to hold Pax in his arms was like a knot in his gut.

“I’m sure.” Imlay waved his hand. “Now go before I change my mind.”

Colt wasn’t stupid. He ran. Outside the sick bay, Pax and Gigi sat on the floor playing with their puppies. The rest of the crew stood around smiling down at the pair. Some sat in chairs, others leaned against walls. All of them surrounded the two smallest members of their crew, putting them in a circle of protection.

Colt sighed as happiness welled up inside of him. He leaned against the wall right outside the sick bay doors and watched Pax and Gigi play right along with everyone else. They were all spellbound by the two men and their love of life. They had brought something to the Lady Blue that made the crew better men.

Colt looked up and gazed around at the other unmated members of the Lady Blue. He could only hope that Blade, Crank, and Tank found mates that made them as happy as Pax had made him.

* * * *

Remy stood in the corridor with a stern look on his face and glared at Gigi and Pax. Pax didn’t like it when the commander glared at him, so he paid close attention.

“I don’t want you bugging the exterminator we shuttled in. Do I make myself clear, men?”

Gigi saluted Remy while Pax just nodded. “We understand.”

“Good. I trust you two can manage to stay out of trouble while our worm problem is handled.”

“We will.” Gigi said, but Pax could see Gigi’s fingers crossed behind his back. Pax had to bite back the giggle. It wouldn’t do any good for Remy to get mad and lock them in their rooms. Where was the fun in that?

They watched the commander take the stairs to the command deck, both watching to make sure he was gone. Pax grabbed Gigi’s hand and raced down the corridor to the cargo bay.

“Are you sure he’s in here?”

Pax rolled his eyes at Gigi. “I saw him come in here with my own two eyes.”

“Hey, it could be worse.” Gigi snorted. “Did you see that guy back on Nebular Nine? He had four eyes.” Gigi shuddered. “Gross.”

Pax laughed. “Yeah, but it would be so much easier to stay out of trouble if we had four eyes. We could use two to see what we were doing and two to watch out for Remy and Colt.”

“Oh, I didn’t think of that.” Gigi suddenly giggled and patted Pax’s arm. “Just think of what we could do with six or eight eyes.”

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