Read Glass Towers: Surrendered Online

Authors: Adler,Holt,Ginger Fraser

Glass Towers: Surrendered (19 page)

BOOK: Glass Towers: Surrendered
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We spen
d the rest of the afternoon packing my bags and planning my trousseau. I am able to forget my worries and just be a bride or newlywed for a few hours.

Late that night
, well into the wee hours of the morning, I have my nightmare again, but with a twist. It starts as usual, I am running down the stark white corridor with the shrouded black figure following close behind. I turn to see if he is closing in on me. Sure enough, there he is but then he vanishes again. I turn back around and notice he is not there anymore. I am almost to the end of the hall, when I realize it is a dead end and there is nowhere to go. I turn around to go back the direction I just came, when the bony hands reach for my neck. I start to scream, but nothing comes out. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my arm, pulling me into a doorway that has never been there before. Just as I am pulled through the threshold, the shrouded figure appears in the doorway. The black hood falls to reveal Bradley standing there. I am transfixed, staring at his wicked face when I wake myself up screaming. I try to move my arms, but someone is holding me. When I open my eyes, I realize that I am actually awake and Harrison is holding me, stroking my hair.

“You were having that bad dream again weren’t you
mi amore

Nodding quickly
, I grab onto him and in between the tears I sob, “Harrison! This time in my dream, I saw him! I finally saw his face! I know who has been chasing me in my dreams!”

, my love, who?”

“Bradley. It’s been him chasing me the whole time.”

“It’s okay, I am here.” He kisses the top of my head, while continuing to stroke my hair. I feel my breathing is still erratic.

“These dreams have been so real that it is hard to distinguish that they
dreams and not reality”

“It is interesting how one
’s dreams can mirror reality, though. Bradley was actually a threat to you and maybe somewhere in your subconscious, you knew that.”

, maybe. These dreams started months and months ago, though.”

“Yes, and so did Bradley’s pursuing you. I am guessing the timeline would be about right. Maybe this will be your final dream
, now that your tormentor has been unveiled?” He kisses my forehead. “Can I get you anything?”

I shake my head.

“Good, then let’s get some more sleep before our big day tomorrow.” I snuggle in the crook of his arm and fall into a deep, uneventful sleep.

Feeling rested and ready to tackle our day of travel
, I decide to hit the shower before Harrison wakes. After brushing my teeth and putting a mud mask on, I hop in the steaming water. I am enjoying the rain effect of the shower head. I am lathering myself up, when I feel hands grabbing my ass. I giggle as his hands travel around to my front, resting on my pussy. He turns me around and plants his sexy lips on mine. He tastes of toothpaste. I giggle again. He holds his head back for a minute, and a wide grin covers is face when he notices the green sea algae mud on my face. I tip my face into the water and wash off the mask, while Harrison is making work of washing every inch of my body with his soapy hands. He moves his hand back to my pussy and starts probing it with his fingers, while he suckles my neck just below my ear.

I reach down to find his erect cock ready to spring to action. I run my hand up and down the firm shaft
, while gently squeezing my fingers to provide pressure. He moans against my ear. I take his encouragement, and I drop to my knees, inserting his length into my mouth. I suck it hard, while shoving it to the back of my throat. I drag my teeth against it, as I pull it out of my mouth, increasing the pressure with my fingers still encircling the base of his length. After I repeat the pattern a few more times, Harrison braces himself on the glass walls of the shower and yells out as he cums in my mouth. The sheer force of his ejaculation surprises me, and I almost fall backward. I allow the water to cascade down my face for a few seconds, and once he is done with his aftershocks, he leans down to help me up off the shower floor. I give him a full tongue kiss, while I still taste him on my lips. He spanks me on the bottom and smiles big.

“Now we didn’t get you where you needed to go.”

“That’s okay, you can owe me a whopper later!” I lick my lips seductively and then proceed to work on washing my hair. “Besides, we really don’t have much time before we need to leave. You better wash that naughty body, or here let me do it for you.” I take the bath sponge and load it with body wash, working my way down his body. I trace every curve and follow his firm muscles, paying special attention to his loins. I admire his body as I work my way down. I have never been one to appreciate the male anatomy as much as I do now.

I finish washing my hair and step to get out of the shower. Harrison grabs my arm and says softly, “I’m glad I married you.”

I melt. “Not as glad as I am!” I blow him a kiss and wiggle my bottom at him, as I wrap up in a towel.

“Better hurry
, Mrs. Towers, we have a flight to catch soon.” I throw my towel at him and walk slowly out of the room. I know for a fact that he enjoyed the view of my naked body leaving the bathroom, as evidenced by the appreciative whistle I received.

Chapter Twenty-One


Harrison hired a limo to transport all of us from the airport to his estate in Westmount. It took us the better part of the entire day to arrive in Montreal, after a long layover in New York. I was already feeling fatigued by the time we arrived in Canada, and it seemed to take an eternity to get through customs. It is late, so it is difficult to see any scenery out the window. The temperature outside is a cool 28 degrees, and there has been a decent amount of snow, so that it appears to be a winter wonderland.

“What’s got your attention
, honey?” I turn my head back toward my mom.

“Oh nothing,
I’m just trying to take in what scenery I can see in the dark.”

“I am really looking forward to exploring up here. Your dad and I have some little side trips planned to do some exploring and let you kids have some time to yourselves.”

“Oh, but Donna, my house is big enough that you could go without seeing a person for a couple of days. We will never know you are there, I’d be willing to bet.”

“Well, maybe we are the ones who will need the time to ourselves.” She blushes as the words leave her mouth
, and she rolls her eyes. “Well, you know what I mean.”

Harrison chuckles and I just turn back to looking out the window.

It seems like it was longer, but after only twenty minutes of driving, we are pulling into a gated community with an actual security guard in a little brick box type structure. The driver hands the guard something at the same time that Harrison rolls the window down and pokes his head out. The guard greets him in French, returns to his little house, and opens the gates. We proceed through and drive for another few minutes before we come upon another little guard box. This one is automated, and the driver just swipes a card and the gates begin to open. Two large iron gates with the letter “T” welded in the middle of each, surrounded by a metal circle, allow us passage to the driveway. On each side of the gate is a stone wall, covered in ivy and lighting. We proceed through the gates onto what resembles a country lane, lined with a neatly trimmed tree hedge of some sort.

As we come through the trees to the opening, before us stands
a monstrosity of a house. The driver pulls up the circular drive and parks the limousine under the grand portico in front of the steps. The front door opens and two young men come out, followed by three women and another older man. The town car with our security detail pulls up right behind us, and the men, headed up by Albert, get out of their car and head up the stairs. I am ushered into the house along with my parents while all the people who came out to greet us take our luggage and disappearing through a side door off the foyer.

I hear a collective gasp as my mom and dad stand in the middle of the grand foyer with their mouths agape. I am speechless. This home looks like it is a French chateau from the outside
, but the inside is quite modern. The foyer has marble floors with stone inlay. The “T” initial set in stonework in the entry just inside the doors. A large circular glass table stands in the middle of the foyer with a multi-tiered chandelier of modern crystal balls hovering above the table. The breathtaking part of this entryway are the two staircases that meet at a landing and then split off again into two separate wings on the next floor. I presume that means there are three floors and at least two wings. I sense that I am being watched, and I turn to see Harrison looking at me intently.

“Well, what do you think? Do you think you can live here

I suck in some air
, as I realize that I was holding my breath. “From what I have seen so far, I think I could.” I smile at him, and he is positively beaming.

“Come.” He motions, “Let’s get some refreshments
, and I will give you the grand tour. After that, you may retire to your rooms to freshen up before dinner.”

We follow Harrison through a grand marble archway into a large room. He turns to us, “This
, of course, is the formal living room and dining room.” Our eyes follow the wave of his hand as he gestures toward the dining room. It is a big, austere room with a long glass and metal table that looks seat at least fourteen. These rooms are simply amazing and decorated a lot like his penthouse in Portland. It’s kind of funny that I am essentially the one who decorated the penthouse, but the two are so similar that you would have thought that I had decorated here too. He has a taste for white and chrome and has carried that through the rooms that I have seen here so far.  I am sure that I could walk into the fireplace without even hunching down. It is the largest fireplace I have ever seen. It has an ornate carved mantle covered in a white lacquer, a very modern, yet old world piece. I am really enjoying taking in all of the decorating choices, including the white plush sofas and chrome based coffee table holding a glass kidney-bean shaped top. The side chairs are upholstered in an ultra suede gray and have a paisley print pillow perched on each in white and ice blue. At least he remains consistent in his design tastes. We follow him back out to the foyer and head through another archway that leads us into a massive room that must be the family room. As my eyes span the room, I see Harrison’s style once again written all over it.

My parents are hardly saying a word
; they are both just taking in all the sights.

“This is the informal living room and then
, of course, that it the informal eating room also. The kitchen is through this way. We follow him through yet another archway into a massive kitchen that does look like a true room from the old country, with marble floors and countertops. White cupboards and an eat-in nook with a weathered looking farm table that seats ten. The hanging light fixtures look as if they were converted from gas with chrome fittings and clouded glass globes. In the middle of the kitchen is a large marble slab island. The appliances are all stainless steel top of the line. He turns to the woman standing at the stove and speaks to her in French. She responds to him in kind and then lowers her eyes and bats her eyelashes. Seriously, is she flirting with him?

Let’s go back to the living room
, where we can have some refreshments. He leads us back through to the room. There is a warm fire blazing in the fireplace as we take seats on the sofas and chairs. Harrison proceeds to pour each of us a glass of champagne that someone had already opened and had waiting for us in the ice bucket.

After we all had a glass in our hand, “I’d like to propo
se a toast, to our safe arrival, a wonderful holiday and wedding season!”

We say cheers in unison. I gratefully
sip at my bubbly and nibble at the delicious appetizers the cook has set out for us. While we are having a light conversation and eating, my mother stands up and turns to Harrison. “Thank you for the treats, I would love to be shown to our room. I am feeling fatigued and would like to lie down for a little bit.” She looks to the rest of us, “You don’t mind do you?”

, of course not mom, in fact I would love to change out of these clothes and get my things unpacked.”

“Oh, you don’t have to bother with unpacking, Bernice took care of that.” He looks at my mom, “For all of you
, if I am not mistaken. Follow me, and I will show you to your rooms.”

He leads us to the grand foyer and up the right set of stairs
. Looking over his shoulder, “This is the guest wing.” My parents look at each other and nod in appreciation.

We walk down
the hallway and he shows us into an enormous room with a sleigh bed covered in fluffy white bedding. The room has a seating area by a fireplace and en-suite bathroom. Through a little connecting hall, is a smaller room that is decorated to be a study with another door that leads out to the main hallway. I hear my mom exclaim something in the other room. She is standing in the middle of the walk-in closet. “This is as big as one of my guest rooms at home! And how nice, our clothes
been put away for us!”

“Well, we will leave you to get settled in and rest for a bit. We will have a late dinner downstairs in the informal dining room at eight.”

BOOK: Glass Towers: Surrendered
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